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Planet Arowana Great prices on last remaining stock left to clear grab yourself a bargain! Please pm stock list below TIGER SHOVELNOSE X RED TAIL CATFISH 3 left LIMBATA CHANNA SNAKEHEADS ALBiNO 15 left FIRE EELS sold out GIRAFFE CATFISH 1 left Kohaku MIDAS CICHLID 2 availabl... ...
2.Full body colour chilli red oscar reduced £50 sold sold 20/02/25 Yes
9 inch Oscar for sale got from planet Arowana very nice fish full body colour £80 paid £120 for it collection only Abergele ll22 reduced £50 sold
ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Pointer L190 Panaque L160 Spiny Monster L24 red fin cactus L333 King Tiger L004 Angelicus L168 butterfly 2M1F Trio L134 Leopard frog L397 alenquer tiger L3... ...
ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Pointer L190 Panaque L160 Spiny Monster L24 red fin cactus L333 King Tiger L004 Angelicus L168 butterfly 2M1F Trio L134 Leopard frog L397 alenquer tiger L3... ...
5.Closing down tank 11/02/25 No
X1 Trimac £40 X1 Parrot fish £30 X1 Dovi £60 X1 Large Red Oscar £30 10-12 inch X1 medium sized tiger Oscar £20 X8 assortment of catfish Asian catfish , bumblebees and upside down £50
6.Cichlids and oddballs Leeds 07872 417861 07/02/25 No
Pm me Leeds 14 Red Oscar 7” Red Oscar 2” Albino Oscar 7” Pair Tiger Oscar 7” Emperor snakehead 14” Gold Severum 7” Gold saum 6” Jaguar 6” Fire mouth 6” Pair Royal acara 7” 3x Chocolate Cichlids 3” Datnoid polota 5” Datnoid polota 2” Lima shovel nose 7” Flow... ...
7.Fish to sell 24/01/25 Yes
X1 10-12 inch Red Oscar £40 X1 12 inch common pleco £30 X1 trimac £50 6-7 inch X1 medium size tiger Oscar £20 X8 bubblebee and Asian cat fish combo £60 for all X2 12 inch Birchir £50 each grown since baby
Massive beautiful 12” Red Oscar for sale £50ono Collection from Walthamstow E17 07407190198
9.Various Cichlids FOR SALE MUST GO 22/01/25 No
Several Tank Shutdown Various cichlids for sale and catfish / others 1 Very Large Red Oscar 1 Large Wolf Cichlids/Dovi 1 Trimac Cichlids 1 Small Red Oscar 4 upside down catfish 2 Adult Endlecheri Bichirs 1 Normal Senegal Bichir Adult 2 Massive Dory Catfish 2 Adult Raphael Catf... ...
Several Tank Shutdown Various cichlids for sale and catfish / others 1 Very Large Red Oscar 1 Large Wolf Cichlids/Dovi 1 Trimac Cichlids 1 Small Red Oscar 4 upside down catfish 2 Adult Endlecheri Bichirs 1 Normal Senegal Bichir Adult 2 Massive Dory Catfish 2 Adult Raphael Catf... ...
11.Albino Ruby Red Oscars & Fire Chilli Red Oscars 10/01/25 Yes
Last lot of these beuts Ruby red albino have white heads /white patches in body 7” / 5 left Fire chilli have full body colour stunning just one pair left 8-9” Feeding on pellets /great looking Oscar Pm or watsapp Planet Arowana 07544 467760
12.Albino Super Red Oscars 09/01/25 Yes
Stunning Super Red Oscars Great quality hand picked by myself from Asia full body colour Great size Super Reds 8-9” Pm for details Thank you Planet Arowana 07544467760
13.Maidenhead Aquatics @ Ashtead - Tropical List 04/12/24 - UPDATED 04/12/24 Yes
A warm tropical welcome from Maidenhead Aquatics at Ashtead, Surrey, just off of Junction 9 the M25. We guarantee to blow you away with our extensive collection of rare and unusual tropical fish, some of which you will never have seen before! Here is our current extensive Freshwater Tropical stock l... ...
14.Tropical fish for sale 11/08/24 Yes
Need to clear my tank out. 6" Red Oscar £15, Silver Dollar £8, Angel fish £10. All for £30.
15.Large tropical fish and cichlids for sale 29/05/24 No
14 inch giant gourami 14 inch giant tiger oscar 12 inch red oscar 12 inch albino tiger oscar 8 inch vieja synspilum male 6 inch leopard bush fish 8 inch king kong parrot 5-6 inch male convict 4-5 inch female red terror 9 inch upside down asian catfish Also have some aquatic turtles for s... ...
16.Various large fish 27/04/24 No
Looking to thin out some fish 1 x 31inch fire eel 2 x 15inch florida gars 1 x 12inch jaguar cichlid 1 x 12inch albino red Oscar 1 x 10inch albino long fin Oscar 1 x 13inch L600 plec 3 x Kelberi bass 1 @ 14inch 2 @ 7inch 1 x 12inch giant gourami 1 x 6inch red tail giant gourami 1 x 8inch ... ...
HIGH GRADE Red Oscar ** Astronotus ocellatus ** CICHLID **. This is a stunning Large HIGH Grade Red Oscar without any blemishes and odd patterns. Has the perfect black to red ratio. And has excellent gradient throughout the fins and tail. The base colouring is very vibrant. Great specimen in ... ...
18.High grade Oscar 01/02/24 Yes
HIGH GRADE Red Oscar ** Astronotus ocellatus ** CICHLID **. This is a stunning Large HIGH Grade Red Oscar without any blemishes and odd patterns. Has the perfect black to red ratio. And has excellent gradient throughout the fins and tail. The base colouring is very vibrant. Great specimen in ... ...
19.High Grade Oscar approximately 12-13” stunning fish 01/02/24 Yes
HIGH GRADE Red Oscar ** Astronotus ocellatus ** CICHLID **. This is a stunning Large HIGH Grade Red Oscar without any blemishes and odd patterns. Has the perfect black to red ratio. And has excellent gradient throughout the fins and tail. The base colouring is very vibrant. Great specimen in ... ...
20.Big red Oscar 31/01/24 Yes
Lovley red Oscar 10” £30 call Charlie 0785996749
21.Red oscar 21/01/24 No
For sale 8 to 10" red oscar . Or possibly swap for large female convict or other cichlid
22.10 inch Chilli red Oscar 15/01/24 Yes
For sale large healthy chilli Oscar needing a new home £40
23.10 inch Chilli red Oscar 14/01/24 Yes
For sale large healthy chilli Oscar needing a new home £40
24.10 inch Chilli red Oscar 14/01/24 Yes
For sale large healthy chilli Oscar needing a new home £40
25.Tiger Red Oscar Fish - 30cm Large 30/12/23 Yes
Introducing the impressive Tiger Oscar Cichlid Astronotus Ocellatus, a perfect addition to any freshwater aquarium. This tropical fish boasts a moderate temperament and is an ideal choice for beginners. With its stunning appearance and easy-to-care-for nature, the Oscar Cichlid is a popular choic... ...
