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1.Juvel vision 260 in white complete set up 05/03/25 Yes
Juvel vision 260 in white with stand. Including air pump tetra,internal pump,heater and external filter Eheim Professional 4plus. If you interested please call 07873594762 Mark London South West
2.Eheim Pro 3 280 04/03/25 No
Tightly filled with quality media £180 Collection only
3.Evolution Aqua Fish tank and sump + more - 250 GBP 04/03/25 Yes
Closed down tank -> This Evolution AQUA 220L fish tank with stand is perfect for any fish enthusiast. It has a spacious aquarium capacity of 220L, which can accommodate all kinds of fish and aquatic plants. The rectangular shape of the tank is the standard size,The stand is made of high-quality p... ...
4.2 xl1200 ehiem external filters 27/02/25 No
Go 2 eheim xl 1200's external filters 1 is a thermo 1 has a load of alfagrog media in it no pipe work or in and out pipes asking £100 each Absolute bargain !! Get me on wattsapp or call Cheers Daniel
All fish now sold ND Aquatics tank 5x2halfx2 plus cabinet 1 xl200 eheim thermofilter plu 1 xl1200 filter Eheim I filter has some alfagrog Eheim heater tunze powerhead And some other aquarium bits Asking £400 the lot !! Get me in wattsapp or call Cheers Daniel
6.X4 breeding fish tanks 2x2x1 foot 03/02/25 Yes
4 breeding tanks! 2x1x1 foot 54 liters Each one comes with: 75W Eheim heater Good quality sponge filter Custom lid with flap And thermometer No lights included! £50 each or ALL 4 for £180 Collection from Nottingham NG5 area or LOCAL delivery possible for fuel cost
7.Miscellaneous 15/11/24 No
1 Bag of Almond leaves £1 2 Aquarium thermometer 40p 3 x3 24 Hour Mechanical Timer [unused – still in box] £1 each 4 x5 Plastic condensation lids most unused £1 each 5 x5 Internal foam filters [different sizes] 50p each 6 Seachem ‘Equilibrium’ Restores & Maintains Mi... ...
8.AIR PUMPS 31/10/24 No
1 x2 SERA PRECISION air 550 R Plus [with x4 outlets] £5 each 2 x2 EHEIM 200 4W [with x2 outlets] £3 each PUMPS I USED IN CASE OF LOSS OF ELECTRICITY 3 NICREW USB DC AIR PUMP MAX6 1.7 w 3L/min -with plug so can used off mains £4 4 TEQIANG DRY BATTERY AIR PUMP 0.5 w 0.5L/min ... ...
9.Eheim 2262 biggest canister filters 15/10/24 Yes
I am selling two 2262 Eheim Filters, these are the biggest eheim filters i am aware of and excellent quality. one is fully working and comes with filter medium and eheim tube connectors The other one does not work, i think it needs a pump replacement, which are easy to fit, it also needs 3 top... ...
10.Automatic feeder 19/09/24 Yes
Eheim twin automatic feeder All working Collection Chesterfield S404ub £30
11.Canister pump sale 04/09/24 No
Eheim experience 350 canister pump used for ONE day only complete with media new £174 on Amazonsale price £75 Cash & collect only Phone Jim on 07932079264 East London
12.For Sale 15/08/24 Yes
For Sale. Eheim aquatics 200l fish tank with base, includes Fluval app controlled LED lighting, eheim professional4+ external filter/heater. Overall height with base 130cm width 110cm depth 41cm. £250. Collect only Contact details Mick Bristol, S Glos 07973820361
13.Evolution Aqua aquarium 220L, plus...price500GBP 14/08/24 Yes
Welcome to my narrative listing for my discontinued fish tank that is about 5 year old. The fish tank is about 220liters in total and his original cost is about 1000GBP. It has an open air sump chamber connected with transparent vinyl pipe work unavailable from any aquarist shop in London!!! ... ...
1 FLUVAL U2 5w: £3 2 EHEIM Pickup 200 6 Watt max 220-570 l/h £7 3 2 EHEIM Pickup middle one [160?] £5 4 x2 EHEIM Pickup [60?] small 208 4W £3 each 5 EHEIM AQUABALL 180 Type: 2403510 6 Watt l/h 650 £6 6 5 EHEIM AQUABALL 130 [has 3 sections] £4 7 SERA PRECISION P1200 1... ...
15.Juwel Rio 350 - full tank setup sale 09/08/24 No
For sale is my Juwel Rio 4ft aquarium in dark wood finish. The tank has a blue background. The tank is approximately four years old and in great condition. Ideally, I would like for it to be sold as a whole set up with livestock and plants. The price for everything, including livestock and... ...
16.Juwel Rio 350 4ft fish tank and livestock 03/08/24 No
For sale is my Juwel Rio 4ft aquarium in dark wood finish. The tank has a blue background. The tank is approximately four years old and in great condition. Ideally, I would like for it to be sold as a whole set up with livestock and plants. The price for everything, including livestock and... ...
Ecotech Vectra L1 Centrifugal Pump with upgraded impeller- brand new/unused - £300 ONO DD H2O Ocean P4 Pro Dosing Pump - £150 ONO Eheim Reeflex UV500 UV steriliser - brand new/unused - £75 ONO 3x Kessil A360X Tuna Blue nearly new - £250 each ONO 3x Kessil mounting arms - 2 new, 1 used - ... ...
