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1.Tropical fish for sale 06/03/25 Yes
7 X 6" geophagus sveni - £35.each 5 X 3"/4"manacapuru angel fish - £20.each 1 X 5" pigeon blood discus -£70.00 1 X 7" albino weather loach -£30.00 1 X 4" female red terror -£30.00 1 X5" female Costa Rican blue dovii -£30.00,,, 2 X 1" black tetra ... ...
2.Looking for new homes 05/03/25 No
Hi there .. I have couple different types fish looking for new waters if anyone interested I'll list below. 1 medium angelfish 1 female kribensis cichlid Silver dollar Large green phantom l200 Bristlenose plecos All available too go asap .. Inbox me for pictures & prices ... ...
3.Angelfish medium size 05/03/25 No
Hi there My angel looking for a new home if anyone can help get in contact in based Ashford Kent . Inbox me and we can discuss price or happy too swap .. pictures will be provided on request .
4.Marine fish 05/03/25 No
Niger trigger £25 Juvenile emperor angel £80 Purple tang £100 Yellow tang £250 Regal tang small £40 Porcupine puffer £25 Juwel puffer £25 2x anthias £30 both Scopas tang small £20 Cherry basslet £70 Sand sifting goby blue cheek £20 Yellow watchman goby and pistol shrimp £50 ... ...
5.Aqua Marin Fresh 1200 Aquarium & Cabinet 27/02/25 Yes
318 Litres, Dimensions L120 x W50 x H141 cm. 12mm glass. Fabulous unit in excellent condition. Complete with Oase Filter, pump and thermometer. Fluval Smart Bluetooth Lights. All plants and fish included - plec, catfish, loach, angels, guarami, red tipped shark plus others. Lots of other accessorie... ...
6.Beautiful Jade Wrasse for sale. 20/02/25 Yes
Beautiful Jade Wrasse - £63.00 O.V.N.0 Beautiful Jade Wrasse in great condition. Eats worms in your tank as well as food - mainly bristle worms but some spaghetti. Bought as a juvenile from the local fish shop about two years ago. Can come with some Botryocladia Red Grapes and several lightni... ...
7.Dwarf Angel Fish for sale. 20/02/25 Yes
Dwarf Angel Fish - £45.00 O.V.N.O A Dwarf Angel Fish with all the characteristics of these, so can be aggressive to other fish. Bought as a juvenile from the local fish shop about two years ago. Can come with some Botryocladia Red Grapes and several lightning snails ! See also - Beautiful ... ...
8.Tomoni Bristletooth Tang for sale. 20/02/25 Yes
Tomoni Bristletooth Tang £45.00 O.V.N.O A lovely Tomoni Bristletooth Tang with no bad habits. Gets on with everyone else. Bought as a juvenile from the local fish shop about two years ago. Can come with some Botryocladia Red Grapes and several lightning snails ! See also - Beautiful Jade W... ...
9.1 adult koi angelfish and 1 adolescent angelfish blue zebra/koi free for pair 19/02/25 No
Looking to re-home two of my angelfish after having to downsize tank size. collection only in west Sussex and can send photos if requested
ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Pointer L190 Panaque L160 Spiny Monster L24 red fin cactus L333 King Tiger L004 Angelicus L168 butterfly 2M1F Trio L134 Leopard frog L397 alenquer tiger L3... ...
ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Pointer L190 Panaque L160 Spiny Monster L24 red fin cactus L333 King Tiger L004 Angelicus L168 butterfly 2M1F Trio L134 Leopard frog L397 alenquer tiger L3... ...
12.Looking for kelberi bass/red tail barracuda/panda uarus before 28th february 17/02/25 No
Hi all, looking for a kelberi bass/red tail barracuda/3 panda uarus before 28th if February as I am travelling to the UK and back to the channel islands and picking up fish with us. Please message on Instagram bird.photogrqphy is my account or WhatsApp/mobile at 07911 747551. Also looking for any ... ...
13.3 or 4 foot tank and fish £80 10/02/25 No
Tank has internal heater and filter. Has a hood with light. Hasn’t been used in a long time and is just sitting gathering dust. The fish are a pair of large angel fish, a 4 inch geo and two wild caught brown discus.
14.Assortment of fish for sale 09/02/25 No
I have 5x filament barbs 3"-5", 5x angel fish 3"-5" in body size, 2x btrstle nose plecs 3", 1x 8" Gibby plec,1x musk turtle 4". £50 for all the fish and £40 for the turtle.can provide photos on request thanks.
15.Various tropicals Threadfins, Manacapuru 03/02/25 Yes
I have for sale a number of fish from a tank i am considering shutting down; 2x Manacapuru Angels l. Still young so not sure of sex but the red on their head is prominent. 4-5" body length - £30 for all 2 2x Threadfin Acara. Sub adults with stunning fins. 5-6" both for £35 1... ...
16.FREE Adult Golden Angelfish - London 30/01/25 Yes
1 x Rescued 4" adult golden angelfish needs new home. Took it in for a friend who could no longer keep it, but I don't have a suitable tank for it long term. Very active and eats well - flake, granulate, algae wafer. It has some lasting fin damage from past sickness - fins did not fully regrow... ...
17.1x Discus, 2 x angel fish, a clown loach, and a geo 28/01/25 No
Discus is being left out as other two have paired off. Clown loach is around 3 inch. Angel fish are big and have paired up. Geo is around 4-5 inch. After 70 for all. Or nearest offer.
18.2 Large standard angel fish and a small discus 27/01/25 No
After 20 for the breeding pair of angels. And 30 for the discus.
19.Tropical Fish for sale - Tank breakdown 25/01/25 No
My son is selling his tropical fish and then tank & equipment to raise money for driving lessons. Here is a list of the fish that need to go first. Rusty pleco Super red bristlenose pleco Albino bristlenose pleco x2 Common bristlenose pleco xlots Pictus catfish x3 Koi angel Scissor tai... ...
20.Angel fish 22/01/25 Yes
3 Angelfish 4” £20 for the group Details: • All fish are healthy, active, and eating well. • Collection only Great Barr B43 Contact Information: Please message me if you’re interested or would like to see more photos/videos of the fish. 07788265277
21.Tangs, Trigger, Hawkfish, Angelfish for sale STORRINGTON WEST SUSSEX 17/01/25 No
Looking for a new home: 1x purple tang 2 -2.5 inch - £109.99 1 x yellow tang 2 -2.5 inch - £179.99 1 x Scarlet Hawkfish - £89.99 1 x Male and female trigger fish - £249.99 1 x Gem tang 2.5 inch - £299.99 1 x passer angelfish 3-3.5inch - £199.99
22.Altum Angelfish Orinico/Manacapuru Breeding Pair 17/01/25 Yes
Hi, Altum Angelfish Orinico/manacapuru Breeding Pair for sale. They are young, healthy and eating well, I had few times baby from them, prefer to collect and pay on collection. also some cave for L046, l046,l173, l134 are available for sale. Thank you.
23.Wild caught Altum Angelfish 14/01/25 No
Got a few Altums angels. My geo has taken a dislike to them for some reason so looking to move a few on.