26.Chilli Red Oscar Fish - 20cm Large 30/12/23 Yes
Looking for a unique addition to your aquarium? Check out this Oscar Cichlid Astronotus Ocellatus, also known as the Red Chilli Oscar. This large fish, measuring 25cm, is a great choice for beginner level aquarium enthusiasts. With a moderate temperament, this tropical fish thrives in fresh water an... ...
27.Red Oscar cichlid 04/10/23 No
It’s classed as a super red high-grade registrar and the photos don’t do it justice is about 4 1/2 inches in length doesn’t have any thing damage or scars so you can be in quarantine them wormed but its ot wild caught I want £35 for it
28.Oscar cichlids 20/02/23 No
Hi all, I am selling various Oscar cichlids due to a loss of interest. 3 x 10 inch tiger Oscar’s £30 a piece 1 x 10 inch albino tiger Oscar £30 1 x red oscar 10 inch £20 1 x albino red oscar 10 inch£30 4 x tiger Oscar’s 3-4 inch £20 for the group 2 x albino tiger Oscar’s 3-4 inch ... ...
29.Oscar cichlids 18/02/23 Yes
Hi all, I am selling various Oscar cichlids due to a loss of interest. 3 x 10 inch tiger Oscar’s £30 a piece 1 x 10 inch albino tiger Oscar £30 1 x red oscar 10 inch £20 1 x albino red oscar 10 inch£30 4 x tiger Oscar’s 3-4 inch £20 for the group 2 x albino tiger Oscar’s 3-4 inch ... ...
30.Looking for one or two 4 inch red Oscars. 26/08/22 No
Anyone got any for sale, no smaller than 4” no bigger than 5” only interested in Red Oscar not Tiger or Albino. Thanks
31.Good size s/a fish for sale. £100 if all taken together. 21/05/22 No
Long fin tiger oscar 8" £40. Red tiger severum 7" £70. rotkiel severum 7" £20. Green severum 5" £15. Red oscar 6" £10. X5 red hook dollars 7" £20 for 5. X10 silver dollars 5" £20 for 10. Deals on multiples welcome.
32.Shutting down 9ft tank fish for sale. Nice cube 18 inches sump black stand. 21/02/22 No
I have for sale x1 long fin tiger oscar 7-8" £40. X1 red oscar 6" £10. ×10 silver dollars 4-5" £20. ×5 red hook dollars 6-7" £20. x1 red tiger severum (rare to find) 7" £70. X1 rotkeil severum 7" £20. X1 green severum 5" £10. X7 xiphophorus helleri yucatan... ...
33.Varied Cichlids and Tropical Fish 20/02/22 Yes
1x Aequidens Diadema - Male, Approx 8 inches in size. 1x Chisel-tooth approx 9 inches 1x Breeding Pair of Green Severums 1x Breeding Pair of Hybrid Geophagus/convict 1x Breeding Pair of Oscars. Lemon Male & Albino Tiger Female 11x Clown Loach between 3 & 7 inches 1x Red N... ...
34.X4 oscar cichlids 24/07/21 No
4 oscar fish 6-8 inches long X1 longfin tiger oscar 8 inches X2 red tiger oscars 6 inches X1 albino red oscar 7 inches £80 the lot or £25 each Message me on whatsapp for videos 07538224874
35.VARIOUS FISH 10/07/21 Yes
Red Giant Gourami 13" Giant Gourami 13" Red Oscar 12" Clown Knife fish 13" Ornate Bichir 14" Delhezi Bichir 12" For a quick sale i will let all fish go for £120 PO7 Area
36.Oscar cichlid 23/06/21 Yes
7 inch red Oscar £10 collection only please text on 07492654045
37.VARIOUS LARGE FISH 22/06/21 Yes
Unfortunately having to close down my tank, remaining fish below Florida Gar 13" - £100 Red Giant Gourami 13" - £40 Giant Gourami 13" - £30 Red Oscar 12" - £20 Clown Knife fish 13" - £50 Ornate Bichir 14" - £50 Delhezi Bichir 12" - £50 Will do a ... ...
38.Red Oscar 23/05/21 Yes
Red Oscar 6 inch £10 pick up only Po93dp
39.Cichlids for sale - call/text for prices 25/03/21 Yes
Albino Tiger Oscar 8" Tiger Oscar 8" Tiger Oscar 7" Albino Red Oscar 6" Tiger Oscar (Copper) 4" Blood Red Parrots 3" x2 Jack Dempsey 4" x2 Common pleco 11" x2 Common pleco 6" x2
Some of the new stock below from PA all in stock. IN STOCK Aba Aba knifefish ( large size 14” -17” ) Elephant nose (petersii) Citherus Citherus Bagrus Docmak (Giant silver catfish) Spiny Eel Phago Maculatus (African long nose pike ) rare King Kong Parrot. (Orange) King Kong P... ...
41.Red oscars 30/12/20 Yes
I have 3 8 inch red Oscars for sale 1female 2males
42.Various LARGE cichlids and tanks 05/08/20 No
I have the following for sale Large male tiger oscar 12 inches Large Pantano 12 - 13 inches female 6 inch albino oscar 6 inch red oscar 2 Large plecos 12 inches and 14 inches Geophagus Braziliensis 8 inches 2 x 200 l tanks with heaters external filters contact me if interested an... ...
43.Americans 10/07/19 No
Few Americans for sale: 10 inch true parrot 7 inch true parrot x2 7 inch Tiger oscar x2 10 inch Albino red oscar 4 inch Cuban x2 5.5 inch Cuban 4/5 inch blood parrott 3 inch cryptoheros cutteri 1 inch cryptoheros cutteri 3.5 inch jack Dempsey x2 Electric blue acara fry x20 Flowerhor... ...
44.Large tropical fish/pond closure 07/05/19 Yes
3 redtail catfish ranging from 15-24 in 1 black pacu about 18-20in 1 albino and red bellied pacu about 15in 1 red oscar about 10in 2 plecs about 10in Looking to sell altogether if possible No reasonable offer refused
45.12inch red oscar 23/11/17 No
We have a stunning full grown Oscar that is 18 month old In great condition but sadly needs to be rehomed due too the tank becoming overcrowded. Currently in a 10ft tank with silver arrowanas, peacock bass,cat fish etc eats virtual ly anything a very peaceful fish 25 pound to a good home
46.WANTED albino red oscar asap 22/01/17 No
Hi I'm looking for a albino red oscar 6"+ must be local thanks. 07719899955.
