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1.Shutting down tank ND Aquatics 8ftx2x2 Fish for sale,Tank with stand and all equipment. 07/03/25 No
I have a Nd aquatics 8ft tank for sale 300 the stand has water damage doors and stiff to shut was like it when I purchased. X2 fluval Fx6 £150 each one I bought just before Xmas. X2 fluval aquasky lights 33w. £120 for both X2 fluval heaters £60 Fluval 407 £40 Clown loach x5 £80 go... ...
2.Aqua Marin Fresh 1200 Aquarium & Cabinet 27/02/25 Yes
318 Litres, Dimensions L120 x W50 x H141 cm. 12mm glass. Fabulous unit in excellent condition. Complete with Oase Filter, pump and thermometer. Fluval Smart Bluetooth Lights. All plants and fish included - plec, catfish, loach, angels, guarami, red tipped shark plus others. Lots of other accessorie... ...
3.Free Rainbow Shark 21/01/25 Yes
Rainbow Shark in BR1 5SF - Free to a good home. It's just been to territorial and aggressive in my smallish community tank. It's healthy and about 12cm long. I can have it bagged and ready to go for when you want to collect it.
4.2x Red tail shark 11/01/25 No
Two red tail sharks for sale I've got a few in my 6ft tank and started to become aggressive with each other Collection only. 20 for both
5.Tropical Fish Breeding 27/12/24 No
Selling 20+ fish, prefer if you take all. Marble Angel fish breeding Pair 5 inches stunning Pearl Gourami Trichopodus leerii - large size - 4/5 inches - Stunning. Gold Gourami Trichogaster Trichopterus large size - 4 inches Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami Tichogaster Lalius - large si... ...
6.Large Bola shark 20/12/24 Yes
Very lovely Bala shark a nice size is about 12in maybe more £40 ovno Slough SL1 9DL O7828 401886
7.black shark Labeo chrysophekadion for sale 10/12/24 No
currently 6" or so, really good temperment, loves a planted tank, always out, not a shy fish at all, please get in touch if interseted, only selling as off travelling for a year or 2, had plans of a tropical pond, so needs something really big long term, living happilly in an 80g with some syno... ...
8.Maidenhead Aquatics @ Ashtead - Tropical List 04/12/24 - UPDATED 04/12/24 Yes
A warm tropical welcome from Maidenhead Aquatics at Ashtead, Surrey, just off of Junction 9 the M25. We guarantee to blow you away with our extensive collection of rare and unusual tropical fish, some of which you will never have seen before! Here is our current extensive Freshwater Tropical stock l... ...
9.4ft fish tank with fish 29/11/24 Yes
4ft 400l fish tank including fish and all accessories Comes with air stone and heater Comes with external pump Also have a few decoration pieces for inside so you can swap and change - plane - car - rock displays and more. Inside there will be 3x silver sharks 1x rainbow shark 1x al... ...
10.20" iridescent shark catfish 25/11/24 Yes
Hi 20" iridescent shark catfish. Stunning fish! Location Warwickshire 07391432861
11.Geophagus steindachneri bala shark flagtail 13/11/24 No
9-10 inch Geophagus steindachneri 2x 7/9 inch bala sharks 7 inch flagtail All for sale or swaps thanks
12.Stormii shark catfish SOLD STC 12/11/24 No
SOLD SUBJECT TO COLLECTION Due to copious numbers of timewasters... back available again. Trio of hemiarius stormii catfish. 1 x 24” likely the biggest in the uk. 1 x 16/17” 1 x 12/13” SERIOUS OFFERS CONSIDERED Potentially deal on all 3. Only the largest tanks/ponds suitable long... ...
13.4 inch red tail shark 2 AVAILABLE 05/11/24 Yes
2 x RED TAIL SHARK available around 4 inch. Just changing stock £10 each Very active moving onto larger fish Collection bradford
14.8 x 3 x 20in fish tank and fish 19/10/24 Yes
having to sell my 8 foot tank due to house move tank is 8 x 3 x 20in comes with an fx 6 a vecton 600 uv and a heater. the fish are a large Jardine , a histrix cross male ray, a large silver shark and a large common plec. looking for £600 for the fish and £500 for the tank and equipment. can whatsa... ...
15.2.5ft fish tank full set up 18/09/24 No
Fish tank 2.5ft tropical fish tank for sale full set up which includes external filter cost £65 new media not that old in it. Comes with sand, some ornaments , bit of bog wood, heater, pot of fish food Everything you need . Fish include; 1 retail shark 1 balloon Molly 1 yo-yo loach ... ...
Around 12 now very Healthy and eating £175...no offers
17.Silver shark 15/09/24 No
I have a 5 inch silver shark that needs rehoming as to big for my tank, i dont want amything for him juat to be rehomed thank you, im in the eccles area of manchester
18.Free monster fish to good home 01/09/24 No
20" Iridescent shark 16" Iridescent shark 18" RTC x TCN Free to good home All in perfect condition just am slightly overstocked atm. Warwickshire. CV36 07391432861
19.RESERVED Around 90+ beautiful fish plus plants for £100 30/08/24 No
I'm moving house so I have to sell full fish stock of my 650 liters aquarium. All healthy, feeding on variety of foods and peacefully living together in my tank for last 6 months. I spent around £600 on them. Yo can have them for 100. There are; 18 congo tetras, 12m/6f 8-10cm in size. 12 deniso... ...
20.12 INCH BAMBOO SHARK 26/08/24 No
Stunning fish 12 inch bamboo shark £160
21.Wanted 20/08/24 No
Looking for clown loach, red tailed black sharks, fire eels or tyre track eels. Also after fish caves Nearer Walsall the better. Send me pics and prices please.
22.Nets auction 23 june 16/06/24 No
ROUGH LIST!!!!! 1 week to go, 23rd of June N.E.T.S. Aquatics Auction I have asked sellers to look round there tanks and fish rooms. I haven't got everyone's list. But here's a start. Please remember this list isn't guaranteed it's merely there to show the selection possibly available at these e... ...
23.Pengasius black shark 13 inches plus £50 12/05/24 Yes
Feeding well and very active Swaps considered £50
24.L330 watermelon plec 13” , 5/6” red shoulder Severum and more 29/04/24 Yes
Up for sale eats well very active throughout day and night loves driftwood and veg Rare nice large l number Looking for 200 Ono Also have available Red shoulder Severum 6” 35 2 x Bala sharks 8” £20 each preferred to go together 07887498324 Drop me a what’s app t... ...
