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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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1.Fuelleborni Katale F1 pair 04/03/25 Yes
Labeotropheus fuelleborni Katale F1 OB Female 1m 1f Around 2 12" male started to show some adult coloration. https://www.malawi.si/Malawi/Mbuna/Labeotropheus/Labeotropheus%20fuelleborni/slides/Labeotropheus%20chlorosiglos%20'Katale%20Island'.html Also open to trade potentially for the ... ...
2.Assorted Mbuna Cichlids - 3-5 inches 04/03/25 No
Mbuna Cichlids for Sale – Various Sizes 3-5 inches I have the following Mbuna Cichlids available: Yellow Lab – 3 Red Zebra – 3 Albino Red Zebra – 1 Jalo Reef Afra – 1 Rusty – 2 Acei – 2 Albino – 3 Bumblebee – 2 Cobalt Blue – 2 Lavender – 2 Red Top Ice Blue –... ...
3.Superfish ‘Home 110’ Fish Tank Aquarium 03/03/25 No
For sale is my fish tank Contains the following - super fish 110 complete with led lights 12 months old - fluval 307 6 months old - fluval t digital heater 6 months old - fluval a402 air pump - caribsea cichlid pro substrate - seachem cichlid buffers - digital ph tester - comes wi... ...
4.Various Mbuna juveniles always available... Bedfordshire 16/02/25 Yes
Home breeder of Malawi cichlids, Mbuna for over 30 years.. Good selection of fish that you won't see in shops and at a very good price. List to be updated as more fish become available.... Metriaclima Callainos Nhkata Bay OB females and males. Metriaclima Estherae Minos Reef, with OB females ... ...
5.Mbuna Malawi 10/02/25 No
8 very large size blue Mbuna 13 cm long 3 cm high 40 £ for all collection Nottingham 07542376508
6.Mbuna 05/02/25 Yes
I have a bunch of top quality mbuna purchased from the best suppliers/hobbiests possible. Would be a great first stock or additions to current groups. F1 Cynotilapia zebroides Likoma 2m 2f don’t currently have pictures of these but they are purchased from mikes rifts…. £30 Chindong... ...
7.Adult and Fry Mbuna Malawi Cichlids for sale 02/02/25 Yes
Adult and fry Malawi Mbuna for sale - Chindongo Saulosi Fry from £1-£3 each depending on size. Breeding group of 4 cynotilapia afra white top likoma -£20 for all 4. Trip Metriclima Calanois Nkhata bay 1 Mcat male, 1 standard blue male and 1 on female around 3 inches - £15 the tri... ...
8.Fish for sale 25/01/25 No
2 x chocolate ciclids approx 5 inch pair 1x black ghost knife fish approx 5 inch 4x spotted silver dollars 1x uaru approx 3 inch Will negotiate a price want all gone though as re doing tank african mbuna 07548966830 cannock
9.40+ adult malawi mbuna cichlids 2-6inch 2 giant hap/peacocks 19/01/25 Yes
40 plus fish. Real photos. Lots of variety and many stunners. Price is start at 10 pounds for one unless you buy group. Range of healthy adult mbuna fish and a few others that have been living well together. Red top hongi, various Metriaclima e g pseudotropheus, estherea, blue afras, yello... ...
10.Rare Malawi mbuna 13/01/25 No
Approx 30 in total A few luwino reef metriclima inc stunning male And around 20 or so lab Pearlmutt some breeding Inc fry And a few odd balls £70 for all Collection only Morden surrey
11.Misc 02/01/25 Yes
2 x barbs =50 2x parrots =50 5x mbuna =50 Hybrid salvini coross with convicts 2× african chicil cat fish =20 Miscellaneous other
12.Juwel rio 450 with matching cabinet +60 plus job lot malawi cichlids 02/01/25 No
Everything included in the video Multi Lights with remote External filter Heater Pump Stones Gravel Shipwreck and ornaments Over 70 high quality fish Food flakes and pellets I have over 60 plus mbuna Malawi cichlids i am selling. Giving up the hobby now due to health reasons. The tank co... ...
13.various mbuna job lot 25/11/24 No
4 x Pseudotropheus sp. Williamsi blue lips 2m 2f, dominant male 4.5"+ 4 x Pseudotropheus elegans 'Yellow Tail acei' 2.5" 2 x Pseudotropheus elegans 'white Tail acei' 2.5" 1 x Labidochromis chisumulae male 2" 5 x Chindongo saulosi 1m 3" 4f 2" £80 whatsapp 0747... ...
14.Malawi cichlids North East Scotland / Dundee 30/10/24 Yes
Malawi mbuna and haps available, Aberdeen area. Delivery possible in NE Scotland / Dundee area. Sorry no postage. I have fry and semi-adults of the species listed below. Aulonocara stuartgranti Ngara flametail TB Aulonocara sp. "Lwanda" Hai Reef adult males only Protomelas taen... ...
15.labidochromis caeruleus 11/10/24 No
I have 20 of these beautiful yellow wonders, which are a must have in any African cichlid set up. They are peaceful in a group and are happy with Mbuna, Malawi or Tanganyikan community. Each around 2 inch. £150 for the group of 20 or £75 for 10.
16.Malawi cichlids for sale 03/10/24 No
Yellow labs X3 2 Males and 1 female - certified breeding pair £20 aulonocara X2 Breeding pair - £25 Grey shakei cichlid X2 Certified Breeding pair -£25 Grey shakei albino X2 Certified breeding pair - £25 Afra cichlid X2 Certified breeding pair £25 Blue zebra mbuna X... ...
17.African cichlids Mbuna juveniles 2-4” £3 each 21/09/24 No
Hi I’ve got a few Mbuna cichlids for sale I have got ice blue zebra, OB zebras and Yellow labs £3 each or 4 for £10 there around 2-4 inches in size if you want any please contact me on 07833867373 TEXT ONLY NO CALLS Pick up from Liverpool Thanks for viewing my post
18.Fish 31/07/24 No
ALL BREEDING PAIRS mbunas £20 the pair Plecos £40 the pair Convicts £20 the pair Orange Malawi £20 MALAWIS ARE CURRENTLY CARRYING EGGS COLLECTION LEICESTER
I have: 3 x acei Ngara I think 2m 1f but unsure 5 x yellow labs, unsure of sex 5 x labeotropheus trewavasse thumbi? 2m 3f 3 x red zebra All vibrant and around 2.5-5” between them 07534804894 message on WhatsApp for pictures. Need gone.
I have: 3 x acei Ngara I think 2m 1f but unsure 5 x yellow labs, unsure of sex 5 x labeotropheus trewavasse thumbi? 2m 3f 3 x red zebra All vibrant and around 2.5-5” between them 07534804894 message on WhatsApp for pictures. Need gone.
21.African Cichlids : Lake Malawi 16/06/24 No
have many different Malawi Cichlids, Peacocks, haps and mbuna. various ages. From 1 month to about 10months. males and females available and vented if i can based in ng22 can deliver for fuel costs unto 1 hour away. vewings welcome in person or via messenger or whatsapp. get in touch for more ... ...
22.Mbuna for sale 13/05/24 Yes
Metriaclima estherae o females o males mcat males Demasoni x5 Also see my other ad further down the list for metriaclima membe deep. All full adults. Collection saffron Walden. Contact for more info
23.Metriaclima membe deep mbuna 04/05/24 Yes
Group of 12. 2 fully coloured males, the rest yellow females/subdom males. Great quality fish originally from Barry Rolfe. Collection Saffron Walden CB11. £50
24.various mbuna 04/04/24 No
Hi, I'm moving on my collection of different mbuna. bought around 4 months ago from Barry rolfe a well known mbuna breeder so there not your usual shop varieties but the only name I can remember are yellow tail acei looking for £80..probably about 20 in total..
