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  Lots of bottom feeders and community fish available- great prices

Lots of bottom feeders and community fish available- great prices

Lots of bottom feeders and community fish available- great prices

Lots of bottom feeders and community fish available- great prices

Lots of bottom feeders and community fish available- great prices

Lots of bottom feeders and community fish available- great prices

Lots of bottom feeders and community fish available- great prices

Description: I need to reduce my stock down a bit in my fish house. This gives you the opportunity to grab a bargain.
Panda cory £3 each or buy 2 or more for £2.50 each.
Synodontis petricola £8 or £20 for 3.
Bublebee catfish £4 or £10 for 3.
Angelfish £3 or £10 for 4
Large angelfish £5
L333 King Tiger plecos £15
L236 plecos £25- £35
L397 Tiger plecos £20
L270 Chocolate zebra £15
Bandit cichlid, Electric blue acara, t-bar convicts,
Dwarf gourami, sword tails guppies guppies, endler guppies and more also available. 21 tanks so plenty to choose from. Large range of African cichlids- including mbuna, haps and peacocks.
Collection from Peterborough. Selection of photos of the actual fish!

Contact Information
Advertiser: Daniel Taylor
Telephone: 07368629594
Town: Peterborough
County: Cambridgeshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:07/05/22 Views: 1521]

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