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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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1.Superfish ‘Home 110’ Fish Tank Aquarium complete set up £180 09/03/25 No
For sale is my fish tank Contains the following - super fish 110 complete with led lights 12 months old - fluval 307 6 months old - fluval t digital heater 6 months old - fluval a402 air pump - caribsea cichlid pro substrate - seachem cichlid buffers - digital ph tester - comes wi... ...
2.Adult and Fry Mbuna Malawi Cichlids for sale 02/02/25 Yes
Adult and fry Malawi Mbuna for sale - Chindongo Saulosi Fry from £1-£3 each depending on size. Breeding group of 4 cynotilapia afra white top likoma -£20 for all 4. Trip Metriclima Calanois Nkhata bay 1 Mcat male, 1 standard blue male and 1 on female around 3 inches - £15 the tri... ...
3.Pseudotropheus/ Chindongo Saulosi 11/12/24 Yes
Sub adult male and 2 proven females. These cichlids are prolific breeders when they settle in, which is brilliant to watch. £30 and pick up only from S35 9YW. Any questions text me on 07892897124.
4.Loads of top quality malawis 02/11/23 No
Moving house soon and need to get rid of my tank and fish. I have the following mbuna cichlids for sale 2x metriaclima kawanga gold males 2x metriaclima kawanga gold ob females 2x metriaclima hajomaylandi 1m 1f 2x cynotalipia ndonga deep 1m 1f 3x labidcrhomis hongi Sweden not sure of sex ... ...
5.Loads of top quality malawis 02/11/23 No
Moving house soon and need to get rid of my tank and fish. I have the following mbuna cichlids for sale 2x metriaclima kawanga gold males 2x metriaclima kawanga gold ob females 2x metriaclima hajomaylandi 1m 1f 2x cynotalipia ndonga deep 1m 1f 3x labidcrhomis hongi Sweden not sure of sex ... ...
6.Malawi mbuna 11/10/23 No
Calainos mcat trio £25 O morph zebra nkhungu reef group 2 males 10 females roughly £60 Fuelleborni mbenji large group 4 std males poss 1 mcat, 10-12 ob/o females £70 8 tropheops macropthalmus £25 Pair trweavasae red top £15 Zeb boadzulu pair £15 Cyno lions pair £10 Saulo... ...
7.Mbuna 01/10/23 No
15standard fainz pomonda juvi 8 tropheops macropthalmus Pair red top trewavasae Trio callainos nkhata bay mc Large group fuelle mbenji std males ob fems Large group of o morph zeb nkhungu Pair cyno lions cove 3m 3f saulosi Trio zeb boadzulu £150 no offers
8.Chindongo saulosi dwarf chiclids 22/05/23 Yes
I have 44 chindongo saulosi for sale approx 3-4 inches in size all healthy & feeding well. Selling up so no longer required. £5 each
9.Chindongo saulosi wanted / bloodline swap 19/02/23 No
Anyone looking to sell females or swap males? Have 5 mature and fully coloured up makes and would like to introduce new stock. Let me know if interested..
10.Mbuna Cichlids 28/10/21 No
Metriaclima cobalt blue 2m Labeotropheus trewavasae OB 1 male 1f trewavasae chilumba 1m Labeotropheus trew. O morph 1m labeotropheus fuelleborni ob 1m 1f Labidochromis hongi sun flower (rare, imported from Germany) 1m 2f Williamsi Blu lips 1m 1f pseudotropheus saulosi 1m 3f 2 juvenile saluos... ...
11.SALOUSI FRY 26/04/21 No
I have approx 150 Saulosi fry forsale. Willing to do a deal on larger amounts. Salousi only tank so no hybrids. Collection Harwich Essex £1.50 each, various sizes. 1-2.5cm
12.Adult mbuna for sale 08/02/21 Yes
Hi all. I have 8 Malawi Mbuna(mainly males) for sale: 1 x Pseudotropheus socolofi (powder blue) around 10cm 4 x Cynotilapia afra cobue 1 male around 6-7 cm rest around 5cm( 1 female) 1 x Black Acei around 7cm 1 x Yellow Lab around 6 cm 1 x female I think is Saulosi around 6-7cm All for £3... ...
13.Wet Pets Solihull Have stunning Malawi Juvies for sale some rarer ones and a good size a must see li 01/12/20 Yes
Hi all. I am an enthusiastic hobbyist breeder/seller of Malawi, Tanganyikan and Victorian Cichlids. I have a pet license and I have been keeping these amazing rift fish for over 20 years. Below is a list of new fish I have ready for collection. Most of the fish on the list will be £7.00 ea... ...
14.Wet Pets Solihull Have stunning Malawi Juvies for sale some rarer ones and a good size a must see li 24/11/20 Yes
Hi. Due to the government guidelines because of the Covid 19 virus. We can't have people in the fish house at the moment till the lockdown is over. So we are doing a click and collect take away service from the front door at the moment till further notice. You are welcome to pm on facebook or even w... ...
15.Cobue, saulosi and zebrodies males 13/10/20 Yes
1x cobue Young male, nearly full colour 2x zebrodies males 1x saulosi male Very good colouring baught from a local breeder Can deliver locally or collection Selling due to wanting to change my take abit
16.24 Mbuna nice fish not hybrids (Sheffield) 22/09/20 Yes
Wild Metriaclima Msobo Ngwazi (1 male  ...1 female..) both 3.5 inch.. 2 x Pseudotropheus Saulosi ( 2 female) 2.5 inch.. ..tb 4 x PseudotropheusSocolofi (F1....1m 3f) Males 3.5 inch Females 3 inch PseudotropheusFlavus  F1 (1male.. 3.5 inch) 2 Tropheops chulumba orange 2.5 ... ...
17.SHEFFIELD Full malawi MBUNA 300 litre set up inc cabinet £380 ...25 x fish 24/08/20 Yes
Wild Metriaclima Msobo Ngwazi (1 male ...1 female..) both 3.5 inch.. 3 x Pseudotropheus Saulosi (1 male 2 female) 2.5 inch.. ..tb 4 x Pseudotropheus Socolofi (F1....1m 3f) Males 3.5 inch Females 3 inch Pseudotropheus Flavus (1male.. 3.5 inch) 3 Tropheops chulumba orange 2.5 inche... ...
18.300 litre set up inc cabinet - SHEFFIELD Full malawi MBUNA 24/08/20 No
Txt 07792539580..Ricky 300 litre inc cabinet & spare hood.. 3d background & filter heater cover.. External 2000 lph filter Heater coral gravel also ocean rock. (Bogwood & 2 lemon bristlenose not included) Wild Metriaclima Msobo Ngwazi (1 male ...1 female..) both 3.5 inch.. 3 x Pseudot... ...
19.Pseudotropheus Saulosi breeding colony for sale SOLD 23/07/20 Yes
For sale is my breeding colony of P. Saulosi, 10 fish in total. 4 confirmed males and 5 females, 1 suspected 5th male. Breed regularly and males have stunning colours. Bargain £5 per fish or £40 for the group. For £50 I'll also throw in a catfish, loach and 2 flying foxes currently living happ... ...
20.Malawi Cichlids for sale (over 40 fish) Preston (PR1) 10/02/20 Yes
Malawi cichlids for sale, I have over 40 in the tank. I am looking for a quick sale and therefore selling all together for £200. Will not sell individual fish. I am selling them because I require the funds for another project. Please see the photos and the your tube link here: https://youtu.be/... ...
21.Malawi 18/07/19 Yes
Strawberry Peacocks £6 Albino red Eureka £6 Red Jacobs £6 Sunshine Peacock £6 Pink Peacocks £6 Blue Dolphin £6 Crabro £5 Red coral saulosi £5 Marble Peacock 3inch £8 Variety of Malawis available. Doncaster area DN6 07561 478 038
22.Malawi fish 24/04/19 Yes
FishFish for sale Breeding pairs/groups White tail acie Yellow tail acie(itungi) Black mask mjembi Mjembi Barlow Blue zebras Yellow labs Tropheops yellow cheek(female just spat) Kingsizei Memba deep Elongatus blue mbenji Perileucus likoma Black margin Jalo reef Pseudotropheus int... ...
