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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  tropical fish for sale 24/09/12

Description: hi all i have the following fish for sale pick up in flint or i can post by royal mail for £15 small box £25 big box please message me if you are interestd payment cash on colliction or paypal heres the list of fish i have for sale

green tiger barb £2.50 or 4 for £10
pink convits £2 each or 5 for £10
pair pink convicts £20
platinum blue angel fish £5
Pseudotropheus Polit (Lions Cove) £7.50
Dimidochromis Compessiceps £7 each 4 for £26
Pundamilia nyererei £6 each 2 for £10
pseudotropheus crabro (bumblebee) group of 6 £50 or pair for £20 £6.50 each
neolamprologus meeli verry rare shell dwellers £20 each
White tail acei £5
Albino Red Zebra £5
Pseudotropheus Socolofi (blue lab) £8.50
Pseudotropheus Socolofi (blue lab) £3.50 comeing soon
Cynotilapia (afra)£7.50

i also have a list of fish that i can order in with prices message me if you are interested and i will send you a list

if you are on facebook join my group!/groups/200292029983895/ this is for all areas of the uk only!/groups/244482828925835/ this one is for northwales and cheshire area breeders and shop owner are all wellcome thank you

Contact Information
Advertiser: danny
Telephone: 07786779336
Town: flint
County: Flintshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:28/09/12 Views: 4009]

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