25.Bala shark 6 inches 31/03/24 Yes
Selling my Bala shark very pick up Barking london. Text if interested 07595391667
26.Wanted Clown loach,parrot fish,eels,shark, reed/rope fish. 03/03/24 No
Looking for clown loach ,parrot fish,red tailed black shark, eels and rope/reed fish. Walsall area. Let me know what you have and prices please. 07944180617
27.Looking for marine stingray and shark 17/02/24 No
Looking for a blue spot sting or a yellow stingray alos an epaulette shark if any one has either will to travel to collect thanks
28.2x Bala sharks 16/02/24 No
2 Bala sharks 5” £10 call char 07805996749
29.African Cichlids and aquarium for only £299 14/02/24 Yes
I have some African Cichlids and aquarium African cichlids Aquarium complete setup for Only £299 African cichlids Mixed 10x 5-8cm South American & New World cichlids Albino Oscar 2x 6cm-10cm Red Parrot Fish 4x 7cm-10cm Assorted cichlids 6x 4cm-6cm Jack Dempsey cichlids 2x ... ...
30.2 albino pangasuis shark 23/01/24 No
Have 2 albino pangasuis sharks about 16"+ Txt or whattapp me on 07508983955 Will need a large tank Offers welcome or trade Heathrow
31.Hemiarius Stormi Catfish 19/01/24 Yes
Hemiarius Stormi Catfish available in stock. Feeding well on Carnivore pellets , prawn & chopped mussel. These are a very active fish and are the closet fish to a freshwater Shark. Good size at around 9” Pm /call for details 2 left in stock. Thank you Planet Arowana Www.p... ...
32.Tropical Tank Full Set Up and Fish 11/01/24 Yes
Aquael Classic 70 Bow 90L tank 70 x 35 x 40cm WDH Matching black cabinet curved to hold the tank 73cm tall. Interpret deltatherm Heater,Fluval U2 underwater filter, LED lighting and thermometer. Gravel,1 x natural wood piece, plants and 4 x rocks. 10 fish, some over 3 years old 3 x ... ...
33.Large fish tank, 6ft long, 28 inches high, 16 inches deep - 500 Litres - £300 09/11/23 No
Large fish tank, 6ft long, 28" high, 16" deep - 500 Litres Includes all decor and equipment including stand one door off hinges , hood, Fluval FX5, LED light bar possible dodgy switch , decent tank heater with LCD display, all accessories including nets, food and timers. Fish inclu... ...
34.Aquatlantis Aquarium 200L with 8 x silver dollars, red tailed shark & catfish 07/11/23 Yes
Aquatlantis Aquarium 200L with stand including:- 8 x Silver Dollars - 4 of one type and 4 of another type 8-9cm Red tailed shark 5cm Catfish 11cm Juwel water pump Air pump + spare Heater + thermometer 2 x Strip lights - Marine blue & Natural Siphon Food Pellets +... ...
35.Aqua oak 3ft Tropical aquarium, full set up and fish included 28/10/23 Yes
Set up still up and running.ideal for those just starting out or wanting to move to a smaller tank Aqua oak cabinet in good condition, back of cabinet removed for pipe work. L-120cm W-60CM H-141cm Tank glass is quite scratched and hard to see on pictures, happy to provide video, whatapp vide... ...
36.Pangasius Catfish Shark Catfish 17/10/23 Yes
Listing my Panagasius Catfish for free as I need to move by the weekend. It's about 20" long and calm
37.Closing tank down Central and south american cichlids for sale , open to offers 16/10/23 No
4xHerotilapia multispinosa / 2x firemouth / 1xTexas/ 4xAmatitlania Nanolutea 2 breeding pairs /4x Neets / 4 or5 xThorichthys aureus/3xThorichthys pasionis/1x Red shark / 3xCryptoheros cutteri / 1x Geophagus Abalios/2x red shoulder severum / Sterba corydoras and a few different cory species not sure... ...
38.2x Large Balka Sharks 24/09/23 No
2x large Bala sharks for sale, approx 12 inches each whatsapp 07760991876, pics or vid on request.
39.Whole setup FS: Fluval Roma 90 + fish 17/09/23 No
Looking for someone interested in taking the whole aquarium off my hands. Tank, base cabinet + interior filter. It's unique in that it has three plecos co-existing peacefully: mum, dad & child. Also a ruby shark, four fleet foxes, a few corys, a zebra snail. They all need more space and I ... ...
40.Tropical Fish 08/09/23 No
Red Rainbow Dennison Barb Neon Blue Dwarf Rainbow Rummy Nose Clown Loach Albino Shark
41.Silver shark approximately 6-7 inches long 25/07/23 No
Silver Shark approx length 6 - 7 inches will accept any reasonable offer will be accepted please call on landline 01253 766706 or mobile 07766954630 thanks Geoff, could not upload photo of the fish but can send via email later if interested
42.community fish 23/07/23 No
i have a number of community tropical fish for sale these include guppys male&female £1 each or 6 for £5 gold gourami x2 £5 the pair pearl gourami x1 £3 kissing gourami x1 £3 blue gourami x2 £5 the pair black widow tetra x3 £1 each clown loach small x1 £3 mollies male x3 £1... ...
43.NETS auction 25 June 21/06/23 No
!check out the list of fish provisionally booked for this Sundays auction Plecos and catfish L-015 pleco Super red pleco Synodontis eupterus Brochis splendens Cory napoensis Cory panda white Cory sodalis Cory Trilineatus Cory elegans Cory barbatus Green lazer cory Red lazer cory ... ...
44.Closed down my tanks 25/05/23 No
I have one silver arowana about 40cm £75.00 One silver datnoids 13cm £50.00 One albino Oscar 13cm £8.00 Two African leaf fish £15.00 each. Five clown loaches £10.00 each. One red tail shark £6.00. Anyone interested please contact me on 07555049495. to take all for £140.00. Thank you.
45.Silver shark 9inch 24/04/23 Yes
9inch silver shark eating well lovely fish £30
46.Silver shark 9inch 24/04/23 No
9inch silver shark eating well lovely fish £30
47.Aqua one Oakstyle 230L Tank + Clown Loach, Angel Fish, Silver Sharks for sale - North Manchester 22/03/23 No
5x Clown Loach (2-3 inch up to 4-5 inch) £60 2x Silver Sharks (7-8 inch) £15 1x Yoyo loach (4-5 inch) £10 5x Angel Fish (Medium sized) £15 2x Common Plec (1 is tiny, other is 4 inches) £5 1x Kribensis £85 if take all. Will also be selling the tank. Aqua one oakstyle 230L Comes wi... ...