23.Malawi cichlids 02/11/18 Yes
Elongatus mpanga 4-5cm£2.50 each Electric blue alhi 5-6cm £3 each (Sciaenochromis fryeri) White top afra maisoni reef- 3-4 cm £2.50 each Nimbochomis venustus 2-3cm - £2.00 each Pics 1-4 are parents Pics 5-6 are fry forsale Psudotropheus saulosi red coral Approximately 3cm ... ...
24.4’ Tank in a Beach unit with Breeding pairs of Saulosi 26/10/18 Yes
Tank 4’x18”x16” over all height 4’ approx 20+ fish, many breeding pairs of Saulosi, also other Malawi cichlids. Fluval 406 filter, Coral Sand, LED lights, 2 heaters, all the chemicals and containers for water changes, lots and lots of extras. Food to last a few months. Sad to see them go, a ... ...
25.Malawi Haps, Peacocks, Mbuna & Wilds NEW LIST 25/07/18 No
We are going to a well known malawi cichlid supplier in Germany this Friday. This week is the last week to send preorders. Please contact as soon as possible to express interest and for prices as we need to preorder with the supplier next week. There is no minimum order. Door to door del... ...
26.Cichlid Tank Shutdown 13/07/18 Yes
Everything must go.Stock includes Frontosa Kigoma male Annecten male Red Empress male:2females Borleyi Kandango male:2females Saulosi male:2females Metriaclima Fainzilberi male:2females Metriaclima Pyrsonotos Nakatenga male Tropheops Yellow Mauvex5 Tropheops Yellow Hongi juvenilesx20 Litho... ...
What's better than getting new fish?? How about new fish with a discount. K&C are proud to announce a small initiative that hopefully everyone will benefit from. *** NEW CUSTOMERS *** 10% off your first purchase and as much free advice as you like. *** RECOMMEND A FRIEND *** If any of ... ...
28.Juwel Trigon 350 01/10/17 No
Jewel trigon 350 corner tank excellent condition X 2 Eheim 2217 X 2 Hydor 300w  in line heaters X 4 superfish led lights £575 for the whole set up Pm if interested as shutting down tank Collection LE5 Malawi Cichlids                                   ... ...
29.Closing down tank 25/09/17 No
Malawi Cichlids                                         Msobo Magunga Elongatus Mpanga Elongatus gold bar Pseudotropheus saulosi Zebra Long Pelvic Hara Gallireya Reef Zebra Gold Kawanga. Trewavasae 'thumbi west' m/cat Elongatus chailosi Yellow Tail Ac... ...
30.Dandy Cichlids Malawi and Tanganyikan Cichlids UPDATED LIST 24/09/17 No
Dandy Cichlids is one if not the largest stockist and importer of high quality African Cichlids in the north of England. We are based in Peterlee County Durham. We ship fish all over the UK and also do personal delivery runs. If you are looking for the best African Cichlids in the hobby you are welc... ...
31.Dandy Cichlids NEW IMPORT FROM GERMANY NOW IN STOCK 24/09/17 No
Dandy Cichlids is one if not the largest stockist and importer of high quality African Cichlids in the north of England. We are based in Peterlee County Durham. We ship fish all over the UK and also do personal delivery runs. If you are looking for the best African Cichlids in the hobby you are welc... ...
32.F1 & F2 Cichlid Fry - Trewavasae, Venustus & Saulosi 27/06/17 Yes
Hi, I have 3 batches of fry currently for sale. Parents can be seen. 30-50 fry in each batch. F1 Labeotropheus Trewavasae "lions cove" £35 & F2 Chindongo Saulosi £25 & F2 Nimbochromis Venustus - £35 Open to offers or a deal on the whole lot. Currently all mixed together in a fry t... ...
33.Mpanga / Afra Cobue / Socolofi / Saulosi ( London ) 15/06/17 Yes
I am a London based (hobby) breeder of various Malawi cichlids who cares greatly for looking after fish I am now looking to sell the last fish as i need to move house For sale: 8cm Elongatus mpanga £15 1m/2f 8cm Afra Cobue £20 1m/2f 8cm Socolofi ice blue £15 1m/2f 8cm Saulosi £10 1m/... ...
34.Kent rift cichlids new arrivals from Cichlidenstadl Germany 08/06/17 Yes
Kent Rift Cichlids new arrivals Malawi Cichlids Aulonocara baenschi Benga 8-10cm £24 Aulonocara ethelwynnae 7-10cm £24 Aulonocara maleri Chidunga rocks 8-10cm £36 WC Aulonocara maylandi 8-10cm £24 nice Aulonocara spec.Eureka 9-11cm £24 Aulonocara spec. Fire fish 9-10cm £24 males A... ...
35.7x3x2 (LxWxH) 1200ltr 5 month old tank plus equipment 25/05/17 No
As above, reluctantly selling my 7x3x2 1200ltr tank plus all equipment and fish. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A SERIOUS SET UP AND ONLY SERIOUS BUYERS PLEASE, NO TIME WASTERS! The tank: 1200ltr, black silicone, black painted background and optiwhite front. I built a stand for it. Built out o... ...
36.7x3x2 (LxWxH) 1200ltr 5 month old tank plus equipment 24/05/17 No
As above, reluctantly selling my 7x3x2 1200ltr tank plus all equipment and fish. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A SERIOUS SET UP AND ONLY SERIOUS BUYERS PLEASE, NO TIME WASTERS! The tank: 1200ltr, black silicone, black painted background and optiwhite front. I built a stand for it. Built out of 4... ...
37.Malawis Mbuna and Haps 08/03/17 Yes
Midlands malawis Largest selection,best quality & price in the Midlands Appointment or simply buy through the our website www.midlandsmalawis.co.uk We also have Facebook group Midlandsmalawis Upto date list Wild caught,F1 and tank bred fish available Mbuna Cynotilapia hara galereya ree... ...
38.Various African Mbuna Cardiff 26/02/17 No
For sale quality Malawi Mbuna species, the list below is what is currently available Pseudotropheus saulosi TB from F2, Pseudotropheus Acei Ngara F2 Pseudotropheus elongates Mphanga Various prices starting from £7, reductions on groups. For more information and viewing call 07... ...
39.Mbuna Cichlids 22/02/17 Yes
Reducing my stock, I have yellow labs, hongi, saulosi OB and others that I don't remember the names, £5 each all adult size Please text me won't able to receive calls sometimes 07769072297
40.Stunning Breeding group of 6 F1 Adult Ps Saulosi - £40 27/12/16 Yes
I'm selling an absolutely stunning group of 6 Ps Saulosi Malawi Cichlids. All pics are of the actual fish, (see link for pics as can't get them on here http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Live-Fish-Stunning-Breeding-Group-of-6-true-F1-Ps-Saulosi-Malawi-Cichlids-/162333721924?hash=item25cbd80544%3Ag%3AcpIAA... ...
41.Parkers Aquatic Centre - Tropical Fish in Bristol, Full Stocklist 17/12/16 Yes
Latest Fish List - Updated 17/12/16 Current stock List: Inverts: Bamboo shrimp : few Yamoto shrimp: cherry shrimp: yellow fire shrimp: Assorted Crystal Shrimp: Large blue lobster Vampire crabs Tetra/ Characins: Black widow tetra Cardinal tetra Congo tetra Neon tetra Serpae tet... ...
42.Fish for Sale 13/12/16 Yes
We at Magic Malwai's aim to buy and sell the best fish in 2017. At Magic malawi's we sell to you the public before we sell to the pet shops that will charge an inflated price at 4-5.99 from us you cant go wrong our stock list is as follows Metriclima msobo Yellow fin Acei Afra Jalo reef Albino... ...