47.Red OsCaRs AlBiNoS needed 13/01/17 No
soon -in 2-4 weeks time im gonna need few red oscars,albinos 2-3".... 'not longtail" can you email me with pictures and prices???just email or this site messages... dont phone me tx...
48.Fluval Roma 200 for sale £200 ono 23/08/16 Yes
Fluval Roma 200L aquarium. External filter, 1500ufx aquamanta with built in UV. 300watt Marina water heater Water movment fan. Air pump. Every thing in picutre comes with sale, with or without the fish. 1 x Red Oscar 8inch 1 x Plec 12 inch 1 x Jack Dempsy 4 inch 1 x Coockoo catfish 3 inch ... ...
Pair of XL pink Parrots £65. Texas Cichlid £15. Bosemani Rainbows (2.5") £7.50 Dwarf Neon/Red Honey Gouramis (2") £4, 3 For £10 Geophagus (3.5") £15 Large Plecs (10-15") £25-35 L Tin Foils (4") £15 XL Lionheads (5") £25 Mini Silver Dollars (2") £5 L264 Plec (4") -£POA ... ...
50.LJB aquatics - now in stock, bd hybrid rays, huge variety of flowerhorn, oscar 04/08/15 No
now in stock at ljb aquatics bd x pearl hybrid ray £200 6 inch disk motoro male ray 5 inch disk £80 over 50 flowerhorn, from SRD to KAMFA and KING KAMFA, SHORT BODY & BONSAI also in stock long fin tiger oscars, long fin latino albino oscars, albino oscars (not tiger but all cream/white) SB R... ...
51.Male black and red oscar 8 inches and orange parrot 6/7 inches for sale or swap 16/07/15 Yes
I have 2 male oscars and the one for swap is getting bullied by my albino and parrot fish. He is very quiet but funny, will eat anything including 6 inch lobster!!! Im looking to swap him for a larger female or something different that is larger than my other 8 inch oscar. I have a 4ft tank set up w... ...
52.various fish for sale 14/07/15 No
Red oscar, black acara, channa gachua, synodontis eupterus, asain upside down catfish, large plec plus 2 small plecs
53.10 inch Breeding Pair Of Oscars. £50.00 NOW SOLD THANKYOU. 15/03/15 Yes
For Sale.I have a Breeding Pair Of 10"+ Oscars.The Female is a Venezuelan Red Oscar & the Male is a Black Red Tiger.Only selling as want to concerntrate on JACK DEMPSEY & JAGUAR CichlidsThey're approximately 36mnths old,and I have had around 6~7 batches of between 300/500 young.You can make £200+ m... ...
Bosemani Rainbows (2.5") £7.50 Dwarf Neon/Red Honey Gouramis (2") £4, 3 For £10 Geophagus (3.5") £15 Large Pleco (10-12") £25 L Tin Foils (4") £15 1 Pair of Piranhas (3") £35 XL Lionheads (5") £25 Mini Silver Dollars (2") £5 L264 Plec (4") -POA L66 Plec (2.5") -POA L... ...
NEW IN: 1 Pair of Piranhas (3") £35 XL Lionheads (5") £25 Mini Silver Dollars (2") £5 L264 Plec (4") -POA L66 Plec (2.5") -POA L7 Plec (2.5") -POA XXL Angels (Black/Yellow/Silvers) - £25 Hoplo Catfish (5") - £30 "Brilliant" Blue/Red Discus... ...
In stock currently we have.. NEW IN: Spotted Gar (6-8") £ 49 - Silver Arowana - £99 (Negotiable) Tin Foil Barbs (4-5inch) - £15.00 Haplochromis Electric Blue (3-4inch) - £10.95 each Large Black Shark (Around 8inches) - SOLD Oscars (Mix)(4-5inches) - £17.95 each - SOLD Green, Blu... ...
Welcome to our stocklist.. In stock currently we have.. NEW IN: Tin Foil Barbs (4-5inch) - £15.00 Haplochromis Electric Blue (3-4inch) - £10.95 each Large Black Shark (Around 8inches) - SOLD Oscars (Mix)(4-5inches) - £17.95 each Green, Blue and Pink Parrot Fish - £15.00 or 2 for £25.... ...
58.9ftx2x2 fish tank and cabinet 13/11/14 No
For sale is my 9x2x2ft fish tank comes with cabinet lid and glass sliders, also come with light heater internal and external filters a single air pump and a 4 way air pump ornaments and fish witch are 2 giant gouramis green snook red Oscar Synspilum geo syramensis breeding pair of rainbows 4 clown l... ...
59.coming in this week in Oxfordshire Yarnton, including Peacock bass 2 for £20 09/11/14 Yes
Due in this week at Yarnton pet and Aquatics. Catfish Clown Pleco £9.99 Synodontis decorus £9.99 Synodontis Multipunctatus £14.99 Redtail catfish £24.99 Tiger shovelnose 6cm £14.99 Rare Parauchenipterus galeatus Leticia £24.99 Cichlids Green severum £4.99 Peacock bass P.ocellaris ... ...
60.Red Oscar - £10 or swap for albino oscar 7 inches 03/09/14 Yes
As the title says, Red Oscar about 7 / 8" perfect fish - £10 Or will swap for albino oscar around same size.
61.Jeff Rapps Order at Oddball Express- Many rare and wild tropical fish 01/07/14 No
Jeff Rapps Tangled up In cichlids order going to be placed on the 6th of July. Please email or ring for more details or to place an order. email oddballexpressnet@hotmail.co.uk 50% Deposit needed to bring the fish in. SOUTH AMERICAN CICHLIDS Aequidens metae ... ...
Our stock list and prices of what we have in at the moment are as followed.. Special orders can be made, as long as deposit is paid. Tropical Fish: JUST IN: 2 large Male Frontosa (Around 7inches and 9inches) - £60.00 each or £100.00 the pair. Topaz Puffer Fish (Around 5inches) - BACK IN ... ...
63.10 inch Tiger Oscar & 6 inch Red Oscar 11/06/14 Yes
10" Tiger Oscar & 6" Red Oscar To many O's in my tank so thinning out my stock. £25 for Tiger, £20 for Red Chris tel: 07711833545
64.4 oscars for sale 07/06/14 No
Hi we are selling 4 large oscars. 3 red oscars 2 are a pair so will have to go together and 1 tiger oscar. All are showing signs of breeding but tank is too cramped. All healthy eating everything and doing well. Selling due to shutting down my tank. Make me sensible offers on them collection prestwi... ...