24.Angel Babies 12/01/25 No
SOLD Angel Babies ready for sale! These are Koi Silver Blush, last few remaining from a spawn. Raised in Hard water so no need for RO. Selling 50p each or can do deals on bulk sales, depending on remaining numbers East London, collection Only. Email me on alansuri70@gmail.com only. Thanks... ...
25.Baby Angelfish 12/01/25 Yes
SOLD Baby Angelfish ready to go Mum and dad very healthy regular spawners. All spawns raised with the parents, so no artificial raising or antifungal chemicals used on the eggs, all naturally raised, in tap water so no need for RO. London. Email me only please. Thanks Parents in the pic... ...
26.Angel fish and silver dollars 09/01/25 Yes
Angel fish about 4” stunning colouration feeds really well £10 4 silver dollars all around 4”/5” £20 for the group Open go Swaps Contact for more details 07527 916792 Bournemouth
27.Marine Fish for sale 09/01/25 Yes
6” Adult Emperor Angel - £140 6” Regal tang - £80 3” Flame Angel - £200 4” Clown Trigger £125 3” Desjardini Sailfin Tang - £50 3” Majestic Angel - £100 4-5” Moorish Idol - £75 2” Green Chromis - £10 2x 2-3” Clowns - £30 1x 2.5” Dottyback - £15 Collection Fou... ...
28.Fluval Sea 123 Litre Marine FULL SET UP Happy to break down 09/01/25 No
Willing to sell things separately or as a bundle. This website is only letting me upload one photo/video so please WhatsApp/text me for more on 07854441268. Fluval sea marine aquarium - 123 litres Fluval sea PS1 Protein Skimmer - only used for 2 weeks! Fluval sea heater Fluval sea pump T... ...
29.tropical fish 07/01/25 No
i have many tropical fish , i have to get rid of, species include discus , 1 electric blue acara , 4 angel fish, fully grown clown loach, 4 hoplo catfish , are open to offers , please get in touch for further information, also a 6 foot by 2 foot 18 inch aquarium , fully planted , with 4 sets of led... ...
30.Group of 6 ADULT Altum Angel Fish approx 9 inch 03/01/25 Yes
Altum angels 3 males 3 females £600 These are the best altums we have seen
31.WANTED Show size xxxl fish. 03/01/25 Yes
Looking for XXXL show size angels. Blueface, Queen, Blue ring. 9x3x3 tank. 07971079420.
32.Tropical Fish Breeding 27/12/24 No
Selling 20+ fish, prefer if you take all. Marble Angel fish breeding Pair 5 inches stunning Pearl Gourami Trichopodus leerii - large size - 4/5 inches - Stunning. Gold Gourami Trichogaster Trichopterus large size - 4 inches Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami Tichogaster Lalius - large si... ...
33.Wanted Synodontis Angelicus 24/12/24 No
Hi does anyone have any synodontis angelicus available please?
34.marine fish 20/12/24 No
fish need new waters from Sheffield S26 2BA massage for more information emperor angelfish £50 purple tang £80 Snow flake eel £30 coral beauty £20 nemo
35.Personally Bred fish and large cichlids 15/12/24 No
Listed below is some personally bred fish ready to go Black widow frontosa 3cm - £20ea Frontosa Kigoma 3cm - £10ea Geophagus red head Tabajos 5cm - £7.50ea Clown Angelfish 5/6cm - £5ea Zebra Angelfish 5/6cm - £4.50ea Dovii Wolf Cichlid 4cm - £5ea Pair of albino Oscar’s 20cm - £4... ...
Based in Murton, SR7 Search “Ama-Zone Aquatics - North East England” for the Facebook page. Breeding plecs, angels, corys, Geophagus and rainbows etc. Ready now.. L397 1” £10 1.5” £15 L519 1” £8 1.5” £12.50 L066 2-3” £20 L136B 2-3” £30 German super red shortf... ...
37.Altum Orinoco angel fish bred in UK last few batches left reduced 06/12/24 Yes
Altums Orinoco angel fish F1 around 4" in height. These are bred in the UK. Raised in tap water Very hardy compared to the wild ones. Last few batches left Good price Might consider swapping for the right fish Feeding on pellets, flakes, and bloodworms Batches of 5-10-20 go... ...
38.Maidenhead Aquatics @ Ashtead - Tropical List 04/12/24 - UPDATED 04/12/24 Yes
A warm tropical welcome from Maidenhead Aquatics at Ashtead, Surrey, just off of Junction 9 the M25. We guarantee to blow you away with our extensive collection of rare and unusual tropical fish, some of which you will never have seen before! Here is our current extensive Freshwater Tropical stock l... ...
39.synodontis multipunctatus x 3 25/11/24 No
all 3", £30. also 2 synodontis angelicus, 1 2.5", 1 3.5", £10 each. 1 x synodontis petricola 2.5" £5. whatsapp 07477722266 for pics, collection DE757NR
40.Cichlid tank closing 23/11/24 No
Got 2 nice blue angels around 4-5 inches £10 for both Electric blue Jack Dempsey 2-3 inches perfect health one of the prettiest fish I’ve ever had £30 Electric blue acara 4 inches £10 Barred bicher 4-5 inches£20 Spotted cactus plec £30 £70 the lot message me for photos vids ect 073... ...
41.Majestic Angel Fish Adult Reef Tank Marine Aquarium Leeds 16/11/24 Yes
Hard hearted we are selling our beautiful Majestic Angel which we had for a couple of years. He is now adult size I guess around 10cm wont fit the nyos fish trap and when you could get one in a shop it would costs surely around £220. Very peaceful character and when it comes for food he is ... ...
42.Full set up Red Sea Reefer 350 Black £600 no offers and will not split 12/11/24 No
Red sea reefer 350 needs to go hence price tank comes with:- 2x Xr 15 gen 3 1 Xr 30 gen 3 with Reef link 1 x reef flare 900 2 x Reef factory dosing pumps 1 Gyre wave maker 1 x wave maker 1 x Ehiem 18w uv sterilizer 1 x Bubble Mgnus curve 5 3 x heaters and controller 3500litre ph r... ...
43.Manacapuru Super Red Angelfish possible Pair Male & Female 31/10/24 Yes
Manacapuru Super Red Angelfish possible Pair Male & Female £45.00 Open to reasonable offers Collection Only from Hall Green, Birmingham B28 Message me directly for photos or further details.
44.Silver arrowan 24/10/24 Yes
Lovely silver arrowana for sale about 10 to 12 inch in length feeding on prawns and bloodworm nothing wrong with the fish just not what I’m wanting for future plans for the tank looking for £50 for it I also have some angelfish and a breeding pair of albino bristlenose plecs
45.CHEAP Angelfish Large £10 each 09/10/24 Yes
Angelfish Large £10 each Collection from Portsmouth, Hampshire. I can provide transportation containers. If you need anymore pictures, please let me know.
46.Large angel fish large wild Severum 05/10/24 No
Large angel fish wild Severum £30 angel £40 eat well
47.NetS CHARITY AUCTION 01/10/24 No
Fresh update 30/9/24 This is the expected list for Sundays charity auction possibly more to be added but we really on the sellers on the day so no gaurantees on the fish lists been exact Dennisoni /Torpedo barbs Albino cherry barbs Checker barb breeding group Ruby barb breeding group WIL... ...
