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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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1.Tropical fish for sale 06/03/25 Yes
7 X 6" geophagus sveni - £35.each 5 X 3"/4"manacapuru angel fish - £20.each 1 X 5" pigeon blood discus -£70.00 1 X 7" albino weather loach -£30.00 1 X 4" female red terror -£30.00 1 X5" female Costa Rican blue dovii -£30.00,,, 2 X 1" black tetra ... ...
2.Juvel vision 260 in white complete set up 05/03/25 Yes
Juvel vision 260 in white with stand. Including air pump tetra,internal pump,heater and external filter Eheim Professional 4plus. If you interested please call 07873594762 Mark London South West
3.Neon Tetra 04/03/25 No
I have some Neon tetra looking for new waters 10 for £18. Collection South Ealing W5
4.2 x large breeding super red discus, cardinal tetra, guppies,Corys, £100 04/03/25 Yes
2x large breeding super red discus from easy discus patryk. See picture with eggs. Lovely healthy fish eating well Approx 7" Group of cardinal tetra Group ofguppies constantly breeding Group of albino cory cats breeding Thriving anubius plants can also be taken. £100 the group if go be... ...
5.X16 Black Line Tetra £50 28/02/25 No
Perfect shoalers most are close to adult size 16 available £4 each all 16 for £50. Message on 07719383480 for more information thanks Liam
6.XL NEON TETRA - 40 available 28/02/25 No
I have approximately 40 Neon Tetra available. Very large neons and chunky . Eating very well and in great health. There seems to still be issues with uploading pictures so please what’s app me for photos . £1.50 each or deals on multiple purchases Collection only from Southwest London ... ...
7.XXXL Congo Tetra 5 Inch Plus - only 12 left. MALE & Female avilable 26/02/25 Yes
XXXL Congo Tetra 5 inch plus. Very healthy. Eating well. £9each. Deals on multiple purchases. Collection only from south west London More pictures and videos available on request
ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Pointer L190 Panaque L160 Spiny Monster L24 red fin cactus L333 King Tiger L004 Angelicus L168 butterfly 2M1F Trio L134 Leopard frog L397 alenquer tiger L3... ...
ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Pointer L190 Panaque L160 Spiny Monster L24 red fin cactus L333 King Tiger L004 Angelicus L168 butterfly 2M1F Trio L134 Leopard frog L397 alenquer tiger L3... ...
10.Wanted- Male Otopharynx Tetrastigma 04/02/25 No
Hi all, looking for a Malawi Tetrastigma- all sizes considered please contact if you can help!
11.FREE Adult Golden Angelfish - London 30/01/25 Yes
1 x Rescued 4" adult golden angelfish needs new home. Took it in for a friend who could no longer keep it, but I don't have a suitable tank for it long term. Very active and eats well - flake, granulate, algae wafer. It has some lasting fin damage from past sickness - fins did not fully regrow... ...
12.Discus and other tropical fish for sale. Shutting down down tank 26/01/25 No
19 discus various sizes and colour 8 diamond tetras 5 phantom tetras 8 black neons 4 flying foxes 4 long fin Corry 1 ruby pleco 1 gold pleco Aquarium setup to go as well Would prefer for all to go together Please send WhatsApp message if you'd like to discuss, for photos.
13.Red Texas cichlid for sale £175 6 inch 07399952611 25/01/25 Yes
6 x key hole chiclids - 2/3 inches. Breeding group £60 10 x Gold saum between 2-4 inches - £10 each 1 x T bar - 3 inches . £10 2 x black cory - £10 pair 2 x yo yo loach 4 inches- £10 each 1 x black ghost knife fish - £15 2 x starlight plecs - one 4 inch other 7 inch - £4... ...
14.Tropical Fish for sale - Tank breakdown 25/01/25 No
My son is selling his tropical fish and then tank & equipment to raise money for driving lessons. Here is a list of the fish that need to go first. Rusty pleco Super red bristlenose pleco Albino bristlenose pleco x2 Common bristlenose pleco xlots Pictus catfish x3 Koi angel Scissor tai... ...
15.Green laser corydoras,approx 3cm cory, cories.Gold corydoras approx 3cm 17/01/25 No
Green laser corydoras £10 each.approx 3cm . Gold laser corydoras £10 Each.approx 3cm .If you buy 10 I'll add 2 free of charge, Young fish bred in my small fish room in local tap water treated with tetra aquasafe.Collection. PE4 Werrington ,Peterborough.Please text if interested
16.Canara Pearlspot Cichlids 13/01/25 Yes
Group of 8 fully grown adults with an estimated split of: 5 females 3 males I’ve kept these fish for over 2 years meaning they have finally reached the age of starting to breed. The water in my area is incredibly hard with higher PH than normal making this process a little more diffic... ...
17.37l aquaone aquarium, supplies and tropical fish 07/01/25 No
Won't let me add pictures on this site. Contact me for pictures. Selling all for £100, can take offers. A 37Litre aquaone aquarium RRP £125 I bought a few months ago pretty much new , with a working filter and 50W heater, all working condition. Decorations, live plants, gravel, 1 male elephant ... ...
18.Complete Aquarium Set - Aqua One Aquasys 230 31/12/24 Yes
Age and Condition: All items are 3 years old and in excellent condition. Quantity for Sale: One complete aquarium set, including equipment, scaping materials, and livestock. Reason for Sale: Making space in the house and no longer have the time to maintain the setup. Delivery or Collecti... ...
19.Tropical Fish Breeding 27/12/24 No
Selling 20+ fish, prefer if you take all. Marble Angel fish breeding Pair 5 inches stunning Pearl Gourami Trichopodus leerii - large size - 4/5 inches - Stunning. Gold Gourami Trichogaster Trichopterus large size - 4 inches Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami Tichogaster Lalius - large si... ...
20.Maidenhead Aquatics @ Ashtead - Tropical List 04/12/24 - UPDATED 04/12/24 Yes
A warm tropical welcome from Maidenhead Aquatics at Ashtead, Surrey, just off of Junction 9 the M25. We guarantee to blow you away with our extensive collection of rare and unusual tropical fish, some of which you will never have seen before! Here is our current extensive Freshwater Tropical stock l... ...
21.Tail Vampire Payara Tetra Hydrolycus Tatauaia 6-7 inches £170 20/11/24 Yes
Tail Vampire Payara Tetra Hydrolycus Tatauaia 6-7 inches £170
22.Miscellaneous 15/11/24 No
1 Bag of Almond leaves £1 2 Aquarium thermometer 40p 3 x3 24 Hour Mechanical Timer [unused – still in box] £1 each 4 x5 Plastic condensation lids most unused £1 each 5 x5 Internal foam filters [different sizes] 50p each 6 Seachem ‘Equilibrium’ Restores & Maintains Mi... ...
23.MBU puffer fish north London 05/11/24 No
I have for sale my extremely rare mbu puffer fish, he is extremely healthy and feeding well on muscles prawns squid Iv3 had him since he was only 2 inches and he is now around 13 inches. I've resontly had to move and downsize my aquarium so I'm reluctantly having to sell him. He is extreme... ...
24.Breeding pair of red jags discus 02/11/24 Yes
Hi for sale I have a pair of red jags these were purchased in a large group from chens and raised to adults. From the group I ended up with 2 pairs so am selling the second pair. Fed on beefheart and tetra prima and currently kept in ro water but I can acclimate these to tap if required. Photos s... ...
25.SOLD - Dwarf Green Pike Cichlids for Sale x3 - £35 for group 30/10/24 Yes
I have three Dwarf Green Pike cichlids Wallaciia Compressiceps for sale. All are 6-7cm in length. Group of 1M/2F - all kept together alongside tetras and minimal aggression. £35 for all three fishes. ALL SOLD Collection only from Ruislip. Contact Amit - 07940 458472
26.125 litre tank break down. 28/10/24 No
Offers on livestock only . Plants , fish shrimps assassin snails . Tetras rams dwarf chiclids algae eaters . Message for details. Sell as one whole lot.