65.cichlids and tropical fish 24/04/14 Yes
forsale or swap far malawi 1 red oscar 7 8 inch 2 tiger oscars 5 6 inch 2 green terrors 4 and 7 inch 1 texas convict 7 inch 1 jack dempsey 6 7 inch 1 yellow sev 7 inch 1 blue lobster 5 6 inch PRESTON AREA £ 100 ono or good swap far malawis contact 07513630011 ryan gormley
Hi Selling tsnk so I have its contents for quick sales 1 x Red Oscar 10/11inch 1 x Green Terror 6/7inch 1 x Jack Dempsey 5/6inch 1 x Electric Blue Jack Dempsey 5/6inch 1 x Clown Loach 5inch 1 x Common Plec 7/8inch 1 x Humbug Catfish 4inch Sizes are from head to end of tail and are appro... ...
67.REDUCED 190.00 ONO 4ft fish tank 27/02/14 Yes
4ft fish tank with stand, slight water damage to stand. 2x external tetratec ex1200 filters, one brand new in box (worth £100) one working with the tank now but needs manually syphoning. 2x 200w heaters and twin light. digital thermometer and twin air pump. 3d background, ornaments, bog wood, plant... ...
68.Mixed selection of Fish for Sale 03/02/14 Yes
Three Red Oscars 7 to 9 inches, One Black Ghost Knife fish approx 8 inches, one Pimelodus Pictus Catfish, three Bristle Nose Catfish, one Sturisoma Whiptail Catfish, two Corydoras Catfish. All must go together as downsizing tank. Also a number of non-specific Anubias Plants. Exeter, Devon £30 on... ...
69.Cichlids for sale 1 female dovi 7inches 1 albino oscar 6 inches 1 red oscar 30/01/14 No
8 inches 1 small dovi 3 an a half inch 1 small red oscar 3 inch 1 aaa super red female flowerhorn 4 inches all for sale or swaps for fish and bear glass tanks call or txt Gary...07730474893 flowerhorn sold
70.South American tank clearence 25/01/14 No
Clearing a south aerican tank open to offers on all fish will consider swaps for malawi,tanks equiptmet,ocean rock or ornaments 1x polleni oscar also known as starry night oscar 1 x albino tiger oscar 3-4 inches 1 x tiger oscar 10 inch 1 x red oscar 8inch 1 red oscar 6 inch 1 albino red osca... ...
71.Fish for sale . Swop 13/11/13 Yes
14" silver arowana ¡ê45 10" white and red Oscar ¡ê25 12" golden snake head ¡ê60 8" fresh toad fish ¡ê60 10" red tail catfish ¡ê30 All the fish are in good condition and perfect health Please check my other listing . Lot of things going to sale
72.pair of oscars wanted 05/11/13 No
Albino and red Oscars wanted for large aquarium,
73.juwel 450 bow fronted fish tank and fx6 09/09/13 Yes
Here i am selling my juwel 450 bow fronted fish tank with the stand with an fx6 filter which iv had for about a month so practically new! and i have a fluval 206 on the tank as well the tank has 3 large heaters all in excellent working order, i also have some red and green spotlights,UV steriliser, ... ...
74.Maple Aquatics Dereham Norfolk 16/05/13 Yes
We stock Tropical Coldwater and Marine Fish and loads of pond fish Trigon 190 in beech tank and stand filter heater and light unitT8 lighting £175 Large red oscar £30 Pond plants in stock Open mon-sat 9-5 sun 10-1 The Yard, Wellington Road Dereham Norfolk NR19 2BP 01362 692532
75.Maple Aquatics Dereham Near Norwich Norfolk 15/05/13 Yes
Tropical Coldwater and Marine Fish Trigon 190 in beech tank and stand T8 lighting Fluval 4plus filter and heater £175 call 01362 692532 for more details Rekord 120 in black tank and stand filter heater and t8 light unit £100 Trigon 190 in white New Lido 120 in beech new rio 125 in ... ...
76.AT AQUATICS 14/05/13 Yes
AT AQUATICS 133 Elmbridge Road Great Barr Birmingham B44 8AG 0121 356 8554 Stocking A good range of coldwater, Tropical and Large Tropical Fish. We have a good variety of all ranges of fish. Also stocking little and large unusual's from baby shrimp, frogs and lobsters to arowanas, piran... ...
77.Maple Aquatics Dereham Norfolk 10/05/13 Yes
Tropical Coldwater and marine fish Trigon 190 tank and stand in beech with heater filter and lights £175 Juwel 4ft tank and stand in black £100 with heater light unit and fluvsl u2 filter New Lido 120 in beech, Trigon 190 in white rio 125 in beech Large red oscar £30 Jack demseys £25 ... ...
78.American chichlids for sale 06/05/13 Yes
I have variouse chichlids for sale i have 1 tiger oscar-£15 1 red oscar £10 1 jaguar- £15 1 talapia buttikoferi-£10 1 green terror £7 1 red devil £15 1 large pleco £10 I will do them all for £70 PLEASE RING MY MOBILE OR TEXT FOR DETAILS 07921 399312 thanks or email me callum... ...
79.OSCAR BREEDING PAIR / 1 ALBINO 1 RED OSCAR / £40 25/04/13 Yes
I have two Oscars that we have had around 3 1/2 years, only recently I have realised that these two have separated off & started doing the breeding/mating signals with each other. Both fish are nearly fully grown, the albino is slightly bigger & more chunkier than the Red. If you would like t... ...
wanted any size red oscars or albino red oscars, can pick up within 30 miles of CV37 (STRATFORD UPON AVON) txt please
81.Maple Aquatics Dereham Norfolk 11/04/13 Yes
Tropical Marine and coldwater fish We have everything you may need for your aquarium and fish pond New and Second hand fish tanks in stock Large Red Oscar £25 Redtail Catfish £75 Large Bits of bogwood £30 Jack Demseys £25 Large Silver Sharks and much more Trigon 190 in Black £225 ... ...
82.Maple Aquatics Dereham Norfolk 10/04/13 Yes
Tropical Coldwater and Marine Fish We have Everything you may need for your aquarium We are a Juwel Aquarium Dealer We stock All Biorb products New and second hand fish tanks in stock Trigon 190 in black tank and stand £225 Rio 240 in beech £250 tank and stand Vision 180 in darkwood n... ...
83.Maple Aquatics Dereham Norfolk 04/04/13 Yes
Tropical Marine And Coldwater Fish New and Second Hand Tanks in Stock and Too Order in, Juwel Aquarium Dealer. All Pond Uvs Equipment Pond Plants Liners Hose and more in stock We also offer a maintenance service for more details call 01362 692532 Jack Demseys £25 Red Oscar 8 inch £25 ... ...