48.Selling off livestock from a 4m marine tank 18/09/24 Yes
Closing down tank in Farnham. All fish, corals and live rock must go. Preferably collection. Selection of fish and corals includes: Powder blue tang 10-12cm Regal tang 10cm Trigger fish 10cm Semi circle angel 17cm Sail fin tang 8cm Purple tang 10cm Panama fish x3 4cm Clown fish x4 4cm ... ...
49.wanted bluering angels 31/08/24 No
if you have a bluering angel to large for you tank or too agressive,or unwanted any size please let me know thanks 07592397178 gary
50.Plecos available 28/08/24 No
L236 super white £50 4cm L236 rb £30 4cm L136 Angelicus Pleco £30 L400 Bella monte pleco 4cm £25 L264 sultan pleco 2-3cm £19.99 Mixed cherry shrimp 50p each Postage £14.99 deals on multiples. Collection is from Chelmsford Essex. +44 7745 661842
These angels are around 2-3inch body size £60 a piece or a deal on 5+
52.ANGELICUS L136 16/08/24 No
approx 8cm in size stunning pleco £50
53.Tropical fish for sale 11/08/24 Yes
Need to clear my tank out. 6" Red Oscar £15, Silver Dollar £8, Angel fish £10. All for £30.
54.2 x F1 Altum Angelfish 27/07/24 Yes
2 x f1 altum angelfish around 1 year old and still growing feeding very well £80 for both pick up Boston, Lincolnshire.
55.6x2x2 Aquarium set up for sale Inc fish £500 09/07/24 Yes
Due to moving it's with great regret to have to sell my complete set up including all fish. I have the FX6 filter, led lights, decent digital Aqua LED pro 500w heater, SOW-15 Eleatronic controld propeller pump, Lots of nice size bog wood and plastic plants, lots of spare and new bags of gravel.... ...
56.Armitage Angel fish 03/07/24 Yes
Available and ready for shipping UK & worldwide pm for further details. Planet Arowana 07544467760
57.1st in UK Hybrid Maze x Personifer Angel Very Rare 03/07/24 Yes
Absolutely stunning RARE Angelfish first seen in UK Hybrid Maze x Personifier only for serious collectors only! Please pm for further details. Planet Arowana 07544467760
58.Coco Peel Angel Fish 03/07/24 Yes
Stunning Coco peel Angel available intense vibrant colour now in UK available for delivery UK or Worldwide. Please pm for details Planet Arowana 07544467760
59.Rare Jocolata Angel Fish 03/07/24 Yes
Jocolata Angel fish available in the UK. Recently imported and available for delivery UK & worldwide shipping. Please pm for details Planet Arowana 07544467760
60.Rare Marine fish 24/06/24 Yes
Having a major sort out and shutting down my large marine system to install a bigger set up giving rise to having to sell on a number hard to find and rare well established fish to include 1. POMA LABS CONSCIP ANGEL JUST OVER A YEAR OLD. 2. TWO CHINESE BLUE LINE ANGEL FISH Drop me a message if of ... ...
61.Nets auction 23 june 16/06/24 No
ROUGH LIST!!!!! 1 week to go, 23rd of June N.E.T.S. Aquatics Auction I have asked sellers to look round there tanks and fish rooms. I haven't got everyone's list. But here's a start. Please remember this list isn't guaranteed it's merely there to show the selection possibly available at these e... ...
62.For sale cheap 05/06/24 No
As stated 8 assorted angels. 3big males. 9 cherry barbs. 6 Congo tetras. Also all sand from the 6 foot tank. Large big wood about 2 feet. Couple live plants All to go. Open to sensible offers or swap for malawi cichlids Based in Manchester pics upon request probably via wotsap
63.WANTED bluering angelfish 02/06/24 No
if you have a bluering angel that has out grown your tank or no longer wanted please let me know ,
64.Discus for sale - manchester 01/06/24 Yes
I'm moving abroad and shutting down my tank 14 x discus - various strains including one breeding pair 4 x tricolour angel fish 1 x golden nugget plec £750
65.Angelfish Tropical Fish, Koi, Marble, Platinum 30/04/24 No
Grab a bargain, mix of angelfish for sale koi, marble, platinums from excellent parents. Also find me on gumtree, search angelfish, message me there is best Larger angelfish available message me for those 1 Adult Manacapuru angelfish £20 photo 3 7 angelfish £20 10 angelfish £25 ... ...
66.Fahaka puffer fish 24/04/24 No
About 9 inches roughly Quite tiimid for the type of fish really. It’s in with angels in a 6 foot tank Eating like a pig on prawns, worms snails. Loads really Open to offers Collection Manchester Salford Won’t let me upload picture so if you Interested I can send them on wotsapp
67.Axolotl x2 big chunky healthy 21/04/24 Yes
9 “ both very healthy fat monsters Looking to swap for community fish angels ect Or open to offers Need to go before Wednesday as tank needs to go Located in b28 Drop me a txt 07887498324
68.Looking for 2 discus 09/04/24 No
Looking for 2xDiscus can exchange for 6 x 4 inch red devil angelfish fish which consists of two breeding pairs plus cash Or anyone has any for sale.
69.Earth is eaters 01/04/24 No
Moving my breeding group of red hump earth eaters 3females 1male and 1 not sure of breeding regularly these are peaceful not had any aggression with my discus at all males 5 inches female holding now will through in 3 angels £50 if you want a video john 07885725521
70.Synodontis Angelicus 01/04/24 Yes
Male and female syno angelicus, 6” and 8”, eating really well, been living in community tank for last 3 yrs £130 ono
71.Marine fish 24/03/24 Yes
Foxface £45 Hippo tang £50 Powder blue £75 Majestic angel £85 Snowflake eel Clown trigger £100 Harlequin tusk £120 Dragon wrasse £40 Pair of banggile cardinals £50 Valentine puffer £20 Pick up Morecambe
72.Altum Angel Orinoco - F1 14/03/24 No
Small group of Altum Orinoco F1 looking for home last batch, those are F1. Circa 10cm, price depending on quantity from 45GBP to 70GBP. Eating well soft and normal granulates
73.Free to good home 04/03/24 No
Shutting down tank. 3 clown loaches approx 3", one Green Terror approx 4-5" and a black angel. free to good home, first come first served. Need them gone by the weekend or they will go to my LFS. Located in SL2 Text me on 07917 385 118
74.X4 genuine stendker discus for sale £200 18/02/24 No
Thinking of having change around, got x4 genuine Stendkers ie from the breeder in Germany Cobalt blue Green angel Tefe Pigeon blood snake. All healthy and about the 4-5” never mixed with any other discus so ideal for anyone with Stendkers Located Eccleshill Bradford. As it stand... ...
75.Complete marine tank set up 07/02/24 No
£1500 Full marine tank set up in excellent condition, 340L 600deep x 1200 wide x 1500 high inc unit. Livestock: Regal Tang Majestic Angel Pair of Percula Clowns Leopard Wrasse Lipstick Tang Royal Gramma Anthias Damsel A few snails and hermits Various soft corals and some LPS ... ...