27.for sale: Tetratec Gravel Cleaner & Glass scrapper 17/10/24 Yes
Tetratec Hydroclean Gravel Cleaner GC30 TetraTec GS 45 Glass scraper Used but in good condition Both still in original box Price £5,- collection preferred, postage possible but adds £3.20 See my other small items on site
28.Black Line Tail Tetra Moenkhausia Costae x12 15/10/24 No
Black Line Tail Tetra Moenkhausia Costae x12 good shoaling fish 1 half inch £20 the lot collection le3 area
29.Tropical community fish + Amano Shrimp + tank + equipment FREE 14/10/24 No
100L planted tank, tank heater, Tetratec ex1200 cannister filter, air pump, 7x Harlequin Rasbora, 1x Rainbow fish, several Amano Shrimp, Several mature Anubias plants, java moss, driftwood, rocks. All free to a good home. Tank and filter are in poor condition. Pump works fine but it's getting noi... ...
30.Tetratec Easy Crystal filter pump 250 used 12/10/24 Yes
For sale, second hand: - Tetratec Easy Crystal filter pump 250 - Easy Crystal filter packs C250/300 with Carbon one box with 3 filters As pictured, cleaned and in working condition with original box Price 10,- Collection preferred, but can post using EVRI, cost ~5,-. Postage done on weekend... ...
31.5 Discus fish 07/10/24 No
5 x Stendker Discus around 6inch adult ufish for sale: 1 x Red Turq 1 x Blue Turq 1 x Cobalt 1 x brilliant Turq 1 x Pigeon red Price £550 for all. Additionally I have some rummy nose and ember tetra for free for right person. Pick up from Aldershot
32.NetS CHARITY AUCTION 01/10/24 No
Fresh update 30/9/24 This is the expected list for Sundays charity auction possibly more to be added but we really on the sellers on the day so no gaurantees on the fish lists been exact Dennisoni /Torpedo barbs Albino cherry barbs Checker barb breeding group Ruby barb breeding group WIL... ...
33.Range of fish 18/09/24 No
Guide Price Open to Offers things without offers I’m not sure on price pickup only: Coventry I have available: Trio of honeycomb bristlenose 1 big male And 2 smaller females: £90 3 cardinal tetra £4 Assasin snail £1.50 each 10 for £12 3 Snow White juvi range from 1 inch to 1.5/2... ...
34.2.5ft fish tank full set up 18/09/24 No
Fish tank 2.5ft tropical fish tank for sale full set up which includes external filter cost £65 new media not that old in it. Comes with sand, some ornaments , bit of bog wood, heater, pot of fish food Everything you need . Fish include; 1 retail shark 1 balloon Molly 1 yo-yo loach ... ...
35.RESERVED Around 90+ beautiful fish plus plants for £100 30/08/24 No
I'm moving house so I have to sell full fish stock of my 650 liters aquarium. All healthy, feeding on variety of foods and peacefully living together in my tank for last 6 months. I spent around £600 on them. Yo can have them for 100. There are; 18 congo tetras, 12m/6f 8-10cm in size. 12 deniso... ...
36.Fully established 125L Fluval Roma fish tank & cabinet + aquatic equipment, fish, shrimps, snails - £299 27/08/24 Yes
£299 ono - all inclusive. Original total was £1,788.48. All original prices below so you can see the bargain. What do you get? 125L Fluval Roma fish tank and cabinet + all aquatic equipment, food, meds,fish, live plants, shrimps and snails. Equipment and fish food + basic meds • 125... ...
37.Tropical fish, shrimps, snails + 125L Fluval Roma fish tank & aquatic equipment - £299 ono 27/08/24 Yes
£299 ono - all inclusive. Original total was £1,788.48. All original prices below so you can see the bargain! What do you get? Fully grown and healthy adult fish, shrimps and snails: • Blue Siamese Fighter Beta Fish x1 £8 • Harlequin Rasbora x3 £8.40 • Glowlight Tetras x3 £8.40... ...
38.For Sale Trigon 180L Corner Aquarium with External filter 25/08/24 No
For Sale as in title £110 Ono. Corner Tank + Stand, Light, & Tetra External Filter Excellent Condition, Collection Only near York. Please phone 07763 428442 or email Kathsi100962 @gmail.com for photo as I could not upload !
39.tetras 19/08/24 No
looking for groups of tetras any considered WHY
40.I am looking for super red female or male long fin or short fin also looking for a lemon female 14/08/24 No
Looking for: LF/SF super red pleco male or female LF/SF female lemon pleco I have available aswell Have: 3 cardinal tetras, 1 female or male adult wabenmuster, 1 black corydora, 1 panda corydora, 1 elegant corydora all adults Also have cash. In Coventry
41.Juwel Rio 350 - full tank setup sale 09/08/24 No
For sale is my Juwel Rio 4ft aquarium in dark wood finish. The tank has a blue background. The tank is approximately four years old and in great condition. Ideally, I would like for it to be sold as a whole set up with livestock and plants. The price for everything, including livestock and... ...
42.Juwel Rio 350 4ft fish tank and livestock 03/08/24 No
For sale is my Juwel Rio 4ft aquarium in dark wood finish. The tank has a blue background. The tank is approximately four years old and in great condition. Ideally, I would like for it to be sold as a whole set up with livestock and plants. The price for everything, including livestock and... ...
43.Community fish for sale. 26/07/24 No
I am shutting down one of my aquariums and have the following fish to rehome. 5x Panda Barbs - £5 for alll. 8 x Glowlight Danios - £5 for alll 8 x Harlequin Rasbora - £3 for all. 6 x Bleeding Heart Tetra - £5 for all. 6 Siamese Algae eaters - £5 for all. 3 x Sicyopterus Goby - £5 ... ...
44.FREE to good home 15/07/24 No
I'm moving house on Saturday 20th and don't want to take my 120 litre tank with approx 8-10 tetras in it. The tank has 4 pumps, 2 bubblers, lighting and a heater and I'm happy to give all that away as long as the tank and fish can be collected before Saturday. There are also assassin snails in t... ...
45.Tetra 600 in plus filter 08/07/24 Yes
Brand new for tropical tank rrp 30 will take 20 pound call 07446756316
46.Free Fish 05/07/24 No
I have two Congo Tetras and an Opaline Gourami that I need to re-home. The Congo Tetras are 2 years old, and the Opaline Gourami is 3 years old. Staines based.
47.ADULT albino bristlenose FOR SALE 29/06/24 No
as above all adults 6 in total breeding freely also pair of large almost black pair also breeding regularly may exchange for clown loach or shoaling tetras WHY
48.Bow front tank 240L, complete setup 26/06/24 Yes
Amazon Brand bow front tank with stand. 240L. Originally bought from World of Water. Aqua One Aquis 1000 external canister and Sicce internal filter. Rock/Bog Wood/Plants. Red eye tetra/red phantom can be supplied if required. £Free - Pick Up from Crawley West Sussex.
49.3 large male congo tetra 1 female congo tetra and 6 cherry barbs 16/06/24 Yes
Selling 3 large male congo around 3 inch maybe 4 in full colour and 6 cherry barbs also 1 female congo only selling due to making some spaceall nice fish and feed well photos available £20 for all
50.Nets auction 23 june 16/06/24 No
ROUGH LIST!!!!! 1 week to go, 23rd of June N.E.T.S. Aquatics Auction I have asked sellers to look round there tanks and fish rooms. I haven't got everyone's list. But here's a start. Please remember this list isn't guaranteed it's merely there to show the selection possibly available at these e... ...
51.35 Kribensis including Breeding Pairs. 12/06/24 Yes
Less than half the cost of stores. 35 Kribensis for sale, hatched between February and May 2023, the gender split is about 50-50. Looking to sell the whole group for £50. Warrington, Cheshire based. Could deliver for fuel cost in addition. Fish aren't fully coloured up, easy to breed, can be... ...