48.Tropical fish 22/02/23 No
5 bala sharks 8 lemon tetra Male n female chocolate bristlenose 5 Congo tetra 1 geo 4 zebra loach
49.Tropical fish 21/02/23 No
5 bala sharks 8 lemon tetra Male n female chocolate bristlenose 5 Congo tetra 1 geo 4 zebra loach
50.22 clown loaches, ghost knife, Reed fish, bichir 17/02/23 No
22 clown loaches 3.5-7 inches £330 13 inch ghost knife fish £35 7 inch ghost knife fish £15 11 Reed fish £15 6 inch Senegal bichir £10 5 inch male electric blue acara £15 2 silver sharks £15 4 angel fish £30 4 gourami £10 Paradise fish £3 Whats app for pics 07879118209
51.Selling off some stock various fish 15/02/23 No
Black shark 6 inch £30 ono Fahaka puffer 4 inch £35 ono Spotted bush fish £10 Big jaguar 11 inch £60 Ono (male) Big flowerhorn 8 inch £30 ono Red Devil 6 inch £25ono Red Wolf fish 13 inch £70 ono Yellow jacket ciclid 8/9 inch £45 ono Medium jaguar cichlid 6 inch x2 female £25 ... ...
52.Free to good home Pangasius shark 15/02/23 No
I have a pangasius shark which has outgrown its 5ft tank, around 16 inches. It does have a lump near where its whisker should be, but other than that it is in good health. My giant gourami has recently started to chase and bother it. Many thanks
53.Free to good home Pangasius shark 15/02/23 No
I have a pangasius shark which has outgrown its 5ft tank, around 16 inches. It does have a lump near where its whisker should be, but other than that it is in good health. My giant gourami has recently started to chase and bother it. Many thanks
54.Malawi for sale 07/01/23 Yes
Selling all my fish as set up a salt water tank I have malawi various sized 1 syno Catfish 2 ret tail black sharks and 2 bristlenose plecs collection Halifax or can deliver if fuel costs are covered all my food Ihave for these fish will come with them Contact me on 07391441390
55.Large Silver Sharks x 2 - FOR SALE - Oxfordshire 07/01/23 Yes
1 is 8/9 inches 1 is 4/5 inches £60 for both
56.Mixed Tropical Fish and Rays 26/12/22 No
Hiya, For sale, 10x silver dollars 6_8 inch 7x severum fully grown 3x tin foil barbs 9inch 3x silver shark 9inch Breeding pair mini marbles 8x Denison barbs 4-7 inch Big pacu 2x 8/9 inch flag tails Pictures available upon request Collection only from Congleton Thanks C... ...
57.wanted 18/12/22 No
oscars about 5inch bala shark 5inch and geophagus
58.Cichlids and others 12/12/22 Yes
I have lots of fish for sale. Large 10” chocolate cichlid £20 Large 7” silver shark £10 3 yellow Acura £10 4x xxl angolin talipia £25 the lot 2x medium African malawie £15 for both Small Malawi £5 2x yellow tail blue acie £10 1x red zebra Malawi £5 Med Texas c... ...
59.Red tailed black shark 04/12/22 No
Sale very large red tailed black shark vivid colour and perfect condition 10 pounds to good home
60.Shark 26/11/22 No
7 inv marmalade shark 120 pic up widnes wa88ee message me
61.Multiple fishes - jewel cichlids, dollar, clown loach 22/11/22 Yes
Multiple fishes for sale due to aquarium closure - Jewel cichlids (7 including breeding pairs) - 35 for the lot - Large silver dollar (4) - 20 for the lot - Clown loach - large - 20 pounds - Clown loach - medium - 7 pounds - Red tail shark - medium - 5 pounds Collection from Knaphill, Woki... ...
62.Corner 190 jewel full set up fish 22/11/22 No
Sellin full set up and fish corner tank with rock and lion fish also marmalade shark 7 also engener goby and koran angel message me 250 all
63.Fish for sale hartlepool 02/11/22 No
Here you go marble Auoncara £3 each 4 for £10 Blue Dolphin £4 each 3 for £10 guppy£1.25 platty £1.25 Swodtails £1.25 white cloud minnows £1 Dalmatian Molly £1.50 Ruby Sharks £2.50 Silver shark £2 each small angels £4 medium angels £5 various Siamese fighters £5 each golden gourami £2... ...
64.Rare catfish- Megalodoras uranoscopus/irwini, jaguar catfish, plus other species 30/10/22 Yes
Open to offers: I am reluctantly selling my group of 5 Megalodoras. They're all in excellent shape and eat very well. Range from 6-7" up to a few around 10" or so. Rarely seen at this size. Like all doradid species they are social and are more outgoing in groups so I will not be splitti... ...
65.Fish Tank and Fishes 12/09/22 No
Complete aquarium set up with fishes. Measuring 150cm x 60cm x 60cm (approx.. 560 litres). 16 large fishes ranging fro 10cm to 40cm including Pangasius Cats, Red Fin Cigar Shark, Tin Foil Barb, Gibbicep Plecos, Green Severums, Yellow Parrot Fish and Clown Loaches. Complete set up including Fil... ...
66.110L tank & Over 30 fish 31/07/22 Yes
110L tropical fish tank with over 30 fish. Tank is working fine , filter is new. Different types of guppy’s , molly Dalmatian’s , red tailed sharks & other smaller beautiful coloured fish.
67.Aquarium 10/07/22 Yes
SELLING 7ft by 2ft aquarium with perspex glass sliding lid has been wrapped white comes with... 1 28cm submersible led light with remote 2 98cm submersible led light with remote 2 100cm submersible t8 led bars 2 60cm submersible t8 led bars Wave maker Fx4 filter 10 months old 2 a... ...
68.Selling all fish 07/07/22 No
1 foot paroon shark 1 6 inch parron shark 1 5 inch driftwood cat fish 1 8 inch red tail cat fish 1 5 icnh severum 1 6 inch pleco 1 large musk turtle 1 2 inch Raphael cat fish 1 1 foot clarius catfish Would like to sell all fish as a bundle, open to offers. Will sell fish singally also... ...
69.Tropical Fish for sale - Plecs & Large clowns & Others 20/06/22 No
I have about 30 tropical fish for sale which include some nice Plecs (Blue Phantom 8” , Tigers Leapard, Brazilian, Golden Nugget, some real nice ones) 14 Large Clown Loaches Corys, Loaches and Silver Sharks Cost over £750 Will accept £350 ono for quick sale Whats App me for photos 0776822... ...
70.Jewel Rio 125 17/06/22 Yes
Juwel Rio 125 LED Tropical Aquarium & Cabinet including assorted fish and accessories, plecs including golden nugget, angel, gourami, black widows, black shark,barbs, purple ocean rock , slate and bog wood. Very good condition £175 ono
Selling my collection as I am moving and need to cut down slightly. Please note the fish are in a larger custom tank I build that is not for sale, the white high gloss tank pictured is the one for sale. Tank and fish listed below TANK - Aquariums for life 4’9 x 2 x 2.5 custom white hig... ...
72.2 young iridescent sharks 04/06/22 Yes
2 blue iridescent sharks about 8in lovely and lively fish eating prawns and pellets decided to leave the predator fish pickup Peterlee County Durham.£30 for both future monsters so won't sell unless big enough tank or pond
73.Shark catfish 03/06/22 Yes
Shark catfish for sale around 12 inches good healthy condition, these grow very big so will need a big tank, £10 tel mark on 07392937745 for more info.