84.Maple Aquatics Dereham Norfolk 03/04/13 Yes
Tropical Coldwater and Marine Fish Redtail Catfish £75 Red Oscar 8 inch £25 Jack Demseys 6-7 inch £25 Tiger Pleco 4 inch £15 Anjelocous Catfish 6 inch £50 Large silver dollars £10 and Much More Rio 240 in Beech Tank and Stand second hand good Condition £250 Lido 120 New in beech £... ...
85.Maple Aquatics Dereham Norfolk 30/03/13 Yes
Tropical Coldwater and Marine Fish New and Second hand fish tanks in stock Trigon 190 in white great offer call 01362 692532 Trigon 190 in black £225 Rio 240 in Beech £250 5Foot tank awaiting prep Red Oscar about 8 inch Large clown loachs £15 Jack Demseys £25 and much more Open ... ...
86.Maple Aquatics Dereham Norfolk 28/03/13 Yes
Tropical Coldwater and Marine Fish Large Red Oscar about 8" Jack Demesey 6" £25 Golden Severums £12 Anjelicous Catfish about 6" and much more Trigon 190 in black £225 Rio 240 in beech £250 Redtail Catfish £75 about 17" New and second hand fish tanks in stock ... ...
87.Maple Aquatics Dereham Norfolk 13/03/13 Yes
Tropical Colwater and Marine Fish We have everything you may need for your aquarium and fish pond Decorus 6-8" Anjelcous red Oscar Redtail Catfish 40cm £100 Tiger shovel nose catfish £100 Call for more details 01362 692532 New and second hand fish tanks in stock open mon-sat 9... ...
88.4ft tropical set up plus red oscar £60.00 11/03/13 Yes
hi i have a 4ft by 1ft and half by 1ft half fish tank comes with light filter air pump sand bog wood and red oscar if wanted the tank does not leak and will be left set up so buyer can see and then emptied no scratchs and no chips on the tank the red oscar is in good health also the light works as i... ...
89.4ft tropical set up £60.00 11/03/13 Yes
hi i have a 4ft by 1ft and half by 1ft half fish tank comes with light filter air pump sand bog wood and red oscar if wanted the tank does not leak and will be left set up so buyer can see and then emptied no scratchs and no chips on the tank the red oscar is in good health also the light works as i... ...
tiger oscars about 7-8 inches other is RED OSCAR IS ABOUT 9 inches really need to get rid of them asap deliver locally. Really great pair have a lot of color. Will swap with arowana and a bit of money ontop Wolverhampton 07710531342
91.Oscars For Sale Or Swap 24/12/12 No
I have 2 red oscars and 1 white need all 3 away. Changing to a community tank setup, white about 7" red about 5" and 6.5". Make me an offer or willing to swap for various mollies, guppies, gouramis, etc. Thanks
92.Oscars,firemouths,jd,gt,jewell for sale 03/12/12 Yes
Unfortunately im having to shut down my tanks, so i need the following fish rehoming. For sale - 2 x Green terrors (male&female) 3.5"&5" £15 2 x Jack dempseys (male&female bred twice) 4"&6" £30 5 x firemouths (both sexes,various sizes) £10 1... ...
93.Red Oscars free to a good home 26/08/12 No
I have two red Oscars, both now fully grown, that I need adopting. They are both magnificent specimens and have both achieved over 12" in length, the colouration on them is a vivid red/orange, really quite a striking variety of the red Oscar fish. One is completely unblemished, however one has ... ...
94.Oscars for sale £20 pair 19/08/12 Yes
Hi, Im selling my two oscars Lutino Red - beautiful condition length approx : 12" Red Oscar condition nipped on fins due to tank move around fish dont usually fight. Length approx : 9" these fish have been together all of their lives so i would like them to stay as a pair. Despite the nips on th... ...
95.giraffe catfish 14/07/12 Yes
9" lovely giraffe catfish. Good home only £25, 9" Red Oscar £15, Both £30..First come first 1gets 07950 636948
96.Wanted Red Oscar 06/05/12 No
Looking for Red Oscar for sale near Birmingham and Dudley.
97.Fish for sale 14/03/12 No
For sale A spotted severum , 2 jack dempsey's , red oscar , fire mouth , upside down catfish , synadontis catfish , 2 bristle nose ansistrus , 2 large pleco's , medium pleco , small pleco . For anymore details of each fish please contact me and i will send pictures etc .
98.fish for sale. SOLD SOLD SOLD 23/02/12 Yes
I have for sale the following fish as I'm turning my tank community. Red oscar 7-8 inchs £10. 2 jag cichlids 4-5 inchs £10each or £15 the pair. Parrot fish 4inchs still dark in colour £8. Jack dempsey 4inchs £5. Silver doller 4-5inchs £5. Severum 5-6inchs £5. Blue acara 4-5 inchs £5... ...
99.Red Oscars For Sale £5 Each 30/01/12 No
I have two red oscars that want to get rid of and am willing to sell for £5 each. They are about 8 inches. The reason for me selling them is because they are not a pair and cannot go together as i found out after a while of having them together. They are both perfectly healthy just as i said cannot... ...
100.Amwell Aquatics Epping Tropical Freshwater Stocklist: 05/01/12 05/01/12 No
* = New in Stock Tetras **NEW** Sunshine Neon Tetra - Pacheirodon innesi*** X-Ray Tetra – Pristella maxillaris Glass Bloodfin Tetra – Prionobrama filigera January Tetra - Hemigrammus hyanuary* Purple Emperor tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri "super blue" Kerri Tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri Bleed... ...
101.Maple Aquatics Dereham Norfolk 04/01/12 Yes
We have a wide range of tropical marine and coldwater fish, Everything you may need for your aquarium. Juwel Trigon 190 beech colour Tank and Stand £175 Juwel Vision 180 Tank and stand in black £150 Juwel rio 180 Tank and Stand in beech £150 Juwel Lido Tank and Stand in Darkwood £175 Eh... ...
102.70 gallon juwel tank. , oscars, plecostumos 27/12/11 Yes
Here we have a juwel tank. It is 4 ft x 20" x 20 ". 4 oscars, 1 albino, 2red oscars and 1 tiger oscar. One L91 Plec. Red oscars are a breeding pair. Oscars range in size from 7 " to 12 ". 2. There are 2 external filters Fluval 405 and a Fluval 203. Also comes with a 300w heater. Nets food etc.... ...