52.For sale cheap 05/06/24 No
As stated 8 assorted angels. 3big males. 9 cherry barbs. 6 Congo tetras. Also all sand from the 6 foot tank. Large big wood about 2 feet. Couple live plants All to go. Open to sensible offers or swap for malawi cichlids Based in Manchester pics upon request probably via wotsap
53.Many types of fry available Bristol 07745313181 30/04/24 Yes
Loads of fry range from 3 months to 3 weeks of age . Tuxedo platy Marble blue swordtails Dalmatian sailfin mollies Gold sailing mollies Sunset wagtail platy Sunset orange guppies Kio trio colour swordtails Soon available! Are some black skirt/ widow tetras spawned by myself . Alo... ...
54.Tetra 22/04/24 No
Free to anyone that can collect from Dunfermline 10 African Longfin Tetra Alestes Brycinus Longipinnis 5cm Selling at £15.00 each on Web.Reason for selling I bought too many
55.Free Tropical Fish +/- tank cabinet and equipment 17/02/24 No
Due to a house move I need to rehouse fish. The tank/cabinet and equipment also available if wanted. Collection only Truro. Best of my knowledge: Pleco bristlenose x4 Hypostomus Pleco x1 Rainbow fish x1 Harlequin Tetra x5 Neon tetra x1 Black line Rasbora x1 Black widow tetra x2 Red... ...
56.Fluval Roma 200, Full Set Up 05/02/24 Yes
Fluval Roma 200, includes equipment and cabinet. £200 Collection only, Location London 200 litre well established tropical fish tank 6 years old . Includes equipment light, filter, heater and contents substrate, wood and plants . Can be purchased with or without fist, Fish inclu... ...
57.For sale 03/02/24 No
FOR SALE. CLOSING DOWN TANK 3x false giraffe catfish 6" £30 each or all 3 for £50 1×5" flagtail tetra has 1 eye but has never bothered him £25 1× texas ciclid last of my offspring 2" £10 4×5" spotted silver dollars £10 each 1x5" striped silver dollar £10... ...
58.South American tank closure 30/01/24 No
Closing down my wild Altum Angel tank. x5 wild altums from finest aquatics in widness. Roughly 6-7months old. Receipt to prove wild.eating anything and everything , very healthy young fish Wanting to start a marine tank so everything must go, also have the following Dicrossus maculatus x2 ***... ...
59.Running tank 29/01/24 No
White plus RGB LED 7500k for fish and plants. 3 stage filtration for superior water quality, powerful, silent and efficient. Comes with flex pad remote control for colour change and sky effects. Complete with heater and live stock included. 3x green tiger barbs, 3, neon tetra, 1x yo-yo loach and 1x ... ...
60.Discus delights, gourmet discus fish food hamper. Net weight of foods 210g. 18/01/24 Yes
THEY COME IN MANY COMBINATIONS TO CHOOSE FROM. SEE OUR EBAY SHOP TODAY FOR DEALS AND BARGAINS. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?item=264554035214&rt=nc&_trksid=p4429486.m3561.l170197&_ssn=plymouthdiscusuk Nett weight of foods 210g, and just the same as the regular gourmet hampers, bu... ...
THEY COME IN MANY COMBINATIONS TO CHOOSE FROM. SEE OUR EBAY SHOP TODAY FOR DEALS AND BARGAINS. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?item=264554035214&rt=nc&_trksid=p4429486.m3561.l170197&_ssn=plymouthdiscusuk Nett weight of foods 210g, and just the same as the regular gourmet hampers, bu... ...
62.SOLD. MBU Puffer Fish Tetraodon 12 inches + pred aquarium datnoid stingray Condition: 15/01/24 Yes
10-12" MBU Puffer fish. This stunning MBU is a perfect addition to any tropical aquarium. With a moderate temperament, this fish is suitable for intermediate level fish owners. Measuring at 10-12 " inches, this is a beautiful species that thrives in fresh water and tropical tem... ...
63.Tropical Tank Full Set Up and Fish 11/01/24 Yes
Aquael Classic 70 Bow 90L tank 70 x 35 x 40cm WDH Matching black cabinet curved to hold the tank 73cm tall. Interpret deltatherm Heater,Fluval U2 underwater filter, LED lighting and thermometer. Gravel,1 x natural wood piece, plants and 4 x rocks. 10 fish, some over 3 years old 3 x ... ...
64.Full setup 01/01/24 Yes
I'm looking to sell my full setup of community tank with or without filtration. There are a lot of plants,fish and stuff. The tank is 5x2x2ft, 10mm glass ,cabinet with lids and lights, and additional 2 glass lid.Instaled a lot of power sokets inside cabinet so you don't need to worry about sokets... ...
65.Full setup tank 01/01/24 Yes
I'm looking to sell my full setup of community tank with or without filtration. There are a lot of plants,fish and stuff. Fishes are: 20+ green dragon juvelines 6m or old Another bristlenose plecos don't know how many are they Stunning breeding pair of Green Dragon 20+ Corrys peppermi... ...
66.Freshwater Fishes of Cameroon Book 11/12/23 Yes
Available now, this brand NEW release from Michel Keijman features everything you could ever wish to know about the freshwater fishes of Cameroon. The reader will find information on many of the well-known and lesser-known fish species, including new species of freshwater fishes, their distribution ... ...
67.5ft juwel vision 450 in oak with 3d internal background sold 1 10/12/23 No
hi i have a 5ft juwel vision 450 in oak with matching cabinet, immaculate condition , has the orginal juwel internal filter but could be removed if not required. The tank has two light units so 4 bulbs in total. Comes with expensive 3d internal background and a couple of pieces of bogwood. No sc... ...
68.Tetraodon Schoutedeni Congo Puffer Fish 09/12/23 Yes
Tetraodon Schoutedeni Available These stunning puffers have been very popular , these are the last group I have from my last shipment & these are the biggest in size all around 7 cm. There is a group of 6 All very fat feeding on mussel , prawn, earthworm , bloodworm & chopped basa... ...
69.Aqua oak 3ft Tropical aquarium, full set up and fish included 28/10/23 Yes
Set up still up and running.ideal for those just starting out or wanting to move to a smaller tank Aqua oak cabinet in good condition, back of cabinet removed for pipe work. L-120cm W-60CM H-141cm Tank glass is quite scratched and hard to see on pictures, happy to provide video, whatapp vide... ...
70.Closing tank down Central and south american cichlids for sale , open to offers 16/10/23 No
4xHerotilapia multispinosa / 2x firemouth / 1xTexas/ 4xAmatitlania Nanolutea 2 breeding pairs /4x Neets / 4 or5 xThorichthys aureus/3xThorichthys pasionis/1x Red shark / 3xCryptoheros cutteri / 1x Geophagus Abalios/2x red shoulder severum / Sterba corydoras and a few different cory species not sure... ...
71.White gloss full aquarium set up 15/10/23 No
Beautiful looking. 300litre capacity 2 bottom cupboards for filters and equipment. Excellent filtration system including Fluval 360. Fully stocked with live plants and tropical fish. Tetras, gourami, pleco, pictus corys plus 2 giant African armoured shrimp. £100s of equipment far too much too ... ...
72.Cardinal tetras 12/10/23 No
Has anybody got any cardinals for sale or similar please can pick up in the sheffield and surrounding area
73.NETS auction 05/10/23 No
Nets charity auction this Sunday 8october in teams social club bensham this is a list of potential fish Apologies for the lateness of this Please read this first.. I have asked the 30+ sellers for a list of the potential fish there looking at bringing THIS Sunday 8th of October This list show... ...
74.Aquarium 05/10/23 Yes
4'x2'x2' Aquarium with cabinet 400 Litres capacity with 2 Tetratec EX 1200 Plus external filters & Fluval 3.0 LED Plant strip light 115cm-145cm. Location Knowsley Merseyside. £450 ono. Tel:- 07546532984
75.Guppy Fry 75p each or 35 for £15 29/09/23 No
Guppy Fry 75p each or 35 for £15 these range from 4-12mm in length. Obviously too young to determine sex and colour. Colour normally comes in 3-6months. I have numerous, different colours parents including some endlers. So you could end up with any colour. Picture is of adults in the Aquarium, moll... ...