74.Large oddballs and cichlids collection rare 15/05/22 Yes
Hi, I am shutting down several of my tanks in order to move house, I am keeping my plec collection and Datnoids etc for now but the below need to go, Please message me or email me for more info or to purchase large amount I will do good deals. Oscar pair tiger 11” and albino 8” - £30 ... ...
75.Over 20 fish for sale 24/04/22 No
4-5 blood parrots 4-5 inch Big silver shark 6-7 inch Venasutis 6-7 inch 2 clown loach 4-5 inch 5-6 inch Snowball pleco 5 inch Syno cat fish 5-6 inch Blue acara x2 3-4 inch Breeding pair blue cray fish Yellow lab 3-4 inch And more located Kippax leeds
76.9 inch Bala shark £20 19/04/22 No
Large bala shark for £20.
77.American cichlid 18/04/22 No
1tiger and 1 albino Oscar 8” both for £20 1Male and 1female blood parrots 6” 25each 1 Bala shark 7” £35 1 wild caught green severum 5” £25 2 synodontis catfish 5” both for £30 1 malawi eye biter 5” £15
78.Aquaone 230 complete setup £300 01/04/22 No
CANT UPLIAD PICS ITS NOT LETTING ME IF YOU WANT PICS I CAN WHATSAPP YOU THEM aquaone Oak 230 aquarium stunning condition I upgraded the filtration to a ehiem eco external and a fluval 407 all contents are included fish live plants everything seen in the picture. the drawer above the fluval filt... ...
79.Tropical fish malawi lake cichlids 23/03/22 No
Platy's Guppies Green terror Fire mouth Angel fish ( 5 different types ) Barbs ( 4 different types ) Yo yo loach Zebra loach Rainbow shark Red tail shark Albino shark Paradaise fish ( 3 different types ) Gourami ( 5 different types ) Gold bristolnose Super red bristol... ...
80.Pictus catfish and rtb shark 22/03/22 Yes
Both in community tank, feed well. 20 for both
81.5ft Fish tank with everything included 16/03/22 No
5 ft fish tank Individually these will cost a lot more than what I've advertised for so looking for a quick sale. Will need a van and 4 strong man as I won't be able to help carry. Everything included and can send video on wats app. Quick sale and no time wasters.. Will sell to first person w... ...
82.Fish for sale 12/03/22 No
2 silver Sharks. 1 6in. 1 4in 1 Rainbow Shark 4in 1 upside down Catfish 10in 1 Clown Loach 4in 1 don’t know what it is Brought another tank and the fish came with it. £30. The lot
83.3 large silver sharks £60 for the three 06/03/22 No
collection altrincham manchester. text me for info on 07432559672
84.Yellow lab and elecyric blue cichlid 27/02/22 Yes
Yellow lab and elecyric blue cichlid Collect only from London e15 2nz Fry 5£ Big 15£ Pair 40£ Contact please on WhatsApp 07711110677 Thanks Plus pleco available and large shark 30cm
85.Aqua one 245 aquarium with black gloss cabinet £300 04/02/22 Yes
Aqua one 245 aquarium with black cabinet,only 8 months old, was brought brand new, lovely tank, only selling due to my health, so I can't keep up with it. Comes with two external filters, heater, led lights with timer, bubble pump, ornaments, gravel. Fish are included if wanted, one parrot fish, fi... ...
86.Closing down tank 600 litre L shape fish tank 01/02/22 No
L shape fish tank heater, air stone, Fx 4 fliter (open to offers) 29 inches high with out stand 58 inches with stand 18 inches deep 85 inches long 42 inches were the L is created Sting Ray mini marble male about 10 inches £220 Sun cat fish1 1 large and 1 baby 2 iridescent sha... ...
87.Pengasius shark 10 inches 31/01/22 Yes
Pengasius shark, very active. Approx 10 inches £30
88.Selection of Fish 27/01/22 No
My Father currently lives in Yeovil and is going into a nursing home so is looking to sell on his fish. There are: 4 large catfish (around 7 inches) 1 albino catfish 1 red tailed shark (around 7 inches) 3 angel fish 3 tiger barbs 1 pearl gourami Collection of smaller fish: neon tetras/bleedi... ...
89.Bala Sharks 08/01/22 No
Large Silver Sharks (YORK) 7 x 8"-10" Bala Sharks. Must have suitable tank. £80 for all of them, buyer collects.
Here I have my male iradescent shark that has unfortunately become too big for his tank and due to a passing in the family I am no longer able to look after him. He is roughly 18 inches. Free too a good home.
91.Red tail shark 30/12/21 No
Around 4/5 inches. Lovely fish. Closing tank down. £15
This aquarium and cabinet is in excellent condition and comes complete with all accessories including two heaters, an FX6 Canister Filter and fish if desired (1 Pleco, 3 blue parrot cichlids, a red finned shark and a blue Acara). The aquarium is 120cms long, 60cms high and 40cms wide. Only selling b... ...
This aquarium and cabinet is in excellent condition and comes complete with all accessories including two heaters, an FX6 Canister Filter and fish if desired (1 Pleco, 3 blue parrot cichlids, a red finned shark and a blue Acara). The aquarium is 120cms long, 60cms high and 40cms wide. Only selling b... ...
I have a red tail shark for rehoming. Have had it for 2 years but due to down sizing my tank due to moving home, it needs a new home. Based EX16, near Tiverton, Devon. Free.
95.Fish, plecs 28/09/21 No
Description: For sale Hartlepool 1.5 inch Diamond tetra £3 each 4 for £10 1 inch flame tetra £1.50 each 8 for £10 2 inch Geophagus surinamensis £7 each 2 inch geophagus balzani £4 each 3 for £10 2 inch Rainbow Cichlid £4 each 3 for £10 2 inch Siver Shark £3 each 4 for £10 2 inch ... ...
96.Oak Cabinet Aquarium 310ltrs plus accessories £400 30/08/21 Yes
310ltr Oak Cabinet Aquarium with accessories, pump, external filter. Fish included/ or sold sepreately are: 6 x T-Bar Barbs (large) 1 x Red Tail Shark 3 x Flash plecos L204 (large) 2 x Hople cats (large) one albino 2 x Green tetras & one brown eel.
97.Paroon shark wanted 14/08/21 No
Looking for paroon shark for big system Message with what you have no silly elavated prices please
98.Cigar sharks. X3. 30/07/21 Yes
Approximately 16” each. Lovely fish. Message me on 07504909567 £20 each or 3 for £50
99.Fish, plecs 15/07/21 No
Description: For sale Hartlepool 1.5 inch Buenos Aires Trtra £1.50 each 8 for £10 1 inch serpae tetra £1 each 1 inch cardinal tetra £1 each 1 inch Red Eye tetra £1 each 1 inch + Electric Blue Rams £4 each 3 for £10 1 inch + platinum Rams £4 each 3 for £10 3 inch Jack Dempsey Cichlids... ...