AFRICAN LAKE MALAWI CICHLIDS (MBUNA) Rock dwelling cichlids. FORSALE:- Pseudotropheus SAULOSI 2-4cm £5:00 EACH. Pseudotropheus sp. elongatus MPANGA 3-5cm 3 fish for £10:00. Metriaclima zebra chilumba MAISON REEF 3-6cm £5:00 EACH. Metriaclima zebra GOLD KAWANGA 2-3-cm £5:00 EA... ...
44.More malawis 02/10/16 No
Hi all im very interested in any pure breed malawis across sussex who can deliver.Any pet shops or private breeder that can post fish threw apc can contact me by email at maxjayeuk@outlook.com. At more malawis will make an offer on any fish from juviniles to adults.I want people to know we aim to bu... ...
45.Wild and f1 groups for sale 24/07/16 No
As above, I'm moving on some groups to make way for new wilds. For sale are: 2 f1 ob metriaclima mbenji females 8cm - £15 2m 2f f1 metriaclima long pelvic mdoka 8-10cm - £30 1m 2f f1 pseudotropheus polit 6-7cm £25 Wild pair metriaclima chailosi chitande 8cm - £30 4 pond raised metriacl... ...
46.pseudotropheus saulosi £5 19/05/16 No
For sale I have two young saulosi males at about 2-2.5" of size. Healthy and eating well (as greedy as they are :) ) If you have any questions email, text or call. Thanks
47.Saulosi, neon spot and f1 yellow lab adults for sale 07/03/16 No
Due to adding new groups and males to my existing breeding groups I am now moving on my adult pseudotropheus saulosi fully grown male which has produced a lot of quality fry over the last year or so... I try to change my males every 12-18 months to add a new blood line and have just collected 3 new ... ...
48.Pseudotropheus Saulosi Wanted 25/02/16 No
I'm looking for a group /6-8/, young or adult,of Saulosi in Lincoln area
49.saulosi cichlids yellow juvenile 08/02/16 Yes
Juvenile saulosi malawi cichlids female yellow and the male will turn blue when mature very healthy fish 2 centimeters approximately I have around 10 left 2 pound each collection only Coulsdon Surrey cr5 2jj any questions feel free to contact me
50.Pseudotropheus Saulosi 19/12/15 No
Young Saulosi's,Dwarf Mbuna, Malawi Cichlid . 1.5-2 inch, £2 each.
51.Breeding groups - Top quality mbuna 04/11/15 No
Reluctant sale of some of my breeding groups to make room for new breeding projects... My fish have been carefully chosen by some of the leading breeders/importers over the years so you can be sure of the quality. 1m 2f F1 Labidochromis caeruleus ruarwe (yellow labs) - £20 3" pair F1 petrot... ...
52.Malawi Mbuna Aulonocara polit tangyanikan cheap Harlow essex 15/08/15 Yes
Stock list fish house £3 per fish 3" £4 4" £5 5" Not inc wilds.. Will do deals on lots. All fish German supplied need gone ASAP as moving house Elongatus mpanga 7cm x 14 Crabro 7cm x 8 F1 labs 6cm good quality x 20 Saulosi 7cm x 12 Aulonocara Lemon jake x 10 6cm Auri... ...
53.Pseudotropheus saulosi 1 n half inches group of 12 �20pound 02/08/15 Yes
Pseudotropheus saulosi 1 n half inches group of 12 �20pound thats less the �1.80 a fish bargain only selling as going to royal pythons instead colletion s11(as dont drive) scott 07927928305 pics what there will look like
54.Malawi cichlids 13/07/15 No
Currently thining out some stock here I have a list of spare males for sale 3 x male firefish 2.5/3.5 inch £15 for the three 1 x male aurora likoma 3.5inch £6 1 x male flavus 3inch £6 1 x male super vc10 4inch plus £10 2 x male red zebra 4inch plus £10 for the two 1 x male demasoni 3 inc... ...
55.F1 pseudotropheus polit and cynotilapia sp. hara 22/06/15 No
As above, I am now selling 1 male polit at 3" and 1 male hara at almost 4". Polit male £10 Hara male £10 or £15 if brought together I also have a lot of fry and juvies growing on of: Labidochromis srt hongi Pseudotropheus polit Pseudotropheus Saulosi Cynotilapia sp hara Labidochromis... ...
56.Attention Malawi Breeders - Wanted Mbuna & Peacock Fry/Juvis 09/06/15 No
Wanted Malawi Cichlid Fry or Small Juvis Mbuna & Peacocks I am looking to start a new tank from fry/small Juvi size fish.. They need to be clean bloodlines and not hybrids. F1's would be ideal but tank bred is ok if the quality is good. I will consider all types but my preference is to ... ...
57.African cichlid pre order list 30/05/15 Yes
Lots of high quality Africans available to oder, we also have a pre order list for Americans and some tropicals and plecs. Aulonocara Red Rubin 6-7 £8 Aulonocara stuartgranti Ngara F1 7-9 £11 Copadichromis azureus Mbenji F1 6-8 £7 Copidichromis trewavasae Ivory F1 8-10 £11 Cynotilapia Au... ...
58.Lake Malawi Imports - New Wild Malawi Cichlid Shipment 21/05/15 No
Hi This is a fully Licenced Importing company solely for the import of Wild Malawi Cichlids we hold the contract to Import from best or longest standing Exporting Company S.M.G based right on the lake! Please see the current list below of all obtainable fish from the newest shipment! Cynotila... ...
59.Malawi Mbuna - Luton 19/05/15 Yes
All of the fish are fed on high quality Flake and Pellet (New Era), Frozen and fresh foods. Our Latest breeds and stock levels are below. ************************************************************ Current Availability - Located in Luton (LU2 0PW) All at £3.00 unless otherwise stat... ...
60.Rift Lake Cichlids - Mbuna (LUTON) 19/05/15 Yes
All of the fish are fed on high quality Flake and Pellet (New Era), Frozen and fresh foods. Our Latest breeds and stock levels are below. ************************************************************ Current Availability - Located in Luton (LU2 0PW) All at £3.00 unless otherwise stat... ...
61.Around 40 Mbuna Malawi chichlids in Aqua One setup 27/04/15 No
Around 40 Mbuna Malawi chichlids Cynotilapia (afra white top) + (afra (cobue) Labidochromis (caeruleus) + (Kimpuma) Pseudotropheus (saulosi) + (Acei) Iodotropheus (sperengerae) All of above are in: Aqua One aquarium (200 ltrs) Light oak unit T5 lighting system 1x T5 Blue reef bu... ...
Stock list fish house Hi I have juvie and adult Malawi for sale here is the list.. Rack stand.... Left to right... Elongatus mpanga 7cm x 14 Crabro 7cm x 8 F1 labs 6cm good quality x 20 Saulosi 7cm x 12 Aulonocara Lemon jake x 10 6cm Aurifron nkanga bay juvie x 7 £5e 3 for... ...
63.lake malawi cichlids 06/03/15 No
i have the following malawi for sale white labs 2-3 inch £5 each ob zebra chizmula 3 inch £6 each Pseudo aurora f1 3 inch £7 each Cyno Afra Hara "White Top" wc £9 f1 £6 saulosi 3 inch £5 each afra cobue f1 £7 each mpanga £4 each afra mbamba bay f1 £5 each also have over 40 1 inch 2... ...
64.Malawi fry for sale £1 each SW London 01/03/15 Yes
20-30 x a mixture of acei itungi, maingano and saulosi fry 0.5-1 inch long. £1 each due to clearing my tank. Fish can be collected from Tooting (CR4 3LG) or I can deliver in my car to a London address as long as you cover my petrol Any questions feel free to contact me Jimmy
65.Malawi Breeding Groups for sale SW London 18/02/15 Yes
Hi all, Due to potentially moving house in a few months I am reluctantly putting my beloved collection of african cichlids up for sale. I've built up a collection of some good quality fish in the 2 years I've had the tank and will be really sad to see these go! I would prefer to sell them off as ... ...
66.New stock list 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
67.New stockist and Dry goods 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
68.Wild Caught & F1 Malawis ( Mike Bonnick ) new links added 13/01/15 Yes
i am a specialist breeder of wild caught cichlids from both lake Malawi and Tanganyika. I am based in West Wickam, Kent and have a purpose built fish house containing 49 tanks individually filtered and hold a council Fish license for trade. The following wild caught Malawis' are in stock and ar... ...
