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You are viewing results from county of Devon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21     (Total: 2060 adverts.)
1Wanted, Gold Ancistrus female :Need to pair up my lonely male. Anyone out there?11/03/22
2Electric blue jack dempseys x6 :£15 each and about 5-6cm. Postage available, £15.04/03/22
3Freshwater stingray :Pure marble breeder female from duketown stingrays Text me for pictures 0753833041211/02/22
4Freshwater stingrays :Black diamond x Pearl breeder female 20”+ Text me for pics and videos 0753833041211/02/22
5Freshwater stingrays :Pure black diamond breeding pair female 20”+ male 16”+ Won’t let me upload pictures text me for pics 0753833041229/01/22
6Lemon ancistrus short fin :Needing to thin out some fish and have the following short fin lemon ancistrus for sale Sexed pairs £15 Males £5 each 1” young not ...23/01/22
7Lemon ancistrus short fin :Needing to thin out some fish and have the following short fin lemon ancistrus for sale Sexed pairs £15 Males £5 each 1” young not ...22/01/22
8Reefspace 900 :Hi, I Have A Clearseal Reefspace 900 for sale, complete setup just needs someone to give it some TLC. Full running system with all th ...29/12/21
9Fresh water stingrays :Looking for mature rays money waiting message me 0753833041228/11/21
10Bleeding Heart Tetras :Looking to rehome my 12 bleeding heart tetras, all feeding well and decent size. Will possibly swap for Lemon or Red Bristlenoses or wil ...22/11/21
11Xl giant gourami gray :£50 based Newton abbout healthy fish 0794302291415/11/21
12Sterbia Corys :Tank bred Sterbia Corys for sale. All sizes available from £3. Possible swops. Fred. Torquay 07974743566.31/10/21
13Angelfish :Angelfish - 2 breedeng pairs like on the photo £20 per pair ono23/10/21
14Freshwater stingray :Male hystrix 6+ years old £35009/10/21
15Freshwater stingrays :pure black diamond male just over a year old £22509/10/21
16RED TAIL SHARK FOR REHOMING :I have a red tail shark for rehoming. Have had it for 2 years but due to down sizing my tank due to moving home, it needs a new home. Based ...04/10/21
17Baby tropical fish :Hi all for sale we have Baby guppies, various sizes and colours £1.50 each. Baby platies, oranges, yellows, hi fins & mickey mouse £ ...01/10/21
18‘Bloody Mary’ Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) :£3 each or 10 for £25 These are one of the highest, if not the highest, grade of red cherry shrimp and are aptly named Bloody Mary’ aft ...18/09/21
19Plec common 10 inch £10 :Plec common collection only07/09/21
20Severum Rokeil blue large fish 9 inch £25 :Stunning fish 4ft or bigger tank required collection only07/09/21
21Horsfield Tortoise For Sale :This is Shelby we are looking for a new home for him as my cats have taken a dislike to him, so feel it is only fair to find him a home wher ...07/07/21
22Honduran red point cichlids :I have 2 honduran red point cichlids, 2-3 inch, look like a pair.. free25/06/21
23FREE 3 black phantom tetra need to be rehomed :I have 3 black phantom tetra in my tank, they were sold as a three, but it’s apparent they are miserable in my tank. They are perfectly he ...24/06/21
24Breeding pair of pearl stingray and pups. PRICE REDUCED :Amazing opportunity to buy a proven breeding pair of pearl stingrays. 5 pups also for sale, open to offers. Price for breeding pair was ...21/05/21
25Male Guppies :Adult male guppies Blue neon, yellow neon, Red tuxedo, Green snakeskin, Half black, Flame,Full red. £2.50 each Dawlish Devon Email pau ...09/05/21
26Fish Tank Set Up :Fish tank set up, comes with gravel, large ornament, twin nozzle air pump, air line, 2 non return valves, a new pack of air line suction cup ...29/04/21