25.various mbuna 04/04/24 No
Hi all , looking to move on my mbuna collection, approx 20 fish in total all bought as juveniles 4 months ago from Barry rolfe a well known mbuna breeder so there not your usual shop varieties , when bought I had 4 different varieties but the only name I can remember are yellow tail acei looking fo... ...
26.Mbuna Wanted 16/02/24 No
I am looking for Mbuna cichlids, anything from babies to adults. Based in Basingstoke but willing to travel for the right fish. Please message me on 07494 429028 Bailey.
27.Adult Malawi cichlids 29/01/24 No
Still Wanting adult Malawi cichlids in Macclesfield or Manchester area Particularly after Soccolofi powder blue Mbuna or bumblebee cichlids preferably large juvenile or adult sized but all Malawi considered
28.Pseudotropheus cyaneorhabdos, Maingano Island 21/01/24 Yes
Pseudotropheus cyaneorhabdos aka Maingano for sale. Adults at £5.00 each. Up to 20 available. Fantastic colours. Can mix with Tropheus cichlids or other Mbuna. Make excellent community fish. Videos available. Local shops sell these at £16 each!
29.african malawi mbuna 05/01/24 No
gor about 16 african mbuna cichlids all sorts of colours vary from 2 inch to 4 inch open to offers or swaps for american cihlids or along them lines can meet or drive within reason call me for more info and pics if interested based in alton hampshire
30.Mbuna 02/01/24 Yes
Mbuna fry 50p each Rotherham, msg 07711179535 for details
31.Mbuna 02/01/24 Yes
Mbuna cichlids various sizes , 50p-£2 depending on size . Rotherham msg 07711179535 for further details
32.Closing fish house 14/12/23 No
2 6ft tanks,1 4ft ,4 smaller breeding tanks,loads of Malawi all mbuna plus synodontis catfish, Petricola and Poli white.Email me for more info and pictures of tanks and fish.
33.10 x mbuna cicihlids 29/11/23 No
10 assorted mbuna, some shop bought and some bred in tank. Looking for a new home, I don’t want payment for the fish. Also looking to sell the whole set up - Fluval Roma 200 tank with cabinet Fluval led lighting External filter - oase thermo master Internal filter - oase corner filter not... ...
34.4 adult Malawi mbuna for free 20/11/23 No
Hi, I have 4 adult mbuna to go for free. 2 Yellowtail Acei 2 Maylandia estherae Sex unknown. Collection from Norbury SW16. Must be collected by 25.11
35.Loads of top quality malawis 02/11/23 No
Moving house soon and need to get rid of my tank and fish. I have the following mbuna cichlids for sale 2x metriaclima kawanga gold males 2x metriaclima kawanga gold ob females 2x metriaclima hajomaylandi 1m 1f 2x cynotalipia ndonga deep 1m 1f 3x labidcrhomis hongi Sweden not sure of sex ... ...
36.Loads of top quality malawis 02/11/23 No
Moving house soon and need to get rid of my tank and fish. I have the following mbuna cichlids for sale 2x metriaclima kawanga gold males 2x metriaclima kawanga gold ob females 2x metriaclima hajomaylandi 1m 1f 2x cynotalipia ndonga deep 1m 1f 3x labidcrhomis hongi Sweden not sure of sex ... ...
37.Malawi cichlids mbuna 20/10/23 No
Calainos nkhata bay mc trio £20 Zeb boadzulu trio £20 Cyno lions cove pair £10 2m 8f mixed o/ob fems £40 7 Tropheops macro £20 Pair red top trews £15 Fainzilberi pomonda rock juvis rare available too
38.Malawi mbuna 11/10/23 No
Calainos mcat trio £25 O morph zebra nkhungu reef group 2 males 10 females roughly £60 Fuelleborni mbenji large group 4 std males poss 1 mcat, 10-12 ob/o females £70 8 tropheops macropthalmus £25 Pair trweavasae red top £15 Zeb boadzulu pair £15 Cyno lions pair £10 Saulo... ...
39.F1s salousi 11/10/23 No
Two male one female bought from kevs rifts stunning mbuna rare as well f1s £40
40.Mbuna 01/10/23 No
15standard fainz pomonda juvi 8 tropheops macropthalmus Pair red top trewavasae Trio callainos nkhata bay mc Large group fuelle mbenji std males ob fems Large group of o morph zeb nkhungu Pair cyno lions cove 3m 3f saulosi Trio zeb boadzulu £150 no offers
41.Malawi Mbuna Cichlids 20/05/23 No
Mixed tank of various types. Demasoni Yellow Labs Ndumbi Red Caps Elongatus Mpangas Salousi Maison Reef Lombardoi A mix of other types too. Males and females…some breeding. Also various plecs and some catfish. Sensible offers please. Can sell all together or in mixed groups.
42.Full set up for sale 16/05/23 No
Due to relationship breakdown I have to sell my whole set up before moving out. I have… Juwel Vision 450 aquarium. Dark Wood. (Original lights and filter removed and painted black with acrylic paint on the back) 3 x Fluval Aquasky lights 2 x Fluval FX6 filters (matured and set up with alfa... ...
43.Full set up mbuna snd petricola for sale, not tank 04/05/23 No
Zebra chiwi O +1 ob fem met. Nigrodorsilis met. Hora mhango Met. msobo sp.hara ps. Flavus Met. Gold bar chizumulu Ps. Demasoni Maingano Met likoma Syno petricola All fish from kc rifts, mikes rifts amongst others, prob around 40 fish, breeding groups included, shutting down tan... ...
44.malawi mbuna yellow labs 06/03/23 Yes
baby yellow labs for sale, about 3 months old and about 1 inch in size. £2 each, can do deals on bulk buys. RM13 area Essex. contact me 07913649277
45.Mubna for sale 05/02/23 No
Selling my mbuna as moving on to discus. 5x Fainzilberi kirondo 2 Mcat males 1 O female and 2 OB females 5x Chindongo socolofi all males 1x male Chindongo demasoni 2x male Metriaclima msobo magunga 1x Mcat Fuelleborni All fish are healthy and cohabiting with out any aggression £100 th... ...
46.African tank closing down 29/01/23 Yes
Hi Ii have approx 100 fish in this 1000L aquarium. I’m closing it down to venture into marine so all must go. Tropheus I will only sell in groups so please don’t offer to buy 1 or 2. Open to offers, collection only in Pontefract. Text me on 07877243057 Tropheus Ikola x12 Tropheus duboisi... ...
47.WANTED Malawi for new tank setup Swansea Area 12/01/23 No
Just setup a new Large Malawi tank after a few years break due to house move I’m after some mixed Malawi Mbuna etc if anyone is thinning out or just looking to sell up Also looking for some ocean rock for it Many thanks Mark
48.Mbuna (Malawi) cichlids for sale - 22 young fish, 4 species. £100 for group. High quality fish 15/09/22 No
I am selling due to change in circumstances. These are young fish that were only recently bought from Wharf Aquatics in Pinxton, Notts, so high quality fish. I am looking to sell as a group. I don’t know how old they are but would guess a couple of months. They are juvenile fish. 6 x Lab. Hong... ...
49.Wanted 30/07/22 No
Hi. Does anyone have any mbuna for sale in Manchester. For a new tank setup. Thanks
50.Tropical fish & tanks & equipment 28/07/22 No
I have for sale: Fahaka Puffer 5" Hairy puffer 4"+ Various central american cichlids, Midas, red terrors, sysnpilum Veija brehdori Various african mbuna and haps 5 x 4" wild red bellie piranhas i have reared from fry. Then tanks from 12" cubes to 39"x29x20", heate... ...