103.Breeding pair of oscars for sale 26/11/11 Yes
One male Tiger oscar around 10 inch one female Velvet Red oscar also around 10 inch spawn once every few weeks selling due to them taking up most of the tank with their breeding area £40 takes them today LE2 4QA leicester pick up only i can supply bags and poly box but you must brin... ...
104.Pair Of Astronotus Ocellatus, Oscar Cichlids. 01/11/11 Yes
Pair of lovely Oscars. The Albino Red Oscar is around 9.5". The Red Oscar is around 9" as you might be able to see in the picture he has protruding bottom lip he has always been like this and it doesnt affect him. £40 ono.
105.Red Oscar 31/10/11 No
Red oscar for sale due to down scaling a lovely healthy well marked and placid fish 10 inch long £ 15-00
106.Juwel 350 Aquariam 21/10/11 Yes
Juwel 350 litre corner fish tank. In very good condition, currently set up for tropical fish. Comes with all equipment, the only thing required is an external filter. Gravel,ornaments & buckets included. Range of tropical fish also which can come with the tank including: - 2 x large red Oscar... ...
107.cichlids for sale 03/10/11 No
i have the following fish for sale due to re decorating i have 2 big red oscars 2 good size jaguar cichlids 1 red tiger cichlid a breeding pair of red devil 1 midas 1green terror 2 med size flowerhorn and 15 small flowerhorn 6 jack dempsey everything must go call ste on 07597790621 than... ...
108.for sale south american cichlids 07/09/11 No
red oscar 7 inch £10.00need it gone quick thanks tel 07428397030.
109.Tank and fish 08/08/11 Yes
Looking for a good home to Sell my tank, fish, filter and ornaments to. The tank has been running for a few years with the fish and is very settled. Fish have been well looked after and in healthy condition. Selling due to relocation. Fishes included :- Red Oscar - About 11 inches Albin... ...
110.6ft tank full setup chatham kent 16/07/11 Yes
tank 6ftx 2ft x 2ft 6" with cabinet ,comes as full setup 4 large tilapia buttikoferi beeding,3 large Albino tiger oscars,1 large red oscar,1 large dovi,4 pleco,comes with light,2 300w heaters,air pump,Eheim Filter ,sand,rocks £500 07505888422
111.beautifull red velvet oscar 13/05/11 No
hi i have a lovely red oscar for sale its very healthy and one of the nicest ive seen reason for sale is im getting out of fish keeping you will need to bring a net and a large bag £10 which is a bargain as i paid £30 for him
112.for sale 29/03/11 No
8" adult red oscar fish also 11" adult albino oscar lve had these for a few month's now realy like them but due to going away to work and not having anyone to look after cant keep them will spilt £50 the pair
113.Very large sliver sharks 15inch and 14 inch 19/03/11 No
These are very large sliver sharks healthy fish quil sale needed female is 15 inch and a deep fish amd male is 14 inch and slim they are the beleaved sex but not 100 percent i am wanting 20 pound each i wont accept any less im In runcorn area I also have two large 8-10inch red oscars nice fish... ...
114.Oscars and various large fish 15/03/11 No
1 x red oscar adult @ approx 10" 1 x high red albino oscar adult @ approx 10" Pair tiger oscars - proven breeders @ approx 10" Plec @ approx 12" Upside down sailfin catfish @ approx 7" All of the above are healthy fish in great condition. Prefer to sell toget... ...
115.common pleco 12 inches 26/01/11 No
hi i have 5 plecos ranging from 7 to 12 inches i think there all common pleco, the 12 inch £10 the others £5 each. i also have a 8-9 inch red oscar for sale on here for £15 thx
116.aquariums 23/01/11 Yes
i have for sale 3x 6ft tanks-2x 4ft tanks-1x 5ft tank, loads of accesories and external filters and so on, call me or txt me:07543999509, post code:sw100bu buyer will have to collect i will help with the heavy stuff if required. no lids or hoods of any kind, just the aqueriums on their own, i also... ...
117.Tropical Fish Delivered to Your Door (for £9.95) Jan 17th 18/01/11 Yes
We can combine postage costs on multiple items ordered. Payment: We would require payment from the following methods: Paypal or postal order. Paypal is the most efficient and safest way. Please find below a list of fish availability and size:FISH BARBS Checker Barb 1.5cm Cherry Barb... ...
118.red oscar baby (1 - 2 inches) 14/01/11 Yes
red baby oscar cichlid. red, orange & black markings. very younge feeding on cichlid pellets. eats alot at the moment and isnt agressive with my other cichlids so should be fine with other tank mates well small. contact me through phone or email. cash on collection only. thanks
119.FREE red oscar with pack HIKARI PRO cichlid 20/12/10 No
Hello, I rescued this oscar from a very well known aqua centre fish shop in the west end, it was in a pirahna tank and was pretty mauled. I ordered they take the fish out and give me it, that was a good few months ago and his now much much better, has great colour and character loves pellet food... ...
120.Jewel Aquatics will deliver fish to your door for £9.95 per box. 20/12/10 Yes
Example 25 Neon tetras for £15.95 + £9.95 (postage)= £25.90 We can combine postage costs on multiple items ordered. Payment: We would require payment from the following methods: Paypal or postal order. Paypal is the most efficient and safest way. Alternatively, postal orders can be sent... ...
121.3x oscar fish and more 19/09/10 No
2 red oscar about 10inches looking for 50 pound for both 1 albino about 3inches looking for 8 pound also 4 convicts 2 pleco and 1 maliwe and 2 jacks or the lot for £70all in the same tank but need the tank for my reptiles email me on cliffordboden1@msn.com as i dont come on this often thanks
122.Wanted. Oscar or Pirahnas Fishes 01/07/10 No
Hi , im just setting up a large 70 gal tank and am looking to get 1 or 2 red oscars or 1 or 2 Pirahna fishes . Glasgow area .
123.Cichlids Fish For Sale 09/05/10 Yes
Im puting this advert up for my boyfriend as he wants to sell most of his fish in his tank which are: 1x 10inch tiger oscar:£15 1x 5inch red oscar:£10 1x 10inch shark albino catfish:£10 2x 3-4inches parrot fish:£8 each 1x 10inch commen plec:£15 1x 8inch red plec:£10 1x 6inch jack demp... ...
124.2x 4-5 inch Oscars For Sale - Offers Availible - Collcetion only 29/04/10 Yes
one male red oscar perfect condition one female tiger oscar good condition has a few marks where my crayfish has recentley been quite territorial but nothing permanent. Calls to 07756634558 After 4pm Preferably :) Video at- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0iDsEiOMTA
125.equipment wanted and particular fish 27/03/10 No
stocking new large tank in North Yorkshire. wanted: any large bogwood external canister filters (any considered as need extra filtration ontop of my eheim proff 2) misc. equipment e.g gravel vacs etc money waiting for correct gear please email. Fish wanted (resonable prices paid please e... ...
