OFFER!! £5 off RRP!! A complete manual for the discus keeper
NEW!! Discus World 2nd edition is the most complete up to date discus manual, signed!
Now in a revised and fully updated second edition, DISCUS WORLD is the complete manual for the tropical discus keeper. Written in clear, easy to understand language, DISCUS WORLD is the indispensible reference guide for caring for these fascinating fish.
Nicked named 'the new discus bible by its readers, ' DISCUS WORLD is a complete manual for the discus keeper. Now available in A4 size soft back to get cost down even lower, 176 pages and over 140 colour pictures, drawings and diagrams. It is written in clear, plain English & easy to understand layman’s terms. Keep nearby for a complete reference guide on keeping these fascinating fish. Make no recriminations; these fish will need lots of correct care, time and money. Do not skimp, or cut corners. If you do, they will let you know. Correct understanding; proper feeding, regular worming the same as you would treat other pets, and regular water changes should see healthy happy discus living for many years. Whither you are a new beginner, breeder, or well-seasoned discus keeper, a wealth of discus information is between these covers.
This book covers:
This book looks at:-
Wild and cultivated discus.
Which discus should I go for, cultivated or wild?
How to set up and mature a brand new discus tank.
Setting up a discus tank on a low budget.
Upgrading from standard tropical fish, to discus.
Which discus water, RO or HMA?.
Logic location.
Lighting and aquascaping the discus aquarium.
Discus tank mates.
Buying discus.
Sexing discus.
Project relocation.
My discus tank has sprung a leak.
Are discus really difficult?
Far East visits.
Health problems.
Starting up a discus business.
Real readers questions, answered.
Now also available as an E down loadable version on Kindle!!
Discus World book, a complete manual for the discus fish keeper.
NEW!! Discus World 2nd edition. The most complete up to date discus manual. Now in a revised and fully updated second edition, DISCUS WORLD is the complete manual for the tropical discus keeper. Written in clear, easy to understand language, DISCUS WORLD is the indispensible reference guide for caring for these fascinating fish. Nicked named 'the new discus bible by its readers, ' DISCUS WORLD is a complete manual for the discus keeper. Now available in A4 size soft back to get cost down even lower, 176 pages and over 140 colour pictures, drawings and diagrams. It is written in clear, plain English & easy to understand layman's terms. Keep nearby for a complete reference guide on keeping these fascinating fish. Make no recriminations; these fish will need lots of correct care, time and money. Do not skimp, or cut corners. If you do, they will let you know.
Cost: £24.99
Contact Information Advertiser: Chris Telephone: 07976 200454
Town: plymouth
County: Devon
Web Link: http://www.plymouthdiscus.com/discusworl ...
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Map Link: http://www.amazon.com/Discus-World-compl ...
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