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Description: Tel: 07976750143 :

Hi there I have the listed cichlids species I have for sale ranging from 1cm to 15cm. Dependent of species and what lake& size the price varys . Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have or visit the site for any handy tips and hints on cichlid species and welfare. I am happy to deliver the fish to you within Oxfordshire. At the moment I Currently house:
White spot Cichlid - Tropheus Duboisi

Kaiser ll -Topheus Moorii Kiriza

Sunspot - Tropheus Moorii Mpulungu

Zebra Obliquidens - Astatotilapia Latifasciata

OB peacock cichlid ¨ Orange Blotch Aulonocara

Livingstone cichlid ¨ Nimbochromis livingstonii

Kyoga Flameback cichlid ¨ Xystichromis sp

Chipokee Cichlid ¨ Melanochromis chipokae

Pindani cichlid ¨ Pseudotropheus Socolofi

Ahli cichlid ¨ Sciaenochromis Fryeri

The pearl cichlid ¨ Geophagus

Dolphin Cichlid ¨ Cyrtocara moorii

Jurupari cichlid ¨ Satanoperca jurupari

Red hump earth eater cichlid ¨ Geophagus steindachneri

German Gold Rams ¨ Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi

Block head Cichlid ¨ Steatocranus casuarius

Blue Cobalt Cichlid ¨ Maylandia callainos

Powder blue cichlid ¨ Pseudotropheus Powder blue

Kandago redfin Hap Cichlid ¨ Copadichromis Borleyi. Syn

Eureka red hap Cichlid ¨ Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi

White ice Cichlid ¨ Maylandia Callainos (Cobalt)

Malawi Eye biter Cichlid ¨ Dimichromis Compresscieps

Yellow Lab Cichlid ¨ Labidchromis Caeruleus

Bumble bee cichlid ¨ Pseudotropheus Crabo

Strawberry Aulonocara Cichlid ¨ Aulonocara Sp

Blood red Jewel Cichlid ¨ Hemichromis Lifalili

Auratus Cichlid ¨ Melanochromis Auratus

Orange Zebra Cichlid ¨ Metriaclima Estherae

Marble Peacock Cichlid ¨ Aulonocara Peacock

Afra Cichlid ¨ Cynotilapia Afra

Frontosa Cichlid ¨ Cyphotilapia Frontosa

Contact Information
Advertiser: Mr Cichlids Team
Telephone: 07976750143
Town: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:28/04/13 Views: 3047]

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