51.home bred cold, temperate and tropical fish £1 29/06/22 Yes
Hi I have the following home bred cold, temperate and tropical fish for rehousing : Double sword Japanese blue endlers (Females all brown) Young blue paradise fish 2" Apple snail 2" Variatus platties All £1 each Greshaki and elongatus Hardy mbuna upto 5" All £8 each 2 for £... ...
52.Mbuna Malawi For Sale 05/06/22 Yes
Metriaclima Estherae (double reds) 17 available 2 inch plus in size breeding already. Need them gone soon as got to move the tank for house renovation. Juvenile Malawi cichlids for sale and ready to go. Size 5cm. £1 each . Deals and discount for large amounts. Email me fo... ...
53.Lots of bottom feeders and community fish available- great prices 07/05/22 Yes
I need to reduce my stock down a bit in my fish house. This gives you the opportunity to grab a bargain. Panda cory £3 each or buy 2 or more for £2.50 each. Synodontis petricola £8 or £20 for 3. Bublebee catfish £4 or £10 for 3. Angelfish £3 or £10 for 4 Large angelfish £5 L333 King T... ...
54.Various cichlids CHEAP collect ASAP 05/05/22 No
7" Red devil not aggressive can be seen with other smaller fish £15 ono 6 breeding saddlebacks 4and1/2" £45 ono 4 orange tropheus breeding 4" £45 ono Approx 25 blue stripe mbuna 2and1/2"plus £4 each or cheaper buy all together Approx 20 yellow labs 1-3and1/2"... ...
55.Various cichlids must sell ASAP 01/05/22 No
7" Red devil £15 6 breeding saddlebacks 4and1/2" £10 each 4 firecracker tropheus breeding 4" £15 each Approx 25 blue stripe mbuna 2and1/2"plus £5 each Approx 20 yellow labs 1-3and1/2" £5-£10 each CONTACT 07809278622 ANYTIME COLLECTION FROM BB9 AREA.
56.Tropical fish malawi lake cichlids 23/03/22 No
Platy's Guppies Green terror Fire mouth Angel fish ( 5 different types ) Barbs ( 4 different types ) Yo yo loach Zebra loach Rainbow shark Red tail shark Albino shark Paradaise fish ( 3 different types ) Gourami ( 5 different types ) Gold bristolnose Super red bristol... ...
57.AQUA OAK 300 FULL SET UP 16/03/22 Yes
here is my 5ft aqua oak 300full set up comes with 2 external all pond salutation filters big air pump and 500w heater. Seeing if I can sell the whole lot including the fish that are in it all so but can sell separately. Fish are mbuna and there are about 30 to 35 good sized mbuna and a syandos ca... ...
58.F1 Predator haps/peacocks and other haplochromis, some mbuna 31/01/22 No
Hey guys We have a large number of the following available; F1 Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus F1 Nimbochromis livingstonii F1 Nimbochromis Polystigma F1 Nimbochromis Livingstonii F1 Fossorochromis rostratus F1 Mylochromis gracilis F1 Crytocara Blue Moori Dolphin F1 Buccochromis rhoade... ...
59.Various malawi cichlids 3-4" 27/12/21 No
I have a group of mixed Malawi cichlids approx 20 or so: Mbuna 3" Venestus 3" Malawian eyebiters 3-4" Ideally would like to sell all in one lot for ~£100 or could do individuals for £6.50 each for mbuna and haps, £10 each for eyebiters. Happy to send images and video. Local... ...
60.Mbuna / Haps assortment 12/11/21 Yes
Hi, I have approx 25 fish, mostly mbuna with a few Haps. Need to move my large tank and restock so these need to be rehomed. Looking for £75 for the lot. I have: Pseudotropheus Crabro, large male Melanochromis Vermiverous Metriaclima Estherae Red Zebra Metriaclima Estherae Blue Zebra Met... ...
61.Large male Malawi cichlids 29/10/21 No
Livingstoni 6 inch £30 Male giraffe cichlid 8-9inch £15 Redempress male 5 inch £20 Blue Mbuna 4 - 5inch free Ideally would like all to go together. Message for photos 07957081558
62.Large male Malawi cichlids 29/10/21 No
Livingstoni 6 inch £30 Male giraffe cichlid 8-9inch £15 Redempress male 5 inch £20 Blue Mbuna 4 - 5inch free Ideally would like all to go together. Message for photos 07957081558
63.Mbuna Cichlids 28/10/21 No
Metriaclima cobalt blue 2m Labeotropheus trewavasae OB 1 male 1f trewavasae chilumba 1m Labeotropheus trew. O morph 1m labeotropheus fuelleborni ob 1m 1f Labidochromis hongi sun flower (rare, imported from Germany) 1m 2f Williamsi Blu lips 1m 1f pseudotropheus saulosi 1m 3f 2 juvenile saluos... ...
64.Assortment of Malawi etc for sale 28/10/21 Yes
Hi, i have the following for sale, as i need to close down a tank due to other fish breeding! 1 x Yellow lab £5 1 Male 1 Female Melanochromis auratus (golden mbuna)£15 pair 3 Zebra Mbuna* possibly, 1 could be different! £10 2 Female Giraffes £10 1 Metriaclima Sp Female £5 Breeding group(2... ...
65.Mbuna Cichlids For Sale 18/10/21 Yes
I have 5 Mbuna adult cichlids for sale and 1 juvenile. If interested please contact me for more.pics and prices. closing tank down. Collect chapel en le frith
66.Mbuna f1 cichlids 17/10/21 Yes
I have a few groups of mbuna for sale £10 Trewavasae thumbi west Membe deep Maison reef. Also have bluelips mkonde fry ready soon All fish pictured are actual fish in the aquarium. I bought these from k and c cichlids…
67.Yellow labs mbuna juvenile and adult pairs ect…. 07/10/21 No
Hello, I have juvenile mbunas and adult and pairs Juvenile -£2each Adults £10 Also a large plec 12-14inches - make offer ;) Will not post and only for collection - Dunfermline-fife. Also will swap for frontosa… Thank you Eddie
68.Yellow labs and other mbuna cichlids for sale 24/09/21 No
I have roughly 25 mbunas, yellow labs, red zebs, blue zebs and others. Ranging from 2.5 inch to 5 inch. Looking for £120 for all. Pick up north Wales uk. I do have baby peacocks and red zebs fry for £2 each.
69.Jalo reef mbuna 15/09/21 No
I have around 50 of these ranging from 4cm to 6cm,price £4 each but will do a deal on bulk,NG31 area,plenty of pics but can't upload for some reason
70.Powder Blue Socolofi juveniles 14/09/21 Yes
Four month old Socolofi Mbuna 3cm ish Tb by me All healthy & thriving. Fed on Origin Fry starter then onto Soft green pellet 2 X daily Too young to be sexed,also the males & females look exactly the same so would only know for definite when they are old enough to vent. Collection only in Hi... ...
71.Mbuna young 02/09/21 Yes
Around 30 mixed mbuna young from pure groups red zebra and Red zebra obs lovely fish price is £2.50 each or 5 for £10 will do a deal if all 30 are purchased 07746209305
72.Group of lethrinops chilingali (rare,extinct in the wild) 19/08/21 No
Hi I have for sale a group of these beautiful fish , the group consists of 2 big 5+ inch males and 6 females around 3 inch , currently housed with my mbuna, not an ideal setup for these guys hence the reason I'm moving them on , price is £80 for the group or will trade for mbuna , message if intere... ...