100.Job lot fish tank including various tropical fish 05/07/21 Yes
Job lot fish tank all set up ready for use. Includes silver sharks, African bush fish, cat fish, plecs and others... Cracking tank and only selling due to wanting a larger tank. £150.00 all in Any questions please ask.
Opportunity to buy TWO Extra Large BALA SHARKS. These fish are currently in a 7ft Aquarium and are currently around 9" in length. Only looking for £40 for all 2 fish. Tel 07840924405 Search Aid - Tropical fish, tank, filter, cichlids, catfish, koi, pond, pellets, media.
102.11 Discus fish and silver shark 03/06/21 Yes
11 Discus fish and silver shark for sale. £350 The largest discus are aprox 6inch give or take and the smallest is aprix 3inch. And also a silver shark around 9inch. All very healthy and eating well. Have had some of these for a couple of years, kept in dechlorinated tap water in a large 3ft dee... ...
103.BALA shark / silver shark 17/05/21 Yes
10” bala shark 6” Bala shark This fish is too big for my 4ft tank so would like you to have at least a 6ft before I will let him go he’s going to get to 14”inch . He’s not aggressive and doesn’t bother the other smaller fish in the tank. Add me to what’s app for vid... ...
104.Large Tropical fish x 6 16/05/21 Yes
I just sold fish tank and have all below fish for sale if you interested : All Large and I want £80 for all (needs to be collected on Monday as fish tank will be collected on Tuesday ). Can send more photos 2 x silver dollars 1 x red tiled shark 1 x yellow cichlid 1 x yellow gouram... ...
105.Fish plecs catfish 13/05/21 No
Description: For sale Hartlepool 1.5 inch Buenos Aires Trtra £1.50 each 1 inch Red & blue Columbian Tetra £1 1 inch Red Eye tetra £1 Various guppy £1 each 1 inch German Blue Rams £2 each 1 inch + Electric Blue Rams £4 each 3 for £10 1 inch + platinum Rams £4 each 3 for £10 2.5 i... ...
106.Re-homing of tropical fish 10/05/21 Yes
Hi, I have the following fish available for free as long as are going to a good home. Must have experience in keeping fish and have the suitable size tank set up Listed fish are: 2 clown loach 3 cuckoo catfish 4 rainbow fish 1 red tailed black shark Would prefer all to go together No time w... ...
107.Cigar sharks x3 02/05/21 Yes
Approximately 15” each. Beautiful fish. £40 each. For more pictures or videos text me
108.Various large fish 30/04/21 Yes
Clarius catfish approx 11-13 inches long 15.00 Irredescent shark 15.00 Large pleco approx10-12 inches 20.00 Large pleco approx 7-9 inches 15.00 2 orange parrot fish 4-5 inches 25.00 pair or 15.00 each
109.Fish, plecs, cory, catfish, tetra, loach 29/04/21 No
Description: For sale Hartlepool 1.5 inch Buenos Aires Trtra £1.50 each 1 inch Red & blue Columbian Tetra £1 1 inch Red Eye tetra £1 Small cardinals £0.60p each 4 cm silver dollars £4 each 3 for £10 2 cm sterbai Cory £3 each 4 for £10 1 inch German Blue Rams £2 each 1 inch + Ele... ...
112.Fish, plecs & catfish whiptails l numbers 14/04/21 No
Description: For sale Hartlepool 4 cm silver dollars £4 each 3 for £10 2 cm sterbai Cory £3 each 4 for £10 1 inch + Electric Blue Rams £4 each 1 inch + platinum Rams £4 each 2.5 inch various gourami £3 each 4 for £10 2 Inch + Angels £5 each 3 inch Electric Blue Acara £5.00 3 inch ... ...
113.Swaps 06/04/21 No
4 Red Devil 1x10”+3x6” 1 flowerhorn 9” 2 common plecs 9”+12” 2 jags 5”+7” 3 irredecent shark 1x8”+2x 12” 1 upside down cat 7” 2 red head veija 9”+5” 1 silver arrowana 2ft 3 tilapia 2x6”+8” 1 grey midas 8” 2 uaru 9” All eating well and healthy Wan... ...
114.Plecs,fish,catfish,cory 05/04/21 Yes
Description: For sale Hartlepool 4 cm silver dollars £4 each 3 for £10 2 cm sterbai Cory £3 each 4 for £10 1 inch + Electric Blue Rams £5 each 4 for £15 2.5 inch various gourami £3 each 4 for £10 2 Inch + Angels £5 each 3 inch + Angels £7.50 3 inch Electric Blue Acara £5.00 3 inc... ...
115.4x Large Bala Shark 04/04/21 No
As above Ranging from 6-9inch WhatsApp message 07817417296 for more pictures and information Located in Sa46 Willing to travel 2 hours to meet Please do not enquire if you don't have a adequate tank to home them Thanks Sam
116.Fish,plecs,cory 15/03/21 No
For sale Hartlepool 1 inch + Electric Blue Rams £5 each 2 Inch + Angels £5 each 3 inch Electric Blue Acara £5.00 4 inch Red Tailed Shark £10 3 inch Silver Shark £4 each 3 got £10 2 inch Siver Shark £3 each 4 for £10 2 inch Pakistan loach £2.50 each 2 inch Tiger Loach £2 each 2 .5... ...
117.unwanted community fish in Wigan WN3 6XR 10/03/21 Yes
Various fish, no time to look after. reasonable offers call neil 07842 980 801 2 nr large angle fish, (1 nr white, 1 nr black) 1 nr large silver dollar 1 nr albino shark, 3 cm approx 1 nr red tail shark, 3 cm approx 1 nr tiger shark, 3 cm approx 4 nr bristle noise, (2 large, 2 small) Terra... ...
119.Plecs, Cory, Fish 16/02/21 No
For sale Hartlepool 3 inch Electric Blue Acara £5.00 2 inch Redhump geophagus £3.50 2 inch Ellioti Cichlid £3 each 2.5 inch Glass Catfish £3 each 4 inch Red Tailed Shark £10 3 inch Silver Shark £4 each 3 got £10 2 inch Siver Shark £3 each 4 for £10 2 inch Pakistan loach £2.50 ea... ...
120.Fish, plec, cory, cichlids, catfish 10/02/21 No
For sale Hartlepool 3 inch Electric Blue Acara £5.00 2 inch Redhump geophagus £3.50 2 inch Ellioti Cichlid £3 each 2.5 inch Glass Catfish £3 each 3 inch Silver Shark £4 each 3 got £10 2 inch Siver Shark £3 each 4 for £10 2 inch Pakistan loach £2.50 each 2 .5 inch L501 £15 each 2... ...