126.Pair of Oscars 26/01/10 No
Hi, my friend wants to sell his pair of red oscars, they are very bright coloured and happy fish, about 6'' he is after smaller cichlids or dwarf cichlids What you got to offer? tx me on 07973210536 Thanks! Pics availible on request.
127.Pair of Oscars 26/01/10 No
Hi a friend of mine wants rid of his two red oscars, they are exeptional quality, bright red body and eating well, they are about 5/6'' in lenth. He wants to swap for smaller cichlids or anything you can offer realy, let me know what you think is fair and i will ask him if we wants to trade. Than... ...
128.Red or albino tiger oscar wanted 10/01/10 No
hi, looking for a red oscar or albino tiger oscar around 2-3 inches. Delivery must be included
129.for sale,3 oscars,1 severum,1 jackdempsey, 1 plec 13/10/09 No
i have for sale, one albino, one tiger and one red oscars, all 8inch to 9inch. one green severum at 7inch. one jackdempsey at 6 inch an one plec 10inch or longer. they are housed in a 3.9ft clearseal tank, which comes free with the fish if wanted (with equip). £150 ono.07975694618 01392215987 jessp... ...
130.odd ball cichlids for sale 11/10/09 No
hi i have for sale a loverly redtail catfish aprox 8 inch this is a stunning fish whos tame and eating like a pig needs to go into a tank atleast 5 foot as he will grow big! i also have a large red oscar of aprox 9 inches again he will need a big tank as he is still growing, again hes a loverly fish... ...
131.fluval edge with heater black £65 like new 21/09/09 Yes
i have only had this tank a few weeks. GCSEs comming up and dont have time for fish keeping. comes with every thing including £30 heater, decor and stones. like new condition as only had it a little while. if you want i will be happy to give you my fish in there now. i have two red oscars and a bl... ...
132.oscars for sale bristol area 14/09/09 No
I am selling a red oscar approx 5" and a red tiger oscar approx 11". They are housed seperately at different addresses (1 at girlfriends house) I am looking for £10 for the smaller one and around £20 for larger one. I also have 2 common plecs which i will give for free with oscars. rough... ...
133.Large Oscars 27/08/09 Yes
(2 Tiger & 2 Red) Red tigers 9.5-10 inches Colorful Tiger Oscars 2 of them 9.5-10 inches Gorgeous bright colour & Healthy( except one!) 1 Tiger OSCARS- £10 Red OSCARS-£10 Each 1 Tiger oscar -free (Please note, one Oscar has hole in the head. please see the pics bellow!! Thats why... ...
I am selling a 48x15x20 (LxWxD) in immaculate condition. The set up I am selling comprises of the following: Antique pine coloured melamine cabinet and hood Tank with 2 glass sliding cover plates Fluval 304 external canister filter 200w heater Dual socket air pump connected to air cur... ...
135.albino red oscar 4 to 5 14/06/09 Yes
albino red oscar 4 to 5'' very nice looking fish eating well on blood worm and lance fish also hikari cichlid gold reson for sale want to try to breed rams and keyhole cichlid.£25ono if you are intrested please email as in france this week will be back next saturday. pics are not of the fish but wa... ...
136.Oscars 11/04/09 Yes
(2 Tiger & 2 Red) Red tigers 9.5-10 inches Colorful Tiger Oscars 2 of them 9.5-10 inches Gorgeous bright colour & Healthy Gorgeous Blue Acara (AEQUIDENS APALLIDUS. Tiger OSCARS- £8 and £10 Please note, £8 Oscar has hole in the head. please see the pics bellow!! Red OSCARS-£ ... ...
137.Red Oscar - Staffordshire area 17/03/09 No
Red Oscar for sale. Has now outgrown the tank and I have no room for a larger one. Approx 7-8 inches in length. Lovely colouring, eats anything! £20 ono Collection from WS12. Please call Donna 01543451026
138.Oscar 07/02/09 Yes
I have three oscars for sale, a red oscar and two tiger oscars, they are about 7 months old and have grown to about 6 inches in length, they are of great temperment and have been brought up with other species of fish so there should be no problem introducing them with tank mates. Can be bought indiv... ...
139.Oscar for sale 05/02/09 Yes
One red oscar and two orange and black tiger oscars for sale, can be bought individually for £7 each or as a group for £20, reason for sale is they need more space, offers will be considered, i live in slough near heathrow and these will be pick up only. Email theoneandonly121@hotmail.co.uk or cal... ...
140.Oscars for sale 02/02/09 Yes
One red oscar and two orange and black tiger oscars for sale, can be bought individually for £9 each or as a group for £24, reason for sale is they need more space, offers will be considered, i live in slough near heathrow and these will be pick up only. Email theoneandonly121@hotmail.co.uk or cal... ...
141.Female red oscar *wanted* 12/11/08 No
hey i need a female red oscar about 6" and abouve. i recently lost the female because of a virus that i saw too late. i may live on the isle of wight but i would be more than happy to come and collect on the mainland, however i would be happy to have one posted to me. many thanks, kieran ... ...
142.PAIR OF RED OSCARS, 01/10/08 Yes
i have a pair of oscars to sell for £45 the pair.they are 9 to 10 inches,i won't split as they are bonded.they are in a community at the moment and i have no aggression problems.any questions please ask.
143.PAIR OF RED OSCARS, 27/09/08 Yes
i have a pair of red oscars for sale.they are around 9-10 inches.i wont split them beacause they are very close.they are in a large comunity at the moment and are very peaceful.i would like around £45 the pair.i am happy to answer any questions.
144.Red Oscars - Red Tiger Oscars 01/09/08 No
Wanted, baby red or red tiger oscars or established pair, for newly matured 400 Ltr tank.
145.Oscars 20/08/08 Yes
6 Oscars (3 Tiger & 3 Red) Red tigers 9.5-10 inches Colourful Tiger Oscars 2 of them 9.5-10 inches and one is 10-11 inches Gorgeous bright colour & Healthy Gorgeous Blue Acara (AEQUIDENS APALLIDUS) & another cichlid (I don’t know the name but looks similar to a Texas cichlid.) ... ...
146.PAIR OF RED OSCARS, 16/08/08 No
147.tropical fish for sale 28/07/08 No
hi i have got some fish that i am selling due to wanting a change! i have got 2 full sized albino and red oscars, 1 kissing guarami, 2 golden guarmis, 2 large tinfoil barbs and 3 black widow tetras. i will sell all of them for 90pounds the whole lot ONO..... or oscars 60 pound the pair barbs... ...