76. REDUCED BARGAIN.....500ltr Low maintenance Fish tank & sump with full set up..... £550 27/09/23 Yes
Photos/videos on request Main tank – 1500 x 600 x 500 Sump – 1000 x 380 x 360mm 5 compartments Refill tank 1000 x 380 x 100mm fitted to the back of the tank Total tank measurements, including stand and top hatch 1800 x 1500 x 500 Anthracite cupboard doors and side panels all with stai... ...
77.Unwanted fish & or Equipment 12/08/23 No
I am seeking any unwanted fish or Equipment from filters to sand,ornaments i.e,hides etc, bogwood or alike, plants,anything fish tank orientated ,recently set up new tank it's a month old have a few fish 6 tetras! Am on a budget so small prices or Free would be most welcome... Can collect Guildf... ...
78.Pea puffers Carinotetraodon travancoricus 11/08/23 No
Breeding group Kept with ottos & shrimps 7 adult group £5.00 each Sold only as group
79.community fish 23/07/23 No
i have a number of community tropical fish for sale these include guppys male&female £1 each or 6 for £5 gold gourami x2 £5 the pair pearl gourami x1 £3 kissing gourami x1 £3 blue gourami x2 £5 the pair black widow tetra x3 £1 each clown loach small x1 £3 mollies male x3 £1... ...
80.NETS auction 25 June 21/06/23 No
!check out the list of fish provisionally booked for this Sundays auction Plecos and catfish L-015 pleco Super red pleco Synodontis eupterus Brochis splendens Cory napoensis Cory panda white Cory sodalis Cory Trilineatus Cory elegans Cory barbatus Green lazer cory Red lazer cory ... ...
81.Fluval Roma 125l - Full setup £380ono 20/06/23 Yes
This tank is fully set up and absolutely stunning. With all fish, shrimp and snails living happily together. I have bred a lot of these fish myself and all healthy. Unfortunately our circumstances have changed and I am having to sell all my beautiful beloved aquariums. To set up a tank like this... ...
82.Betta, guppy endlers, lemon tetra, emperor tetras 01/06/23 No
I've got various fish for sale: 10 or more guppy endler hybrid (blonde-orange). 10 or more emperor tetras, beautiful adults, already breeding and showing amazing colours. 2 lemon tetras free to a good home. Juvenile bettas, happy to sell them singularly or as group. Great price for the job lot,... ...
83.Bucktooth tetra 31/05/23 Yes
Bucktooth tetra for sale £10 Our little boy would like to sell his fish due to a change in direction with his fish keeping Collection south godstone 07940918145
84.Rare Malawi hap cichlids for sale 27/05/23 No
I’m selling off cheap as I breed them and I’m going on holiday so I want the tanks to have less maintenance while I’m gone,grab some bargains Buccochromis rhoadaise £5 Buccochromis hetratania £10 Malawi trout £10 Nimbochromis Fusco £5 Nimbochromis Livingstonii £5 Ros... ...
85.Leaving the hobby, selling all my equipment. 23/05/23 Yes
3 aquariums, 2 with stands. Aqua one ecostyle 81 120L w,81cm d,41cm h,52cm. 129cm with stand.Black painted background. Aqua one 60L w,2ft d,1ft h,37cm, 110cm with stand. Black painted background. 24L w,40cm d,26cm h,28cm. All water tight. 4×L +1×S bogwood, 5×L + 7×S redmore rootw... ...
86.200g Bottle of Alder Cones £13.99 19/05/23 Yes
200g container of alder cones. Great to reduce ph of water naturally. If your spending £ on Discus,Cardinal Tetras then you need to invest in a safe and natural method of reducing ph. Alder cones do just that. Price includes postage. Payment via PayPal, contact me for details
87.Fluval Roma 125 litre 19/05/23 No
For sale fluval Roma 125 litre aquarium. Comes with tetra tec 800 plus external filter, fluval digital heater, 2 aqua sky led lights app controlled and juwel holiday feeder. Original light fittings defective, lid modified for external filter. A couple of scratches front and rear but not significant.... ...
88.Adult Neon Tetra 15/05/23 No
Group of around 30-40 £1 each Pickup Wallsey, Liscard
89.Aqaurium Media Unit For Sale 06/05/23 Yes
Selling due to moving house and can’t take with me. Location is IG7 Chigwell Essex UK. Dimensions in pictures but overall width is around 194cm and depth is around 51cm and unit height is around 234cm. The tank when empty is an easy two man lift, I can help, the unit comes apart into smaller piec... ...
90.Free to a good home 02/05/23 No
X1 true siamese algae eater X1 ancistrus X5 lemon tetras X3 grey corys x4 albino corys x1 peruvian cory X1 neon tetra X4 pearl danios X4 harlequin tetras Base in rochdale
91.Breeding Colony of Columbian Tetra 21/03/23 No
Currently have a planted sumped 90 Gallon setup, with a breeding colony of Columbian tetra @40, plus babies, happily living their best life in an aquarium that has been set up 10 years, breeding regularly no issues. But i've now decided to move over to salt water. Tank set up not available, bu... ...
92.Jewel lido 200ltr with fish and plants 14/03/23 No
Here is my jewel lido 200ltr light oak with fish plants and accessories Tank has around 15 ember tetra About 10 pepper Cory's 100 plus cherry shrimp who are breeding constantly. Loads of plants an wood Tank is very established and healthy Has lots of extras will come with everything I have ... ...
93.Fluval Roma 90 aquarium and stand/cabinet 12/03/23 No
Fluval Roma 90 aquarium and cabinet Built in LED light unit "Oak" colour Fluval 100w heater included Automatic feeder included Some water treatments included Tetra fancy goldfish food included Net included Artificial plants included Digital thermometer Great condition. Cabine... ...
94.Fx6 like new 08/03/23 Yes
Am selling 1 of my Fluval Fx6 filters. Complete with hoses & fittings. Ive modified my trays,which is entirely upto you how you want to fill your trays? Ive filled all 4 trays with roughly over 1 kg in each tray, of biohome media, which alone cost me over £150 just for the media? Its only 6 mon... ...
95.Various fish for sale - bundle 25/02/23 No
3 bronze corys 2 large black emperor tetra 6 emperor tetra 4 siamese Algae eaters 7 Torpedo Barbs After sale for all to go together, looking for £75
96.Tropical fish 22/02/23 No
5 bala sharks 8 lemon tetra Male n female chocolate bristlenose 5 Congo tetra 1 geo 4 zebra loach
97.Tropical fish 21/02/23 No
5 bala sharks 8 lemon tetra Male n female chocolate bristlenose 5 Congo tetra 1 geo 4 zebra loach
98.Job lot equipment 20/01/23 No
Have a few spare items available hopefully to sell as a job lot Fish tank pumps Tetra APS 400 Tetra APS 300 2 more double outlet pumps Power head Aqua one aquis 1050 external filter (just needs some 12mil pipe Old Fluval external filter of some kind Pipes Nets Polishing pad for th... ...
99.Low Tech Planted Tanks, Plus Livestock, Stand and Accessories 07/01/23 Yes
3 x 60L low tech planted fish tanks, with coloured cherry shrimp, fish, fish food, stand and accessories. Each tank has approximately 150+ coloured cherry shrimp, plus a small assortment of fish. Tanks are mature, have been running for over 8 months. Super low maintenance, not running CO2 or fer... ...
100.Full setup with 2 huge ciclids. 06/01/23 Yes
For sale i have my 105litre tetra fish tank housing 2 huge thick oscar ciclids. The fish are over a year old, one being a albino oscar and the other being a standard oscar. Both fish are outgrowing the tank at a fast rate and im no longer in a position to takecare of my setup hence the sale. Com... ...
101.Congo tetras 09/12/22 Yes
Young home bred Congo Tetras for sale £2.50 each. Collection only.
102.Tropical fish tank for sale 21/11/22 Yes
Living Fish tank, tropical, many different fish, pump, heater, app-controlled lighting system, allows for storms/thunderstorms, light/colour and timer settings - pick up only in Nottingham. Over 80+ fish, snails, new baby fish, algae eaters, shrimp, tetra, scissor tail, and lots more that I do n... ...