27Superfish Home 25XL Fish Tank Set Up :Superfish Home 25XL fish tank set up. Comes with filter, sponge, heater, net, thermometer, gravel, large tree ornament, sython, padding for ...29/04/21
28Fluval Roma 90 fish tank set up :Fluval roma 90 set up comes with lid, light unit (needs new bulbs so I can not test it), filter, heater, bundle of chemicals each bottle is ...29/04/21
29Zebra Plecos L046 :6 Zebra Plecos 5/6CM for sale. Available only due to job relocation abroad. Happy, healthy group growing well and eating well. B ...11/04/21
30Platinum angelfish :20 cm from fin to fin lovey blue tinge to fins £1011/03/21
31Need gone asasp :I have to discuss 5 inches One 2.5 to 3 the big one is a great fish was a breeding pair but the female sadly passed but I need a get rid of ...01/03/21
32Fontosa :I have a fontosa for sale about 6 inches in size Pics don’t do him any favours stunning looking fish under correct lights (he’s in my ...14/02/21
33Bumblebee for sale :I x adult male bumblebee cichlids for sale about 4-5 inches £514/02/21
34Zebrina Female Pike Cichlid :Selling our female pike, due to wanting space in our tank for more rays! She’s 10-12inches. £150 ONO, or swap for a ray. Don’t hesi ...11/02/21
35Small Angels and Small Tank :Looking for two small pretty angels and also a small 30l tank either a biorb round or a Fluval Edge in white.30/12/20
36Small Angels and Small Tank :Looking for two small pretty angels and also a small 30l tank either a biorb round or a Fluval Edge in white.29/12/20
37Ocean rock :Plenty to fill a 4ft tank, still white in colour. Collection from Saltash £4018/12/20
38Melanochromis auratus cichlids :Am selling all my Melanochromis Auratus cichlids both adult & juvenile. I have 3 fry, 2 juveniles, 1 adult male & 3 adult females av ...15/12/20
39Red Cherry Shrimp :Red cherry shrimp available for collection Only after £1.00 each plenty available Located in Woolsery, North Devon, EX39 501/12/20
40Wanted - Corydoras :I’m looking for a shoal of corydoras, something different to the species usually found in shops, eg CW158 or similar (S Devon area please)20/11/20
41Bristlenose for sale - Torbay area :I have a quantity of bristlenose for sale, ranging from 1 1/2” upwards. Prices from £2.50 each20/11/20
42South American Cichlids :Not often seen, beautiful south american fish for sale. 1 x "Chocolate Cichlid" Hypselecara Temporalis from Rio Oyapock approx 6" Sourced f ...25/08/20
43Fish for sale :Large sail fin Plec 12 inches Large upside down catfish 2 Syno cats 1 Bumble cat Going Cheap Message me for details Collection ...18/08/20
44Fish for sale :Large sail fin Plec 12 inches Large upside down catfish 2 Syno cats 1 Bumble cat Going Cheap Message me for details Collection ...17/08/20
45Angel fish :8 Angel Fish adult size for sale 3 x Choc Leopard 2 x Koi 2 x Zebra 1 x Golden 10£ each. They are lovely fish but it is hard to kee ...11/08/20
46hi any one selling discus :hi i am looking to getting some discus fish so if your selling any please let me no my mobile number is 07598655102 thank you08/08/20
4755L Water storage containers :Description: two 55l Rectangle water storage containers for sale. Dimensions 500mm(L) x 370mm(H) x 300mm(W) Perfect for RO/DI or SAL ...31/07/20
48Yellow labs :I have yellow labs ready to move onto their new homes13/07/20
49Aquatlantis aquarium light bulb unit fittings..Wanted ..does anyone know ?? :Hello We have a Aquatlantis 120 bow front fish tank with a light bulb unit ..we are in need of the end fittings for the bulb unit .. does a ...10/07/20
50Yellow labs :I have yellow labs ready to move onto their new homes04/07/20
51Yellow labs :I have yellow labs ready to move onto their new homes04/07/20
52Fish :I've got a talking catfish, a pleco, an orange parrot fish, two angel fish and a knife fish for sale, you can see from the pictures they are ...01/07/20
