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Planet Arowana Great prices on last remaining stock left to clear grab yourself a bargain! Please pm stock list below TIGER SHOVELNOSE X RED TAIL CATFISH 3 left LIMBATA CHANNA SNAKEHEADS ALBiNO 15 left FIRE EELS sold out GIRAFFE CATFISH 1 left Kohaku MIDAS CICHLID 2 availabl... ...
2.Channa Limbata golden snakeheads 20/02/25 No
Channa limbata golden available Around 10 cm plus and excellent condition Eating well Smaller sub tropical species Low maintenance to keep Sponge filtration only £20 each only a few left Delivery maybe possible Collection preferred Near Portsmouth Hampshire Message for pics and vi... ...
3.Limbata golden snakehead adult female 20/02/25 No
Female adult available I lost the male and don’t want to keep her by herself £60 Ono or possible swap Near Portsmouth Hampshire
4.Snakehead yellow channa santarum x3 16/02/25 Yes
I have 3 snakeheads since fry living with other fish. The reason for selling is I’m moving house now so can’t take them with me. They are 8 inches long each. They are two females and 1 male. Message 07713470613 for any questions
5.orange dwarf snakeheads. 11/02/25 No
I have 4 or 5 orange dwarf snakeheads, I think they are bleheri, approx 5 inches, 15 pounds each. I also have 3 distochodus grante, approx 5 inches , 40 pounds for all 3. Also a golden severum,8 inches approx, 10 pounds.Im located in bedford.
6.Cichlids and oddballs Leeds 07872 417861 07/02/25 No
Pm me Leeds 14 Red Oscar 7” Red Oscar 2” Albino Oscar 7” Pair Tiger Oscar 7” Emperor snakehead 14” Gold Severum 7” Gold saum 6” Jaguar 6” Fire mouth 6” Pair Royal acara 7” 3x Chocolate Cichlids 3” Datnoid polota 5” Datnoid polota 2” Lima shovel nose 7” Flow... ...
7.Golden Limbata Channa Snakehead £200 clears the tank full 24/01/25 Yes
I have around 15-17 of these available Size 10-11 cm Looking for £20 each Delivery available Planet Arowana 07544467760
8.Cichlids and Catfish 03/01/25 No
Leeds 14 open to trades 07872 417861 Royal acara x2 Snakehead Asiatica red and blue Wolf fish Fire mouth x2 Flower horn Gold sev Vulture cats x2 Clown swueaker cat Lima shovel nose Blue pearl scale Texas x2 Nicaraguan x3 Datnoid Clown loach x8 4x True Green terror True parrot Blood... ...
9.Cichlids and catfish Leeds 14 03/01/25 No
Leeds 14 open to trades 07872 417861 Royal acara x2 Snakehead Asiatica red and blue Wolf fish Fire mouth x2 Flower horn Gold sev Vulture cats x2 Clown swueaker cat Lima shovel nose Blue pearl scale Texas x2 Nicaraguan x3 Datnoid Clown loach x8 4x True Green terror True parrot Blood... ...
10.8 inch obscure snakehead 09/12/24 No
All in good health
11.Wanted golden spotted cobra snakehead 14/10/24 No
120 cm or smaller I'm in clacton on sea so anywhere in Essex/ Suffolk can collect call will on 07460894592
12.Predators / marine items 11/10/24 No
X2 dwarf snakehead £25 X1 albino senegal birchir £25 X1 top shelf marine chiller £250 X1 top shelf marine skimmer £50 Photos upon request add me on WhatsApp
13.Marine equipment & Freshwater Predators 11/10/24 No
X1 top shelf marine chiller £250 X1 top shelf marine skimmer £50 X2 dwarf snakehead £25 X1 albino senegal birchir £25 Photos upon request add me on WhatsApp
14.NetS CHARITY AUCTION 01/10/24 No
Fresh update 30/9/24 This is the expected list for Sundays charity auction possibly more to be added but we really on the sellers on the day so no gaurantees on the fish lists been exact Dennisoni /Torpedo barbs Albino cherry barbs Checker barb breeding group Ruby barb breeding group WIL... ...
15.x100 Live Snakehead Fry Channa Limbata , 4cm, beautiful and hardy fish 25/09/24 Yes
Beautiful, hardy snakeheads, Channa limbati. We have 100 fry born on 25 July 2024. Not sex separated yet. These are extremely easy to keep, tolerant fish that breathe air and can withstand quite major changes in nutrient, temperature and oxygen. They can be fed anything from pellets, flakes, liv... ...
16.Giant red snakehead micro 07/09/24 Yes
Have got 2 channa micro for sale around 13inch each both are very healthy
17.Lima and Dwarf Snakehead 04/09/24 No
Looking for Lima shovelnose catfish and dwarf snakeheads Message me if you got for sale
18.Emperor Snakehead 22/08/24 Yes
22” emperor snakehead for sale or exchange for a Datnoid call me on 07414288643
19.2 Tanks - Shutting down fish room 24/07/24 No
One 6x2x2 tank on homemade stand and a bow fronted juwel tank 5ft long x 2 ft in middle.selection of fish south American cichlids,some catfish,breeding group bristlenose,fahaka puffer,snakehead,gulper catfish.would be good buy for a serious fish keeper,will not split open to offers the tanks are not... ...
20.Shutting down fish room 24/07/24 No
selection of fish south American cichlids, some catfish, breeding group bristlenose, fahaka puffer, snakehead, gulper catfish. One 6x2x2 tank on homemade stand and a bow fronted juwel tank 5ft long x 2 ft in middle. would be good buy for a serious fish keeper,will not split open to offers the tank... ...
21.Micro snakehead 09/07/24 No
I have 1 micropeletis for free 6/7 inch great fish just wanting to switch to African ciclihds
22.Megalodoras Catfish Large 16/04/24 Yes
Megalodoras Catfish Large £150.00 Closing down my whole fish setup ideally want to sell it all 6ft by 2ft tank with homemade wooden stand FX6 filter 2 x 5ft bog wood 5ft by 2ft fish tank with stand FX5 filer Air pump with 4 outlets 2 x 4ft tanks 2x 2ft tanks Another small tank... ...
