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  ‘Bloody Mary’ Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)

‘Bloody Mary’ Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)

‘Bloody Mary’ Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)

‘Bloody Mary’ Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)

Description: £3 each or 10 for £25
These are one of the highest, if not the highest, grade of red cherry shrimp and are aptly named Bloody Mary’ after their vivid blood red-brown colour. These are beautiful shrimp with higher levels of opacity than you will find from your local fish shop. With correct water parameters these guys will happily breed and you’ll have your own colony in no time!
I value these shrimp though and will not sell if you do not have the requirements or adequate setup for them. These are live animals, and improper knowledge/care will lead to their deaths - so please research them first. I will be happy to advise on whether you have a suitable setup for them re. tank mates/water parameters.
Please note, males are generally less colourful than females and that colour also improves with age. Furthermore, since juveniles tend to survive transportation better than adults and they will have a longer remaining lifespan, this is what you will receive. That way, you don’t buy an adult which only has a month or so left to live (these only live for ~18-24 months)
As I say any queries on these lil guys please don’t hesitate to ask!

Best to drop me a text or leave a message if interested.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Jordan
Telephone: 07454725725
Town: Torrington
County: Devon

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/09/21 Views: 840]

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