103.Fluval Roma 240 full setup including fish, FX6 filter, aqua maniac 3d background 19/11/22 Yes
I'm reluctantly selling my 4ft Fluval tank set up due to moving house. This set up includes The original tank and cabinet (minor scratches but not noticeable) 3D aqua maniac background worth £100 new. Comes in two parts and connects inside the tank. Alternatively the back of the tank has bee... ...
104.OVER 30 COMMUNITY FISH FOR SALE ONLY £30. collection from cheshunt. (North London area) 19/11/22 No
loads of tropical fish including Columbian tetras,neon tetras,pinapple swordtails,zebra danios, dwarf gourami,5 banded barb,limias,mollys,guppy’s,x-ray tetra. collection only from cheshunt. i payed over £120 in the shop so very good deal.angelfish not included ( can be included at an extra cost).... ...
105.Various Discus for sale (some Chens) 18/11/22 No
Various Discus for sale. The majority are Chens, so higher quality than what you will find in your LFS, or from most breeders. They are acclimatised to hard water. Fed on Chens ditone beef heart and tetra prima. Pictures taken this week. Will be adding more soon. I can deliver for a fee. Postcode ... ...
106.Juvenile Golden Angel Fish - £3.50 17/11/22 Yes
Juvenile Golden Angel Fish These fish as an easy care level and will grow to approximately 15cm. They deal water conditions are acidic to neutral, slightly soft to hard. They are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods. Feed a varied diet of frozen, freeze dried and flake foods. Angelfish gener... ...
107.Free fish - rehoming 12/11/22 No
I'm shutting down my tank so have the following going free: Large angel fish 4x Ruby barbs Lemon tetra Amber tetra Selling l387 orange and black pleco for £30 too. Location CT19 6NX
108.Fish for sale hartlepool 02/11/22 No
Here you go marble Auoncara £3 each 4 for £10 Blue Dolphin £4 each 3 for £10 guppy£1.25 platty £1.25 Swodtails £1.25 white cloud minnows £1 Dalmatian Molly £1.50 Ruby Sharks £2.50 Silver shark £2 each small angels £4 medium angels £5 various Siamese fighters £5 each golden gourami £2... ...
109.Various plecos and tropical fish 27/10/22 Yes
Full tank shut down - 4.5ft tank with sump will be available after if interested.. Fish: Large white and gold angelfish 5x Ruby barb 2x boesemani rainbow 1x Amber tetra 1x lemon tetra 1x snowball pleco 1x l387 pleco (orange and black) Take all for £50 or open to offers individually. O... ...
110.Aquarium, full set up as seen for sale. 19/10/22 Yes
Aquarium for sale full mature set up discus tank. 1200x500x600 X7 chens discus, / x1 pair proven. L47 plecs x2 2 yrs old X1 blue phantom plec/ large Possibly x2 golden nuggets plecs although not seen recently. Defiantly x1. Various tetra, chain loach and algea eaters. Digital heaters x2 and flu... ...
111.Stunning 4ft Rainbow Fish Aquarium Full Setup 2 filters And illuminaire lighting 13/10/22 No
Only selling due to not having time to maintain :( My pride and joy my Aquael Glossy 4 ft tank comes with 2 Eheim Canister filter a Pro 4 and a Pro 3 , perfect working condition all bio media will be included Large thermostat , electronic thermometer with digital display , large bogwood x 2 ... ...
112.320l bargain aquarium £200 quick sale 05/10/22 Yes
Hi there I have a large aquarium for sale. ( I actually have two one is a marine set up as it comes with a sump but that would be your own preference to stocking. I'll describe tank one first). Tank one It is around 320 litres ( it is alot taller rather than the more commonly seen longer tanks).... ...
113.Ciano emotions 100 200 litre aquarium with fluval fx6 filter £275 30/09/22 Yes
Selling my full aquarium setup excluding FISH. It's a Ciano emotions pro 100 tank and stand. Has 30 watt built in lighting and a smart plug to control/set schedules. Filter has been recently upgraded to a Fluval fx6 external cannister. Tetra twin outlet air pump with air stone. Also included is heat... ...
114.Tropical fish tank 05/09/22 Yes
Greetings! I inherited this tank 2 years ago but we are moving home and can't take the fish tank with us. This is a fluval 120-150ltr tank with filters, thermostat, programmed lamp, air pump, ornaments, 2 catfish and 26 tetra. I will include everything you need. I am looking to get £90.00 basi... ...
115.Tropical fish for sale 28/08/22 Yes
1x Rotkiel (red shoulder)severum 6” £20 1x Hoplo Catfish 6” £15 1x reed fish 12” £15 1x Congo Tetra 3”£10 Or £50 for the lot. All healthy adult fish from community Tank, which I’m downsizing from. All Sizes approximate. Collection only/bring a container of bags.
116.black neon tetra 22/08/22 Yes
6 black neon tetra for 12 pound text me if interested.
117.Young Emperor tetras for sale 18/08/22 Yes
Home bred emperor tetras for sale have just started to sex up £1.50each,collection only.
118.Bentosi Tetra 04/08/22 Yes
young home bred white tip bentosi tetras £1.50 each .Collection only.
119.Xray tetras 04/08/22 Yes
young home bred xray tetras for sale £1.50 each collection only
120.2x Aquarium Twin Outlet Pumps Tetra and Sera 19/07/22 No
2 x Aquarium Twin Outlet Air Pumps - Tetra APS400 & Sera 275R Plus both in very good condition and perfect working order £20 takes both (some airline & check valves included) .. collection Ryton Gateshead
121.Full set-up, 2 x 5 foot tanks in unit with fish, plants and equipment £100 Castleford West Yorkshire 13/07/22 Yes
Two 5 ft tanks Housed in custom made 2 inch box sectioned plastic coated steel unit, with wood panelling and hood. Top tank: L5ft W 18ins D 2ft. Has Aqua One 2450 UV-C external filter unit. Heater Light. Fish: 2 x Reed Fish, 1 x African butterfly Fish, 6 x Poptellla Tetra 1 x Flying Fox, 1 x ... ...
122.Fish 06/07/22 No
Black Ghost Knife around 7” Dennison barbs X4 around 10 cm fat fish Penguin tetra X3 Clown loach X2 Fire-mouth Cichlid Panchax X4 Odessa barbs X3 Congo Tetra X3 High Wycombe collection. (Msg for info)
123.Fish 05/07/22 No
Black Ghost Knife around 7” Dennison barbs X4 around 10 cm fat fish Penguin tetra X3 Clown loach X2 Fire-mouth Cichlid Panchax X4 Odessa barbs X3 Congo Tetra X3 High Wycombe collection. (Msg for info)
124.Tetra for sale 04/07/22 No
Rummy nose and ember tetra for sale £1 each. Please text don't ring!
125.X9 tropical fish and 64 litre tank 25/06/22 Yes
We are selling our fish and all the equipment including fish tank For sale is the following: X 6 neon tetras X 2 harlequin rasboras X 1 orange platy X1 64 litre tank X1 heater Open to offers we just want them to go where they will be taken care off. We can’t keep them as we are having re... ...
126.Tetratec EX700 External Filter 20/06/22 Yes
This is a brand new filter which we had in storage. It has not been used and is still in the original packaging. Suitable for tanks 120L - 200L THIS IS NOT THE NEWER EX700 PLUS £50
127.Tetratec EX600 External Filter 20/06/22 Yes
This is brand new Tetratec EX600 Filter. It has been in storage and is unused and still in original box with all parts. This filter is suitable for 60L - 120L tanks THIS IS NOT THE NEWER EX600 PLUS Price £40
128.Gold Danios and Glowlight Tetras for sale 16/06/22 Yes
Hundreds of fish available from a home breeder bred from my own stock. All £1 each or 12 for £10 Neon tetra - Sold out Glowlight Tetra (approx 1/2 inch) Danio - Sold out Gold Danio (approx 1 Inch) Bristlenose Pleco - Sold out Pick up only, no post. I will bag them for you so no need to b... ...