73.Corydoras Eques adult group 9 fish 23/07/21 Yes
I purchased 9 Corydoras Eques last month from a breeder. I have decided to focus my attention on breeding my pleco groups and Malawi Mbuna. These fish are stunning and good size. I am selling them on for less than I paid. Priced to sell at £140 for all. Also have Orange Venezuelanus x3 (£10 for 3)... ...
74.Synodontis catfish approx 5-6" free to a good home. 01/07/21 Yes
Free to a good home. Large tanks only. Currently in a 500 litre high pH mbuna tank. Collection only from Telford.
75.Jalo reef mbuna cichlids 26/06/21 Yes
Jalo reef Mbuna cichlids for sale X2 stunning males - perfect condition Minimum tank size - 4 feet, they are not suitable for any tank size smaller. x1 fully grown male - stunning - £10 x1 juvenile male - stunning - £5 x3 juvenile females - £3.50 each Or all for £20
76.Lots of Malawi cichlids for sale, young and adult 19/06/21 Yes
I am selling lots of Mbuna as changing my set up to large S American fish, I have juveniles at £2.00, medium at £.3.50 and larger fish at £5.00, these are all healthy fish, collection from BN15 0AD or could deliver locally. I also have a couple of filters, some lava rock and lots of other aquari... ...
77.Milawi 12/06/21 No
Loads of different milawi peacocks mbuna all around 3-4 inch
78.Milawi 10/06/21 Yes
Loads of different milawi peacocks mbuna all around 3-4 inch
79.Mbuna 40+ Middlesborough 29/05/21 Yes
Selection of Malawis different sizes all must go. Carlo.rossi121159@gmail.com Middlesbrough
80.I have lots of breeding groups of pure bred stunning Malawi Cichlids for sale. 27/05/21 Yes
Mbuna Breeding groups. They all breed regularly. Massive adult breeding group of Pseudotropheus crabro group Metriaclima Zebra Fenzbreli Maison reef group Melanochromis Interuptus group Pseudotropheus Yellow tail acei group Labidochromis Yellow labs group Labidochromis Perlmutt group Mayla... ...
81.Golden Mbuna 20/05/21 Yes
around 100 for sale unsexable Juvenal's from £3 females and males from £5 all well marked, clean and healthy
82.Malawi Cichlids (Mbunas) 04/05/21 Yes
I have available various Mbunas for sale please drop me a message if interested. More photos available
83.Mbuna for sale Bedford 26/04/21 Yes
Selection of adult mbuna for sale £5each also bristle nose plecs £5 and large syno £20 Closeing tank collection bedford 07920798101
84.Lots of Malawi cichlids for sale 22/04/21 Yes
Hi all, I have lots of Mbuna cichlids for sale due to having a change, small to large sizes, prices from £2,00 to £8.00 each, better price for more than ten. I also have a lot of ocean rock, lava rock and other bits, and a 130L tank £65 Collection from BN15 0AD 07860-209092
85.Mbuna Cichlids for sale from £3.00 22/04/21 Yes
I have lots of malawi cichlids for sale, large and small, prices starting from £3.00 up to £7.00, lots of other bits for sale Collection from Lancing, West Sussex, or I can deliver if not too far. Please call or text 07860-209092
86.Peacock cichlids 19/04/21 Yes
Around 30 to 40 peacocks to go swaps for mbuna or £120 all to go together
87.Various Malawi Cichlids for sale 05/04/21 Yes
I have lots of various Mbuna, cichlids for sale, Small about 2"min,£4 each or 10 for £30 large £7 each or 10 for £50 I also have some fry for sale These are homed in a 5ft tank as well as a 3ft tank, these are also for sale Please message or phone me for more information. These are co... ...
88.Lots of Malawi Mbuna for sale 05/04/21 Yes
I have lots of various Mbuna, cichlids for sale, Small about 2"min,£4 each or 10 for £30 large £7 each or 10 for £50 I also have some fry for sale These are homed in a 5ft tank as well as a 3ft tank, these are also for sale Please message or phone me for more information. These are co... ...
89.Various Malawi cichlids for sale 01/04/21 Yes
I have a few various Mbuna, Malawi cichlids for sale, Small about 2"min,£5 each, large £8 each, Can do a better price for 5 or more Please message or phone me for more information. These are collection only from Lancing, West Sussex, BN15
90.5x2x2 tank for sale - including Mbuna Malawi cichlids, light, FX6 filter etc 27/03/21 Yes
5 Foot Fish Tank, Aquarium - Everything Included, Malawi Mbuna 5ft X 2ft X 2ft. Also includes around 30 good quality Mbuna (from Midlands Malawi), all the rocks, sand, food etc. This is a well established tank which you can take home, set up and enjoy from day 1. The filter is a Fluval FX6, with ... ...
91.Various Malawi Cichlids for sale 18/03/21 Yes
I have a few various Mbuna, Malawi cichlids for sale, Small about 2"min,£5 each, large £8 each, Please message or phone me for more information. These are collection only from Lancing, West Sussex, BN15
92.mbuna and peacocks 10/03/21 No
lots of them mix sizes and colours i will send pictures on reqest
93.28 Malawi Cichlids 02/03/21 Yes
Here I have some stunning Fish. Purchased from wharf and also Bawtry aquatics. I currently have some Strawberry and OB Peacocks and Mbuna uncertain on all Genders of fish but if your interested in it drop me a text I’ll see what I can do! There’s approx 26. £6 each 4 for £20 Can deliver for ... ...
94.Breeding Group of 10 Neolamprologus multifasciatus 27/02/21 Yes
Breeding Group of 10 Neolamprologus multifasciatus shell dwellers with fry. Would include shells. Would consider a swap for a group of Mbuna or smaller haps. £60 or nearest offer
95.Adult mbuna for sale 08/02/21 Yes
Hi all. I have 8 Malawi Mbuna(mainly males) for sale: 1 x Pseudotropheus socolofi (powder blue) around 10cm 4 x Cynotilapia afra cobue 1 male around 6-7 cm rest around 5cm( 1 female) 1 x Black Acei around 7cm 1 x Yellow Lab around 6 cm 1 x female I think is Saulosi around 6-7cm All for £3... ...
96.Juvenile Malawi Cichlids Wanted Nottingham Area 22/01/21 No
I am after juvie Malawi mbuna upto about 2.5" size. Cash waiting. Will travel for the right fish.
97.Juvenile Mbuna for sale - Pseudotropheus Elongatus Mpanga 17/01/21 Yes
6 months old, approx 5 to 6cm in length, over 20 available. £4 each, or 3 for £10, further discount on larger numbers. Ring for details if interested, I'm in Harrogate. Mike
98.Tank closure cichlids mbuna and parrot fish 11/01/21 Yes
Setting up marine tank so all fish to go as one job lot. 25-30 fish Mostly adults 5-7 cm. 2 adult partots 3-4 inches £220 Bring own buckets Must go ASAP Manchester
99.Adult mbuna for sale 04/01/21 No
Have about 18 adult mbuna for sale cheap for bulk sale changing over to another species
100.Various Malawi Cichlids 31/12/20 No
Tank with various Mbuna and Peacocks for sale cheap, need gone asap due to closing down fish room, Message me for more details Collection from Northampton
101.Job lot of malawi 07/12/20 Yes
Job lot of malawi going so need a quick sale alot of beautiful vunustus and some odd mbuna please contact me via text to mobile number
102.Wet Pets Solihull Have stunning Malawi Juvies for sale some rarer ones and a good size a must see li 01/12/20 Yes
Hi all. I am an enthusiastic hobbyist breeder/seller of Malawi, Tanganyikan and Victorian Cichlids. I have a pet license and I have been keeping these amazing rift fish for over 20 years. Below is a list of new fish I have ready for collection. Most of the fish on the list will be £7.00 ea... ...