76.Angelfish For Sale 02/02/24 No
I have a number of Gold home breed Angelfish for sale. They are around 5 to 6 cms in size. £2.50 each or 5 for £10.00
77.South American tank closure 30/01/24 No
Closing down my wild Altum Angel tank. x5 wild altums from finest aquatics in widness. Roughly 6-7months old. Receipt to prove wild.eating anything and everything , very healthy young fish Wanting to start a marine tank so everything must go, also have the following Dicrossus maculatus x2 ***... ...
78.Two adult musk turtles 29/01/24 No
I have two adult musk turtles for sale or swap for discus or large Angel fish pick up Doncaster
79.Large Male Angels 12/01/24 Yes
I have 3 large male silver angels for sale. They are 6"+ total height from top of dorsal to bottom of anal fin. £10 each buyer collects from DY13
80.Tropical Tank Full Set Up and Fish 11/01/24 Yes
Aquael Classic 70 Bow 90L tank 70 x 35 x 40cm WDH Matching black cabinet curved to hold the tank 73cm tall. Interpret deltatherm Heater,Fluval U2 underwater filter, LED lighting and thermometer. Gravel,1 x natural wood piece, plants and 4 x rocks. 10 fish, some over 3 years old 3 x ... ...
81.4 x Angel Fish 01/01/24 No
For sale due to tank shut down, 4 x Angel Fish. Small to Medium size. Looking for £20 for all 4. Can provide picture to those with a genuine interest.
For sale due to changing aquarium set up . 2 x Wild Brazil Blue face Heckle Discus £150 for both. 4 x F1 Altum Angelfish, few months old. £75 for all 4 4 Wild Heckeli cichlids Threadfin Acara 3 inch £30 for all 4. Selling for a bargain, just want them to go to a good home. Just... ...
83.Jack Dempsey, striped Barb and yellow angelfish 28/12/23 No
Hi all, I have the below fish available due to my tank being overstocked. jack Dempsey 3 inch £10 4X striped barb 2inch all 4 for £10 Yellow angelfish £10 Feel free to message me for details Collection only from Welwyn garden city, AL7 07852454419
84.Angelfish pair 21/12/23 No
Pair angelfish silver 20cm for sale in Braintree Essex £30 More info 07469982058
85.Angel Fish 15/12/23 Yes
Home bred Angel Fish , 40 + available , healthy and feeding well. £1-50p each. 45mm to 55mm size. Collection only from Worcester WR24XX. Please bring your own container for transportation.Pictures shows the dad and Mom.
86.Wanted albino angel fish 14/12/23 No
Any fancy angels about ?
87.Angel fish Leopoldi f1 fry for sale 06/12/23 Yes
I have found myself in a situation where I have approx 100 20p piece size angels from wild caught Peru leopoldi angel fish. beautiful parents. They are in a bucket because I have nowhere to put them. They have reached max size in their environment. Preferably want to sell all together. But wil... ...
88.Swap 17/11/23 No
Hi. I'm a hobbyist and I have some stock to swap exchange ideally with a shop. So I have nearly 200 angelfish juvenile pure strain golden marble and about 50 juvenile from Red albino guppy. I would like in exchange one pair apistogramma not macmasteri , a group of 6 copella arnoldi and a group... ...
89.Aquaoak aquarium, full set up 04/11/23 No
Aquaoak,aquarium, 200 litres, full set up, comprising of, solid oak, stand, & hood, the tank, fluval 406 external filter, 2 300 watt heaters, one still in the box, powerful 2 outlet air pump, various treatments, food, gravel cleaner, 2 pieces of bog wood, Amazon sword plant, black gravel, fluval... ...
90.Aqua oak 3ft Tropical aquarium, full set up and fish included 28/10/23 Yes
Set up still up and running.ideal for those just starting out or wanting to move to a smaller tank Aqua oak cabinet in good condition, back of cabinet removed for pipe work. L-120cm W-60CM H-141cm Tank glass is quite scratched and hard to see on pictures, happy to provide video, whatapp vide... ...
91.Rare L number plecos available 22/10/23 No
L077 golden nugget Pleco 5 inches £50 L273 titanic Pleco £125 7cm L075 para Pleco £45 6cm Lda33 pair 4-5 inches £80 for the pair L264 sultan pleco 2-3cm £20 L340 Mega clown Pleco 3-4cm £25 L400 belo monte pleco 3-4cm £30 L201 orinoco Angel snowball 3-4cm £22.50 Mixed cherry shrimp 5... ...
92.Wanted discus angel fish ciclids 21/10/23 No
Any angels ciclids ciclids discus large predator fish Home available for free Thankyou
93.Fish for sale 16/10/23 No
3 silver dollars approx 4” 1 black knife fish approx 5/6” 1 Malawi peacock/firefish 1 angelfish £40 Please WhatsApp for images No time wasters
94.L204 flash pleco group x9 please read description 15/10/23 Yes
Group of 9 flash plecos L204 For Sale Full adults ratio unknown This group have spawned once before and I have a juvenile of just under 1yr old that i kept from the group that i will include in the sale unfortunately I changed the aquascape of the tank and all breeding and trapping s... ...
95.Dicrossus Warzeli & Altum angels 10/10/23 Yes
2 Pair of Dicrossus Warzeli Trio True Altum Angels £200 the lot Bargain genuine wild caught Collection from LE7
96.New rare l number plecos tropical fish 10/10/23 No
L077 golden nugget Pleco 5 inches £50 L273 titanic Pleco £125 7cm L075 para Pleco £45 6cm Lda33 pair 4-5 inches £80 for the pair L264 sultan pleco 2-3cm £20 L066 king tiger Pleco 3-4cm £22.50 L340 Mega clown Pleco 3-4cm £25 L400 belo monte pleco 3-4cm £30 L201 orinoco Angel snowbal... ...
97.LARGE MARINE FISH 10/10/23 No
98.Tropical fish for new homes 06/10/23 No
7 angel fish and 1 red spotted sev pick up only Wakefield £70
99.Tropical fish for new homes 05/10/23 No
7 angel fish and 1 red spotted sev pick up only Wakefield £70
100.NETS auction 05/10/23 No
Nets charity auction this Sunday 8october in teams social club bensham this is a list of potential fish Apologies for the lateness of this Please read this first.. I have asked the 30+ sellers for a list of the potential fish there looking at bringing THIS Sunday 8th of October This list show... ...
101.Marine fish 05/10/23 No
Lamarks angelfish 4-5"£40 Pair of medium sized common clownfish £30 4" tomini tang £30 4" coral beauty £30 Lantern basslet, chalk basslet and green chromis £30. Few hermit crabs and snails free with fish. Can't upload images but can share via WhatsApp etc.
102.SOLD.. Baby Angel Fish For Sale 05/10/23 Yes
Baby Angel fish for sale. Lovely mixed colours. Dad Koi, mum Silver Altum. Good breeding stock. Various sizes. £2 each. London based. Email me for more details. alansuri70@gmail.com No time wasters please more pics available. Thanks.
103.L number plecos for sale 30/09/23 No
Lda33 pair 4-5 inches £100 for the pair L262 adults £45 L264 sultan pleco 2-3cm £20 L066 king tiger Pleco 3-4cm £22.50 L340 Mega clown Pleco 3-4cm £25 L400 belo monte pleco 3-4cm £30 L201 orinoco Angel snowball 3-4cm £22.50 Mixed cherry shrimp 50p each Postage £14.99 deals on mu... ...