69.Breeding groups and juvies for sale 02/01/15 No
I now have various adult breeding groups for sale due to stocking tanks with new wild caught fish. For sale are: 1m 3f red top hongi 4" male 3" females £30 4 blue dolphin 2m 2f all over 3" £30 6 unsexed maisoni reef 4-5cm £40 1m 4f makobe island male 3" females upto 2" £25 1" juvies: ... ...
70.Pseudotropheus Saulosi - Cheshire - £25 for 10 16/12/14 Yes
I am an amateur Mbuna breeder based in Cheshire with approx. 25no Pseudotropheus Saulosi fry for sale. These fish look fantastic in either a species only tank or as addition to an existing Mbuna display tank due to the fact that both sexes are very colourful. These are from 4 batches of fry wi... ...
71.Malawi cichlids 02/12/14 Yes
I am a London based breeder of various Malawi cichlids and Thanganyika cichlids. My hobby has developed to enable me to ensure quality, healthy fish and good price. For sale very rare and stunning, Labidochromis Hongi Sweden frys 1 cm 15 available. Picture of the parents. Pseudotropheus Saul... ...
72.Pseudotropheus Saulosi Coral Red 19/11/14 Yes
For sale stunning,Pseudotropheus Saulosi Coral Red sub adults around 2 to 3 inches size, a trio for £12. a male and 2 females or 2 males and one female. These are a line bred variant of Ps. Saulosi with BRIGHT orange females and young. Males are blue and black. Collection from London. sw9 9af Beau... ...
73.mbuna for sale 30/08/14 No
1 pair of F1 elongatus mpanga £10 1 F1 male pulpican £5 1 T.B male yellow lab £5 1 T.B male flavus £5 1 T.B male blue cobalt £5 1 T.B male saulosi coral £5 Text or call for details 07867-382-423
74.Malawi Cichlids Scotland 29/08/14 No
New up to date stocklist with some cracking new arrivals; Mbuna Cynotilapia Afra Edwardi 5-6- £7 Cynotilapia Afra Red Top Likoma 5-6 - £7 Cynotilapia sp. Mbamba Luwino Reef 5-6 - £10 Labeotropheus trewavasae manda 4-5 £10 Labeotropheus Trewavasae Red 5-6 - £7 Labidochromis Caeruleus 3-... ...
75.Malawi cichlids for sale FRYS AND JUVENILES Bargain price(South East London 26/08/14 Yes
I am a London based (hobby breeder) of various Malawi cichlids who has passion for looking after cichlids.I have a tank full of the following mixture, METRIACLIMA GRESHAKEI, LABIDOCHROMIS HONGI, LABIDOCHROMIS CAERULEUS, ELONGATUS MPANGA, PSEUDOTROPHEUS SAULOSI.Size is 2 to 4cm healthy and feeding we... ...
Hi all - 3 X 4inch males - make good display fish - offers or may swap for Cynotilapia 0r Saulosi - ATB Dave
77.Petrochromis Bulu Pt - Male 13/08/14 No
Male Petrochromis Bulu Pt - 5 Inches - showing good colour - easy going fish - fits in well with Tropheus - £40 or swap for Tropheus Ilangi or Ps Saulosi.
78.Adult - johanni, saulosi and acei ngara wanted 26/07/14 No
Hiya, I'm looking for adults in certain strains of malawis White tail acei ngara - female Johanni (yellow) - female Saulosi (yellow) - female All adults if you have any of these and would like to sell please text me on :07583980782. Thank you.
79.Wanted Psuedotropheus Saulosi 14/06/14 No
Hello I'm looking for about 8-10 pure Saulosi fry. Not Coral Red.
80.Mbuna for sale 09/06/14 No
Description: I have the following fish which due to work circumstances i have to let go. 2 x Pseudotropheus Ndumbi Super Red Top 1 male 1 female. 4 x Labidochromis Super Red Top Hongi 2 male 2 female. 4 x Pseudotropheus saulosi coral red 2 male 2 female. 2 x cynotilapia afra edwardi nkhata b... ...
81.WANTED: Pseudotropheus saulosi Adults or fry 02/06/14 No
As title says, I'm looking for a group of Pseudotropheus saulosi. I don't mind what size, how many or what sex they are just after quite a few. I don't want the coral red variety. Let me know what you have, I can collect or I don't mind them being delivered. Thanks for looking
82.white labs,saulosi,mangaino,Rustys and johanni 29/04/14 No
Hi all I looking for the following mbunas white labs,mangainos,rustys,saulosi and Johann I in the Portsmouth area fry or adults just let me know cheers
83.red top zebras 28/04/14 No
I have for sale red top zebra fry auratus fry for £2 each and ob zebra fry £3 each all approx 1 in or willing to swap (would like some white labs,mainganos,johannii or Saulosi cichlids)
85.Large selection of Quality Malawi Cichlids Available 19/01/14 Yes
Kev's Rifts is located near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Viewing of the fish is welcome - please call 07809749145 to book an appointment. List of fish available as of 31/12/2013 below; Aulonocara Rubin Red 5.5-7cm £8 each Females only Aulonocara Stuagranti Usisya 5-6cm £10 each F1 ... ...
86.Pseudotropheus Saulosi fry (2-3 cm) 05/01/14 Yes
£2 each Currently being fed on crushed spirulina flake Preston
87.Pseudotropheus Saulosi 25/11/13 Yes
Hi For sale i have some top quality tb saulosi currently at 1 inch photos are of the actual young for sale and the parents (not google pics) £3 each Collection only Maidstone Bags can be supplied if you don't have your own to bring along Kind regards Ryan
88.malawi cichlids -food and general aquarium accesories 16/09/13 Yes
we re based in Lincoln but offer a courier service in the uk for £17.00 overnight pre 12 via apc. if there is something not on the list you are looking for please don't hesitate to ask Genus species size (cm) wc/f1/tb price astotilapia aeneocolour 5-6cm tb £6.50 each mel... ...
89.wanted pseudotropheus saulosi 25/08/13 No
looking for some juvinile pseudotropheus saulosi or any young females
90.Fish for sale 12/08/13 No
Malawi cichlids for sale Bubble bee x2 £10 each Colbolt blue x3 £7 each Aratus female x1 £6 Red zebra x 4 £7 each Yellow tail acei x2 £10 each Pritcola catfish x 3 £8 each Saulosi male x 1 £10 Zebra oblique x 2 £7 each Ndumbi x 2 £7 each Yellow labs x2 £5 each Johanni x 2 £7 ea... ...
91.malawi fryes for sale 24/06/13 No
92.Malawi cichlids for sale 23/06/13 No
Juvenile male saulosi, now starting to colour up around 2 1/2 inch £5 Ice blue zebra (metriaclima greshakei) juveniles x 15 from 1 inch up to 2 1/2 inch £25 for the lot
93.saulosi cichild trio 05/06/13 Yes
i have for sale a proven breeding trio of saulosi 1x male 2x females £30 im based in ipswich COLLECTION ONLY contact me thou email or on my mobile txt only 0741537970
94.Mbuna for sale inc breeding groups. 06/05/13 Yes
4 x Hongi Sweden (unsexed) £50 6 x Ps Crabro (1 holding) £30 6 x saulosi £25 2 x OB zebra £10 3 x OB trewavase £10 4 x F1 maisoni reef £40 2 x cobalt zebra £10 3 x f1 membe deep (all female) £30 3 x elongatus mpanga £15 5 x elongatus chewere £25 1 x wild ancistrus £15 1 x L181 ... ...
95.CICHLIDS FOR SALE 19/04/13 Yes
im selling my cichlids im looking for a good offer for the lot.. Frontosa (10 inch very big) Frontosa ( 6 inch) Frontosa (3 inch) 2x Red Spotted Severum (6 inch)+(3 inch) Banded Severum (5 inch) Hongi (4 inch) Zebra (4 inch) 2x Yellow Labs (4+3 inch) Blue Dolphin (4 inch) ... ...