23.Channa pleurophthalma ocellated snakehead. 11/04/24 No
I have 2 x 10cm Channa pleurophthalma ocellated snakehead. Beautiful and rare, both have 3 circular markings on the sides if there body. Can send more pics and vids via WhatsApp. £70 for both ONO. Call or txt 07791388350.
24.Still available - various Preds Available - Text on 07547 390910 for a call back 10/02/24 No
The fish I keep are highly aggressive, for this reason please research what you’re potentially getting into. I don’t keep cichlids for a reason as these guys tear them up so bear that in mind please guys. All at a decent size.12inch Gulper catfish Lives by himself for obvious reasons . 11inc... ...
Giant snakehead for sale Very good with other large fish/cichlids Collect from SW18 5QD
26.Giant Snakehead 01/02/24 Yes
Giant Snakehead Collection from SW18 - South West London Contact me on WhatsApp for more pictures and video
27.Large Predator fish for sale 20/01/24 No
Emporer snakehead channa marulioides For sale for £95 or will swap for other predz he's currently in a community tank with other large predators fish
28.snakehead 14/01/24 No
Hi all I’m looking at swapping my giant snake head he about 18” if interested please wats app me thankyou
29.Channa Micropeltes Giant Snakehead - Predatory Fish - Large 40cm 30/12/23 Yes
This impressive Channa Micropeltes, also known as the Giant Snakehead, is a stunning addition to any aquarium. With a length of 40cm, it is a large predator fish that requires intermediate care. Originating from Indonesia, this unsexed species prefers tropical water temperatures and fresh water. ... ...
30.Large predator fish needed in Merseyside 04/11/23 No
Hello I am willing to rehome any large or small predator fish near Liverpool or Merseyside will pay or travel for the right fish any offers welcome Snakeheads Catfish Gulpers Gar Arowana Anything if it fits in my tank or will be okay with tank mates
31.snakehead andrao 04/11/23 No
hi im looking for a female snakehead andrao if anyone have one to sell let me know regards
32.Channa Andrao snakehead pair fully grown, channa stewartii snakehead, Jaguar cichlid 10/10/23 No
Pair of channa Andrao snakeheads, fully grown 7” feeding well £50 the pair. Channa stewartii snakehead 3” £15 Jaguar cichlid 5” £15 I can’t post but I will box up for collection. Pictures of fish on request. Poulton FY6
33.NETS auction 05/10/23 No
Nets charity auction this Sunday 8october in teams social club bensham this is a list of potential fish Apologies for the lateness of this Please read this first.. I have asked the 30+ sellers for a list of the potential fish there looking at bringing THIS Sunday 8th of October This list show... ...
34.15 inch emperor snakehead and NTT dat 03/10/23 No
I have a very chilled out emperor snakehead for sale or swaps. Fine with all fish. Eats pellets. Lovely fish but a bit chunky for my tank. Looking for 60 Ono for him. Also have a 6 inch NTT Datnoid. Eating mussels and whitebait. Ace fish but very shy. Looking for 120 Ono. Text me for more info. ... ...
35.Adult Channa Aurantimaculata PRICE REDUCED 22/09/23 No
Hi, I have adult Golden Cobra Snakehead Channa Aurantimaculata for sale, about 17 inches long and very agressive. I think it's male. Perfect condition. His biotope tank with all equpment is also for sale, it's 5x2x2 with stand, 2 external filters, 3 led bars and all other small bits. Video :... ...
36.Female golden cobra snakehead channa 13/08/23 No
Approx 15+inch eating well and takes almost any food. collection only please.
37.Asiatica Red Stripe Snakehead 21/07/23 Yes
Asiatica Red Stripe Snakehead For sale believed to be female around 10” long and feeding very well still got growing to do,willing to swap for some other fish of decent size ,collection in Tipton DY4
38.Snakeheads, wolf fish, jaguar cichlids, gulper 12/07/23 No
Wanting the above. Anything available please message. Thanks
39.Channa Marulioides 12 INCH £100 25/06/23 Yes
Selling my red emperor snakehead, beautiful fish with a calm temperament for his size, currently housed with large cichlids in a 6x2. Feeds on everything loves most pellets, shrimps, prawns etc.. Please do your research before buying. £100 I paid £90 from tropco when he was a lot smaller... ...
41.Channa Andrao 5-6cm 29/05/22 Yes
Stunning captive bred Channa Andrao (aka Blue Bleheri Snakehead) ready for sale now. Currently 5-6cm and will grow to 12-14cm quite comfortably in an aquarium. Therefore minimum 90cm tank for one or two, 120cm for a group. One of the most peaceful snakehead species, can be kept in a carefully... ...
42.Rainbow snakeheads 29/03/22 No
I have two small rainbow snakeheads when are in a small tank and the other is getting bullied and need to go asap. Looking for 70
43.Snakehead channa bleheri wild caught 22/03/22 Yes
Wild caught channa bleheri 4-5 inches Almost 2 years old, very nice colours. Been in a community tank without any issues. £55
44.Emperor snakehead, sengal birchir and axolotls 26/02/22 No
All for sale inbox me for more info
45.Lots of preds available / grays 06/11/21 No
Pikes, snakehead, Arrowana RTG and bass. Message if interested. 07712294245
46.Emperor snakehead 29/10/21 No
After emperor snakehead Channa Maru preferably small drop me a text 07492654045
47.Super red emporor snakehead 16inch £120 2 available 15/09/21 No
Super red emporor £120 2 very large Southampton Hampshire
48.Super red emporor snakehead 16 inches £100 13/09/21 No
Super red emporor snakehead very large eats really well no to aggressive colours up nicely.Hampshire,Southampton area
49.Channa pleurophthalma (oscillated snakehead) 30/08/21 Yes
Oscillated snakehead 4 inch £30 One in pic
50.All for £20 - South American cichlids and predatory fish 09/08/21 Yes
6 inch F1 tiger Oscar - £20 6 inch ocellated snakehead x2 - £15 each, 2 for £25 - SOLD!! Asian Sun Catfish 5-6 inch - £5 Green terror 5 inch - £15 Albino Oscar - £15 All for £20 Open to extreme offers too Message for any details Collection only Crawley
51.Red tail golden arowana 31/07/21 Yes
Red tail golden arowana for sale lovely fish with stunning colours and marking about 10 inch now feeding well on muscles prawns and pellets no drop eye what's so ever comes with all paperwork will PX for small snakeheads nothing bigger then 8 inch or £300
52. free Snakehead channa ornatapinnis sp x6 22/07/21 Yes
I have x6 lovely channa ornatapinnis sp that need re homing ASAP as wanting to set up a community tank for my children. Currently eating most meaty foods. Around 7inches Will deliver if not too far Txts only please
53.8x2x2 custom made tank and stand 21/06/21 Yes
25ml glass All custom made cost 4k new Comes with 2x fx6 filters Full 3d Backdrop Led lights Has a lid but that has been made 4 way air pump 2 x eihiem heaters 70kg of blue stones Ornaments bog Wood etc Syphons nets loads of bits with it Also have a lungfish turtle snakehead and ornate b... ...
