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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Large oddballs and cichlids collection rare

Large oddballs and cichlids collection rare

Description: Hi, I am shutting down several of my tanks in order to move house,

I am keeping my plec collection and Datnoids etc for now but the below need to go,

Please message me or email me for more info or to purchase large amount I will do good deals.

Oscar pair tiger 11” and albino 8” - £30

Giant gourami albino 10” £20

Texas 7” £15

13” clown knife £60

9” ghost knife £90

Tyre track eel 20” £130

Fire eel 20” £130

Red tail shark 6” £20

Rainbow shark 6” £15

African feather fin Knife fish £10

Knife fish (unknown) like clown £30 6”

2 x wide bar dollars £60

4x spotted dollars 4-5” £50

Synodontis multipunctatis x5 5-6” £90

Pearl arrowana jardini 9” £160

3 x Florida gar 7-8” £300

Pike charcin 8” £70

Watermelon plec 8-9” girthy £130

2 x t bar cichlids - 3.5” £25

Fire mouth (elliotti) £30 5-6”

Electric blue Jack Dempsey 6-7” £80 thick

Normal Jack Dempsey 6-7” £20

Parrot fish 5” £20

Woods catfish 8-9” £20


Contact Information
Advertiser: Chris
Telephone: 07798766095
Town: Hull
County: East Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/05/22 Views: 1342]

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