103.Wet Pets Solihull Have stunning Malawi Juvies for sale some rarer ones and a good size a must see li 24/11/20 Yes
Hi. Due to the government guidelines because of the Covid 19 virus. We can't have people in the fish house at the moment till the lockdown is over. So we are doing a click and collect take away service from the front door at the moment till further notice. You are welcome to pm on facebook or even w... ...
104.cichlids for sale 22/11/20 Yes
have lots of different variety cichlids. based in Blackburn. yellow labs,kennyi, jalo reef,mbuna haps peackocks loads of variety £5 each or £20 for 5. all juvenile 2 inch plus in size
105.Cichlids for sale, tank, stand, everything must go 21/11/20 Yes
I have a a bunch of cichlids for sale due to moving house and no space for the tank. The fish I have are 1 Oscar 1 Red devil cichlid 1 Leopard pleco 1 Bristle nose pleco 2 Blue Dolphin cichlids 1 johanni 1 Jack Dempsey 2 mbuna cichlids 9 peacock cichlids The tank is also for sale, it... ...
30 Elongatus chewere 1.5-2cm 60 Metriaclima Galireya Reef 3cm £3.50 8 Melanochromus Auratus £3.50 Deals on 20 + fish Can whats app video.
107.New list below for the 20 x 3-5 cm Mbuna for £65 or 10 of the fish listed below for just £40.00. 03/11/20 Yes
Hi. Due to the government guidelines because of the Covid 19 virus. We can't have people in the fish house at the moment till the lockdown is over. So we are doing a click and collect take away service from the front door at the moment till further notice. You are welcome to pm on facebook or even w... ...
108.African Mbuna cichlids for sale 23/10/20 Yes
I have for sale some beautiful Daktori cichlids around 2.5 inches...£2 each Cynotilapia Zebroides around 1.5-2 inches..£2 All eating and growing well. Collection only..Peacehaven
109.Rockery 20/10/20 No
Looking for rocks ideal for an mbuna setup, got 5ft tank so adapter a bit. Ideally in Newark or close by.
110.24 Mbuna nice fish not hybrids (Sheffield) 22/09/20 Yes
Wild Metriaclima Msobo Ngwazi (1 male  ...1 female..) both 3.5 inch.. 2 x Pseudotropheus Saulosi ( 2 female) 2.5 inch.. ..tb 4 x PseudotropheusSocolofi (F1....1m 3f) Males 3.5 inch Females 3 inch PseudotropheusFlavus  F1 (1male.. 3.5 inch) 2 Tropheops chulumba orange 2.5 ... ...
111.SHEFFIELD Full malawi MBUNA 300 litre set up inc cabinet £380 ...25 x fish 24/08/20 Yes
Wild Metriaclima Msobo Ngwazi (1 male ...1 female..) both 3.5 inch.. 3 x Pseudotropheus Saulosi (1 male 2 female) 2.5 inch.. ..tb 4 x Pseudotropheus Socolofi (F1....1m 3f) Males 3.5 inch Females 3 inch Pseudotropheus Flavus (1male.. 3.5 inch) 3 Tropheops chulumba orange 2.5 inche... ...
112.300 litre set up inc cabinet - SHEFFIELD Full malawi MBUNA 24/08/20 No
Txt 07792539580..Ricky 300 litre inc cabinet & spare hood.. 3d background & filter heater cover.. External 2000 lph filter Heater coral gravel also ocean rock. (Bogwood & 2 lemon bristlenose not included) Wild Metriaclima Msobo Ngwazi (1 male ...1 female..) both 3.5 inch.. 3 x Pseudot... ...
113.High Gloss Full Set Up 12/08/20 Yes
Fish Tank For Sale Tank measures 21inchx39inchx20inch (DxLxH) Full set up includes Black High Gloss double door stand and tank Fitted with 3D rock backing V2 I-lumineer connect 1200 (cost £550 new) EHEIM professionel 4+ filter Vecton 2 300 water UV sterilizer Complete water test kit (mari... ...
114.Mcat plus female Mbuna 07/08/20 No
Looking for any Mcat and female group Willing to travel Contact number : 07875685760
115.need gone 03/08/20 No
got a mbuna 5pound jack dempsey 10 and a jewel cichlid. all females.
116.Mbuna for sale 30/07/20 Yes
Hi selling about 25 medium to large mix mbuna changing my aquarium hence selling my mbuna fantastic colors looking for £35
117.MBUNA for sale 24/07/20 No
Acei Ngara young 4cm+ £4 each or 3 for £10 Maylandia Estherae Red Zebra Young 3cm+ £4 each or 3 for £10 Hongi Super Red Tops young 3cm+ £4 each or 3 for £10 Other mixed Mbuna young available £3 each etc
118.35 adult mbuna in 6x2x2 tank 13/07/20 Yes
Over 35 adult mbuna and lots of fry, everything to go. 6x2x2 100 gallon 10 mm glass aquarium and stand for sale. Everything is included filters lights heaters pumps gravel and rocks. Also over 35 adult mumbna and lots of fry, everything to go, System is 18 months old cost over £3000 ill health f... ...
119.large 6x2x2 mbuna tank 13/07/20 Yes
6x2x2 100 gallon 10 mm glass aquarium and stand for sale. Everything is included filters lights heaters pumps gravel and rocks. Also over 35 adult mumbna and lots of fry, everything to go, System is 18 months old cost over £3000 ill health forces sale. Offers around £1800 buyer collects from Sheff... ...
120.Mbuna fry for sale 08/07/20 Yes
×25 Mbuna ice blue top fry for sale. These are about 30mm in size. All adults can be seen in my main tank.£3 per fish or £70 for the lot(25fish) Please message for any photos or information 07973264547
I am looking for around 10 juvenile mbuna’s between 2-4” variety of colours, yellow labs, blue zebras like the photo added 07561297039 - feel free to message me on WhatsApp
122.20x Young Yellow Labs sale £2 each or swap 11/06/20 Yes
I am selling or swapping my own raised juveniles yellow labs. I have 20 in one tank and more in another. Very happy and healthy, size 1,5 to 2,5 inches eating everything. Keeping them in 26,5C temperature, 7,8Ph. I am thinking swapping maybe 3 or 5 of them for one different Mbuna, preferably blue jo... ...
123.For Sale 05/06/20 Yes
Around 30 to 40 mbuna for sale. Message for more info deal will be done if you take them all. Thanks for looking .
124.Servrums 19/05/20 Yes
Looking to sell Servrums pair 2x £30 each a pair Mbuna f1 rare breeding group
125.Red Jewel cichlids 17/05/20 Yes
Sale Couple of the Red Jewel cichlids. Reason: try create 100% Malawi Mbuna tank.
126.Tanks reorganisation - last few malawis 11/04/20 Yes
Have reorganised my tanks and have a few mbuna for sale. 7 adult mbuna 3 males (two are stunning one is sub dom male)and 4 females £25 Collect only bedford
127.F1 Mbuna Juveniles - Prices are £6ea 25/03/20 Yes
Hi all, I’m a local hobbyist who keeps and breeds Wild Caught Malawi Mbuna Cichlids. Please see the below list of what’s available. Metriaclima Callianos Kirondo Pseudostropheus Kingsizei Lupingu Melanochromis Loraie Puulu Metriaclima Pyrsonotos Nakantenga (from omorph male and females... ...