129.Evolution Aqua eaFreshwater 900 Aquarium + Predator set up + Bucktooth tetras + Wimple Piranhas 07/06/22 Yes
Due to change in circumstances, selling the below predator set up with rare fishes. Buyer to pick up from HP9 with own bucks / equipment etc. For the entire set up, looking for £400.00. Open to sensible offers. The set up is worth circa £1400 brand new. Fishes are worth circa £500.00 in ... ...
130.Complete Juwel setup £175, inc L024, l397, rainbows, 26/05/22 No
Juwel Rio 180 aquarium Complete with rare plecos, CO2, rainbow fish - £175 for everything. Equipment includes: Juwel rio 180 with cabinet and lids (small section of lid had been cut to allow pipes for filter) 4 tube t5 light unit CO2 with solenoid (co2 from citric acid, baking soda an... ...
131.Juwell Rio 240 tank with livestock and a lot more 21/05/22 No
Tank comes with in built filter, eheim air 400 dual pump, helialux smart control lighting system, aqua power 900 circulation pump, juwell aqua clean gravel cleaner, a non branded smaller gravel cleaner, fluval pro vac 10 inch vac, replacement filter pads for vac, various nets, collection of water tr... ...
132.Free Fish 17/05/22 No
3 Panda Corydoras, 5 Ember Tetras and some assassin snails free to good home. Due to change of job.
133.fish mania aquatics charity pond and aquatic auction 10/05/22 Yes
pond, tropical and aquatics auction to help raise money for Birmingham childrens hospital cardiac ward Hucknall Town Football Club Watnall Road, Hucknall Nottingham, NG15 6EY SUNDAY 15th MAY DOORS OPEN 10AM AUCTION STARTS 11AM ADULTS £1 ENTRY, UNDER 14’S FREE Koi Carp, Gold Fish ... ...
134.Free. Everything to go. 28/04/22 No
Hello. I have a 220 litre or 50 gallon freshwater aquarium. external ehiem 250 filter. The cabinet is looking shabby. There is a large'ish pleco and quite a few other stock such as Corey's, plattys, tetras, etc. Basically I feel that the pleco should now have a larger tank. I cannot provide better a... ...
135.cardinals,neons, rummys ,swordtails, plattys ,shrimp, for sale middlesbrough 20/04/22 No
cardinal tetras 5 for £7 , rummynose tetras 5 for £7 ,neon tetras 5 for £6 ,lemon tetras 5 for £7 , large red swordtail £4.50 pair large pineapple wag swordtails £4.50 pair any 8 swordtails £16 , sunset and black plattys £2, brown bristlenose £1.50 4 for £5 lemon bristlenose £3 red... ...
136.Rummy Nose Tetra 06/04/22 No
I have 8 rummy Nose Tetras looking for a good home. As I have sadly decided to close down my tank. I shall also be selling my set up, which includes 120 litre jewel tank, which has been wrapped to be deep red gloss. Filter, heater, plants and large bogwood. Also have 30 litre hospital tank and vario... ...
137.Aquaone 230 complete setup £300 01/04/22 No
CANT UPLIAD PICS ITS NOT LETTING ME IF YOU WANT PICS I CAN WHATSAPP YOU THEM aquaone Oak 230 aquarium stunning condition I upgraded the filtration to a ehiem eco external and a fluval 407 all contents are included fish live plants everything seen in the picture. the drawer above the fluval filt... ...
138.Complete setup, Cleair tank, parrot fish, cichlid 29/03/22 No
2 metre (6ft 6) Cleair Tank, led lighting, Fx6, curved corners, Tetra 4 air pump, large bog wood and gravel. Some slight scratches to the glass, painted black background. 2 x heaters. £1000 will spilt. Text for pictures, I can’t upload them. L200xH60xD45 cm Fish as seen in pictures ... ...
139.Community fish to clear. Tetras, rainbow fish 26/03/22 No
X16 rummy nose tetras £20 X9 dwarf neon rainbow fish breeding group (2m 7f) £25. Spawn regularly, around 1 Yr old. 2" in size. X5 female Congo tetra, have laid eggs recently. Around a year old and 2" long. £15 Collection only from Oldham. I will not post.
140.Tropical fish 21/03/22 No
Closing my tank down Fish for sale are 8-9 rainbow fish 5 big congo tetras Blue phantom pleco Green phantom pleco Blue psnique pleco Duper red make bristlenose Calico bristlenose Panda garr Two common plecs 5 cw28 corys (paid £25 each ) rare 10-12 mixed corys Loads of wood ect Pics on... ...
141.Tropical fish 20/03/22 No
Closing my tank down Fish for sale are 8-9 rainbow fish 5 big congo tetras Blue phantom pleco Green phantom pleco Blue psnique pleco Duper red make bristlenose Calico bristlenose Panda garr Two common plecs 5 cw28 corys (paid £25 each ) rare 10-12 mixed corys Loads of wood ect Pics on... ...
142.Tropical Fish and shrimps for rehoming (Truro, Cornwall) 12/03/22 No
We have lemon and neon/cardinal tetra, ottos, 2 x panda garras, amano shrimp and 3 x bamboo shrimp that need rehoming. We have had to break our tank down as we are having some work done at home and won't be setting it up again for a while. Must go to a well established tank with a great flow for... ...
143.Beautiful, bespoke tropical aquarium, 220 litre, 27/02/22 Yes
Beautiful, bespoke tropical aquarium, 220 litre, complete with cabinet, fish, plants, external filter, CO2 cylinder, and all accessories. We have had it from new. 5 years old and it has never been moved. Perfect. Sadly a change of circumstances forces sale. Bespoke Clear Seal tank and cabinet. 2x ... ...
144.Fish,Cory and plecs 01/02/22 No
This is what I have in at the moment 2 inch Uara Cichlids £7 each 2 inch Toproedo Barbs £4 each 3 cm Blue Rainbow fish £1.50 each Sterbai Cory £4 each 3 for £10 Panda Cory £4 each 3 for £10 1 inch plus Bolivian rams £3.50 each 1 inch Zebra danio long fin £1 each 1 inch Black widow te... ...
145.Selection of Fish 27/01/22 No
My Father currently lives in Yeovil and is going into a nursing home so is looking to sell on his fish. There are: 4 large catfish (around 7 inches) 1 albino catfish 1 red tailed shark (around 7 inches) 3 angel fish 3 tiger barbs 1 pearl gourami Collection of smaller fish: neon tetras/bleedi... ...
146.Flowerhorn looking to swap 14/01/22 Yes
I am looking to swap my flowerhorn for Royal plec, cat fish, Malawi cichlids, congo tetras or rainbows. To buy £50
MANY RARE PREDS - CHEAP THINNING STOCK GOLDEN ALBINO AROWANA - PERFECT 6-8" SOLD GOLDEN DORADO (Salminus franciscanus) 6-8" SOLD LARGE 2.5FT + FIRE EEL (Mastacembelus erythrotaenia). SOLD 3)Mbu Puffer 16" (Tetraodon Mbu) SOLD BLACK DIAMOND (BD) STINGRAY MALE 7-9&q... ...
148.Nichols Mouthbrooder, 22/12/21 Yes
Breeding groups of Pseudocrenilabrus Nicholsi cichlids for sale (1 male and 3 females) £50 or £15 each. Males are 5-8cm and females 3-4cm in length. Females have started brooding, so it’s time for them to find new homes. The parents have been kept in a community tank with Angels, Platies, Kr... ...
149.Cherry shrimp and community fish 14/12/21 No
Lots of difrent comunity fish for sale guppy.. Molly. platy ..glow light tetra neon tetra.. emperor tetra ..cherry shrimps Cory cats.. endlers..congo tetra and loads more. Whattsap for more info thanks
150.TMC reef habitat full setup £650 28/11/21 Yes
Due to illness we are selling our setup. It is just over a year old and in fabulous condition. It’s everything you need except live sand and livestock. This would cost close to £1500 new and all of it is still current and on sale - I’m open to (sensible) offers. Ask for more pictures of gen... ...