96.Fluval roma 200l + Pseudotropheus Saulosi 16+ 19/02/13 Yes
For sale Pseudotropheus saulosi plus 200 l fluval roma must all go together tank & stand, 2 filters, heaters Healthy brood from mixed parentage (M/Fs from diff lineage). Males show strong and clean colouration on sexual maturation with early colour morphing apparent - a healthy and clean... ...
97.malawis for sale, south yorkshire 05/02/13 Yes
aulonocara jacobfreibergi young 2.5" showing good colour £5each placidochromis electra young for sale 2"+ £5,50 each or £10 a pair pundamilla nyerere mkobi island 2" males showing awsome colour £5 each scieanochromis fyerei alhi electric blue 2.5"+ £5.50 each or 2 for £1... ...
98.Young P. Saulosi for Sale in South Wales. 27/01/13 No
Young Pseudotropheus Saulosi for sale approx. 2cm in length, a bargain £1 each or 12 for £10. Very healthy little malawi cichlids, eating well. Collection ONLY from South Wales.
99.malawis 16/01/13 Yes
hi i have 4 sale 3 lab sp perlmutts females 3lab sp mbamba 1m/2f 2 yellow labs 1m/1f 3 saulosi 2m/1f a few other odd ones that i might sell £6 each these r adults also have fry that i mite sell thanks
100.WANTED Saulosi Coral Red Female 11/01/13 No
Hello I m looking to buy 4 Females Saulosi Coral Red I can collect from London
101.Cichlids Pairs 10/01/13 Yes
I have Yellow Lab young pairs. Few females holding young at the moment = £7 a pair I have F2 Saulosi young pairs. Males just starting to show colour = £7 a pair Also have F2 Aurutus Young. About 3month old just under an inch.Yellow Lab young just under an inch £2 each Can deliver withing... ...
102.Young P. Saulosi for sale. 06/01/13 No
I have some young Pseudotropheus Saulosi for sale, they are about 2cm in length, very healthy and eating well. They are currently too young to sex. £1.00 each. Collection only in South Wales.
103.Various F1 Malawi Cichlids For Sale 11/12/12 Yes
I have some young cichlids for sale from wild parents cichlids shown in photos. Red coral saulosi Malawi Cichlids approx 2cm long £3 each. Metriaclima Patricki Jalo Reef Malawi Cichlids approx 2cm long £2 each. 2cm long electric blue johanies £2 each. PSE Demasoni cichlids approx 1c... ...
104.Malawis Weymouth Dorset 24/10/12 Yes
Hi I have various Adult Malawis for sale; Psedotropheus Saulosi Group 6, Wild Male plus F1 males and Females £50 Cynotilapia Lion Sanga Group 4, F1 £35 Pseudotropheous Acei Ngara breeding group 10, £45 Labidochromis Chisumulae 1 male - £10 Nyassachromis Microcephalus breeding grou... ...
105.fish n equipment 18/10/12 No
malawi for sale pair saulosi red coral £15 2x red top hongis £15 4x flavus £30 breeding trio sunsets £20 breeding pair perlmutts £15 4x dragon bloods £30 breeding group x5 acei luwada (yellow tails) £35 3x orange peacock £20 livinstoni x2 £15 albino zebra £5 3x bloutch zebras ... ...
106.malawi for sale 12/10/12 No
malawi for sale pair saulosi red coral £15 2x red top hongis £15 4x flavus £30 breeding trio sunsets £20 breeding pair perlmutts £15 4x dragon bloods £30 breeding group x5 acei luwada (yellow tails) £35 3x orange peacock £20 livinstoni x2 £15 albino zebra £5 3x bloutch zebras ... ...
107.FOR SALE Pseudotropheus Saulosi. 11/10/12 No
I have some young P. Saulosi for sale, lovely healthy young fish. 2 batches from different females. Approx. 1 inch - £3 each. Approx 1/2 inch - £1.50 each. Collection only from South Wales.
108.Malawi Cichlids For Sale, Job Lot (See Below) 06/10/12 No
Malawi List: 3x Nimbochromus Venustus 1x6" Male, 1x7" Female 1x5" Female 6x Moori Dolphin 6x3" Unsure of Gender 3x Placidochromis Electra 3x4" Unsure of Gender 14x Yellow Labs (Breeding) 9x1.5" Mixed Gender 2x 4"male, 2x3" Female 1x... ...
109.Various Malawi Fro Sale Weymouth 03/10/12 No
Hi I have various Adult Malawis for sale; Psedotropheus Saulosi Cynotilapia Lion Sanga Pseudotropheous Acei Ngara Labidochromis Chisumulae pick up from Weymouth, Dorset 07748620833
110.FOR SALE Pseudotropheus Saulosi 23/09/12 No
I have 7 young 1" unsexable Saulosi for sale, these fish are eating well and very healthy. I also have another 7 young Saulosi that are around 1/2" again very healthy and eating well. Also available are 6 young Labidochromis Caeruleus 1/2", very healthy and eating well. All... ...
111.Various Malawi Cichlids For Sale 23/08/12 Yes
have some young cichlids for sale from these parents shown in photos. Red coral saulosi Malawi Cichlids approx 2cm long from a wild caught parents £3.5 each. Metriaclima Patricki Jalo Reef Malawi Cichlids approx 2cm long from a wild caught parents £2 each. 2-2.5cm long electric blue jo... ...
112.Mbunas in stock 17/08/12 Yes
Ings Lane Garden and Water Garden centre ltd. Current Mbunas in stock as from 17-6-12 Cynotilapia sp. red dorsal Labidochromis caeruleus Labidochromis sp. pearlmutt Labidochromis sp. puulu red top Pseudotropheus socolofi Pseudotropheus sp. albino Pseudotropheus crabro Pseudotropheus sp... ...
113.WANTED psuedotropheus SAULOSI Females 26/06/12 No
Hi, looking for a couple of saulosi females as i just seem to have mostly males. they are all nearly adult size so adult females would be prefered. im prepared to travel but not too far. please email me. danielgillespie7717@hotmail.com thankyou.
114.Juwel trigon 190 23/06/12 No
FOR SALE £250 Juwel trigon 190 corner aquarium In beech effect, comes with: Heavy duty Eheim 2217 with custom filter bag filled with crushed coral and aragonite Heater, wisper 300 air pump, lights 4 large pieces of ocean rock gravel and crushed coral substrate Pseudotropheus saulosi x5 El... ...
115.for sale breeding group of saulosi 09/06/12 No
breeding group of 6 nice healthy fish breeding now £25 the group. also 2 pair of blue cobault zebras £10 a pair or swap for tropheus
116.various malawi cichlids for sale 03/06/12 No
for sale 3 x adult yellow labs £15 2 x adult red zebras 1 male 1 female £10. a breeding 4 x of Pseudotropheus saulosi "Coral Red" 1 male 3 females £35. 1 male kingsizei absolutely stunning fish £12. 2 x sp44 1 male 1 female £15. 23x saulosi fry available as well at £1 each. or if you... ...
117.Pseudotropheus saulosi females 22/05/12 No
hi all im after a couple of Pseudotropheus saulosi females if anyone has any for sale please let me know
118.Yellow labs, chailosi, acei, afra and saulosi 21/04/12 No
READY IN APPROX 6 WEEKS pseudotropheus saulosi pseudotropheus elongatus chailosi labidochromis caeruleus pseudotropheus acei cynotilapia afra hara ALL £3 each Collection only Email or phone 07834246849
119.Complete mbuna setup 2.5 foot tank, Arcadia LED lights, Rena XP3 Filter 17/04/12 Yes
i have for sale my complete mbuna setup, it consists of the above equipment and 2x female labidchromis Perlmutt, 3x metriaclima sp msobo magunga deep, 2x male Pseudotropheus saulosi, Cynotilapia afra Cobue, 2x synodontis petricola cat fish. 117ltr custom tank, rena xp3 filter, arcadia eco led da... ...