128.Tiger Oscars Malawi cichlids, peacock bass 27/01/20 Yes
Hi we are castleside fish farms you can find us on facebook please like our page we are a small home breeeders New stock in here is this list American cichlids Tiger Oscars 5" Peacock bass 6" Malawi peacocks: Red rubin 5" Moori dolphin 4" Mbuna: Cobalt blue zebra 2" Electric yell... ...
129.Tank shut down 24/01/20 Yes
Shutting down my 6x2x2 Comes as a job lot Custom built steel stand FX6 Ehiem 400 air pump Egg crate Black Limpopo sand Limestone Various mbuna and peacocks Big Venustus X2 bristlenose X1 sailfin plec Clown loaches £400 for everything ONO
130.Job lot of Wild and F1 Mbuna - £400 worth 23/01/20 Yes
I have a job lot of wild and F1 that i need to sell. The fish cost me over 400 pound new from UK aquatic imports last year and I have around 25 F1 juveniles on top of that. Collection would be from the Newcastle upon Tyne area. Includes Cynotilapia Zebroides Jalo reef, Membe deep, Fuellebo... ...
131.Malawi cichlid Mbuna wild and F1 stock - Prices reduced 19/01/20 Yes
Im closing down my tank and have the following for sale, all my fish were purchased from UK aquatic imports. Wilds Cynotilapia zebroides (Jalo Reef) (1st picture) 2 x male, 2 x female - £40 (I paid £28 per fish) Would split in half and sell them £20 per pair Labeotropheus Fuellebor... ...
132.Mbuna - Wild and F1 - Membe Deep, Jalo Reef, Zebra Gold, , Fuel Katale 17/01/20 Yes
Im closing down my tank and have the following for sale, all my fish were purchased from UK aquatic imports. Wilds Cynotilapia zebroides (Jalo Reef) (1st picture) 2 x male, 2 x female - £50 (I paid £28 per fish) Would split in half and sell them £25 per pair Labeotropheus Fuellebo... ...
133.Wild and Fi Mbuna 17/12/19 Yes
Trio F1 Fainzilberi Puulu.........£20 Trio Melanochromis Chipokae plus one young.....£20 Group M Msobo Manda, wild Male, 3 wild fems and 2 F1 Fems.......£60 I will take £90 if they all go together. Tank will be available when fish have sold. Collection ONLY BA9 Wincanton
134.Mixed Malawi Cichlids 24/11/19 Yes
Mixed African Cichlids for sale. Haps, Peacocks, Mbunas, Fontosa's. Including 2 Dolphins approx 3inches, 2 OBs 3 inches Mixed sulpher heads approx 18 yellow labs bumble bees blood parrot peacocks 1 adult fontosa (6 inches), 2 baby fontosas (2inches) School of yellow tale achei's approx 15 3... ...
135.15-20 mbuna 21/11/19 Yes
Getting rid of most of my mbuna minus breeding group of yellow labs 15-20 fish including breeding group of bee chirwa gold zebra male ob male maingano and auratus £60
136.Various mbuna 03/11/19 Yes
Various mbuna for sale- Lions cove reverse trio Fuelleborni OB- various sizes. Plenty available including o male Pair of hara Pair of tropheops elongatus kumwara Pair of labidochromis chisumulae Pair of masimbwe Pair of petrotilapia microgalana Male maingano All the above are sub adult ... ...
137.Cynotilapia Zebroides Jalo Reef F1 - Stunning Mbuna 19/10/19 Yes
I have for sale F1 juveniles from my wild group purchased from UKAI for £28 per fish. £10 each or six for £50 Location is Bedlington Ne22 5uj Any questions please ask Alan 07592 691 460 The actual juveniles for sale are in the first video including a holding adult female. 2nd v... ...
138.5x2x2ft ND Aquatics full set up £400 09/10/19 Yes
It is with sadness that I am selling my fish tank due to needing space, the tank is ND AQUATICS with opti-white front glass and Japanese Ash colour cabinet & hood Comes with X 2 FX5 external filters Extra hose with FX5 attachment for water changes Hydor Koralia wave maker 2 x titanium heaters wi... ...
139.Malawi full set up £400 09/10/19 Yes
It is with sadness that I am selling my fish tank due to needing space, the tank is ND AQUATICS with opti-white front glass and Japanese Ash colour cabinet & hood Comes with X 2 FX5 external filters Extra hose with FX5 attachment for water changes Hydor Koralia wave maker 2 x titanium heaters with e... ...
140.Various mbuna for sale 07/10/19 Yes
Tropheops makakola pairs 7cm + £10 pair Cynotilapia zebroides cobue trio full colour £20 Metriaclima estherea group of 6 on/ red /blue £30 Metriaclima zebra gold kawanga pairs £15 Plenty more available F1 juveniles Msobo heteropictus thumbi Metriaclima zebra chiwi rocks Cynotilapia... ...
141.Mbuna cichlids forsale. 03/09/19 No
Lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlids, Bristlenose Catfish and Kribensis Available and sizes Cobue 2-3 cm Mpanga 2-4cm Electric yellow labs 2-3 cm Jalo reef 4cm Blue eyed lemon bristlenose 2-4 cm Brown bristlenose 2-4 cm Auratus 2-4 cm Trewavasae 2-4 cm Kribensis 2-4 cm at £3.50 each Endlers £... ...
142.Jewel Trigon 350 - White - Full Setup 02/09/19 Yes
Selling up to move to Marine. Jewel Trigon 350 in white, great condition, comes with Heater, FX6, Lighting, Substrate, all Fish which is about 40 Malawi (Mbuna, Haps, Peacocks). Better pics available if required. Located in Southampton, collection only. Looking for £600 but open to sens... ...
143.Juwel rio 450 full setup 5ft 04/08/19 Yes
Juwel Rio 450. Condition is Used. FOR SLAE my mbuna cichlid tank it's a 5ft juwel rio 450 in beech has stand/cabinet has a fluval fx5 filter with it wave maker two eheim jager heaters only use one as plenty enough to keep tank at temp so one spare a jaebo wave maker can't remekeber exact model but ... ...
144.11 Cichlids for Sale in Romford 24/07/19 Yes
I have some great Mbuna and other Malawi Cichlids for sale all getting on great growing nicely, young adults with a mix of male and female. The smallest being around 3"-3.5 inches and biggest are 6 inches costing £7.50 each or willing to listen to offers. WHATSAPPS ME FOR PICTURES AND VIDEO!
145.6 blue zebra mbuna 3-4” 13/07/19 Yes
6 blue zebra mbuna 3-4” , from a smoke free home some of the fish are carrying babies £5 each
146.10 marmalade mbuna 13/07/19 No
10 marmalade mbuna 3-4”, from smoke free home £5 each
147.A group of 17 Malawi Mbuna wild and F1 21/06/19 No
I'm closing my tank down and have the following available, cynotilapia zebroides puulu white top F1 pair Wild Fainzilberi pombo rocks pair with ob female pseudeotropheus kingsizei lupingu F1 Pair labeotropheus fulleborni katale F1 Pair metriaclima phaeos F1 Pair Labeotropheus trewavasae thumbi... ...
148.8x yellow labs £25 malawi cichlids mbuna tropical fish juveniles fry 19/06/19 Yes
Hi For sale: 8x yellow lab juveniles at 5 months old around 2-2.5cm £3 each 8 for £25 Also 6x albino greshakei 3.5cm for £15 Cash and collection only from East Grinstead, RH19 1TB. I have fish bags etc. Message me for more details, thanks Please research fish before purcha... ...