104.Blue jaguar angel fish 24/09/23 No
Lovely blue jaguar angelfish at breeding size stunning colours 15 each or 2 for 25 6 available all together
105.Breeding angelfish 24/09/23 Yes
Breeding pair of Manacapuru plus spare female £25 can deliver locally for fuel
106.Angelfish 19/09/23 No
Wild type angelfish female for sale. £10 collection mevagissey
107.L264 sultan plecos available in bulk 18/09/23 No
Have around 50. £25 each. Lda33 pair 4-5 inches £100 for the pair L262 adults £45 L264 sultan pleco 2-3cm £25 L066 king tiger Pleco 3-4cm £22.50 L340 Mega clown Pleco 3-4cm £25 L400 belo monte pleco 3-4cm £30 L201 orinoco Angel snowball 3-4cm £22.50 Mixed cherry shrimp 50p each ... ...
108.Whole setup FS: Fluval Roma 90 + fish 17/09/23 No
Looking for someone interested in taking the whole aquarium off my hands. Tank, base cabinet + interior filter. It's unique in that it has three plecos co-existing peacefully: mum, dad & child. Also a ruby shark, four fleet foxes, a few corys, a zebra snail. They all need more space and I ... ...
109.Red Sea 350 complete set up for sale 11/09/23 No
Red Sea 350 - complete with Red Sea skimmer / lights Reactors, wavemaker, Arka and more…. Livestock Regal tang Lipstick tang Foxface Lemon peel angel Female Mandarin Gobies x 2 Cleaner shrimp x 2 Snails & crabs Starfish x 2 Needs a bit of TLC as Arka covered in algea easy ... ...
110.L number plecos for sale breeding groups rare plecos 05/09/23 Yes
L077 Golden nugget pleco 7-8cm £40 Lda33 pair 4-5 inches £120 for the pair L262 breeding group £250 L264 sultan Pleco 3-4 inches £45 L264 sultan pleco 2-3cm £20 L066 king tiger Pleco 3-4cm £22.50 L340 Mega clown Pleco 3-4cm £25 L400 belo monte pleco 3-4cm £30 L201 orinoco Angel sno... ...
111.Closing down tank 02/09/23 No
13 x silver dollars and spotted dollars from 4inch to 9inch 1 x ghost knive Fish 8inch 1 x flagtail 10inches 1 green serum about 7inch 2 x angels Open to offer collection from Conwy
112.Closing down tanks Marine fish for sale 26/08/23 Yes
Large Regal Tang Lipstick Tang Foxface Pair of clowns STORM Pair of clowns Common Lemon peel angel Flame Angel Flame blenny Female blue mandarin x 2 Sandsifting goby x 2 Sandsifting starfish x 3 And more Collection only PE195YJ Contact me for prices 07472671662
113.Wanted Angel fish 24/08/23 No
Wanted angel fish in Grimsby also delivery if possible
114.Sultan plecos and l number plecos 19/08/23 Yes
L264 sultan pleco 2-3cm £30 L066 king tiger Pleco 3-4cm £22.50 L340 Mega clown Pleco 3-4cm £25 L400 belo monte pleco 3-4cm £30 L201 orinoco Angel snowball 3-4cm £22.50 Mixed cherry shrimp 50p each Postage £14.99 deals on multiples. Collection is from Chelmsford Essex. Messages... ...
115.Discus wanted 14/08/23 Yes
Discus wanted, seems to be much more people selling than buying them. As such hoping to pick up some up relatively cheap. Just seeing whats out there, obviously cheaper than ebay. Idealy just looking for hobbiist breeder want to sell a few, better of emailing first before calling as i dont want to ... ...
116.Wild caught zaire Blue Moba Frontosa 30/07/23 Yes
9 wild caught zaire blue moba frontosa 2m 7f excellent quality. Sizes range from 7 to 4 inches Also pair of synodontis Angelica catfish m and f 6inch and 4inch Contact for additional pictures £500
117.RED CAP Angel Fishes 07/07/23 Yes
Am after few RED CAP Angel Fishes , UK
118.Female angel fish for swaps 26/06/23 Yes
Female angel fish .lost her partener so is only one left . Wanting to swap for bristle nosed plecs ,any colour and from young to adult.if you have space or swaps for her contact me on number suplied . Boston in lincolnshire area . Thanks
119.NETS auction 25 June 21/06/23 No
!check out the list of fish provisionally booked for this Sundays auction Plecos and catfish L-015 pleco Super red pleco Synodontis eupterus Brochis splendens Cory napoensis Cory panda white Cory sodalis Cory Trilineatus Cory elegans Cory barbatus Green lazer cory Red lazer cory ... ...
120.Bsp angelfish 16/06/23 No
Hi I’m located in Derbyshire and looking for a group of Bulgarian seal points 10-12 if anybody has any give us a call 07584433308 Dale
121.WANTED. Young Altum Angelfish 14/06/23 No
Altum Angelfish- I am looking for some young Altum Angelfish. I am based in Yorkshire, but could travel to collect. If anyone knows where I can source some, drop me a message on 07845968686 . Thank you.
122.Koi Angelfish 16/05/23 No
I have some top quality koi Angelfish available now, still too small to see their full potential, but you can see they have some great markings already. Raised in tap water and feeding on a varied diet. Much hardier than imported fish. £2 each at the size they are now, thus will rise as they... ...
123.Various Angelfish 16/05/23 No
I have a wide range of angelfish available, from £2 up to £20 each depending on size, age and colour. Telephone 07809538436 Cheers, Phil.
124.Community fish 07/05/23 No
6 angelfish, 12 gouramis, 5 frontosa', 6 silver dollars, 4 clown loaches, 1 common plecos, 2 albino plecos for just £190
125.Flame angel 06/05/23 Yes
Due to tank closure in the near future I have a 4yr old flame angel £100,large fire shrimp £25, black and white clown £10,oscellaris clown £10…rose bubble tip nems £10 each….collection cv10
126.Enfield BRISTLENOSE PLECO 06/05/23 Yes
Hi thanks for looking at my advert I have for sale over 200 fish for sale Longfin and Shortfin plecos I also have for sale some breeding pairs of angelfish please contact me on my mobile (07936) 730980 Fish starts from £1.50 Shortfin 2/3cm £2 Longfin 2/3cm I also have snowwhite available one ... ...
127.Marine tank breakdown. 18/04/23 No
All livestock must go ASAP. XL Harlequin tusk, XL regal tang, XL purple tang, XL lipstick tang, XL majestic angel, pair of clowns +anenome, various wrasse including blue spotted, six line, red stripped, 2 x orange, fairy & possibly 1 other. If taken as a job lot you can have various soft coral... ...
128.Large angel fish for sale, 16/04/23 No
Selling my adult xxl French angel had him for about 8 years and he is massive. Also available large Blue Face, large adult emperor and large Fox Face, had these for about 4 years and they were last fish to go in system. Must go to a 1000 litre plus set up. £300 for the lot. Had these fish for alon... ...
Hi All New shipment about to arrive in a few days direct from “ Congo Africa” please PM or Watsapp /Call for further information /reserve yours now! List as follows MBU PUFFER PUSTULATUS CROSS RIVER PUFFER CONGO PUFFER ( Schoutedeni) RED MIURUS PUFFER. (Rare) DUBOISI CONGO PUFFE... ...