Mix of three different varieties of food stick to provide a complete yet varied diet for all pond fish. Wheatgerm sticks for improved food utilisation and digestion. Koi sticks for improved colouration. Promotes health, vitality and colour. Located in East Acton 2 tubs for £30
152.Bleeding Heart Tetras 22/11/21 Yes
Looking to rehome my 12 bleeding heart tetras, all feeding well and decent size. Will possibly swap for Lemon or Red Bristlenoses or will sell for £25 collected from Plympton
153.5ft Tank and Stand Inc Equipment 20/11/21 Yes
5ft tank (150x45x45) roughly 300L reduced to £250 now that the tank will be sold empty. Still includes equipment. No offers Equipment includes - 2 x boyu digital heaters Fluval power head Tetra aps 400 air pump All pond solutions 2000lph filter Spreader bar, filter inlet, air lines etc... ...
154.11 Very Large Stunning Stendker Discus can Deliver 13/11/21 Yes
7 Very Large Discus - around 7-8 inch 3 Medium Size - around 5 inch 1 Small - around 3.5 inches Fed on beef heart and tetra granules These are very high quality large Stendkers which are not common Kept in tap water+prime at 29 Celsius All stunning, healthy and very lovely ones ... ...
155.13 x Columbian Tetras - £20 07/11/21 No
Hi, I'm closing one of my tanks down due to the room being completely redecorated. Tank houses 13 x Columbian Tetras that I have had since fry and would be 12-18 months old now. Roughly 2 inches in size with nice red fins and a blueish tint to the boddies. Pics available via email or Wha... ...
156.Boesemani rainbow, Congo tetra, rasbora 31/10/21 Yes
I have the following fish for sale: Congo tetra x 2males (£3 each) Boesemani rainbow x 4 males and 2 females (£15 for all) Harlequin rasbora x 1 (£2) I am shutting down my tropical aquarium after 6 years of starting this lovely hobby. SMS only please as I can't pick up at work but I wi... ...
157.Gold laser corydoras 29/10/21 No
5 adult gold lasers 1 julii Cory 2 mountain minnows 2 tetras 1 red claw crab 2 Blue dream shrimp .. Tank is 3ft clear seal has approx 30 marimo balls a bunch of Ricia moss some Phoenix moss 3 x big wood 2 air driven filters a fluval light that has lighting storm functions and a 200w heater 1 mechan... ...
158.Gold laser corydoras 28/10/21 No
5 adult gold lasers 1 julii Cory 2 mountain minnows 2 tetras 1 red claw crab 2 Blue dream shrimp .. Tank is 3ft clear seal has approx 30 marimo balls a bunch of Ricia moss some Phoenix moss 3 x big wood 2 air driven filters a fluval light that has lighting storm functions and a 200w heater 1 mechan... ...
159.Angel fish and Corydoras for sale 25/10/21 Yes
Platinum Angelfish (PA)- £4 each Breeding pair PA (very good parents) £10 pr Emperor tetras 6 for £5 (adults) All corydoras are a good size Pick M23 5 minutes from Manchester Airport. paulharrison1@msn.com
160.Fish, plecs 28/09/21 No
Description: For sale Hartlepool 1.5 inch Diamond tetra £3 each 4 for £10 1 inch flame tetra £1.50 each 8 for £10 2 inch Geophagus surinamensis £7 each 2 inch geophagus balzani £4 each 3 for £10 2 inch Rainbow Cichlid £4 each 3 for £10 2 inch Siver Shark £3 each 4 for £10 2 inch ... ...
161.TETRA TEC EX 1200 PLUS FILTER 05/09/21 Yes
TETRA TEC EX 1200 PLUS FILTER.Please read all. Complete with extras/spares.Only problem is 1 of the Taps/Pipe connectors needs replacing these can be bought on E BAY OR OTHER STORES.All working otherwise.Spare set of brand new trays with 8 sponges, ceramic rings,carbon bags all brand new.Spare intak... ...
Selling Pearl gourami £4 4cm Red fighter fish £5 2 Bleeding hearts £6 2.5cm £20 All together Also selling African cichlids another post And one large catfish 14cm
163.Oak Cabinet Aquarium 310ltrs plus accessories £400 30/08/21 Yes
310ltr Oak Cabinet Aquarium with accessories, pump, external filter. Fish included/ or sold sepreately are: 6 x T-Bar Barbs (large) 1 x Red Tail Shark 3 x Flash plecos L204 (large) 2 x Hople cats (large) one albino 2 x Green tetras & one brown eel.
164.Full Tank Set Up For Sale 21/08/21 Yes
Sale: 1 x Aqua One 980 (220 Litre) fish tank. 1 x Aqua One Fish Tank Stand. 1 x Fluval 306 external canister filter with many extra carbon filters. 1 x Large LED Day/Night Light. 1 x internal filter. 1 x Fluval 300W heater. 1 x Air bubble system. 2 x Large drift woods with plants growing upo... ...
165.fluval Roma 125 20/08/21 Yes
For sale fluval roma 125 Thank, cabinet, hard scape , plant . Including 1 apistogramma cacatuoides adult, 4 apistogramma cacatuoides nearly 1 years, 9 ember tetra , 4 otocinclus , 3 neritine snail and around 10 amano shrimp. At the moment the thank have just some plant Led light and filter is no... ...
166.Trigon 350 Corner Aquarium- Full Tropical Setup 18/08/21 Yes
Juwel Trigon 350 Corner Fish Tank Aquarium - full set up - inc. Aquasky lights. Good used condition. Full set up - buyer to disassemble and transport. Fluval Trigon 350 tank and stand Eheim Heater, Air pump and stones Eheim filter -and allPond solutions filters - both fully established with to... ...
167.Aquarium equipment 12/08/21 Yes
20” Hma water purifier like new month old £50 48x18x18 tank and lids 2 month old £130 Aqua evolution 70 air pump like new £100 4 way air pump like new £15 Ocean hydra 30 internal filter £25 Inkbird 308 like new Boxed hook is missing of top £25 Bag of Origin Supreme veggie flake £10 ... ...
168.Tank for sale Aqua Oak Aquarium 24/07/21 Yes
Aqua Oak Aquarium for sale. Due to disability I am unable to care for it so this sale is for a Complete setup. including all equipment and and even more , too much to list and also community tetra fish (approx 27) and assain snails and an armoured shrimp. Price ; £ 600 ono. NEEDS TO GO A.S.A... ...
169.Tropical comunity fish 22/07/21 No
Tropical comunity fish for sale ; 10 Neons 5 Rummy nose 3 Galaxy Rasboro 3 Serpae tetra 3 Blacktip tetra 3 flame tetra 1 purple empower 3 yellow stripe snails, Malaysian trumpet snails 2 Armoured shrimps.
170.Fish, plecs 15/07/21 No
Description: For sale Hartlepool 1.5 inch Buenos Aires Trtra £1.50 each 8 for £10 1 inch serpae tetra £1 each 1 inch cardinal tetra £1 each 1 inch Red Eye tetra £1 each 1 inch + Electric Blue Rams £4 each 3 for £10 1 inch + platinum Rams £4 each 3 for £10 3 inch Jack Dempsey Cichlids... ...
171.Turtle, fish and tank for sale 03/07/21 Yes
£120 Musk Turtle is approximately one year old. Selling complete with tank, filter, heater. Tank size: height 39cm, width 48cm, depth 27cm. Sale also includes some fish which makes for a beautiful tank set up… one blue fighter, 2 corries, 2 neon tetras, 2 tetras and 1 pleck. Rocks and li... ...
172.5ft/100gal full aquarium setup 02/07/21 Yes
I believe the tank was made by ND aquatics, stand obviously homemade, Fluval FX4 filter, 2x 200w Eheim Thermopreset heaters, Jecod SOW-4 wavemaker, Fluval Aquasky 33w Bluetooth light, large piece of planted bogwood (dread to think what this would cost from a shop), the aquarium has some light scratc... ...