120.8x Mbuna, 2x synodontis petricola cat fish 17/04/12 Yes
1x Cynotilapia afra Cobue, 2x female labidchromis Perlmutt, 3x metriaclima sp msobo magunga deep, 2x male Pseudotropheus saulos 2x synodontis petricola cat fish Cynotilapia afra Cobue £7, £5 labidchromis Perlmutt each, £6 Pseudotropheus saulosi Each, £6 metriaclima sp msobo magunga deep each... ...
121.Saulosi F1 for Sale Weymouth, Dorset 16/04/12 No
pseudotropheus saulosi from wild parents 5 months old £6.50 each or 4 for £22.50 or 6 for £30 pick up from Weymouth, Dorset 07748620833 pick up from weymouth or happy to deliver, bournemouth yeovil dorchester at extra cost 07748620833
122.f1 and wild malawi for sale 13/04/12 No
For sale in sunderland Maingano group f1 4 in total 28quid Pseudotropheus elongatus f1 9 quid each 3 left Pseudotopheus elongatus neonspot pair f1 18quid Pseudotopheus saulosi F1 pair 18 quid Pseudotopheus demasoni f1 9 each Placidochromis mbamba bay f1 male 5 quid Placidochromis pheno... ...
123.Group ,F1 Pseudotropheous Saulosi 05/04/12 Yes
Group of F1 Pseudotropheous Saulosi ,2x males (just starting to show dominant colour) 12 x females ,and 2 x sex unsure , These fish are to go as a group ,these fish are at a bargain price as we need the room asap ,£150.00 collected or £175.00 delivered. These fish have already bred and are a... ...
124.Malawi Cichlids for sale - Fry - Cheap - see link for pics 03/03/12 No
I have some malawi fry for sale. I have some saulosi - pics available on ebay at the following link; http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160748351264?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Also have some Yellow labs for sale - pics again available on ebay at the following link; ht... ...
125.Malawi Cichlids for sale - Sub adults - Cheap see link for pics 03/03/12 No
I have for sale some sub-adult Malawi cichlids for sale; I have 6 Metraclima Daktari, pics available on the following link on ebay; http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160748350364?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 I then have some Fire fish for sale, 4 of them around 2 inch. Al... ...
126.Saulosi - Taiwanee Reef GROUP 29/02/12 No
I'm closing down my fish house... I have a large breeding group of Soulosi from mixed blood lines. 5 Males 12 Females £70 ono 07917182059
127.Pseudotropheus saulosi 29/02/12 No
Closing down Pseudotropheus saulosi 2" - 3" £4 07917182059
128.Pseudotropheus saulosi pair (possible coral red version) 24/02/12 No
Pseudotropheus saulosi (possible coral red version) pair 2.5 and 3.5 inch £12. have other fish for sale aswell due to closing down a tank. please email or phone for any info. thankyou
129.Pseudotropheus saulosi Breeding Group 23/02/12 Yes
I am closing down my fish house and have a Pseudotropheus saulosi Breeding Group. 12 Females and 5 Males. Constantly holding ive had hundreds of fry from this group. Would like them to stay together as a group. £70 ono 07917182059 Thanks
130.F1 fry from Wild Caught Malawi Mbuna 16/02/12 No
Fry currently available.. Metriaclima Lombardoi (Dwarf) Nkhomo Reef Cynotilapia sp. Hara Gallireya Reef Pseudotropheus Elongatus Ornatus Luhuchi Rocks Metriaclima Zebra 'Sunrise' Higga Reef Tropheops sp. Dwarf Tropheops 'Red Cheek' Mlowe Pseudotropheus Flavus Chinyankwazi Island Metriaclima... ...
131.Various African Cichlids. (SOLD) 11/02/12 Yes
I have 14 fishes available for sale ranging from 2"-4". I'm selling my fishes to make tank available for Frontosa. You can buy all the fishes for £40.00 Collection from Oldham OL4 area. This is the list of my fishes. 3x Yellew Tail Acei 2"-3" 3x Saulosi Breeding trio. Female was holdin... ...
132.Pseudotropheus Saulosi 09/01/12 Yes
Around 4 months old, males starting to colour up. F1 from wild parents collection from Weymouth, Dorset £6.50 each, 5 for £25. 07748620833
133.Amwell Aquatics Epping Tropical Freshwater Stocklist: 05/01/12 05/01/12 No
* = New in Stock Tetras **NEW** Sunshine Neon Tetra - Pacheirodon innesi*** X-Ray Tetra – Pristella maxillaris Glass Bloodfin Tetra – Prionobrama filigera January Tetra - Hemigrammus hyanuary* Purple Emperor tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri "super blue" Kerri Tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri Bleed... ...
134.F1 Saulosi from wild parents 19/12/11 No
Around 3 months old, males starting to colour up. collection from Weymouth, Dorset £6.50 each, 5 for £25. 07748620833
135.Malawi Cichlids bred from wild caught parents 05/12/11 Yes
Fry & juvies from wild caught groups of mbuna. Some lovely groups including... Psuedotropheus Flavus Tropheops sp. Dwarf Red Cheek Cynotilapia sp. Mbamba Labeotropheus Trewavasae Metriaclima Patricki Metriaclima Dwarf Lombardoi Metriaclima Fainziberi Tropheops Mauve Pseudotropheus ... ...
136.WANTED demasoni or pseudotropheus saulosi 15/11/11 No
As titled I'm wanting some demasoni, preferably around 4-5cm but anything considered, Wirral area... brighton/east sussex
137.African Lake Cichlids. Juvies & sub-adults 31/10/11 No
Msobo Heteropictus F1 Pseudotropheus Flavus F1 Pseudotropheus Saulosi F1 Cynotilapia sp. Hara F1 Metriaclima sp. Membe Deep F1 !SOLD! Yellow Labs. Tank Bred !SOLD! Cynotilapia sp. Deep Blue Ndonga F1 Metriaclima Zebra Lundu F1 Pseudotropheus Polits Cove F1 !SOLD! Aulonocare Mamelela F1 Ps... ...
138.Wanted mbuna cichlids 17/10/11 No
hello im looking to add to my small collection of mbuna cichlids i would like to get a few more yellow labs and Pseudotropheus saulosi im also looking for any other type in the family willing to travel to get them as im not far from Glasgow and will pay a decent amount. im looking for small fish... ...
139.F1 from Wild Collected Mbuna Lake Malawi Cichlids 25/09/11 No
www.fishfoxandthebunny.com has a list of my wild caught groups from Lake Malawi. Metriaclima Dwarf Lombardoi - Nhkomo Reef Metriaclima Fainziberi - Ikombe (some OB females) Labeotropheus Trewavasae - Katale Tropheops Mauve - Tanzania Pseudotropheus Elongatus - Chewere Psuedotropheus Flavus... ...
140.Zebra Chilumba Masoni Reef F1 Malawi Mbuna 13/08/11 Yes
Pic of stunning wild caught dad (excuse the tank background). I have several groups of wild caught fish and have fry/juvies from.. Metriaclima Dwarf Lombardoi - Nkhomo Reef Metriaclima Fainzilberi - Ikombe (some OB females) Labeotropheus Trewavasae - Katale Tropheops Mauve - Tanzania Pseu... ...
141.Malawi - Pseudotropheus elongatus Mpanga - Wellingborough, Northants 21/07/11 Yes
I have some young Pseudotropheus elongatus Mpanga that i have bred in one of my aquariums. As a result i am able to over some of their fry available for sale at a BARGAIN price compared to local aquatic stores. I am just a hobbyist breeder that isn't interested in making a profit. I keep m... ...