149.Mbuna 16/06/19 Yes
I have mbuna fry available at around 3-4cm. Red zebras Mainganos and yellow labs. Selling for a £1 each or can do a good deal for a nice home for them.
150.Trigon 350 14/06/19 Yes
FOR SALE!! trigon 350L corner tank, comes with Fx6 fluval filter, coral sand, coral Rock X2 airpumps Heater Bog wood X9 frontosa X1 large common pleco X1 Synodontis catfish X13 mbuna juveniles The tanks itself needs some Tlc has a few marks on the stand and the tank due to a puff... ...
151.Mbuna Cichlid fry and juveniles for sale 16/05/19 Yes
I have for sale the following: 1) 25-30 Mbuna fry 1cm (1 month old). Sold as a group only for £20 2) Juvenile Mbuna ranging from 1.5-2.5 cm sold individually, prices as follows: 1.25cm, single £1.50 each, 5plus £1.25 each 1.75cm, single £2 each, 5plus £1.75 each 2.5cm, single £3 each,... ...
152.Cichlid mbuna peacocks 28/04/19 Yes
Approx 20 cichlids mbuna and peacocks several breeders quick sale giving up the hobby £50
153.Mbuna cichlids for sale or swaps 09/02/19 Yes
I have around 8 Malawi cichlids for sale. 1 big male bumble bee 6 blue 1 pink albino and others that I may sell. £5 each or the lot for £40 May consider swap for either harps or peacocks Call or text on 07427292210
154.Mbuna cichlid fry 06/02/19 Yes
60+ fry around 1/2" some slightly under some slightly over there's blue zebs and fuelleborni ob £1.50per or deals
155.Malawi Mbuna Fry 04/01/19 Yes
Growing well I have various Malawi Cichlid Mbuna Fry Electric Blue Johannii Albino Red Top Zebra's Red Zebra's Yellow Labs Melanochromis Auratus 1inch + £3.00 each 2inch + £4.00 each Some of the pictures are the adults. I have closed my main tank down due to my health... ...
156.Malawi Cichlids in their Natural Habitat - 2nd Edition 21/11/18 Yes
Ad Konings book covering all aspects of Mbuna cichlids in Lake Malawi - 2nd Edition. Hard back book in Very good condition - 350 pages £15
157.Aqualog African Cichlid - Malawi / Mbuna 21/11/18 Yes
Book by Erwin Schrami covering all aspects of keeping Mbuna cichlids from Lake Malawi Hard back book -Very Good condition £35
158.Malawi Cichlids in their Natural Habitat - 5th Edition 21/11/18 Yes
Ad Konings guide to all Mbuna cichlids in Lake Malawi. Hard back book in very good condition - 420 pages £35
159.African Cichlid aquarium 05/11/18 Yes
180 litre Aquarium with mbuna cichlids over 20 F1 cichlids and 6 Malawi catfish , nyassa substrate , lava and ocean rock remote controlled changable LED lighting ,eheim 400 air pump 4 month old fluval FX6 available separately if needed
160.Germany Trip - Over 800 Malawi Cichlid Choices & 300 Tanganyika Choices 03/11/18 No
We are planning a trip to Germany in November where we will be visiting three suppliers. We are advertising early and taking preorders. Please contact us for the list and for prices. Rare Haps, Mbuna, Peacocks and Tanganyika as well as wilds available. Can deliver on route back or ship v... ...
161.30 mbuna juvies 12/10/18 Yes
30 hybrid mbuna juvies for sale.... Offers. Located in ayrshire
162.Mbuna - membe deep - demasoni in 4ft tank luval 406 08/10/18 Yes
Looking to sell up, everything below is for sale Membe Deep – F1 Breeding Group – 2M 6F - £150 Demasoni Breeding group - x 10 (1 female currently holding + couple of 2cm fry in breeding trap) - £70 Zebra Maisoni Reef x 4 - Big dominant male and 1 sub male and possibly 2 females - £4... ...
163.£100 tangayikans 11/09/18 No
8 Tropheus bemba, 2 compressiceps, 2 daffodils,2 julidochromis, 1 Leleupi, there is also one unknown mbunain there that I took pity on a while back.
164.Ripples Waterlife, Shenstone. Malawi, Tanganyikan Cichlids. 24/08/18 Yes
West Midlands based aquatic retail centre. We have everything needed to keep freshwater fish happy and healthy, whether it be tropical or coldwater, aquarium or pond, we have all the necessary equipment needed to get you started, or keep you going. We have a great range of livestock and plants, and ... ...
165.Malawi Haps, Peacocks, Mbuna & Wilds NEW LIST 25/07/18 No
We are going to a well known malawi cichlid supplier in Germany this Friday. This week is the last week to send preorders. Please contact as soon as possible to express interest and for prices as we need to preorder with the supplier next week. There is no minimum order. Door to door del... ...
166.Mbuna wanted Liverpool 22/07/18 No
Looking for decent size Malawi’s mbuna mainly to go with current stock must be at least 3’’ in size any of the below would be great Cyno's Tropheops zebra Cash waiting Cheers Ben
167.F1 Tropheops Ngwazi £3.50 each or 3 for £10 23/06/18 No
F1 Tropheops Ngwazi £3.50 each or 3 for £10 F1 fry from wild parents bought from UKAI The pictures are of the parents The fry are 3cm in size Will go in with adult mbuna Collection only from Bishop Auckland Please phone 01388 833118 if you are interested
168.Malawi Mbuna Cichlids 14/06/18 No
Mixed group of mbuna cichlids. £3 each or £5 for large ones. Loads to choose from including Yellow Tail Acei White Tail Acei Pseudotropheus Crabro
169.Datnoid 20/05/18 No
7 inch male Datnoid for sale eats prawn mussels squid worms hikari pellets etc. £80. 20 juvenile mbuna cichlids £25. Text phone. 07807646440. Thanks
170.Mbuna for sale 16/05/18 No
4 snow whites 2× 4" & 2 x 2.5" £25 2 rustys 4" chunky £15 Male & female auratus just spat out a mouthful £20 1 red top hongi 3" £5 5 yellow labs 2.5 - 5" £20 2 2.5" demasoni £10 2 white tail acei 4" & 5" £5 -£10 Need them gone asap ... ...
171.Looking for malawi fisch 11/05/18 No
Hi,looking for malawi/mbuna cichlids Im from Bradford, West Yorkshire Collection available if outside Bradford Contact no. 07740166385
172.Malawi Fish - Haps, Peacocks, Mbuna 10/05/18 No
Malawi Fish for sale: Haps: Nimbochromis Fusco Males 16-18cm Exochromis Anagenys 12-14cm Tyrannochromis Macrostoma 16-18cm Fryeri Iceberg Male 14cm Placidochromis Gissel 14cm Males Placidochromis Mdoka White Lips 6-8cm Copadichromis Chrysonotus 6-8cm Tyrannochromis Nigriventer South 5-7... ...
173.Fully Revised Stock List - The Aquatic Store Bristol 09-05-2018 09/05/18 Yes
Tetras: Super Ringo Owando Tetra (Very Rare) Red Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius Brichardi) RARE Black Neon Tetra Yellow Neon Tetra Marble Hatchet Fish Giant Silver Hatchet Fish Cardinal Tetra (Super Condition) Red Phantom Tetra Black Phantom Tetra Red Eyed Tetra Flame Tetra Super Oran... ...
174.Looking for malawi/mbuna cichlids 07/05/18 No
Hi,looking for malawi/mbuna cichlidsIm from Bradford, West Yorkshire Contact no. 07740166385
175.Wanted malawi/mbuna cichlids 07/05/18 No
Wanting malawi/mbuna cichlids in Bradford, I don't drive, but if can deliver will pay petrol cost.