149.2 oscars for sale 15/06/08 No
i have 2 oscars for sale,red oscar is about 9 inches and the tiger is about 10 inches,red oscar has a real unique look to him,but the tiger oscar is a beautiful example ,absolutely gorgeous,tank space is the reason for sale,open to offers.
150.Wild Oscar for sale 28/03/08 No
For sale is my adult wild Oscar. Hes about 12-13" and in stunning condition. A bit different from your average selective bred oscars. £20 collected
151.2 Red Oscars For Sale 29/08/07 No
i have 2 Red Oscars for sale. one is about 8 inches long and one is slightly smaller.if interested please contact me. many thanks
152.Albino & Tiger Albino Oscars. 18/08/07 No
i need to make room in my tank due to two 12/14 inch Oscars deciding to lay eggs and being very aggressive towards the smaller ones. they are around 4-5 inches,some with red on some with a little red and some just albino.these are a lot more friendlier than the dark Tiger and red oscars. Please ma... ...
153.large oscar, redtail cat, tank and equipment for sale 09/08/07 No
for sale are the above. 10" red oscar in good condition and a 12" redtail cat, with a juwel rio 180 tank, built in filter,heater and lights. all in good working order. There is a square cut away at the front right corner where there used to be an external filter. selling due to house move.... ...
154.albino or red oscar or other cichlids 14/03/07 No
hello i'm having troule buying a tankmate for my 7inch tiger oscar i'm looking for a albino or red oscar or another type of cichlid of similar size that could be compatible, i have left a few ads and e-mailed a few people but got no response any help would be appreciated, thankyou steven. i'm wil... ...
155.wanted albino or red oscar 08/03/07 No
hello i'm still on the look out for a cichlid fish to put with my tiger oscar which is about 7inch, prefribly a albino or red oscar or anything that is compatable ie: jack dempsey.. willing to pay and travel within reason, please email at www.stevencrs@aol.com thanks steven
156.wanted jack dempsey/albino oscar/red oscar 25/02/07 No
i am looking to buy a blue or normal jack dempsey 5 inches or above or a albino or red oscar of similer size or bigger willing to travel within reason, you can contact me via e-mail www.stevencrs@aol.com thankyou
157.2x 11-12" Oscars one Albino Red and One Red Oscar! and 5x 4-5" Silver Dollars 17/07/06 Yes
Ideally i'd like to sell these Oscars as a pair as they have grown up together and do best together i'll accept £20 each for them or both for £30. I have 5x Silver Dollars all in prime condition they are about 4 to 5" Inches long i will accept £5 each or £25 for the job lot Oscars hav... ...
158.very beautiful fish for sale 21/05/06 Yes
due to a new baby im finding it increasingly hard to find enough time for these fish and would like a good home for them all. 12" gold pleco 7" pleco 2 x 2" pleco 2 x 5" red oscars 2 x gold gourami's 2 x 4" weather loaches 2 x silver sharks 1 x bristlenose any decent offers will be consid... ...
159.fish for sale due to closure of tank 02/05/06 No
i have 4 large tin foils at 8in =12.00 each 8 tin foils 3in to 6in at 8.00 each 1 red oscar 8in at 10.00 16in orange parrot at 10.00 2 7in diamond sharks at 7.00 each 1 apollo shark 8in at 10.00
160.Tanks, fish, equipment and decoration for sale! 30/04/06 No
3 tanks, countless fish, wood, rocks, filters etc! For full list read on down the page! I don't have a set price for anything so make me an offer! Pictures are available on request so please get in touch if you have any queries. Everything is in good condition and i am willing to sell anything on it... ...
161.Tanks, fish, equipment and decoration for sale! 28/04/06 No
3 tanks, countless fish, wood, rocks, filters etc! For full list read on down the page! I don't have a set price for anything so make me an offer! Pictures are available on request so please get in touch if you have any queries. Everything is in good condition and i am willing to sell anything on it... ...
162.Breeding pair of Red Oscars £50 no offers 03/01/06 Yes
Breeding Pair of Red Oscars for sale. We have had some eggs but either the oscars or the plec ate them. Around 11" in length, very healthy, 10" Plec thrown in for free. £50 no offers I live in Bournemouth. Email me : d.knowles90@ntlworld.com Or phone on : 07814203861
163.red oscar 25/10/05 No
7" red oscar free to good home, lonely on his own he came as pair ,but the other one died.. he is three years old and am wanting to redecorate the house and the tank is too big,, so i want rid of it..hence the reason why it is free.. i live in west yorkshire in brighouse and you will have to co... ...
164.Buy 2 oscars, get a jag free 19/10/05 No
I have one beautiful tiger oscar for sale at 6.5 inches, one red oscar at around 6 inches. I'm selling them as a pair because they are good friends, always swimming together and eating together. I seperated them for a while due to moving tanks and they seemed depressed, hence they come as a pair.... ...
165.1 tiger oscar, 1 red oscar - get a jaguar cichlid for free 18/10/05 No
I have one beautiful tiger oscar for sale at 6.5 inches, one red oscar at around 6 inches. I'm selling them as a pair because they are good friends, always swimming together and eating together. I seperated them for a while due to moving tanks and they seemed depressed, hence they come as a pair.... ...
166.Beautiful large red oscar 10inches 03/05/05 Yes
10inch red oscar very pretty pefect condition friendly and eats very well, lives with 6 others at the moment but seem to do better alone or with other types of fish, only for sale as current tank is too small for so many. £25 must collect.
167.Male Red Oscar Wanted 15/04/05 No
Male red oscar fish wanted, about 6-7" in size, locally in this area, female fish needs a friend
168.RED OSCAR FOR SALE 19/01/05 No
5-6 inches beautiful but can be territorial and vengeful against fish that may attack him, but otherwise a great companion. any offer considered.
169.oscars free to good home 13/11/04 No
I have 2 Tiger Red Oscars, 1, 4inch,1, 6inch, free,must be collected from Morecambe Follow the link to the forums for mre information
We currently have an 8' x 2.5' x 2.5' display tank, plus under cabinet of the same proportions, 2x large HEIM filters, 1x UV filter, 2x Thermostats, 4x 6' strip neon lights asnd starters for sale for £800. The tank capacity is approx 350 gallons. The fish we have in the tank are: Approximate si... ...
171.two 7'' oscars for sale 27/09/04 No
two 7'' red oscars for sale due to not having enough time for my hobby now. they are just started to pair up. 30 pounds for the pair must collect in gloucester.
172.2 large red oscars for sale 08/04/04 No
£50 for the pair
173.young oscars wanted 29/01/04 No
wanting young tigers albeno and red oscars must be in essex area good quality only must not be niped or bit

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