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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  malawi cichlids -food and general aquarium accesories

Description: we re based in Lincoln but offer a courier service in the uk for £17.00 overnight pre 12 via apc.

if there is something not on the list you are looking for please don't hesitate to ask

Genus species size (cm) wc/f1/tb price

astotilapia aeneocolour 5-6cm tb £6.50 each
melanochromis perileucos likoma 7-10cm f1 sold
aulonocara kandeense kande 7-8cm tb £23.00 pair
protomelas steveni taiwan reef 10cm tb £12.00 female
aulonocara marmelade cat ob 10-12cm tb £32.00 pair
labidichromis hongi german red 5-6.5cm lb £8.50 each
metriaclima esthera blue 8-10cm tb £7.00 each
cynotilapia lions sanga 4-5.5cm f1 £8.00 each
pseudotropheus tropheops macrophthalmus 8-10cm f1 £20.00 pair
melanochromis lepidophagus 8-10cm tb £20.00 pair
metriaclima aurora likoma 6-8cm tb £7.50 each
metriaclima hajomaylandi 5-7cm tb £5.50 each
metriaclima estherea minos reef 6-8cm f1 £14.00 pair
metriaclima estherea super red 5-7cm lb £7.50 each
metriaclima fainzilberi puulu 4-5cm tb £7.50 each
placidichromis jalo reef 7-8cm tb £22.00 pair
pseudotropheus acei luwala reef 7-10cm tb £16.00 pair
pseudotropheus tropheops mazinzi reef 6-8cm f1 £22.00 pair
metriaclima chilumba luwino reef 6-10cm f1 £18.00 pair
metriaclima pulpican maingano island 8-10cm f1 £10.00 male
metriaclima lombardoi mbenji 8-10cm tb £16.00 pair
metriaclima lanisticola 7-10cm tb £18.00 pair
pseudotropheus zebra long pelvic chesese 6-8cm f1 £18.00 pair
pseudotropheus elongatus chewere 8-9cm tb £18.00 pair
pseudotropheus elongatus mpanga 6-7cm tb £7.50 each
pseudotropheus tropheops red fin londo 7-9cm f1 £20.00 pair
haplochromis flameback 8-10cm tb £18.00 pair
cynotilapia lions cove 3-4cm tb £5.50 each
labeotropheus trewavasae black dorsal 4-6cm tb £6.00 each
labeotropheus trewavasae lions cove 4-6cm tb £6.00 each
labeotropheus trewavasae albino orange 3-4.5cm tb £6.00 each
labidichromis hongi kimpuma 8-11cm tb sold each
pseudotropheus demasoni 4-5cm tb £6.50 each
labidichromis chizmulae 3-4cm tb £3.50 each
metriaclima pulpican maingano island 3-4cm f1 £3.50 each
pseudotropheus tropheops red cheek 3-4cm tb £3.50 each
pseudotropheus daktari chiwindi 3-4cm f1 £3.50 each
copadichromis melas midnight mara point 3.5-4cm f1 £6.00 each
protomelas green face nkanda 3.5-4cm f1 £6.00 each
tyrannochromis macrostoma 4-6cm f1 £7.00 each
cynotilapia afra jalo reef 3-4cm f1 £3.00 each
copadichromis borleyi mdoka 10-12cm f1 sold sold
pseudotropheus greshakei albino 6-8cm tb £15.00 pair
pseudotropheus polit lions cove 4-6cm f1 £7.00 each
pseudotropheus saulosi 4-6cm tb £5.50 each
cynotilapia afra minos reef 6-8cm f1 £20.00 pair
cynotilapia afra cobue mozambique 5-7cm tb £15.00 reserved
pseudotropheus msobo magunga 7-10cm tb sold sold
cynotilapia hara gallireya reef 6-8cm tb £15.00 reserved
metriaclima zebra maisoni reef 3-3.5cm f1 sold sold

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l018 plec 10-12cm tb £21.00 each

150w heaters £9.35
300w heaters £9.50
50w heaters £9.25
double sponge filters £3.50
4 inch net £1.50
5 inch net £1.50
6 inch net £1.75
8 inch net £1.75
10 inch net £2.00
marina hang on breeding box 0.7l £5.00
waterlife octozin 60ml £5.00
nutrafin nitrite test £9.00
frozen malawi mix food £1.50

green malawi pellet 100g £3.50 **
red malawi pellet 100g £3.50 **
new era rift lake red 100g £4.50 ****
new era rift lake green 100g £4.50 ****
flake with spirulina 100g £3.50 **
spirulina granulat 100g £3.50 **
** = 3 for £10.00 food offer
**** = 3 for £12.00 food offer
single sponge filter £2.50 each
digital thermometers £2.50 each
300 gauge fish bags rounded £0.10 each
nutrafin cycle £5.50
various rock from 50p per kg

sera flora spirulina flake 2kg tub £40.00
sera granured 1000ml £14.00
sera granugreen 1000ml £14.00
jmc high growth pellet 300g £6.50
cichlid optimum pellets 100g £3.50
200lph airpump 200l £9.00
marina hang on box 2.0l 4 way 2litre £15.00
3-way valves -airline valves x1 £0.25
3 way airline valves x10 £2.00
airline per m £0.50
various interpet treaatments £0.99 to .. £4.50
tropical srirutabin 36.00% £5.50
various lighting tubes t8/t5 £5 to £15

Contact Information
Advertiser: Ben
Telephone: 07414781310
Town: Lincoln
County: Lincolnshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:16/09/13 Views: 2923]

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