142.Pseudotropheus Saulosi & Other F1 Malawi Mbuna 07/07/11 No
F1 Saulosi fry & juvies from wild caught parents (which you can see) from £1.50. Also have other lots of other F1 fishes. Msobo Heteropictus (Lundu), Pseudotropheus Flavus, Cynotilapia Afra Mbamba, Pseuodotropheus Kingsizei, Metriaclima Zebra Sunrise (Higga Reef), Labeotropheus Trewavasae and l... ...
hi has anyone got any saulosi cichlids or know where i can get any pretty cheap if you can help email me on evonne.devlin@live.co.uk thanks
144.F1 Msobo Heteropictus & Others 13/06/11 Yes
Have fry & juvies from a number of wild caught parents (which you are welcome to see). Sizes are approx Msobo Heteropictus (Lundo) - 2cm from 2 different females £2.50 each Cynotilapia Afra Mbamba (Chilumba) 1-2cm £1.50 each Pseudotropheus Daktari (Hai Reef) 3-4cm £2.50 each or fry £1 e... ...
145.F1 Malawi / Burundi Frontosa 28/05/11 No
Have a few F1 fry/juvies from wild caught parents. Metriaclima Msobo Magunga (SOLD - have another female holding) Pseudotropheus Elongatus Luhuchi Rocks Pseudotropheus Daktari (few left) Metriaclima Msobo Heteropictus Labeotropheus Trewavasae Manda (some left) Cynotilalpia Afra Mbamba Chilum... ...
146.F1 Malawi Mbuna from Wild Caught Parents 23/05/11 No
A number of F1s from wild caught parents (which you are welcome to view). Fish are collection only from near Chesham, Bucks. Labeoptropheus Trewavasae (Manda) Metriaclima Msobo Heteropictus (Lundo) Cynotilapia Afra Mbamba (Chilumba) Pseudotropheus Elongatus Ornatus (Luhuchi Rocks) Pseudotrop... ...
147.Mix Malawis for sale (tank Shutdown) 20/05/11 No
Hi All I am shuting down my tank and selling all my fish. here is what i have Lab caeruleus breeding group 10-15 SOLD Yellow tail Breeding group 8 - 10 SOLD Perlmutt group Afra (DONT KNOW NAME) saulosi Moori Their are allot more but names not known Their is around 40-5... ...
148.Pseudotropheus Saulosi FOR SALE - Wellingborough, Northants 30/04/11 Yes
I have a large group of Adult Saulosi that are continuosly breeding and producing fry. As a result i am able to over some of their fry available for sale at a BARGAIN price compared to local aquatic stores. I am just a hobbyist breeder that isn't interested in making a profit. I keep many m... ...
150.Northants Malawis - African Rift Valley Cichlids 02/04/11 Yes
Excellent fish at great prices. All pics are of our fish and can be seen in our fish house. pic 1: Pseudotropheus Elongatus Spot pic 2: Labidochromis Caeruleus (yellow labs) pic 3: Pseudotropheus Demasoni pic 4: Pseudotropheus Kingsizei pic 5: Pseudotroheus Elongatus Flavus pic 6: Pseu... ...
152.young malawi for sale 6 for £10 16/03/11 No
i have the following fish for sale at 6 for £10 or £2 each all fish around 1" Firefish yellow labs saulosi electra growing on mix and match welcome
153.Northfield Aquatics 22/02/11 Yes
The folling fish will be available from Saturday 26th Feb. Cheilochromis Eichlius Cynotilapia afra "Yellow Dorsal" Cynotilapia afra Cobue Labeotropheus trewavasae Chilumba red Labidochromis "Hongi Red Top" Labidochromis "Hongi" Puulu Labidochromis "Perlmut... ...
154.Wild and F1 malawi cichlids 15/02/11 Yes
the following are for sale collection only from Burgess Hill, unless buying a box full and it is worth my while. Thanks F1 Group P Saulosi, believe 3x male, and 3x Fem £25, 3-4 small babies will go with these SOLD F1 M Estherae Minos Reef young @ about 4-5cm £6 Pair Pair M Joanjohnsonae... ...
155.CICHLID BREEDING PROJECT - SOLD, SOLD. Fish have been picked up 31/12/10 Yes
My amateur breeding project has grown too big as the fish are breeding too well. I no longer have the time thus I am selling everything- There are 2 TANKS with all the necessary equipment i.e. Fluval filter, lighting, heaters etc. There are 3 floating tanks to protect fry. There is also about 30k... ...
156.Northfield Aquatics Hull 16/12/10 Yes
All available from Northfield Aquatics from Sat 18th Dec MALAWI - MBUNA Cynotilapia afra "Red Dorsal" Cynotilapia afra "Yellow Dorsal" Iodotropheus sprengerae Labidochromis chisumulae Labidochromis "Hongi Red Top" Labidochromis "Hongi" Puulu Labidoc... ...
157.Northfield Aquatics Hull 10/12/10 Yes
Our next delivery is due on Wed 15th Dec will include.... Cynotilapia afra "Red Dorsal" Cynotilapia afra "Yellow Dorsal" Lodotropheus Sprengerae Labidochromis Chisumulae Labidochromis "Hongi" Puulu Labidochromis "Perlmutt&quo... ...
158.Cichlid breeding project with 2 TANKS for sale 11/11/10 Yes
My amateur breeding project has grown too big as the fish are breeding too well. I no longer have the time thus I am selling everything. There are 2 TANKS with all the necessary equipment i.e. Fluval filter, lighting, heaters etc. There are 3 floating tanks to protect fry. There is also about 30kg o... ...
159.Pseudotropheus saulosi fry for sale SOLD SOLD 23/10/10 Yes
I have approx 10 pseudotropheus salousi fry for sale, approx 1 inch in size not sexable yet,about 8 weeks old eating brineshrimp, flake, spirinula flake. £1 each Pick up only please STOCKPORT AREA
160.yellow tops & P.saulosi 27/07/10 No
I am selling my group of yellow tops ( in pairs ) and 1 spare female. along with my trio of p.saulosi these are 2 females x 1 male. i will take £45 for all of the fish. has to be collection only as i am unable to deliver or post. -------------------------- Sale of Aquarium complete set up... ...
161.malawis for sale frontosa, blue dolphine.... in stoke 04/07/10 Yes
im selling my 6x2x2 malawi tank so i need to find a new home for my fish, i have the followeing; Frontosa - 1x adult male 1x adult 1x female 6-10cm female has been holding serveral times but spat due do more agressive fish in the tank blue dolphins - lots availible male and female from fry t... ...
162.WANTED P. Saulosi 16/02/10 No
I am after some young P. Saulosi to add to a species tank. Females prefered. i can collect if local or pay for postage as required. thanks
163.pseudotropheus saulosi for swapping 01/11/09 Yes
hi i have a few saulosi to exchange for preferably haplochromis or Aulonacara but will consider anything.
164.Pseudotropheus Crabro and Saulosi 24/10/09 No
Adult male Saulosi £5. 4 inch male Crabro £5.
165.MBuna for sale 03/10/09 No
I have about 30 assorted MBuna for sale, species include Cynotilapia Afra, Yellow Tail Acei, Pseudotropheus saulosi, Rusty Cichlid Lavender Mbuna Iodotropheus sprengerae, Melanochromis johanni, Pseudotropheus elongatus "chailosi", Pseudotropheus elongatus "mpanga" And some mor... ...
166.Pseudotropheus Saulosi & Bristlenoses 27/07/09 No
I have about 20 Saulosi at around 1 inch long. Too young to sex. Great addition to Malawi set-up as males are blue with black stripes whereas females are orange. They are also fairly mild mannered for Malawis. £1.50 each or £1 each if you buy 5 or more. Also bristlenose catfish at 1-1.5 inches ... ...
WANTED,interested in buying saulosi yellow/orange saulosi coral reds need a group for a show tank ive set up,would be gratful for any help. please no silly prices but will pay for heathy and active fish.. can collect locally or pay for postage but would prefer t... ...
168.wanted in west midlands 18/01/09 No
Looking for any of the following, young or adult fish considered!Must be cheap please? Metriaclima estherae *** Pseudotropheus kenyi *** Melanochromis johanni *** Labidochromis caeruleus (yellow lab) *** Pseudotropheus crabro (bumble bee) *** Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos (Mainganos) *** Aul... ...