176.Mixed mbuna 22/04/18 No
Mixed mbuna, yellow labs, red zebra, ob zebra blue zebra all sorts, need them gone asap as lots of fry just been born and juvies are growing up, busting at the seems , £5-£10 each will do offers on larger amounts Also willing to trade for peacocks and haps for other tank Thanks 07894025001
177.Cichlids 22/04/18 No
1Tropheus Brichardi £8, breeding pair Caraleus plus 1 fry £15, 3 red zebra £5 each, 1 rusty £3, 5 unidentified Mbuna hence £3 each.
178.Red Zebras for sale, West Surrey 14/03/18 Yes
Red Zebra Lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlids for sale. Up to 12 available, ranging in size between 3cm to 5cm. Offers invited. Collection in person Only From Ash, West Surrey. GU12.
179.full set up of fish tanks for fish room fish house 09/03/18 Yes
fluval venezia corner tank immaculate fluval 306 external ocean free hydra 40 internal 40 or so adult peacocks and haps 16kg dragon stone marina 300 watt heater 25kg fine coral sand fluval vicenza 180 bow front 30 or so mbuna some very nice fish most F1 70 black granite rock marina 300wa... ...
180.malawi mbuna adults now in stock at j2o cichlids 05/03/18 Yes
loads of malawi mbuna now in stock at j2o cichlids pseudotropheus elongatus chewere wild caught golden kawanga F1 pseudotropheus polit lions cove yellow labs greshakei yellow tail acei red zebra pseudotropheus elongatus pseudotropheus elongatus mphanga elongatus ornatus melanochromis aura... ...
181.Malawi Cichlids - Scotland (£2 each) 18/02/18 No
Stunning selection of juvenile malawi cichlids. £2 each or 6 for £10. All between 1 and 2.5 inches. Colouring up really well. Would be a great addition to any mbuna tank. I have the following ready to go now: Gresheki Red zebra Auratus Cobue Cynotylapia hara Also have a couple of g... ...
182.MIDLANDS MALAWIS,Mbuna & Haps in Nottingham 07/11/17 Yes
We are fully council licenced breeders/importers with a selection of high quality Malawi Cichlids available that we have bred or imported. Most of our fish are bred from wild caught or F1 parents and a handful of tank bred fish. We are Eastwood Nottingham, M1 j26/j27 just up from Ikea. Delivery a... ...
183.African malawi mbuna cichlids for sale 29/10/17 Yes
wide variety of mbuna for sale, all sizes available, closing down tank, price varies. message if interest or would like more details. viewings welcome.
184.Various species of Mbuna for sale... 12/10/17 No
I have various Adult mbuna for sale as below... Maingano (makes and females available) White top afra males and females available) Salousi (makes and females available) Red zebra (adults and young available) Male albino socolofi Make and female perlmutt Rusty (males and females) £5 eac... ...
185.Mbuna + Haps + Peacocks + Catfish + Convicts 07/10/17 No
Malawi for sale Look at ads below for price and sizes Others will be going up soon. include: pics not showing so sp44 (1") venustrus (2") roughly Elongatus (.5") roughly Blue Zebra (1") roughly Convicts (1") roughly Cynotilpia Sp Lions Cove Yellow labs (J) red zebras (Adults) ... ...
186.Dandy Cichlids Malawi and Tanganyikan Cichlids UPDATED LIST 24/09/17 No
Dandy Cichlids is one if not the largest stockist and importer of high quality African Cichlids in the north of England. We are based in Peterlee County Durham. We ship fish all over the UK and also do personal delivery runs. If you are looking for the best African Cichlids in the hobby you are welc... ...
Updated Stock list 15/09/2017 Corydoras/CW Numbers: CW028 Corydoras Super Schwartzi STUNNING XXL STORE FIRST Limited Corydoras Gold Lasers F1 XL NEW super condition C12 Corydoras Punctatus NICE CW009 Green lazer Corydoras SUPER CONDITION XL STORE FIRST Limited CW051 Corydoras sp VERY NICE... ...
188.MBUNA wanted to add to 450 litre set up 02/09/17 No
Only mbuna wanted please not to small breeding groups or singles. Please contact with details sheffield and surrounding are only please.
189.Malawi mbuna 05/08/17 No
Reluctantly I'm selling most fish now😦😦 I will only be keeping approximately 8 groups. Selling various stock now! Male Neon Spot 3.5" - £7 2 x F1 ob female kwanga 2.5" - £20 Breeding group red Zebs x6 3-5"-£30 Large wild female Hajo 4.5" - £15 1... ...
190.Large Fish For Sale - Leicester 27/07/17 Yes
LARGE FISH FOR SALE. Wide selection of fish to choose from. All fishes have vibrant colours. They are all eating well and healthy. All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15....... All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15....... All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15....... Silver Dollar Jack Dems Large Malaw... ...
191.2 cynotilapia hara male, swap for male jalo reef 22/06/17 Yes
About 3 inches long, beautiful male cyno hara galleria reef mbuna. I'm looking for a single cynotilapia jalo reef male for swaps. Thanks, james
192.For sale mbuna cichlids 14/05/17 No
For sale mbuna cichlids. I have 2 metriaclima zebra dolphin mandas £20, trio of yellow tailed aceis , 2 pulpican £20, pair of breeding pimelodus pictus catfish f 5 1/2" and m 4 1/2" for £35, a breeding trio of mbenje at £30, a breeding pair of mbenje at £20, pair of socolofi appx 4-4 1/2" ... ...
193.5ft tank full set up with mbuna cichlids 14/05/17 Yes
5' tank. Cabinet. 4' led light bought in November. 2 x 300w digital heaters. Aps internal 700 l/hr filter with uv. Fx6 external filter. 2500 l hr wavemaker. Complete set up with mbuna cichlids, around 40 fis plus a 6" plec, 8" ther synodontis and 2 x pim pictus catfish a breeding pair around 5"... ...
194.Malawi juviniles 08/05/17 No
Lots of Malawi juveniles mbuna / peacocks/ vics
195.Bengas, Peacocks, Jewel, Mbuna, Ob Peacocks, Sulphur head and others 29/04/17 No
Bengas, Peacocks, Jewel, Mbuna, Ob Peacocks, Sulphur head and others. Lovely fishes, sizes range from 2-5.5 inches. There are about 20. Have a 100 litre tanks, led light. Heater and Pump. £5 per fish or take the whole lot for £125 with tank, absolute bargain. Ay questions give me a call. Have ... ...
196.Mbuna cichlids 4 large £20 4.5inch 20/04/17 No
£20 for 4 large mbuna cichlids largest 1 is 5 inch others are 4.5. Pick up only from blackburn. Thankyou
197.Tropheus Wanted 18/04/17 No
I am looking for around 15 young Tropheus spp. in Notts / East Midlands Area. I am returning to cichlids keeping after a long absence- I have previously successfully kept Tropheus, Mbuna and Discus ( not together!).
198.Variety of African mbuna cichlids 06/04/17 No
Selling off some of my mbuna to create more space in the tank, all fish are healthy and feeding well. Mixture of f1 and tankbred. Message for more pictures or if you have something specific your after. Whatsapp: 07449882660 Collection saffron walden
200.Malawi fry 12/03/17 No
Hi I have malawi fry for sale these are yellow labs red orb zebras and hybrid mbuna they are now 8 weeks old and roughly 1 -1 1/2 inches. They are £3 each or 6 for £15

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