Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment
Tanks, fish, equipment and decoration for sale!
3 tanks, countless fish, wood, rocks, filters etc! For full list read on down the page! I don't have a set price for anything so make me an offer! Pictures are available on request so please get in touch if you have any queries. Everything is in good condition and i am willing to sell anything on its own.
I have a Jewel Record 60 with hood, light, filter, heater but no stand. Comes with sand substrate and 2'x1' decoration for the back.
The second tank is 30 inches long by 15 high by 12 wide. Holds approximately 18UK gallons. Comes with black stand, hood and light. Natural coloured gravel substrate with heater and fluval 2 filter.
The third tank is 36"x18"x12" with hood and light. Also available is a wooden stand with 2 cupboards. It has natural coloured gravel substrate and a background.
1 x ram
1 x ruby shark
1 x male swordtail
2 x cardinal tetras
1 x neon tetra
3 x black neon tetras
2 x glolight tetras
5 x red platys
1 x beacon tetra
2 x peppered corydoras
1 x wcmm
1 x cherry barb
1 x chinese algae eater
1 x golden ancistrus
1 x male dwarf ancistrus
1 x synodontis nigriventris
1 x pakistani/ yoyo loach
1 x 6inch red oscar
Resun Magic Jet Internal Filter 700 with box and accesories
Visi-therm 200W heater with box
3 x nets (1 x large, 2 x small)
Another interanl filter (unknown)
Magnetic Algae Class Cleaner
Algea Scrubber
30inch 25W LifeGlo2 light
3 x fake plants (1 x red, 1 x hanging down 1 x broad leaved)
1 x large plastic decor with attached plastic plants
Reed type live plants
4 x slate ( 2 x large, 2 x small)
3 x grey decor, with ridges, hiding spots etc
1 x plastic tunnel, wooden look
2 x plant pots (1 x small, 1 x large)
5 x mopani/ bogwood (2 x large, 3 x med - holes and caves etc)
3 x pieces of striped rock, unusual but attractive
15ish x varying sizes of stone/rock
Pregnancy breeder trap
I'll throw in the follwing with anything for no extra cost (partly used):
Interpet Nitrate Tests
TetraAqua Nitrate Minus
Interpet Aqua Tonic Salt
King British Safe Water
Nutrafin Aqua Plus
Nutrafin Clear Particulate
Waterlife Protozin
Interpet No9 Anti-Internal Bacteria
I live in Baildon, Bradford, West Yorks, pick-up only unless really local. Near Leeds.
As i said before, feel free to ask me anything, offer me a price for anything. I will take pictures of anything if u wish.
Contact Information Advertiser: Daniel Moran
Advert stats: [Added or updated:28/04/06 Views: 3189]
