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Home :: Cichlids General

  1 tiger oscar, 1 red oscar - get a jaguar cichlid for free

Description: I have one beautiful tiger oscar for sale at 6.5 inches, one red oscar at around 6 inches.

I'm selling them as a pair because they are good friends, always swimming together and eating together. I seperated them for a while due to moving tanks and they seemed depressed, hence they come as a pair.

The tiger oscar is a great specimen, and very voracious, eats loads and eats anything.

The red oscar has slightly damaged fins from fighting as a youngster, but is otherwise a great healthy fish.

the tiger oscar has been fed on fresh beefheart, fresh prawns, frozen cockles and lancefish and pellets, and the red oscar likes spirulina sticks, cichlid pellets, frozen cockles and live river shrimp.

£15 for them and get a 5 inch jaguar cichlid free, or will swap for a red tail catish and indoor pond if you're looking to get rid of yours ;)


Contact Information
Advertiser: Joe Raffman
Town: brighton
County: east sussex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/10/05 Views: 3238]

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