121.Breaking down my tank 19/01/21 Yes
Hi all, I am currently looking to break down my corner tank. I have some fish in it which I am selling as well as the tank complete set up.I am happy to sell the fish separately but would prefer it to go as a job lot really. The fish are all mature.. I have a Raphael catfish about 5-6 in for £20.... ...
122.Oddball/Community tank closure 07/01/21 Yes
For sale is a an EBJD 2 inch, silver shark 2 inch, yellow flying fox 2 inch, leopard Bush fish 2 inch. £30 all 4 SG9 postcode 07568302451 Can sell the tank aswell if need be lights heater and filter £80.
123.240 litre fluval tank and dark brown cabinet 19/12/20 Yes
1 year old 240 litre tank with a 407 filter, heater, and tank decorations included. Tank also includes the tropical fish if wanted. These include approx 15 tetra, gourami, red tailed black shark, bristlenose catfish, 4 Corys, 2 plecos, 3 upside down catfish, 1 zebra loach, shrimp etc. All fish a... ...
124.Aqua One AR850 Full Tropical set up with fish £175 26/10/20 Yes
In full working order, Easy to maintain and keep clean 165 litres complete with fish 2 x angel 1 silver shark 1 black and red shark 11inch sailfin plec 2 algae eaters a few litte fish
125.Gold Severum, 2 oscars, 4 clown loaches, Ruby shark 21/10/20 No
Taking offers, gold Severums 3-4 inches, oscars 2-3 inches, clown loaches 2-3 inches, Ruby shark 2-3 inches
126.Gold Severum, 2 oscars, 4 clown loaches, Ruby shark 21/10/20 Yes
Taking offers, gold Severums 3-4 inches, oscars 2-3 inches, clown loaches 2-3 inches, Ruby shark 2-3 inches
127.Pangasius Sharks 23/09/20 Yes
2X Pangasius Sharks for sale, i want £15 for them both, they have been a very peaceful but can be startled by other fish.
128.Lots available 21/08/20 No
Common Bristlenose pleco male x3 large Breeding pair of jewel cichlids 2 male jewel cichlids Deforemed angelfish free to good home Red tail shark 2 tiger datnoids Monte cristo cichlid 2 large synodontis catfish 1 parrot cichlid 2 clown plec 2 albino sailfin pleco 1 4" Jack d... ...
129.fish leeds 20/08/20 No
130.6inch+ Silver shark wanted 11/08/20 No
Hi guys, I’m looking at getting more silver sharks to go with my ones, I’m looking for large ones as mine are about 8 inches estimate. Cheers
131.Ornate bichir 07/08/20 Yes
Ornate bichir for sale, £50, approx 9 months old, 12 inches, amazing prehistoric fish, Specialist tropical fish requires large aquarium and will eat small fish (obviously) so not compatible in a tank with small fish, had previous had it in a 5ft aquarium with aggressive cichlids, Jack Dempsey, ang... ...
132.Yoyo Loach and Rainbow Shark 02/08/20 No
Hi, I’m looking forward to re-home my yoyo loach and rainbow shark. Both are about 3-4 inch long. Contact number: 07472604580
133.Predatory fish 27/07/20 Yes
Looking to rehome 2x Paroon sharks from between 9-12 inches £40 Also looking to rehome 15inch female mono peacock bass £70 Need gone ASAP all together £100 Please contact me by text 07492654045
134.Silver shark needing a bigger home 19/07/20 No
Hey! I have a black tip silver shark in my tropical tank. He’s now about 5/6 inches out growing my tank and starting to annoy my lovely silver dollar fish. If anywhere in the area would like him your welcome. He’s lively and active, likes his food, seems very healthy. Thanks, Andrew
135.Silver shark needing a bigger home 19/07/20 No
Hey! I have a black tip silver shark in my tropical tank. He’s now about 5/6 inches out growing my tank and starting to annoy my lovely silver dollar fish. If anywhere in the area would like him your welcome. He’s lively and active, likes his food, seems very healthy. Thanks, Andrew
136.two fish tanks for sale 18/07/20 Yes
I got two fish tanks for sale - one is smaller about 60 litres, most of fishes are guppies, lots of them born in this tank - second one bigger about 180 litres,with cabinet, catfishes, sharks, cichlids, -both with equipment. I keeping them from 9 months, but I am leaving that country and need t... ...
137.5” Ruby Shark 13/07/20 Yes
Stunning Ruby Shark for sale Very nice fish, would need to be with larger fish £6 collection from Oldham, WhatsApp or email me for more details.
138.Red tailed shark 09/07/20 No
Red tailed shark, free to good home, just over a year old, tank belonged to my mum, who can no longer look after them, call Tracy on 07588522052 Daventry area, thanks!
139.Tropical fish 11/06/20 Yes
Hi I have 4 oscars £100 2 featherfin synodontis £20 1 black shark minnow £20 1 pleco species unknown £15 for sale north shields area
140.Lots of Tropical fish for sale or swap Read AD 11/06/20 Yes
Fish for sale (Consett) 3X Electric Blue rams And 1x German Ram £30 2X Large albino Tin foil Barbs £25  2X Large Tinfoil Barbs £25 2x Yellow Barbs £10 2x Agassizii Apistogramma £20 2x Gold Gourami £10 1x Red Dwarf Gourami £5 2x Small Angel Fish £10 2x Larg... ...
141.40 plus for sale 07/06/20 Yes
Over 40 cichlids for sale plus 1 common plec 1 bush fish and 1 red tailed shark. Collection only. Looking for 100 pounds. Located in Stanley county Durham dh9 0en.
143.Open to offers 04/05/20 No
1 x large long fin tiger Oscar 1 x 4-5” parrot chichlid 5 x 4-5” silver dollars 1 x 6-7” red fin leopard pleco 1 x 6” ruby shark Open to offers Collection Portsmouth 07835718231
144.fish leeds 30/04/20 No
hi i am looking to rehome these two fish as they seem to be clashing at times with my giant guramis dont want money just a good home Big tanks or tropical ponds only they need space
146.To sell 15/03/20 No
1x Midas 8 inch 1x pacu 14 inch 1x gosht knifefish 12 inch 2x parrot 6 inch and 4 inch 1x silver shark 10 inch 1 female flowerhorn 5 inch 1x shortbody green Texas 4 inch 3x pearscale 4-5 inch 3x synsilla veja 4-5 inch 1x ornate bichir 6 inch 1x blue Acura 4 inch 3x firemouth 2-... ...