130.Marine Fish - Regal Angel/Copperband/Singapore Angel, Goldrim Tang etc 14/04/23 Yes
Regal Angel sold Copperband Butterfly (large) sold Goldrim/Powder Brown Tang £60 Singapore Angel £40 Bicolour Angel £35 Mandarin Dragonet £35 Aiptasia Eating Filefish sold Clownfish £20 Maroon Clown £20 Engineer Goby (baby) sold Please see my other ads for shrimps and a few corals ... ...
131.Angels and large clown loaches wanted 07/04/23 No
I am after large clown loach and angelfish, collection in Sheffield or will pay for delivery if not too much
132.Aqua one Oakstyle 230L Tank + Clown Loach, Angel Fish, Silver Sharks for sale - North Manchester 22/03/23 No
5x Clown Loach (2-3 inch up to 4-5 inch) £60 2x Silver Sharks (7-8 inch) £15 1x Yoyo loach (4-5 inch) £10 5x Angel Fish (Medium sized) £15 2x Common Plec (1 is tiny, other is 4 inches) £5 1x Kribensis £85 if take all. Will also be selling the tank. Aqua one oakstyle 230L Comes wi... ...
133.£120 French angel 10/03/23 Yes
rench angel Large for sale £120. She is very human friendly and loves humans. She needs a large tank as she gets bigger than what she is now. I can provide photos of her and videos. No time wasters. Not holding her for anyone, so please do not ask. If you have any questions let me... ...
134.French Angel 120 10/03/23 No
rench angel Large for sale £120. She is very human friendly and loves humans. She needs a large tank as she gets bigger than what she is now. I can provide photos of her and videos. No time wasters. Not holding her for anyone, so please do not ask. If you have any questions let me... ...
135.French Angel 120 10/03/23 No
French angel Large for sale £120. She is very human friendly and loves humans. She needs a large tank as she gets bigger than what she is now. I can provide photos of her and videos. No time wasters. Not holding her for anyone, so please do not ask. If you have any questions let m... ...
136.wanted male yellow/ Koi angel fish 26/02/23 No
I am in need of a male yellow or Koi I have recently lost my male . LE9 area please
137.22 clown loaches, ghost knife, Reed fish, bichir 17/02/23 No
22 clown loaches 3.5-7 inches £330 13 inch ghost knife fish £35 7 inch ghost knife fish £15 11 Reed fish £15 6 inch Senegal bichir £10 5 inch male electric blue acara £15 2 silver sharks £15 4 angel fish £30 4 gourami £10 Paradise fish £3 Whats app for pics 07879118209
138.vailtail tropical angel fish wanted 03/02/23 No
Has anyone got any vailtail angels for sale in a variety of colours if possible in the west yorkshire area also after long finned bristlenose plecs
139.Southern American Cichlids for sale in Leeds 31/01/23 No
My current collection is up for grabs. 4 inch Red Shoulder Severum(2f/2m) £90 for all 5 4 inch Notatus Severum(2m) £40 for both 4 inch Turquoise Severum (WC male) £25 3.5 inch Guinacara dacraya(pair) £50 4 inch Angels((Smokey Blue X Smokey) x £30 Cash only Can send v... ...
140.Blue Clown Angelfish 12/01/23 No
I have been really successful at rearing young blue clown angelfish, they are now well on their way to being adults and are ready for their new homes. £2.50 each or 10 for £20. I am also interested in swapping some for other varieties of angelfish.
141.55kg Mature Live Rock Marine, tank shut down £250 - open to offers 12/01/23 No
55kg of very mature live rock. There are also some mushroom corals attached to various portions of rock and a couple of small cabbage corals. Also available is an Eiblis angelfish £30. (Buyer is welcome to the heaters/powerheads/skimmer should they wish to take them.) Collection only. ... ...
142.Angel Fish and Siamese Algae Eater 30/11/22 Yes
Hi, We have just moved into a house which has a built in fish tank. After doing some research I have found the two bigger fish in there, an Angel fish and a Siamese Algae Eater, are both too big for the tank. I would like these to be rehomed so they don't have to stay all cramped up. Many t... ...
143.Corner 190 jewel full set up fish 22/11/22 No
Sellin full set up and fish corner tank with rock and lion fish also marmalade shark 7 also engener goby and koran angel message me 250 all
144.Free to collector - tropical fish 19/11/22 No
4 x angel fish 4 x corydoras 2 x Siamese flying fox 3 x bristlenose plecos Collection from Shaftesbury, Dorset. Will need to bring suitable water tight container .
145.OVER 30 COMMUNITY FISH FOR SALE ONLY £30. collection from cheshunt. (North London area) 19/11/22 No
loads of tropical fish including Columbian tetras,neon tetras,pinapple swordtails,zebra danios, dwarf gourami,5 banded barb,limias,mollys,guppy’s,x-ray tetra. collection only from cheshunt. i payed over £120 in the shop so very good deal.angelfish not included ( can be included at an extra cost).... ...
146.Juvenile Golden Angel Fish - £3.50 17/11/22 Yes
Juvenile Golden Angel Fish These fish as an easy care level and will grow to approximately 15cm. They deal water conditions are acidic to neutral, slightly soft to hard. They are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods. Feed a varied diet of frozen, freeze dried and flake foods. Angelfish gener... ...
147.Free fish - rehoming 12/11/22 No
I'm shutting down my tank so have the following going free: Large angel fish 4x Ruby barbs Lemon tetra Amber tetra Selling l387 orange and black pleco for £30 too. Location CT19 6NX
148.Fish for sale hartlepool 02/11/22 No
Here you go marble Auoncara £3 each 4 for £10 Blue Dolphin £4 each 3 for £10 guppy£1.25 platty £1.25 Swodtails £1.25 white cloud minnows £1 Dalmatian Molly £1.50 Ruby Sharks £2.50 Silver shark £2 each small angels £4 medium angels £5 various Siamese fighters £5 each golden gourami £2... ...
149.Free angels 28/10/22 No
2 Angels around 9cm long. Both need a larger tank. Must collect. Fish are healthy. One is pitch black. Other is koi colour
150.Various plecos and tropical fish 27/10/22 Yes
Full tank shut down - 4.5ft tank with sump will be available after if interested.. Fish: Large white and gold angelfish 5x Ruby barb 2x boesemani rainbow 1x Amber tetra 1x lemon tetra 1x snowball pleco 1x l387 pleco (orange and black) Take all for £50 or open to offers individually. O... ...
151.tank closing down 25/10/22 No
large porcupine pufferfish £80 large emperor angelfish £80 blue face angelfish £50 gold rim tang £50 fy68hq Happy to WhatsApp pics issues loading on here 07541599439
152.Rehome 21/10/22 Yes
Due to downsize of home and no room to take them the following marine fish are up for sale 6'inch stars and stripes puffer £45 5'inch Karean Angel £70 4'inch dogface puffer £30 2'inch pair of common clown fish £30 All are healthy and eating collectors only bring your own bucket with watert... ...