54.Massive set up bargain £550 the lot 18/06/21 Yes
It's with great regret I have to give up keeping fish .my health has declined that much I can no longer clean and care for it and fish as I did. Fish tank massive set up. Has been resealed at back of tank with peace of glass where there used to be a sump but no leeks.. If you put sand in in... ...
55.Channa obscurer 18/06/21 Yes
Snakehead 7-8 inch received by mistake lovely fish £20 collection only please text me on 07492654045
Hi Guys Im having a big clear out of some stocks to make space for 2 new big shipments due so looking to make new space. Here are some some of the stock I'm looking to discount/clear to the right homes. limited stock at these prices. Grade b red gar from £40 upward depends size 5&... ...
57.emperor snakehead 01/05/21 No
Hi im selling my 2.4ft emperor snakehead grat fish eats well need him gone as hes getting to big for his tank and also i want to start again with my aquarium
58.Snakehead/pike cichlid/Asian red tail catfish 26/03/21 No
Venezuelan pike cichlid 11 inch £70 Albino snakehead 13 inch £100 Asian red tail catfish 7 inch £30 Please contact me on 07492654045 pickup only
59.Snakehead and bichir 22/03/21 Yes
Senegal bichir 8 inch albino £20 Albino snakehead 12 inch channa striata £100 Please text or call me on 07492654045
60.Snakehead 16/03/21 Yes
Channa stiata 13. Inch albino £100 Please contact me on 07492654045
61.Snakehead 09/03/21 No
Hi there I am looking for emperor and giant snakeheads in the 5-9 inch range with travel please text me on 07492654045
62.Snakehead 09/03/21 No
Hi there I am looking for emperor and giant snakeheads in the 5-9 inch range with travel please text me on 07492654045
63.Snakeheads 05/03/21 Yes
2x emperor snakeheads 20+ inch £80 each 1x channa stiata albino 13 inch £100 All for £220 I am reluctant to sell these fish so silly offers won’t be responded too Please text me on 07492654045 Will swap the lot for any kind of ray pup
64.Yellow emperor snakehead 11/02/21 No
Hi everyone, I'm looking for a still small yellow emperor snakehead if anyone has any. There's a few looks to these but looking for a good quality yellow with red eyes. Thanks
65.channa pulchra snakehead 08/02/21 No
channa pulchra snakehead around 8inches stunning fish £50 stoke on trent
66.ChAnna pulchra snakehead 04/02/21 No
Channa pulchra snakehead,the pretty peacock snakehead, one of the most colourful snakeheads reduced for quick sale
67.channa pulchra snakehead 20/01/21 No
channa pulchra snakehead around 8inches stunning fish,£50
68.Selling wide bars albino knife fish snakehead 14/01/21 No
Hi I'm selling some big 4-6 inch widebars (8) £55 each or could discount as a whole A large albino knife fish 10-12 inch £85 Snakehead £75 A burkit merah Arowana 6-8inch golden Whiskers growing back £450 Collection only based in Hainault Message me here or Email me will1318@h... ...
69.Albino Channa snakehead for sale 16/10/20 Yes
I have a roughly 10cm long juvenile albino snakehead believed to be Channa striata. Eats live, frozen and pellet foods. Looks to become a proper character. Selling because I was sent it by accident. Collection from the Sible Hedingham area or I will drive up to 30 miles to meet as long as th... ...
70.Channa pulcha Snakeheads 12/10/20 Yes
Snakeheads are channa pulcha. 7-9inches long. They are 1yr old. There is 9 of them all together. Selling all together including tank and light. Open to offers.
71.Golden cobra snakehead 4" £30 channa aurantimaculata 05/10/20 Yes
Selling a 4" golden cobra snakehead, feeding on pellets (hikari cichlid gold, bug bites and others) Currently kept at 23c (drop for winter) Very active juvenile, will grow big! Collection from Towcester nn12
72.Emperor snakehead 30/08/20 Yes
10 inch growing like a weed and showing great potential. Sg9 post code. £100 07568302451
73.Snakehead gurgeon 23/08/20 Yes
Looking to rehome,brought but doesn't get along with my other fish approx bout 7inches long brought for 100 pound looking for 20 pound back for it, collection Liphook need gone asap
74.For sale 16/08/20 No
Message me for more details 2x parrot fish Jaguar cichlid Tiger shovel nose Common pleco Channa stewartii snakehead Blue acara Convict Silver gar 2x axolotl collection cheltenham Contact me on07961440731
75.For sale 16/08/20 No
Message me for more details 2x parrot fish Jaguar cichlid Tiger shovel nose Common pleco Channa stewartii snakehead Blue acara Convict Silver gar 2x axolotl collection cheltenham Contact me on07961440731
76.Snakehead 21/07/20 No
Looking for any large snakehead any species please contact me on 07492654045 so we can discuss information
77.Wild caught Male Rio mag Umbee 15/07/20 Yes
For sale is my f0 Male umbee, around 13”, currently kept in a 7x2x2 with other fish. Will take £80 , won’t go no lower. call or text 07956 687 421 or text only 07733 814 504. Please check out my other ads (sorry the lighting on this tank is terrible, my L.E.D was broken by a Snakehead jumping o... ...