53Calico Oranda :Calico Oranda Approx 1 year old 4-5 inches Bought from West view goldfish01/07/20
54Pearlscale :Lemon and white pearlscale Only a baby about 6-8 months old Approx 2 inches01/07/20
55Ryukin high grade :Kirin metallic ryukin Approx 1 1/2 years old Bought from West view goldfish for £75 about 6 months ago Approx 5 inches01/07/20
56Mix of tropical fish :Silver dollars x6 3 catfish Common plec Convicts fry and juveniles Collection only Torbay +44 7340 15430413/06/20
57Pearl Stingrays :2 pearl stingray pups for sale. Both are approx. 6 inches in diameter.25/05/20
58Fish tank with lots of accessories :REDUCED to £250... Given up fish keeping so have everything up for grabs. I have a Juwel 180 litre, bow front aquarium with stand. 2 extern ...12/03/20
59Angels :Baby Angel fish blue split koi14/02/20
60Tanganika Cichlids wanted please. :Looking for tanganika cichlids, cash waiting. Please let me know what you got.08/02/20
6111KG LIVE ROCK :11KG of premium quality live rock, Purple Maxi mini anemone included. £65. Collection from Bere Alston or I can deliver around Plymouth are ...27/01/20
62WANTED - Red sported Severums :Red spotted severums wanted............. Devon08/01/20
63Pair of flower horns :Male and female flower horns beautiful pair. Male is rather large 150 for the both27/12/19
64Tropheus Moliro firecracker :Breeding group of tropheus moliro firecrackers approximately 40 and at least 12 being adults breeding regularly collection Plymouth10/11/19
65American cichlids SALE :American cichlids for sale 4 geophagus pearls 2 juewl 2 sevrum 1 earth eater 2 plecs 4 Angel fish 1 parrot fish 2 acaras18/10/19
664" Leopard Syno, FREE to a good home :I have a 4" Leopard Syno, FREE to a good home.16/10/19
678 inch Bronze Oscar Cichlid £10 :I have an 8" Bronze Oscar Cichlid that needs rehoming. £10, please message for more information16/10/19
68evolution aqua filter :ea easy pod filter all clean ready to go comes with air pump and k1 media good clean condition £250 ono any questions 0784024798914/10/19
69Tropheus :Aqua one euro style aquarium. 240ltr. Dimensions of tank are approx 1000mm wide 425 depth 650 tall Eheim external filter and the aqua ...07/10/19
70Rehoming :I have 2 large Clarius catfish that I’m thinking of rehoming as they are fast outgrowing my tank. Ideally looking for someone with a tropi ...30/09/19
71Sale :6 peacocks for sale some colourful. £20 the lot 40 3 months old mubana, £10 the lot.30/08/19
72Discus World Fish Book: Now in Kindle E down loadable on Amazon. A must for disc ... :Discus World: 2nd edition, A complete manual for the discus keeper now as E down loadable on Kindle. A complete manual for the discus ke ...22/08/19
73DISCUS WORLD BOOK 2nd edition, the most complete up to date discus manual for th ... :OFFER!! £5 off RRP!! A complete manual for the discus keeper NEW!! Discus World 2nd edition is the most complete up to date discus manual ...20/08/19
74WANTED: any discus for sale /both adult and juvenile :Looking for any discus for sale, will consider large groups, breeding pairs, idividual and will even take discus to rehome for non breeding ...10/08/19
758 Free tropical fish :8 small fish free to good home.need new tank asap as ours is broken. Collection Exeter27/07/19
76Fluke Solve Aquarium 10g, discus & other fish, Treats 2500 ltr’s (550 UK gallo ... :FLUKE-SOLVE Aquarium 10g, Treats 2500 ltr’s (550 UK gallons). (Fast Dispatch, Fast Service within 24 hours of receiving your ord ...21/07/19
77Bristlenose plecostamus babies for sale :Young healthy bristlenose fish for sale, due to unintentional breeding. £1 each or £1.50 for two.11/06/19