153.Marine setup £800 12/10/22 Yes
Hi all , I’m closing my tank as I’m not spending the time I need on it now . I’ll sell cheap all in one rather than splitting it up and making more . It’s £1000 for 1200 ea tank X3 hydra 26hd F4 kamoer doser 3 doser containers x2 maxspect 250 gyres Bm skimmer 5stage ro machine ... ...
154.Marine fish, corals and live rock for sale 12/10/22 No
Hi I have for sale marine fish corals and live rock. No equipment. £500 for everything no offers. Fish pair of black storm clownfish purple tang Kole tang red mandarin eating frozen purple firefish 1 snowflake clownfish flame back angel rusty angel single anthia fish loads of d... ...
155.Regal angel 30/09/22 No
Lowest price for the misbar regal angel £150
156.Hannah checkers and minbar regal angel 29/09/22 No
Misbar regal angel great condition eats pellet and frozen doesn’t touch any of my corals £200 Hannah checkers Salinity. Kh. Ca. Ul phos and nitrate need new reagents but as new £125 for the lot
157.Large Silver x Blue and small koi ANGELFISH 24/09/22 Yes
Large cross-bred fish are £10 each. Small Koi Angelfish are £3 each Located in Manchester near Etihad Stadium Phone number- 07397700000
158.Marine fish and equipment for sale 23/09/22 No
Closing down tank as going to tropical The following is for sale Fish Minbar regal angel 4-5 inch ears everything Yellow tang 4-5 inch eats everything Orchid dottyback Pair platinum clowns Pair Christmas gobies Blood shrimp Boxer shrimp Cleaner shrimp Corals Tube anemones Various mus... ...
159.Marine fish for sale 26/08/22 No
Hi all. I am travelling abroad, so need to sell my lovely fish. I've had them for 3 years. All are healthy with vibrant colours. They all eat flake, frozen and the Tangs and Emperor angelfish eat nori too. Here goes:- Large 9-10 inch Blonde Naso Tang, fat and colourful(cost £180)-£80 ono. 7 inc... ...
160.Community fish discus, geos 25/08/22 No
Aquarium shut down, I have a selection of fish to sell. 2 stenker discus 3-4 inch , 4 angel fish striped, two are a pair and have laid eggs, 5 brochis cats (like corydoros) 1 whiptail £40 for the lot Located reigate Surrey Contact Adam 07986360522
161.Angel Fish 8 months old 23/08/22 Yes
Beautiful Angels, good selection and variety of colours including platinum, golds and striped. Treated and wormed, ready to go. £5 each or 3 for £10 Big discounts for larger quantities
162.£85Closing down marine aquarium- videos/photos upon request 13/08/22 No
Established Pair of occellaris clown fish, yellow tang about 5 inches diameter. Indian sailfin tang approx 8inches hippo tang approx 6 inches. Bi colour dwarf angel fish and a lyre tail anthia. Also have lots of reef rock. Looking to swell established community fish for approximately £150. Buyer... ...
163.Angels Paraiba Smokey adults 05/08/22 Yes
12 angels Paraiba x platinum pair Paraiba x blue pair Smokey platinum pair Smokey vail tails/long fin 12 fish in total £50 for the lot Text 07517699181
164.Jack dempsey, African Bush fish large angel 05/08/22 No
closing down tank can send pics if needed
165.Marine fish SHUTDOWN 07/07/22 No
I have lots of marine fish for sale as we are closing down our two tanks. Yellow Tang £180 Flame angel £125 Hawkfish £20 Pyjama wrasse £10 File fish £10 Damsels £25 for all Maroon clown pair £60 3x Clownfish £15 each Lemon damsel £10 Royal gramma £15 Humbug damsel mated pair... ...
166.Tank Shutdown. 03/07/22 No
I have lots of marine fish for sale as we are closing down our two tanks. 2x Yellow Tangs £180 each Flame angel £125 Hawkfish £20 Goldrush tang £40 Pyjama wrasse £10 File fish £10 Damsels £25 for all Maroon clown pair £60 Golden Nugget clown £60 3x Clownfish £15 each Lemon d... ...
167.3 Large Angel Fish pearl gourami 20 03/07/22 Yes
Angel fish x3 adults and a pearl gourami £20 for all
168.Free to a good home - Devon 01/07/22 No
2 x Angels, 2 x guppies, 2 x catfish, 2 x dwarf plecos, 3 x platy, 2 x dwarf gourami, 3 x 5 bar barbs, 5 black neons. All in excellent condition but no longer have enough time to look after the tank as it deserves...
169.125 gallon reef ready 01/07/22 Yes
Im selling my 125 gallon reef ready tank with diy stand, diy canopy, diy sump, auto top off container. I left some water in the tank so you can see it holds water glue seam and seals are great . Priced to sell £300. Also have a used Reef Angel controller with accessories and additionals £250. ... ...
170.Adult angelfish 20/06/22 Yes
Beautiful adult angelfish size 8-10 cm for sale for £8 each, a pair for £13.
171.Jewel Rio 125 17/06/22 Yes
Juwel Rio 125 LED Tropical Aquarium & Cabinet including assorted fish and accessories, plecs including golden nugget, angel, gourami, black widows, black shark,barbs, purple ocean rock , slate and bog wood. Very good condition £175 ono
172.11 x F1 Rio Nanay Angel Fish (adults) £150 13/06/22 Yes
Incredible specimens. They have red spots but the pictures haven’t picked them up very well. There is at least 1 pair as they have laid eggs multiple times on the glass but the cardinals and other angels soon pick them off. Kept in tap water and will eat anything. Wormed regularly and no oth... ...
173.Full Marine Tank Setup 06/06/22 Yes
I'm looking to to sell my full tank setup that has been running for 5 years. Looked after throughout and everything is in good working order. Please note that I am open to splitting it down depending on interest so can send photos of individual fish and corals etc. Tank Setup Tank is 5'x 1.5'... ...
174.Marine fish 17/05/22 No
Sailfin tang Purple tang Orange shoulder tang Regal tang Fox face Yellow wrasse Picture wrasse Copperband Lamerick Angel A pair of breeding maroon clowns with yellow stripe which host a large anemone Lots of corals mainly softies and approximately 100 kg of live rock Send me a mess... ...
175.Marine fish 15/05/22 No
Sailfin tang Purple tang Orange shoulder tang Regal tang Fox face Yellow wrasse Picture wrasse Copperband Lamerick Angel A pair of breeding maroon clowns with yellow stripe which host a large anemone Lots of corals mainly softies and approximately 100 kg of live rock Send me a mess... ...
176.Complete juwel rio 400 aquarium in black plus fish £250 12/05/22 No
For sale is a Complete setup has had new light unit and flaps 8 mOnths ago which alone cost £230 the fish consist of about 20 angel fish ranging from small to xl there is 3 confirmed breeding pairs which have all had young 1 pair is red backs 1 pair is koi (f) and platinum (m) last pair is bock mar... ...
177.Marine fish 11/05/22 No
Sailfin tang Purple tang Orange shoulder tang Regal tang Fox face Yellow wrasse Picture wrasse Copperband Lamerick Angel A pair of breeding maroon clowns with yellow stripe which host a large anemone Lots of corals mainly softies and approximately 100 kg of live rock Send me a mess... ...