78.TankS clear out , silver arrowana , bass , snakehead , peacock bass, musk turtle 12/03/20 Yes
2ft silver arrowana £160 20” peacock bass £160 12” giant snakehead £90 2ft emperor snakehead £120 Musk turtle £30 Lima cat fish 12” £50 07809874689 Pick up bristol only
79.Tropical Fish - Peacock Snakehead 08/03/20 Yes
We have a beautiful Peqcock Snakehead avaliable for collection from tomorrow. £80.00 Contact us for more information
80.12" Giant Snakehead - Channa Micropeltes - £30 or swaps 01/03/20 No
Selling due to change in tankmates, buyer will need to bring bucket upon collection. Willing to swap just message
81.Red Pike 13-14inches 26/02/20 Yes
Very healthy lovely Red Pike 13-14inches....sad to sell him but he’s taken a dislike to my snakehead...£100ono..... collection from Basingstoke Hampshire
82.Emperor snakehead 12/01/20 Yes
25 inch emperor snakehead for sale 60 pound! Beautiful fish but an absolute monster. Would consider a swap also
83.Jaguar Cichlid and Snakehead --- NEED GONE ASAP 22/11/19 Yes
9 inch jaguar cichlid male and 10 inch channa pulcher. Free to good home both wats app for pics. Postcode sg99fj 07568302451
84.Predator fish for sale 21/11/19 Yes
I have for sale a 20inch ornate bichir £60 7inch ornate bichir £30 7inch grey bichir £30 9inch lung fish £60 22inch giant snakehead £50 9inch bumblebee catfish £10 Call me on 07387904276 if you are interested.
86.7ft dd predator set up with fish. 1100l Diplo snakehead, spanner barbs, wolf, Midas ect 07/11/19 No
Tank is 7ft X 34 inch wide and 2 ft tall. Stand has seen better days but presentable. Twin fx6 filters. Fish separately or Inc in total if all bought. 11" channa diplogramma very rare giant snakehead smaller cousin £200 sold. 6 5-7" spanner barb shoal £100 12" barred Midas red isletus £80 ... ...
87.Channa Sp Flameback fry (Snakeheads) 20/10/19 No
SP flamebacks Uk bred Ready to go 1_2 inches feeding on mashed worm and hikari gold baby pellets WhatsApp me for details and videos These are sub tropical fish no need for heaters they need a cooling period They don’t mix with other fish. Please research Species only tank Can post to... ...
88.Predator fish 26/09/19 No
X2 giant snakeheads (12inch) 25 each or 2 for 45 X1 clown knife fish (14 inch) 35 X1 flagtail (16 inch) 50
89.6ft tank and fish 25/09/19 Yes
I have a 6ft aquaone tank for sale with built in black cabinet. 2 kelberi bass,1 fire eel,2 birchirs,2 severums and snakehead. Also sump in tank 2 external filters. Loads of bits and Bob's.
90.Predator fish for sale 23/09/19 No
8 inch motoro Ray £110 14 inch clown knife fish £40 X2 10-12 inch giant snakeheads £25 each Any videos or pictures please text me as I don’t get messages on here very often thanks
91.Giant snakeheads 21/09/19 Yes
10-12 inch greedy fish Growing quick Looking to swap for other preds
92.Channa stewartii snakehead fry - 8 for £25 18/09/19 Yes
1-2 inch fry available feeding on flake and pellets Photo of parent . 8 for £25
93.Captive bred Channa snakeheads available aurantimaculata, asiatica, red fin, ornatipinnis, stewartii 31/08/19 Yes
I am selling some of my 2019 home-bred Channa... aurantimaculata from 2 different sets of parents 4cm £15 each and 10cm £25 each ornatipinnis £10 each 4cm stewartii £10 each 5 cm asiatica £10 each 4cm Postage available in the UK and discounts for bulk orders
94.Various predator oddball and L number pleco for sale 30/08/19 Yes
Various preds/oddballs/plecos/cichlids for sale Ripsaw catfish 14 inches -£50 Sailfin pimelodus Leiarius pictus 17 inches -£60 Emperor snakehead 6 inches £35 Red giant snakehead 8 inches £25 Asain red tail catfish 6 inches -£25 L75 pleco 6 inches -£35 Black belt cichlid 5... ...
95.Snakeheads for sale - emperor and red giant 20/08/19 Yes
Various snakeheads for sale Emperor snakehead channa marulioides 7 inches long £40 Red giant snakehead channa micropeltes 8 inches long £25 Or both for for £55 Both feeding well collection only whiston Liverpool
96.Predator fish 17/08/19 No
Temensis bass trio 10 11 &12” £120 Pangasius catfish 8” £5 Two parrot cichlids £5 Cobra snakehead 14” 50 Snakehead 8” £30
97.For sale Brown Snakehead 15/08/19 No
Channa Gachua Approx 6" very healthy Hand feeds Only selling as i'm moving to more of a community tank £30 ono 07398172087
98.Various predator oddball and L number pleco for sale 02/08/19 Yes
I have some fish for sale.... Ripsaw Niger catfish 13 inches £80 channa pleurophthalma occelated/5 spot snakehead 5 inches - £35 Polypterus ornate bichir 12/13 inches £35 L203 panaque shaeferi 2 inches - £25 L065 Blizzard cactus pleco 4 inches - £35 Rhino pleco pterygopli... ...
99.Ripsaw catfish ( Oxydoras niger ) 12/13 inches £80 27/07/19 Yes
Ripsaw catfish ( Oxydoras niger ) 12/13 inches long nice chucky specimen absolutely fine with other larger fish. £80 or may swap for emperor snakehead / channa obscura / red snakehead / aba aba knife fish Collection only whiston Liverpool
100.Very large fish job lot for sale £300 Ono for all fish bargain 100s spent 21/07/19 Yes
I have many different variety’s of fresh water fish in my 6ft aquarium due to work I haven’t had the time to look after them even tho I do a tank water change atleast once a week. The tank is not the best of tank for show but will be perfect for a fish room it has a hand made frame made by the ... ...