147.250L tropical fish aquarium + fish £225 11/02/20 Yes
250L tropical fish aquarium (tank + cabinet) including a selection of tropical available. 4 x Severum 2 x tin foil barbs 2 x blue acara 1 x silver shark 1 x pleco
148.2 big cigar sharks around 16 inch 30/01/20 No
30 for the pair lovely big peaceful fish
149.Tiger Oscars Malawi cichlids, peacock bass 27/01/20 Yes
Hi we are castleside fish farms you can find us on facebook please like our page we are a small home breeeders New stock in here is this list American cichlids Tiger Oscars 5" Peacock bass 6" Malawi peacocks: Red rubin 5" Moori dolphin 4" Mbuna: Cobalt blue zebra 2" Electric yell... ...
150.Wanted black shark 22/10/19 No
Hi,I'm looking for a black shark 8inch plus. I'm near Bourne lincs
151.free fish to good home 18/10/19 No
2x botias, 1x redtail black shark, 10 pearl danios.all free. collect only. rather all go together.
152.4 foot jewel aquarium and tropical fish 17/10/19 Yes
Full set up including heater, filter breathing pipe,ornaments, plants, led colour changing light. 4 common plecos one 12" , one 10" one 8" and one 4" . The 10" one is a very rare albino common pleco. There's mollies, guppies, neons, sail fin fish, red tail shark and others. ... ...
153.140litre white tank-everything included 10/10/19 Yes
140 litre fish tank with HDOM filter max 28watts 240V-50Hz. All fish included, chichlids rainbow shark, Red-tailed black shark, silver dollar and two pleco's and a new babies too! One cabinet also goes with it and fish food and treatment just in case also included with accessories. Nothing wrong ... ...
154.Juwel Rio 450 fishtank and all the trimmings 04/10/19 Yes
JUWEL RIO 450 Fishtank with matching cabinet Measurements 151 x 51 x 66 cm Excellent filtration system - Juwel Bioflow Super Illuminated by Juwel T5 Hi-Lite Day Layered with black substrate and white sand. Decorated with two large rocks, slate, numerous plants and a large peat log. L... ...
155.Aqua one silver approx 200 ltr aquarium with aqua 1050 external filter and fish 28/08/19 Yes
Hi I’m having to sell my Aqua One aquarium due to needing the space it comes with original stand which has a small cupboard in it. The tank is in great condition and so is the stand. The tank comes with the following: Large piece of coral, air stone and pump, aqua 1050 external pump only 12 mont... ...
156.Fish tanks with stands Marine and Freshwater setups with stock 26/08/19 Yes
I have two aquariums for sale. Juwel rio 240l in light wood colour. complete with the stand. A few small scratches off the glass scraper magnet, but tank is water tight and complete with original lid. Upgraded T5 High output lights with separate Light ballast under the tank and not in the lid... ...
157.Fish for sale 24/08/19 Yes
3 torpedo barbs for sale. 4in” long £20 each or 3 for £50. 1 silver shark about 6 to 7” long. 1 angle fish large £5
158.Wanted..Red Tail Black Shark..3" - 5" 26/07/19 No
I live in Birmingham and i am looking for someone who is selling a large Red tail black shark..possibly 3" - 5". Let me know please if you want to sell one.
159.Fish For Sale 16/07/19 No
Lima Shovelnose Catfish - 6 Inch Large Clown Loach - 5 inch Musk Turtle - 2 Inch Pair Of Severums - 5 Inch Red Tail Shark - 3 Inch 2 Silver And 1 Gold Gourami 3 Inch 1 FeatherFin Synadontis - 5 Inch 1 Spotted Synadontis - 5 Inch Text Mw If Intrested - 07958917433
160.Free to good home, iridescent shark 15/07/19 Yes
iridescent shark has now got to big for my tank, he is around 30cm long at the moment. Free to a good home, collection from Wallington, Surrey.
161.the safe tank 07/07/19 Yes
Hi so you have come too my page. My name is James and I take unwanted and ophan tropical fish in. I have a community tank for the peaceful ones. And a predator tank for cichlids sharks and other aggressive fish all fish must be upto 3". I am located in Richmond North Yorkshire and can collect withi... ...
162.100litre aquarium Filter, pump,excellent condition INC fish 03/07/19 Yes
100litre Tank, in excellent condition, no scratches to the glass or surrounding lid etc, has full LED function, white for day time and a dark blue setting for nights, long rectangular shape, comes with new filter, all ornaments from pets at home, large drift wood, black gravel, and decorative rocks.... ...
163.BIG Tropical fish 25/06/19 Yes
I have the following available because of tank closure please msg (07948420868) for further details and pictures (size is nose to tail) Albino Tiger Oscar 9" £40 Red tiger oscar 10.5" £45 Tiger Oscar 9" £30 Tiger Oscar 9" £30 Albino Plec 7" £25 Green severum 9" £30 Sailfin Pleco 13" �... ...
164.Lots of fish, tanks, filters, pumps decor etc. 15/06/19 No
18” giant blue gourmie 6” Apollo sharks x 4 5” green Severum Rockeil x 2 7” tiger Oscar 6” bumblebee cat 5” bumblebee cat 7” tinfoil barbs x 2 16” clarius catfish 5” brown acara 4” jack dempsey 4” islanum Also got tanks 8 foot 6 foot & 5 foot. Messa... ...
165.Large Red Tail Shark wanted 09/06/19 No
Looking for a large Red tail shark for my tank.. please message me if you have one
166.Rainbow shark 03/06/19 No
Rainbow shark approx 4" in excellent condition from an health tank. £7
167.Pair 7" silver sharks 01/06/19 Yes
I have a pair of roughly 7" silver sharks i need to sell, as changing the use of the set up they are currently in. Nice healthy, hungry fish, always on the feed. £8
168.XXL Black shark 16/05/19 No
Approx 2ft Bkack shark for sale open to sensible offers Amazing show fish you will not find another at this size Pick up from Derby
169.Large Silver Sharks & Yellow fin barbs wanted 10/05/19 No
Have been looking everywhere.. please contact me if you are looking to sell...
170.Pink Kissing Gourami 25/04/19 Yes
Large pink kissing Gourami approx. 4 " Will look beautiful in a display tank very peaceful currently kept with silver sharks, tetras and angel fish Price £10 collection only from Wolverhampton Wv11 3
171.Silver shark fish 24/04/19 Yes
I have a silver shark for sale 4 inch Collection from le5 £5
172.Shutting down two large aquariums. Fish & equip for sale 30/03/19 No
Shutting down a 4' and a 5' aquariums. 5 Rainbows. 1 Speckled,1 Panda3 Albino,8 Sterbai Cories. 1 Otto. 2 Plec. 2 Flying Fox. 1 Golden Ram. 1 Rainbow Shark. 30 Kribensis. " Ehiem external filters suitable for afore mentioned aquarium(1 with integral heater. 1 inline heater. 2 heater/thermostat.Vari... ...
173.320 Litre Tank/Unit/Light/Pump - Tropical fish 25/03/19 Yes
A FULLY set up tropical fish tank with fish and decorations etc. The tank has been established for a few years but we simply cannot maintain or care for the fish as they need any more and it is space we could with having back! The fish tank is HEAVY!!! It took 2 people to lift the tank alone, let... ...