173.Various tropical fish for sale 28/06/21 No
Sadly selling my tropical fish collection due to house move. Includes the following - 1 lemon tetra 3 rummynosed tetras 1 orange bristlenosed plec 1 siamese flying fox All healthy & eating well. £20 for the lot. Collection from Sawtry, Cambs
174.FREE 3 black phantom tetra need to be rehomed 24/06/21 No
I have 3 black phantom tetra in my tank, they were sold as a three, but it’s apparent they are miserable in my tank. They are perfectly healthy, just hiding away all the time, and 2 seem to have paired up leaving the other one on its own. I’d like to find them a home where they can join a school... ...
175.Selling Aquarium plus fish 21/06/21 Yes
Aquarium Job Lot for sale. Aquarium measuring 147cm wide, 64cm High and Depth 60cm. I am selling this tank including all peripherals and live stock: Fish: Halloween Mollies, Damlation Molies, Black Molly, Sword Tails, Guppies, Neon and Cardinal Tetras plus others. Decorations include plants, r... ...
176.Black phantom tetras - 5 for £6 17/06/21 Yes
1 male & 4 females. Adults - had them for 3 months so far. Downsizing so selling some of my fish off. If interested, please message. Collection from SW20 9AN.
177.ALL SOLD Sterbai Corydoras, Emerald Corys, Blue Emperor Tetras £45 10/06/21 Yes
For sale 5 x fully grown young sterbai corys for £20 7 x 5cm in size, almost fully grown green emerald corys also known as brochis splendens for £30 7 x large blue Emperor Tetra for £5. Or £45 for all. All of them are very nice, healthy and well feeding. Perfect company for Angels, Discus,... ...
178.exchange albino bristlenose 23/05/21 No
variety of albino bristlenose for sale or exchangefrom 2 inch to proven pair sale or exchange for tetras rams or small peaceful barbs
179.Rena 400L tanks and equipment 21/05/21 Yes
Here i have good condition rena 400l fish tank that i used to keep discus fishes in. 1500mm length x 600mm high × 500 wide tank+ 1500mm long x 730 mm high x 400mm wide stand(decent condition,few water marks nothing major to affect it.) cames complete with jbl cristalprofy 1500e filter+ prefilter,... ...
180.Fish plecs catfish 13/05/21 No
Description: For sale Hartlepool 1.5 inch Buenos Aires Trtra £1.50 each 1 inch Red & blue Columbian Tetra £1 1 inch Red Eye tetra £1 Various guppy £1 each 1 inch German Blue Rams £2 each 1 inch + Electric Blue Rams £4 each 3 for £10 1 inch + platinum Rams £4 each 3 for £10 2.5 i... ...
181.Various community fish for sale 11/05/21 No
Small group of 5 cardinal tetra for sale Couple of black neon tetra 4 male endlers 4/5 small super red bristlenose juvies Small group of sterbai corys Small group of bronze cories Ideally sell altogether but may split
182.exchange albino bristlenose 09/05/21 No
albino bristlenose 1.5 inches --ex for loaches angels tetras gouramis or WHY 20 plus available also proven pair
183.Fluval Flex 123L Full set up and Live stock 07/05/21 Yes
I have a 18 month old Fluval Flex and live stock for sale. The tank is in near perfect condition except a couple of small scratches which cannot be seen when full of water. The tank has decent amount of rock work and will come with the fluval stratum substrate. Included in the sale will be a tub of ... ...
184.Jewel Rio 450l LED Aquarium & Cabinet Complete Set up with Fish 30/04/21 Yes
I am selling my Jewel Rio 450l LED Aquarium & Cabinet Complete Set up with Fish. I bought this in October 2020 and love it but now coming out of lockdown I no longer have time to maintain it. Complete set up. Tank Cabinet Light Air Stone Heater Filter Sand Stones Wood Real Plants ... ...
185.Fish, plecs, cory, catfish, tetra, loach 29/04/21 No
Description: For sale Hartlepool 1.5 inch Buenos Aires Trtra £1.50 each 1 inch Red & blue Columbian Tetra £1 1 inch Red Eye tetra £1 Small cardinals £0.60p each 4 cm silver dollars £4 each 3 for £10 2 cm sterbai Cory £3 each 4 for £10 1 inch German Blue Rams £2 each 1 inch + Ele... ...
186.Penguin tetras 11/04/21 Yes
6 penguin tetras for £7
187.Fish ready to go , 06/04/21 No
Stock clearance ahead of fish house move, will do deals on multi buys tiger shovelnose x redtail catfish hybrids 5” £40 red tail catfish 7” £35 midas 2.5" 2” £8 Green terror 2.5” £8 brown bristlenose £5 Alunocara Mixed Hormone free £10 each 6 for £45 red ti... ...
188.Complete 5ft aquarium & stand and accessories, with/without fish £425 05/04/21 Yes
Description: Really nice 5ft aquarium on stand,420 litre. Only selling as upgrading to 6ft tank and larger fish. The tank has no visible scratches and has only been used for 8 months, it comes with a Tetra external filter, wave maker, heater, some rocks and artificial plants, This is still being... ...
189.5ft tank set up on stand for sale 02/04/21 Yes
Really nice 5ft aquarium on stand,420 litres only selling as upgrading. The tank has no visible scratches and has only been used for 6 months, it comes with a Tetra external filter, wave maker, heater, some rocks and artificial plants, This is still being used as a Malawi set up. I do have some ... ...
190.Two Female and One Male Adult Congo Tetra Free to Collect 01/04/21 Yes
Two Female and One Male Adult Congo Tetra available for Free. The only proviso is that you must catch them first with the minimum of disruption to their tankmates please. Thanks and kind regards Alan
191.New globe 29/03/21 Yes
New tetra duo waterfall globe £30 ono..
192.New tank and equipment 28/03/21 Yes
Tetra 80lt tank, stand , filter , heater, all new in boxes also small tub of food and small aqua safe, basically all you need and all new , tank size 61cm×51×32 £150 ono
193.New tank &stand & equipment 28/03/21 Yes
New 80lt tetra tank still boxed, tank size 61cm×51×32 , also new internal filter new heater still boxed also new grey stand still boxed also , small tub of food and small aqua safe basically everything you need £150
194.columbian tetras 28/03/21 Yes
6 columbian tetras for £7
195.Fish tank 80L, fish, natural plants and all accessory 24/03/21 Yes
Fish tank: • Tetra Starter Line LED 80L Aquarium, with internal filter • Natural Driftwood Branches Aquarium Decoration Assorted Size, Small, (3) • NYMPHAEA RUBRA Red Tiger Zenkeri Lotus - plant tropical fish tank • Aquarium Plant "Anubias nana" • Collection of Aquatic Plants Fis... ...
Some of the new stock below from PA all in stock. IN STOCK Aba Aba knifefish ( large size 14” -17” ) Elephant nose (petersii) Citherus Citherus Bagrus Docmak (Giant silver catfish) Spiny Eel Phago Maculatus (African long nose pike ) rare King Kong Parrot. (Orange) King Kong P... ...
197.5ft aquarium on stand 18/03/21 Yes
Really nice 5ft aquarium on stand,420 litres only selling as upgrading. The tank has no visible scratches and has only been used for 6 months, it comes with a Tetra external filter, wave maker, heater, some rocks and artificial plants, This is still being used as a Malawi set up. I do have some ... ...
198.Neon tetras 18/03/21 No
Hi I have a small school of about 15 neon tetras for sale, selling them as I m going into marines again. Will take £10 or i will consider swapping for marine accessories, live rock etc.
199.64l fish box set up 08/03/21 Yes
64l fish box comes with : Air pump and stone External pump Light Heater Gravel Fake plants Ornaments Few guppy’s Few tetras Upside down cat fish Looking for £120 Ono selling as need space Please see other adds
200.9 beautiful wild strain discus from Punchard Discus 25/02/21 Yes
Every each of them are different. Some solid, and some Royal. Lots of red and blue. Real mosaic of colours. Feeding well on Punchard beef heart mix, frozen mix and Tetra Prima granules. Kept in tap, dechlorinated water. Healthy and growing well. Size ranging between 3,5 and 4,5 inch. You will not be... ...

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