101.L091 royal pleco 5 inches £30 20/07/19 Yes
L091 royal pleco 5 inches long chunky fish £30 or swap for red snakehead Collection only whiston Liverpool
102.Atabapo red pike cichlid 11 inch £80 20/07/19 No
Atabapo red pike cichlid for sale 11 inches long healthy feeding well showing nice red colours £80 or swap for water cow, aba aba knife fish, channa obscura,emperor snakehead descent sized channa micropeltes, Collection only Whiston Liverpool
103.Various tropical fish, full tank set ups, 45l right up to 400l 15/07/19 Yes
I have for sale due to moving area: 20l tank with light, filter, no heater, no lid (no livestock) (£10) 45l tank with light, filter, heater (no livestock) (£25) 45l tank with light, filter, heater, blue male betta, 5 endler tetra (male) 5 salt and pepper corys (£45) 180l tank with stand,... ...
104.Rare Snakeheads for sale 11/07/19 Yes
For sale 6" Channa Ornatipinnis 12"+ Male Channa Asiatica Both are in healthy condition "WILL ONLY SELL TO EXPERIENCED AQUARISTS" £40 each or £70 for both
105.6ft tank and fish job lot 24/06/19 Yes
I have many different variety’s of fresh water fish in my 6ft aquarium due to work I haven’t had the time to look after them even tho I do a tank water change atleast once a week. The tank is not the best of tank for show but will be perfect for a fish room it has a hand made frame made by the ... ...
106.Predator fish for sale 24/06/19 Yes
Temensis bass trio 2@10” 1 @12” 150 for the trio 11/12” clownknife 30 13” cobra snakehead 40 More pictures on request
107.16 inch Giant Snakehead 23/04/19 Yes
Up for sale is my 16 inch Giant Snakehead , (Channa Micropeltes ) was told it is Male , being kept currently with my wild caught umbee £50 Ono call or text 07956 687 421
108.Rena 450 12/02/19 Yes
Selling my Rena 450 litre with fx5 with upgrade fx6 pump comes with 15 inch giant snakehead and pleco urgent sale need room for my baby’s play area
109.Wanted northern snakehead or gaint snakehead 23/11/18 Yes
Hi I am looking for a pair of northern snakeheads or anything similar please call or txt me cash waiting can travel to you
110.WILD Golden Cobra Snakehead 12inch 14/11/18 Yes
Golden cobra snakehead for sale good with large non aggressive tank mates, and believe it or not good with small fish. i have tetras in with him and hasn't eaten any. even shrimp. Wild caught and imported pickup bury / manchester
111.wanted 08/11/18 No
golden cobra or emperor SNAKEHEADS prefer pairs
112.BD rays + 24k golden Asian arrowana Jelly cat 13" SWAP SWAP/SALE 10/09/18 No
Hi guys I've got a 24k Asian arrowana + 2x BD rays for swap/sale The rays are a male 8" and female 7" and the 24k golden arrowana is a stunner at 14" Jelly cat at 12-14" The rays I would sell for £800 for the pair 24k arrowana with all certs and micro chipped would let go ... ...
113.PLANET AROWANA 26/08/18 Yes
115.oddball for sale in Leeds 22/07/18 Yes
Making space for new shipment, all the fish selling at special offer, please check the current available list Wild caught polypterus Senegalus 5"-6" 3 for ¡ê15 or 6 for ¡ê25 Marble Knife Papyrocranus Afer 9"-10" ¡ê40 ( all gone waiting for new shipment ) Loach-Botia Tiger Syn... ...
116.Empereor snakehead 01/07/18 Yes
Selling my Emperor snakehead, it is a rare specie due to it’s amazing colours, it is a blue/ orange colour, very large 26 inches just over 2 foot, currently eating mussels & prawns selling due to lack of room in fishtank contact me on ‭07754505689‬ Selling for £200
117.Snakehead, Arowana and more www.ethan-fish-sales.org 24/06/18 Yes
Dear clients, we sell a variety of fish and deliver to any location. You can contact us directly on your website at anytime. We have best quality fish and at ery good prices. website: www.ethan-fish-sales.org
118.Tropical fish list 07/06/18 No
***TROPICAL*** BETTA FISH Stunning Male Betta Fish £8each Assorted Female Betta Fish XL £2.50each DISCUS Assorted Discus 3inch (Red Turk, Blue turk, Royal Blue, Red Melon) £28each or 2 for £50 or 5 for £100 DANIO Leopard Longfin Danio £1each GOURAMI Neon Dwarf Gourami £3.50ea... ...
119.Rainbow snakehead Channa bleheri 03/06/18 No
med £29 large £36 Maidenhead Aquatics @ Winnersh 0118 9893640
120.Channa Punctata (Spotted snakehead) for sale in Sheffield 27/05/18 Yes
Channa Punctata (Spotted snakehead) for sale. Serious keepers only please as these are large predatory fish and unsuited to a typical community tank. These are currently between 8cm and 11cm and are feeding well. £12 EACH. This species can grow to around 30cm but 15cm is more normal. It ... ...
121.Oddball available for sale in Leeds 29/03/18 Yes
Current Fish list Wild caught Polypterus Endlicheri 4"-5" at ¡ê25 each or 2 for ¡ê45 Wild caught polypterus Senegalus 5"-6" 2 for ¡ê15 Marble Knife Papyrocranus Afer 9"-10" ¡ê40 ( last 1 left ) Loach-Botia Tiger Syncrossus helodes 4"-5" ¡ê6 each or 3 for ¡... ...
122.Albino snakehead 18/02/18 No
They are about 5" - 6" . Pellet trained . Will growing up to 16" in tank . Not as aggressive as the red snakehead so can keep with other tank mate . Looking for ¡ê30 each or 2 for ¡ê55
123.Golden cobra snakehead 29/01/18 Yes
Hi wanting to swap for bichers what you got fish is 12 inch
124.Emperor snakehead 10/01/18 No
Selling my Emperor snakehead as it has outgrown my tank it is 2 foot, currently on Mussels,prawns and pellelts gets on with other fish if interested contact me on 07718995220 £125
125.dwarf Snakehead for sale, sheffield s8 7gd 09/01/18 Yes
I have my snakehead for sale, I bought him from brook garden centre back in October and has been part of a tank with other fish in. these fish are known for their aggression and I have had a couple of nips of it too. He eats white baitfish and loves them, he comes out and attacks it fast, then... ...