174.Free silver shark 20/03/19 Yes
I am deciding to give away my silver shark as im moving house. The fish is about 4 inches and a couple years old. I dont want money for it, i just want someone who will give jt a good home as i dont want it to just die. So please email me if you want it. Thanks
175.Silver shark 18/03/19 Yes
I have a silver shark which i can no longer keep as im moving house. The shark is about 4-5 inches and a couple years old.
176.Red tail shark - 6 inch - £15 17/03/19 Yes
Selling a lovely 6 inch red tail shark.
177.Red tailed shark 13/03/19 Yes
We are selling our red tailed shark, approx length 8cm £5
178.American cichlids 17/02/19 Yes
I have selling breeding pair Astronotus, 1 shark 🦈 and 1 American cichlid, all 4 for 40£
179.American cichlids 17/02/19 No
I'm selling my 2 tiger Oscar male and female breeding pair, 1 Amphilophus male and 1 shark 🦈, all 4 40£
180.PANGASIUS SHARKS 30/01/19 Yes
181.Iridescent Sharks 02/01/19 Yes
Hi, I’ve been mis-sold 2 of these gorgeous fish. They seem to be a pair & are happy together. However, they are totally unsuitable for our tank which is a 200 litre. They will grow to be quite large fish, so need a large aquarium set up to keep them happy. I would just like to recoup my costs... ...
182.600L 6x2x2 Aquarium with oak effect stand and hood. 02/01/19 Yes
We are selling due to moving home. We had it custom built in late 2016 for our wedding present and have kept mainly discus in it. It comes with 2 x All pond solution large external filters with surface skimmers. 2 x 500w heaters 1 x air pump 1 x bubble bar Various ornaments Nets and cleani... ...
183.Red Tail Shark 9CM 22/12/18 Yes
gorgeous Red Tail Shark 9CM Very healthy and full of energy. Looking to swap it for any tropical fish that could fit in my aquarium or sell it. reason: it had grown too big for my aquarium and has grown more territorial over time.
184.Multiple community fish (30) for sale 18/12/18 Yes
Two barlor sharks, 4 silver dollar, two albino catfish, two pictus catfish, two opaline gouramis, 6 barbs, 4 medium angel fish, 1 Red tail shark, two rainbow fish, 1 bristle nose pleco, one firemouth cichlid. £100. Open to offers.
185.Marine Fish & Invert.. 08/12/18 Yes
186.Bala shark X2 around 6" free 02/12/18 Yes
Hi I have 2 bala sharks who have outgrown their tank looking to rehome them to some one preferably with a larger group or even a larger than 4ft tank( as that is what they are in) thanks I'm located near edinburgh airport call or text 07561735787
187.Eheim incpiria 400 litre 08/11/18 Yes
Stunning 400 litre Eheim incpiria tank,. 4 years old and in excellent condition. 1400x1300x550. Black. Stock photo and actual. With Eheim pump filter, heater, airline. Stock of fish available - angels, gourami, barbs, shark, other. Tongs, nets, scraper, LED programmable lighting. Chemicals at half p... ...
188.Tropical Fish for sale 05/11/18 Yes
I am about to be the owner of a Flowerhorn and need to change my set up and upgrade the tank so the following are available; 6 x Bosemani Rainbow 6 x Harlequin Rasbora 1 x Red Tail Shark 1 x Bristlenose Pleco 3 x Dwarf Gourami (one female) 1 x German Blue Ram All fish are relatively young... ...
189.Bala(silver) shark 07/09/18 No
4 beautiful silver sharks ,sadly outgrown their 4 ft tank ,largest @ 14 inches and @ 4 years old , free to good home only.
190.Cichlids 02/09/18 Yes
I have for sale, 2 chocolate Cichlids, 1, 7 inch blue peacock. 2 clown loach, 5 panda Coreys , 2 red fin sharks , 1 blue phantom plec 4 inches, 3 other fantastic Cichlids, 1 wild,
191.Free to a good home for two silver shark fish. 28/08/18 Yes
Both healthy and active, but outgrowing their current tank. Approx 10-12cms long. Hampshire area. Free to a good home.
192.PLANET AROWANA 26/08/18 Yes
193.High fin paroon shark 25/08/18 Yes
High fin paroon shark 12/13” £10
194.Juwel vision 260 plus extras 23/08/18 Yes
Juwel vision 260, fair condition Has a few scuffs at the bottom of the stand, Comes with two filters on it and a lot of spares. The tank is running a fluvial 406 and a 206 There are 6 spair external filters (two don't work and are spars) A full test kit water conditioners food and some treetmen... ...
195.Pangasius shark 22 inches only £60 05/08/18 Yes
Have for sale my one big fish (pangasius shark) healthy fish, around 22", eating everything , what you give him, not aggressive, but can't keep with small fish, not less the 6". Collection from east London £60 only. For more information please call 07428746200 Nick
196.Complete Tropical fish aquarium fish tank set up with live plants and fish 05/08/18 Yes
I am selling my stunning established tropical setup complete with fish, bog wood, plants, gravel, filtration and LED lighting. The aquarium is European brand Aquatlantis. Details of the tank are as follows: ELEGANCE- PLUS-100 181L Elegance Plus 100 Aquarium LED H2O, AQ-BB-2 Filter, 810L/H ... ...
197.2ft male mono bass and more 01/08/18 No
All fish r healthy eatting pellets and prawns 2ft mono bass male proven breeder £150ono 10inch peacock stunning fish £70ono Hi fin paroon shark 14inch £40ono 3x srd flowerhorn 3inch 15each Clown knife fish 5inch £15ono Can send pics on what's app Collection only
198.various tropical fish for sale inc shark , convicts, rainbow see desc 22/07/18 No
hi, need to do some thinning in my tanks so i have the following for sale: bala(silver shark) approx 8 inches adult £10 rainbow cichlid approx 4-5inch £5 lace catfish large ( type unknown) £5 kribensis ( adults males) £2 each marbled convicts (young adults 1-2 inch) £2.50 prov... ...
199.2x high fin paroon sharks 19/07/18 No
1 about 13inch 1 about 10inch Really nice fish not a mark on them eats anything offered £20 each or 2 for £35 Can send pics on what's app Any questions feel free to ask Thanks Dan
200.Community Fish 16/07/18 Yes
COMMUNITY FISH DN6 area Collection only 07713 154 980 Angels, Koi, Platinum and marble £4 Gourami, Dwarf Red and Opaline £3 Swordtails, Santa and Koi, £2 (SOLD) Mollies, Sailfin £2 Mollies, Balloon £1.50 Platies £1 Guppies £1 males 80p females (SOLD) Neons 70p (SOLD) Serpae tetra 90p... ...

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