78Rainbow fish/ cichlids/ gouramis for sale :I have for sale Madagascar rainbowfish 2-3 inches (1M and 3F) Red rainbowfish 2-3 inches (6 unsexed) Bosemani rainbowfish 2 inches (5M an ...10/06/19
79Wild caught plecs Plymouth :I have 3 stunning plecs available Plecs £25/30 each L015 candy stripe wild 4" x1 L114 Cactus Plec 2.5" wild x1 L075 Peckolti ...05/06/19
8010 Discus fish for-sale :I have 10 beautiful discus for sale 8 are 5-6 inches and 2 are 4-5 inches. Also 2 x golden rams and 5 x cardinal tetras. £180 for the lot03/06/19
81AquaForte Smart Sieve + Upgraded AquaForte Weir & Float :Aquaforte smart sieve I bought this for a pond project that is no longer happening so need to move it on. I've never used it but it looks li ...27/05/19
82Eheim streamON 3800 powerhead :Used for 10min so as new Box a bit crushed Can deliver for £2.50 £28 Teignmouth devon08/05/19
83Looking for fish :Hi, do to changing back to tropicals, I am looking for some nice community fish, bristlenose plecs, or small plecs, angel fish, tetras etc. ...28/04/19
842 Orandas for sale :2 nice healthy Orandas for sale. Both around 3 inches long including tail. Only selling due to change of set up. One red cap and one normal. ...28/04/19
85Nexus easy pod /pond filter and uv :Evolution aqua easy pod and evo uv paid over £500 for these too beginning of last year £250 for the pair31/03/19
86A pair of angel fish :Two angel fish , approximately 5” long , only had them six months or so , very healthy and calm . Selling due to needing the tank for a pu ...30/03/19
875” bristlenose :Looking to sell our bristlenose , it has beautiful markings and is approximately 5” long , we are only selling it due to needing the tank ...29/03/19
88Julies Free To Good Home :I have a family of 20 or so Julidochromis regani available to anyone who can collect. Also a N.leleupi & a couple of Malawi cichlids. All ...20/03/19
89rena aquarium :5 foot rena aquaruim, nice scratchless condition. full set of refurbished T5 lights and covers.cabinet in good condition. the rolls royce of ...10/03/19
903x marble rays :For sale I have three marble rays, one male and two females, previous owner said they were of Richard Hardwick line, wharf aquatics. Male is ...02/02/19
91Wanted asap EXternal filter for 125 litre tank :Hi bought a tank and the filter isn't big enough. I'm after a external filter for the size please or over 125 litres thanks Jon28/01/19
92green terror babies :i have approximately 20 young green terrors tree to anyone willing to collect27/01/19
93Rtc catfish :Just seeing if there is any interest in my rtc he's about 12-14 inches please do not think he will be fine in a small tank these get huge on ...21/01/19
94Platys :Baby Platys available - approx 10 weeks old Also have other baby fish available which are currently in a nursery tank. 50p each or 3 for ...11/01/19
95Dog faced puffer for sale :Male stars and stripes about 8inches eats well just out grown tank not reef safe.is why I'm selling him.open to offers04/12/18
96Baby Tortoises’s :UK Captive bred baby leopard tortoises. Full care and advice given. £120 each £110 each when you buy 2 £100 each when you buy ...03/12/18
97Parrot Fish FREE :Looking to make some space in my tank anx am giving away a beautiful, healthy Parrot Fish.12/11/18
98Rio mag Umbee pair £80 Ono :Pair of Rio mag Umbee male around 5" female 3" small male and female13/09/18
99Serrasalmus Rhombeus Black Diamond Piranha :Unfortunately due to a house move I have to rehome my rhom. He is 7inch, shy, but also feisty when hes hungry. He loves prawns. I really ...09/09/18
100AMAZON PUFFER FISH WANTED. (South American Puffer) :Hello, i am looking for 3-4 south american puffer (colomesus-asellus) fish. willing to pay delivery costs.23/08/18
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 

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