126.L046 Zebra Pleco’s, Freshwater Stingrays, Asian Arowana, Snakeheads, Flowerhorns 06/12/17 No
Rare and unusual species always available as well everything else a hobbyist could want! Stendker Discus L Number Pleco’s Marine fish/corals Asian Arowana Stingrays Flowerhorns Snakeheads Gar’s Fancy Betta Fully aquatic plants and mosses Eels Bircher Knife Fish All types of Ci... ...
127.Channa pleurophthalma young snakehead for sale 17/10/17 Yes
channa pleurophthalma for sale. Around 2.5 " feeding well on bloodworm, flake, prawns etc Don't see these for sale that much £10 no offers
128.Orange spotted snakehead - 2 years old £40.00 05/10/17 Yes
2 year old orange spotted snakehead. As I have move apartment I am unable to keep him. Currently kept in a small tank at my parents so needs to be sold asap. Pick up only.
129.Snakeheads for sale 23/09/17 Yes
Red snakehead (channa micropeltes) 5 to 6" feeding very well on prawn and mussel pickup only 10 available no returns this is for one fish £30 Burnley lancashire
Updated Stock list 15/09/2017 Corydoras/CW Numbers: CW028 Corydoras Super Schwartzi STUNNING XXL STORE FIRST Limited Corydoras Gold Lasers F1 XL NEW super condition C12 Corydoras Punctatus NICE CW009 Green lazer Corydoras SUPER CONDITION XL STORE FIRST Limited CW051 Corydoras sp VERY NICE... ...
131.Snakehead breeders 03/08/17 No
I know this is a long shot but a few years ago I used to buy snakehead from a breeder named Rob.. Think he was from Newcastle used to know him from the snakeheadforum.com By any chance you see this mate drop me a message or something if your still in the game. I would love to get back into keeping c... ...
132.4inch snakehead orientalis 04/06/17 No
Channa orientalis Approx 4inch Eating pellet and frozen foods Very hardy 15£ ono
133.Golden cobra snakehead wanted 20/05/17 No
Golden cobra snakehead wanted Please call 07773602834 Derbyshire
134.Channa stewartii special X6 Rare dwarf snakehead 01/05/17 Yes
Here we have 6 young Channa stewartii, Special variation at 3-4cm+ (growing nicely). stunning dwarf snakehead Very Rare in the trade. max growth is 8-10" so best size aquarium should be no less than 200lt 4'long. the will appreciate dim lighting with dense cover, they are great jumpers so be sure... ...
135.A few fish for sale 11/04/17 Yes
3" Aligator gar ¡ê18 each or 2 for ¡ê30 3" CHANNA PLEUROPHTALMA snakehead ¡ê15 each or 2 for ¡ê25 2" CICHLA ORINOCONENSIS peacock bass ¡ê12 each or 2 for ¡ê20 3" albino pacu ¡ê20 each or 2 for ¡ê35 (Rare )
136.SNAKEHEADS 11/04/17 No
I'm looking for some snakeheads for a large tank that I have. Please contact with what you have or can get. Many thanks in advance
137.SNAKEHEADS 24/03/17 No
Can anyone point me in the right direction of anywhere that's stocks or can get me this species please ? Many thanks
138.SNAKEHEADS 23/03/17 No
Can anyone point me in the right direction of anywhere that's stocks or can get me this species please ? Many thanks
139.Tiger Shovel nose wanted , big preds wanted odd balls 20/03/17 No
Tiger shovelnose catfish wanted 1ft plus Pacu , Giant snakeheads ,golden dorados , big predators welcome ! Long term home given , Contact 07764514024 ANY BIG PRED FISH ABOUT?????????
140.Red snakehead 5 inches 10/03/17 Yes
Lovely young baby snakehead . Eating crazy and growing fast . Will grow up to 3ft plus and become very aggressive when fully grow . Looking for �15 each or 2 for �25
141.channa diplogramma snakehead 06/03/17 Yes
Hi I'm selling a snakehead who is 12+inches or swap for other preds. If cash im looking for £60.contact me on 07749299693, name Dan.sold
142.WANTED; BIRCHIRS AND SNAKEHEADS. (polypterus) (channa) 12/02/17 No
Wanting anything polypterus also after some dwarf snakeheads, let me know what you have text 07450865653 Greg
143.LARGE FISH FOR SALE 20/01/17 No
19" AROWANA £45 10" Snakehead £30 Text 07807931709 for more info/pictures. Need gone asap.
144.Wanted golden cobra snakeheads channa aurantimaculata 19/01/17 No
I'm looking for 6 to 8 young if anyone knows where I may be able to get these from thanks in advance
145.Snakeheads wanted 29/11/16 No
Red line ,cobra ,Northern Snakeheads any of the larger species wanted not the dwarfs Lancashire area thanks ian
146.Pike cichlid Snakehead filament barbs 14/11/16 Yes
I have four large filament barbs ( two male, two female ) have grown from young. A rainbow snakehead 5" will grow to 6-8" very strong colours and not to be kept with smaller fish. Pike cichlid I have grown him up since about 3" have had him for a long time roughly 7-8" and will not grow any ... ...
148.SNAKEHEAD_golden cobra snakehead 11 inch for sale £100 22/10/16 Yes
Gorgeous and super healthy fish, 11 inch long but may be even bigger, quite difficult to measure. Highly active snakehead and if you are looking for a predator this is the best you could have! He's mean and will easily scare the crap out of your friends. I wouldn't want to sell it for nothing as I... ...
149.Gold Cobra snakeheads for sale 12/10/16 Yes
Beautiful fish, feeding extremely well. Currently housed with other fish and snakeheads. £65 each Other snakeheads also available
150.Searching for golden cobra snakeheads/channa aurantimaculata 28/09/16 Yes
If you have any or know where to get them please let me know ASAP. Preferably smaller sized/younger ones.