178.Marine fish 10/05/22 No
Sailfin tang Purple tang Orange shoulder tang Regal tang Fox face Yellow wrasse Picture wrasse Copperband Lamerick Angel A pair of breeding maroon clowns with yellow stripe which host a large anemone Lots of corals mainly softies and approximately 100 kg of live rock Send me a mess... ...
179.Marine fish 10/05/22 No
Sailfin tang Purple tang Orange shoulder tang Regal tang Fox face Yellow wrasse Picture wrasse Copperband Lamerick Angel A pair of breeding maroon clowns with yellow stripe which host a large anemone Lots of corals mainly softies and approximately 100 kg of live rock Send me a mess... ...
180.fish mania aquatics charity pond and aquatic auction 10/05/22 Yes
pond, tropical and aquatics auction to help raise money for Birmingham childrens hospital cardiac ward Hucknall Town Football Club Watnall Road, Hucknall Nottingham, NG15 6EY SUNDAY 15th MAY DOORS OPEN 10AM AUCTION STARTS 11AM ADULTS £1 ENTRY, UNDER 14’S FREE Koi Carp, Gold Fish ... ...
181.Jewellery vision 450 and fish 07/05/22 No
450 litre tank and full setup with 2 pair of breeding rainbow cichlids and 6 more rainbow cichlids plus 1 female green sev also 1 starlight ancistrus and another catfish of unknown species and angelfish fluval fx external filter fluval digital heater and 2 x fluval led lights to create natural habit... ...
182.Lots of bottom feeders and community fish available- great prices 07/05/22 Yes
I need to reduce my stock down a bit in my fish house. This gives you the opportunity to grab a bargain. Panda cory £3 each or buy 2 or more for £2.50 each. Synodontis petricola £8 or £20 for 3. Bublebee catfish £4 or £10 for 3. Angelfish £3 or £10 for 4 Large angelfish £5 L333 King T... ...
183.For sale 02/05/22 No
Large complete marine aquarium set up. 5.5 ft l x 1.5 w x2.5 d marine tank cabinet and sump 2x ai 52hd lights and a kessil 360 we with controller Tmc return pump Tmc wave maker Max spect gyre wave maker 2 heaters with DD heater controller Jabao x4 doser Bubble magus skimmer... ...
184.For sale 30/04/22 Yes
Large complete marine aquarium set up. 5.5 ft l x 1.5 w x2.5 d marine tank cabinet and sump 2x ai 52hd lights and a kessil 360 we with controller Tmc return pump Tmc wave maker Max spect gyre wave maker 2 heaters with DD heater controller Jabao x4 doser Bubble magus skimmer... ...
185.Marine fish 28/04/22 No
Sailfin tang Purple tang Orange shoulder tang Regal tang Fox face Yellow wrasse Picture wrasse Copperband Lamerick Angel A pair of breeding maroon clowns with yellow stripe which host a large anemone Lots of corals mainly softies and approximately 100 kg of live rock Send me a mess... ...
186.Aquaone 230 complete setup £300 01/04/22 No
CANT UPLIAD PICS ITS NOT LETTING ME IF YOU WANT PICS I CAN WHATSAPP YOU THEM aquaone Oak 230 aquarium stunning condition I upgraded the filtration to a ehiem eco external and a fluval 407 all contents are included fish live plants everything seen in the picture. the drawer above the fluval filt... ...
187.FREE 29/03/22 No
188.Tropical fish malawi lake cichlids 23/03/22 No
Platy's Guppies Green terror Fire mouth Angel fish ( 5 different types ) Barbs ( 4 different types ) Yo yo loach Zebra loach Rainbow shark Red tail shark Albino shark Paradaise fish ( 3 different types ) Gourami ( 5 different types ) Gold bristolnose Super red bristol... ...
189.Kribensis breeding pairs available 21/03/22 Yes
I have 3 prolific adult breeding pairs of P. Kribensis (West African) available for pickup in E. Sussex. £10/pair. I am also interested in trading for any of these cichlids: Blue Angel P. Taeniatus P. Subocellatus Apistogramma Cactoides Honduran Red Points Christmas Ellioti Firemouth R... ...
190.Assorted Angelfish Bargain 21/03/22 Yes
All different sized angels ready to go £5--£15
191.Altum angels Rio Orinoco wanted F1 or wild caught 19/03/22 No
As per above Altum angels wanted wild caught or F1 07903739154 plz text
192.Tropical Equipment and BSP Angel fish 18/03/22 No
240L Aquarium,120L aquarium (bottom needs replacing), Aqua one Betta trio, FX4 filter, few heathers, Stand for the 240L, UV sterilizer... + Female BSP Angel Fish 550£ For all of it!
193.Tank shutdown 17/03/22 No
Yellow tang 4" £130, yellow belly tang 6"£45, purple tang 4"£50, lipstick tang 7"£70, regal angel 4"£75 (breeding pair)clark clown £45, cleaner wrasse £10 Blood shrimp £15, cleaner shrimp £10, sand sifter starfish £10, red bubble tip anemone £10, live rock £5 a ... ...
194.Fish for sale 10/03/22 Yes
I have an Emporer Angel approx 10cm and just begin to transition to adult phase.£90 Foxface Rabbit approx 10cm £60 and an aptasia eating File Fish £30 all healthy and well fed. Collection only
195.Closing tank, Altums, geo, pelcos 26/02/22 Yes
Due to building work I am closing my tank down for a while. 6 Altum angelfish, 2 wild caught, 4 f1 from Germany 6 geo red heads 1 papa Panaque pleco roughly 5 inch Txt 07867309338 1 other pelco can't remember the name but spotted around 4 inch
196.£25 for all x4 large angel fish x3 corydoras and pearl gourami 16/02/22 Yes
Need these going as soon as possible, angel fish are quite large, 3 small corydoras also and a pearl gourami all for 25, preferably today may be able to deliver. Thanks
197.Golden Dwarf Angel 02/02/22 No
I have for sale a Golden angel eats everything and is about 2inches Looking to sell for £150. Pick up only and cash on pick up from rm82jy
198.Selection of Fish 27/01/22 No
My Father currently lives in Yeovil and is going into a nursing home so is looking to sell on his fish. There are: 4 large catfish (around 7 inches) 1 albino catfish 1 red tailed shark (around 7 inches) 3 angel fish 3 tiger barbs 1 pearl gourami Collection of smaller fish: neon tetras/bleedi... ...
199.Marine Fish & Inverts Books 21/01/22 No
A large range of books for sale : (1) Reef Secrets: Starting Right, Selecting Fishes and Invertebrates, Advanced Biotope Techniques Softcover – 15 Aug. 2003 (2) Basslets, Dottybacks & Hawkfishes (Reef Fishes series book 2) Scott W. Michael (3) Angelfishes and Butterflyfishes (Reef Fishes Se... ...
200.Young Angelfish. Good Quality home bred mixed colours 4-5cm, Philippine Blue and Paraiba. 19/01/22 Yes
Young Angelfish. Good Quality home bred mixed colours 4-5cm. Strong healthy fish with straight fins, Mixed colours. Silver, Dark and Golden, philipinne Blue, Paraiiba available as well as some Bulgarian Green crosses. Collection preferred but will consider posting when it warms up a bit.

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