169.Wanted mbuna 20/09/08 No
4 Female pseudotropheus red coral saulosi wanted. Can travel within reasonable distance of Manchester.
I have a couple Malawi's for sale: I also have a close contact with someone who has got tropheus groups email me if interested. Red Empress 2.5" couple coulouring up 5.00 each, Crytocara moorii 4" Pair 30.00, Lab caeruleus breeding pair 2.5-3" f2 Stunning 15.00, Lab Caeruleus young ... ...
171.WANTED. Pseudotropheus/Labidochromis in Devon 24/04/08 No
Ps. Saulosi, Lab. Mbamba, Ps. Demasoni. Contact Tina via mobile on 07813063577.
172.6" SYN@D@NTIS EUPTERUS (FEATHERFIN), also Crabro, Fusco & Venustus 06/03/08 No
Hi, We need to clear out our 3ft tank for some juveniles. For Swap in Doncaster area... Synodontis Eupterus (Featherfin) - 6" Pseudotropheus Crabro - 5" Nimbochromis Fuscotaeniatus - 2-3" Nimbochromis Venustus (Giraffe) - 3" We'd like to swap the above for any adult ... ...
173.malawis for sale 23/07/07 No
white caeruleus 3 to 5mm saulosi £1-50 each all sizes pick up only london 07984443461
174.FREE pseud. saulosi 08/07/07 No
Offloading some saulosi so we can get some different species. Must collect from cambridge. Please contact: pete worters gmail com Pete
175.saulosi 15/06/07 No
3 male salousi £4 each or all £10 + plenty of babies different range of sizes £1.25 TO £2.50 pick up only s.e.london 07984443461
Hi, i'm a Lake Malawi cichlids hobbyist and breeder, I have got a variety of cichlids available for sale, I can arrange a courier as transport to anywhere in the uk mainland for a charge of £15.00. happy browsing...................................... CICHLIDS: X6 [2M. 4F.] AULONOCARA JA... ...
Hi, i'm a Lake Malawi cichlid hobbyist and breeder, I have got a variety of cichlids available for sale, I now have a total of 18 tanks on the go, I can arrange a courier as transport to anywhere in the uk mainland at a charge of £15.00. happy browsing on some of my cichlids for sale ........... ...
178.Malawis wanted 09/02/07 No
Hi, I just need malawis from list below : Aulonocara Maisoni - 3f(possibly f1) Protomelus Boadzulu (Copadichromis boadzulu) - 2f Iodotropheus Sprengerae (rusty ch.) - 2f Labidochromis perlmutt - 1m Pseudotropheus Saulosi - 2f + 1m Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos - Mayngano - 1f Only resonab... ...
179.Pseudotropheus saulosi 16/12/06 Yes
I am selling my Pseudotropheus saulosi young, i have about 20 left they are all just reaching 1" feeding well on crushed flake and brine shrimp,They are going for £3.00 each, collection is prefered but can organise shipping if required,
180.Scolofoli and Saulosi wanted. small prefered in Notts 28/10/06 No
Anyone in Notts area have any Malawis for sale? Alan@anlogistics.co.uk
The saulosi is considered a dwarf mbuna because it reaches a size of only 3 inches. Males are blue with black vertical bars, and females are a beautiful, deep yellow. Fry are born yellow and, as they near adulthood, will begin to show adult female and male colors.Due to its small adult size (the sma... ...
183.Malawi Cichlids 24/03/06 No
Malawi cichlids: Great Tank full of malawi's at great prices. Alaonocara marmilade cat 1" £1.00 Alaonocara marmilade cat 2" £2.50, Alaonocara marmilade cat 3.5" £5.00, Tropheus Chitande 3" £4.00, yellow tailed acei 2" £1.50 P lombardoi 3" £6.00, white ... ...
184.Metriaclima lombardoi and pseudotropheus Saulosi (WILL SHIP) 06/12/05 Yes
Metriaclima lombardoi and pseudotropheus Saulosi for sale, lombardoi's have brighy yellow males and light blue females with dark banding. Saulosis are the complete opposite. The Lambardoi are about 2" and are colouring up nicely, so can choose males/females no problems. All fish are shipped... ...
185.Metriaclima lombardoi and pseudotropheus Saulosi for sale 14/11/05 Yes
I currently have Metriaclima lombardoi and pseudotropheus Saulosi for sale. Perfect partners. Saulosi have bright yellow females with dark blue banded males, Lambardoi are the opposite, yellow males (unusual for mbunas) and blue banded females. £3 per fish. Approx: 2".
186.Cichlids Wanted 30/10/05 No
Wanted Pair of Aulonocara Nyssae a Pair of Pseudutropheus Saulosi and a Pair of Meteriaclima Lombardoi Approx 2" to 3" I live in North Manchester Can collect within reason. Email or Tel 01706 524973 Thanks Dave
187.Pseudotropheus Saulosi & Metriaclima lombardoi 14/10/05 Yes
I currently have Metriaclima lombardoi for sale. Perfect partners. Saulosi have bright yellow females with dark blue banded males, Lambardoi are the opposite, yellow males (unusual for mbunas) and blue banded females. £3 per fish. Approx: 2".
188.lab caeruleus+pseudotropheus saulosi 03/10/05 No
I am looking for lab caeruleus and p saulosi breeders,group ect, good money waiting. if anyone has got any could they wish to contact me asap. Tom.
189.Malawi Cichlids - North East 04/03/05 Yes
Fintasia Aquatics now has a selection of Rift Cichlids..... Tanganyikan: Cyprichromis Leptosoma Mpulungu Opthalmotilapia Ventralis Blue Flash Opthalmotilapia Boops Tropheus Duboisi Maswa F1 Tropheus 'Bloodchin' Moliro Tropheus Red Rainbow (wild caught adult) Frontosa Burundi Alto. Compr... ...
190.Tanganyikan Cichlids - North East England 04/03/05 Yes
Fintasia Aquatics now has a selection of Rift Cichlids..... Tanganyikan: Cyprichromis Leptosoma Mpulungu Opthalmotilapia Ventralis Blue Flash Opthalmotilapia Boops Tropheus Duboisi Maswa F1 Tropheus 'Bloodchin' Moliro Tropheus Red Rainbow (wild caught adult) Frontosa Burundi Alto. Compr... ...
191.WANTED: Pseudotropheus Saulosi 17/01/05 No
Im looking for some Pseudotropheus saulosi , mainly breeders , contact me Thanks.
192.for sale pseudotropheus saulosi 30/08/04 No
pseudotropheus saulosi approx 20 young fish between one and one and a half inches long, seven adults, both male and female. healthy and breeding well £45 ono. aldershot hampshire
193.For sale 13/08/04 No
Johannis, Saulosis, Lombardoi, Obliquidens, Ahli, Taiwan Reefs, Caeruleus, Mamalela, Usisya
194.WANTED: juvenile ps saulosi and ps callainos 25/03/04 No
Hi there, I am looking for 4 juvenile ps saulosi and 4 ps callainos (3" max. body length) Will pick up from anywhere in/around Portsmouth and Guildford. Contact Markus on mundiantobackhe@yahoo.fr
Melanochromis CYANEORHABDOS (maingano) 6 cm £3.00 each Mayladia greshakei Copadichromis geertsii (virginalis blotch) 5 cm £ 2.00 each Maylandia estherae Double Red 6 cm £2.00 each Pseudotropheus Sp mbenji lime 4-5 cm £2.00 each Pseudotropheus saulosi £2.50 each Pseudotropheus saulosi... ...
Copadichromis geertsii (virginalis blotch) adults 5 cm £ 2.00 each <DIV> <DIV> Maylandia estherae Double Red 6 cm £2.00 each <DIV> <DIV> Pseudotropheus Sp mbenji lime 4-5 cm £2.00 each <DIV> <DIV> Pseudotropheus saulosi two trios £12.00 per trio ... ...
LAKE MALAWI CICHLIDS FOR SALE All the following cichlids are for sale. Discounts given for bulk orders. Copadichromis geertsii (virginalis blotch) adults 10 cm £ 5.00 each Labidochromis caeruleus 6 cm £1.50 each Fossorchromis rostratus group of 7 Male coloured from 8 cm – 20 ... ...

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