151.Cobalt blue snakeheads 15/09/16 No
I have for sale some cobalt blue snakeheads growing really well, absolutely stunning fish around 4" currently £20 each or 2 for £35
152.Snakehead and fish tank 14/09/16 Yes
Hi I've got a snakehead it's about 15'' and the tank to go. let me know how much for the tank and fish 07861063795... 07401222125. Tasneembaby@hotmail.co.uk
153.Tropical fish Midland Exotics Ltd 05/09/16 No
Midland Exotics aquatics 554 Walsall Rd B42 1LR Community fish, Large Cichlids, Snakeheads and Oddballs plus more available. Based in Birmingham. West Midlands. Looking for something specific? Just ask for Josh when calling
154.Snakehead 31/08/16 Yes
Stunning Snakehead apologies but I don't know the scientific name. Loves his shrimp and prawn. Approximately 4/5 inches long. Not as aggressive as the average snakehead due to fish he's been with for majority of his life.
155.Golden cobra snakhead - £50 09/08/16 Yes
Golden cobra snakehead approx 10 inches very aggressive and highly active. Would like to swap for peacock bass or piranha or would sell for price of £50. If you love predatory fish you would not be dissapointed with this snakheads attitude. Please call
156.WANTED: channa marulioides 10/07/16 No
WANTED: Snakeheads / channa Marulioides allso known as emperor snakehead
157.bullseye snakehead or great snakehead (Channa marulius) 27/06/16 Yes
Bullseye snakehead for sale, 7-8" approx. feeds well on frozen foods. Reluctant sale due to my tank not being big enough and no space for a new tank :( Collection Jarrow, Tyne and Wear. feel free to contact me via phone or email for more images or info
158.Channa andrao dwarf snakehead £15 27/06/16 Yes
I love this fish but we have just upgraded to a five foot and have decided that its time to go over to the dark side and build a community tank. So reluctant sale of shady. He/she is around 5inches give or take a smidge. He/ she Has lived successfully with other fish including gouramis and weather... ...
159.Fish 29/05/16 Yes
Snakehead 18 inches very nice colours open 2 sensible offers
160.Giant snakeheads wanted the bigger the better 08/04/16 No
Giant snakeheads wanted bigger the better px for big male pearl breeder 17" disk 07764514524
161.Zebra Pleco L046 in Stock NOW ONLY £99 22/02/16 Yes
Stocked up with Oddballs and more! Arowana Snakeheads Bircher Stingray Montoro Breeding Discus Pairs Breeding Angel Pairs Super Delta Betta Burmesse Archer Fish Butterflyfish Rio Nanny Angels And so much more...Please ask for pictures/info Next day delivery avalible (pre 10am), £1... ...
162.Snakeheads 01/02/16 No
Hi, I am looking for giant/redline snakeheads. Please call me or text me on 07595583877. Paul
Hi all straight to the point I'm after a Golden Cobra snakehead. If you have any for sale please contact me. Cheers
164.Red line/Giant Snakeheads wanted 22/01/16 No
Hi, Giant Snakeheads wanted. Please call or text 07595583877. London
165.rainbow snakehead 04/01/16 No
Have a gorgeous little rainbow snakehead about 6 inches right little bruiser feesing well awesome colours msg me for pics if interested £45
166.Golden cobra snakehead for sale 08/11/15 Yes
He is around 16"+ now and still growing. Very healthy and active fish! More of a pet than a fish if im honest. Feeds very well on anything you feed him.. Goldfish, prawns, mice, muscles or white bait, hes not fussy. He has no marks on him and in perfect condition. £75 collected from Birmingham
167.Golden cobra snakehead for sale in leeds 02/11/15 Yes
16" at the moment but still growing . Very nice color and living well with big fish . Rare to find this size . Looking for £85.
168.snakeheads (channa pulchra) 01/11/15 Yes
I have to close down my tank and have 4 beautiful snakeheads for sale, they are all 6" or 7" long and eating well on prawn and pellets, they have lovely colouring and healthy, they are getting along well with all the other fish in my tank and are tame and eat out of my hand, these have bee... ...
169.Stock list 31/10/15 Yes
stocklist Community Moscow blue guppy £5 pair Mixed guppy £1.50 10 for £12 Zebra danio xl £1 10 for £8 Black neon tetra large £1 10 for £8 Brochis splendens £5 Spotted headstanders £3 Harlequin rasbora £1 10 for £8 Rainbow platys £2 Rainbow hi fin platys xxl £2.50 Am... ...
170.snakeheads 31/10/15 No
4 snakeheads Channa pulchra for sale about 7" or 7" long eating well on prawn and pellets, they are very lively and colourful £25 each would like you to collect. for more info call paul on 07412953235
171.6 Foot Fish tank for sale 31/10/15 Yes
Big fish Tank for sale. 6 foot x 18" wide x 2 half foot deep, it has sliding glass to stop fish jumping out, 2 florecent tube lighting with starter motors,, 2 heaters, 2 Air pumps, It has a Newave High flow circulator (NWA 5500) which propels water around the tank to act as a curent which cost ... ...
172.snakeheads (channa pulchra) 24/10/15 No
I have 4 snakeheads left and are all healthy eating prawn and everything else you put in for them, they are great specimens they are all about 7" or 8" long and lovey lolouring getting along with other fish in the tank, must pick them up as wont post. for more info please call paul on 0741... ...
173.6 Foot Fish Tank for sale 22/10/15 Yes
Big fish Tank for sale. 6 foot x 18" wide x 2 half foot deep, it has sliding glass to stop fish jumping out, 2 florecent tube lighting with starter motors,, 2 heaters, 2 Air pumps, It has a Newave High flow circulator (NWA 5500) which propels water around the tank to act as a curent which cost ... ...
174.cat fish 20/10/15 No
I have 4 beautifull catfish for sale about 6 or 7 inches eating well on pellets,1 of them is pure black another is white with black spots, i have to close down my tank due to moving and you are welcome to come see what i have. cat fish £15, also have 4 snakeheads and 1 12" oscar to sell. for m... ...
175.snakeheads for sale 20/10/15 Yes
I have 4 snakeheads for sale (channa pulchra, they are about 6 or 7 inches long and beautiful eating well on prawns and pellets they get on with other fish and are happy fellas. Would like you to collect but will maybe post at your expense. £25 each for more info call Paul on 07412953235
176.I am after Rainbow Snakeheads (Channa Bleheri) Please contact me if you have any or know where I ca 12/09/15 No
I am after Rainbow Snakeheads (Channa Bleheri)! Please contact me if you have any or know where I can get some!
Fully grown (9 inch) asian snakehead for sale - great fish - will hand feed when settled - is likely to eat anything smaller that 6" - will need to be in a tank at least 4' long - LIVERPOOL/MERSEYSIDE area - Looking for £30 or will swap for Frontosa Cichlids
178.Golden cobra snakehead 12+ inches 06/08/15 Yes
Looking for £60 pound pick up only
179.One of a kind aquarium rack consisting of a 4ftx3ft pond tank and 2 x 4ft tanks 03/08/15 Yes
The 48x36x15 bottom tank would be ideal to house large preds such as arowana, snakeheads, stingrays or large catfish. It is a sumped tank with overflow in rear corner and a 2500lph return pump. The sump is 4ft full of media and sponges. This might make a good marine frag tank also Lighting consists... ...
180.Fire and ice Snakehead 01/08/15 Yes
We have a stunning Channa sp. Fire and Ice. Approximately 10 to 12cm
181.wanted golden cobra snakehead 25/06/15 No
im after a golden cobra snakehead bigger the better, please message if u can help, cash is waiting
182.2 x Golden Cobra Snakehead for sale. 20/06/15 No
As above, i have 2 Auranti's about 12 inches long, both female. Open to offers, collection only . Can send pics if genuinely interested.
183.Cobra Snakehead 11/05/15 Yes
6 inch very aggressive and carnivorous. tropical fresh water. Needs to be housed with good size fish. £20. Mob No 07494 945 940
184.golden cobra snakehead 08/05/15 No
10 inches long young. lives alone, will not now socialise with any tankmates whether same species or not. this is a sub tropical species(no heater required). needs a minimum of a 4 foot at this age, 5-6 foot full grown depending on what size it reaches. i am after a good safe knowledgeable home for ... ...
185.Obscuara snakehead 02/05/15 No
Selling a 8 inch chunky Obscura living with cichlids and loaches gets on well with all. eats anything looking for £30, please ask for pics 07568302451
In the london area or other types of rare beautiful sub-tropical snakeheads. do not want the giant growing ones eg reds tel 07886347745 ibby
187.cheap fish tank 3ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft 31/03/15 Yes
fish tank for sale nive lovely cube tank unfortunately is damaged but been repaired glass pain on the bottom but was twin thick so never leaked new plates siliconed on top I have had snakeheads in it which have sold now just want it gone tank has few scratches, I had it in back porch so d... ...
188.giant snakehead, channa micropletes. ..cheshire. 29/03/15 Yes
Hi there I have 2 red line, giant snakehead for sale,one around 12 inch ,,other around 10 inch. .Both in great condition eating well prawns,mussels,etc...selling to outgrowing tank,,.50 pounds each.
189.Juwel Vision 260 + Fish 27/03/15 Yes
I am selling:- A 4ft x 22inches x 17inches Juwel Vision 260 (Hood is not complete, but the flaps can be bought for £22 online). Comes with : Juwel 4ft dual light unit Juwel internal box filter 300W Heater 4 way air pump (with all pipes and large airstones and bubbling skeleton) Around ... ...
190.Predators wanted 24/03/15 No
Hi im looking for some preds. Giant snakehead, Spotted gar, Clown knife fish, wolf fish, bichirs, tiger fish. What have you got? jg_gaskin@hotmail.co.uk
191.Dwarf Snakeheads (Channa Orientalis) 6 inch £6 each 13/03/15 Yes
I have two Dwarf Snakeheads (Channa Orientalis) 6" left - £6 each
192.dwarf snakehead wanted 22/02/15 No
hi has anyone got for sale any dwarf snakeheads in the Durham area if so let me no thanks jon
193.Peacock snakehead 15/02/15 No
I have my peacock snake head needs a new home grate fish interactive eats well about 9 inches 30quid ono
194.snakehead golden cobra 04/02/15 Yes
snakehead and plecko with tank heater marina filter stand and hooded light for sale 100 ono
195.channa stewartii snakehead male 7 inch 27/01/15 No
Reluctant sale of my stunning male stewartii, only selling as he is too aggressive for my female and don't have the tank space to keep him. Collection only tx for quick reply. 07946340801 send pics on request
196.Silver arowana, Mottled catfish, x2 Channa lucius 15/01/15 No
Hi all i have the following fish for sale Silver Arowana around 9/10" £55 Mottled Catfish around 5" £10 x2 Channa Lucius (forest snakehead) around 3" £30 for both Or will swap for decent sized spotted gar, channa micropeltes or green,red spot severum. 07788714584 Than... ...
197.Red Snakeheads 28/12/14 Yes
I have one Red Snakeheads for sale at £10. Currently measures 8". See River Monsters: Red Snakeheads for a good look at the species. Call 07950 334465 for any further info.
198.WANTED spotted gar, channa micropeltes 16/12/14 No
Hi i'm after a spotted gar and red snakehead. Must be around the 8-10" mark. Cash waiting. Email me what you got jg_gaskin@hotmail.co.uk Thanks
199.Emsworth Aquatics Availability List 09/12/14 Yes
AVAILABLITY LIST LIVEBEARERS Assorted Mollies £2.60ea Balloon Mollies £2.85ea Assorted Male Guppies £2.25ea or 4 for £8.76 Female Guppies £1.80ea or 6 for £10.20 Male Endlers £2.25ea or 4 for £8.80 Assorted Platys £2.50ea Assorted Swordtails £3.00ea CICHLIDS Gold Severum £6... ...
200.780 litre large fishtank 66 x 30 x 24 inches £200ono 30/11/14 Yes
I am selling my large 66x30x24 tank. £200 ono You maybe able to find a tank of this length but its the width on this tank that makes it especially for those larger fish needing to turn. i purchased this as a tank only that needed a reseal and came with a thlimsy base. i have reinforced the base and... ...

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