18.Aquarium Equipment 19/06/24 Yes
Ecotech Vectra L1 Centrifugal Pump with upgraded impeller- brand new/unused - £300 ONO DD H2O Ocean P4 Pro Dosing Pump - £150 ONO Eheim Reeflex UV500 UV steriliser - brand new/unused - £75 ONO 3x Kessil A360X Tuna Blue nearly new - £250 each ONO 3x Kessil mounting arms - 2 new, 1 used - ... ...
19.EHEIM Professionel Serie 10123 for free 16/06/24 Yes
14 year old EHEIM Professionel external filter. Still works with slightly reduced throughput, but the integral heater broke long ago and the box developed a slight leak that I was unable to fix. There are no cracks or breaks so it may just need a new silicone gasket. If you want this filter I will p... ...
20.Eheim 2260 External filter/ spares 01/06/24 Yes
I have a second eheim 2260 filter which fully works and has majority of pipes. I am listing as spares as i bought this as back up filter but have never run myself long term. Back of pump housing missing. Filter works but may need seals as i have never run long term. £80 ONO collection WR9 droitw... ...
21.Eheim 2260 External filter 01/06/24 Yes
I have a used Eheim 2260 external filter with all pipework and valves for sale. Comes with all pipes needed which cost £100 on top of filter cost. Pump in perfect condition, extremely powerful;/reliable setup with large media capacity. Happy to send pictures running and can be seen setup when col... ...
22.Eheim 2217 filters 24/05/24 Yes
2 Eheim 2217 external filters. Very quite and efficient. £60 each Fluval UV system £35, Pay cash on collection. Once deal is done buyer pays than the Tank is the buyers responsibility. I am glad to help load it on the van or car. Please contact me for further info and genuine buyers o... ...
23.Evolution Aqua Full Setup and Stock in Kent £400 ONO 24/05/24 Yes
£400 ONO for full setup of an Evolution Aqua eaMarine900 tank. Specification: – 202 Litres – 900mm l x 500mm w x 450mm h – 2 x Eheim Compact 1000 pumps sump is interal at back of tank – 2 x Kessil A160we Tuna Blue LED lights and Spectral Controller - internal pumps Stoc... ...
24.Eheim filters needing love 19/05/24 No
2260, Brought as working, never tried, needs hoses £25 Eheim prof 3, needs new filter seal £25 Message 07789 874531
25.Eheim power LED+ aquarium lights 13/05/24 Yes
Eheim power LED+ fresh daylight 4257011 Eheim power LED+ fresh plants 4257021 Complete with power supply for each. Suitable for aquarium 1250mm - 1406mm £50 each 07776157729
26.Aqua one 230 discus set up 25/03/24 No
Aqua one oak style 230 with original light and filter, 2x heaters 6 x large discus +a group of rummy’s around 15 3 bronze corys pair of breeding sterb corys + 3 offspring that I have seen all media and substrate matured some live plants but not all as needed for next project hardscape not included... ...
27.Tropicals & Discus in Aqua one 230 discus set up 25/03/24 No
group of rummy’s around 15, 3 bronze corys, pair of breeding sterb corys + 3 offspring, 6 x large discus. Living in: Aqua one oak style 230 with original light and filter, 2x heaters, all media and substrate matured some live plants but not all as needed for next project hardscape not includ... ...
28.Aqua one 230 discus set up 24/03/24 No
Aqua one oak style 230 with original light and filter, 2x heaters 6 x large discus +a group of rummy’s around 15 3 bronze corys pair of breeding sterb corys + 3 offspring that I have seen all media and substrate matured some live plants but not all as needed for next project hardscape not included... ...
29.Fishtank 30/01/24 No
5ft fishtank comes with full set up including eheim 2080xl professional filter which cost me over £400 , fluval light cost over £200 can control with your phone, heater and also comes with nearly 25 fishes. Reason for sale just need space. For more information please contact me on 07880800888.
30.4ft full set up 02/01/24 No
4ft rena tank,fulval 407 filter. Eheim heater, Fulval 3.0 plant led light, plus cabinet all in good working condition. Cabinet needs repainting. Would make a lovely large community tank. Looking for £300-£350
31.Peacock Cichlids Red Sea Reefer 170 Job Lot Closing down tank 28/12/23 Yes
Complete Aquarium Setup Red Sea Reefer 170 Peacock Cichlid Aquarium everything included tank, stand heater, lights, sump, Gravel.Rocks £1250 Ovno Just the Fish as job lot Make me sensible offer Castaway1200@outlook.com Kessil Lights Eheim Heaters Dragon rock Around 15 Large Peac... ...
32.Eheim autofeeder+ 17/12/23 No
Brand new boxed unused on most aquarium sites for £90 im selling for £30 and paying for postage my number is 07597423282 ill whats app pictures its the wifi led 125ml model bar code is 4011708011508 model number 3583340
33.Fish tank and accessories £40. York. 07/12/23 No
Fish tank and accessories for sale. Tank is 69cm wide x 31cm high x 30com deep. Black plastic tank lid. UV lamp which fits in lid. Eheim 75w heater. Eheim air pump with 2 outlets. Fluval U2 filter. All 2-3 years old in good working order. Filter just needs new filter media. Fishmate timed feeder... ...
34.6x2x2.5 tank 26/11/23 Yes
For sale I have a beautiful 6ft tank with a washed grey cabinet and cover. This also has sliding glass covers on the top of the tank with cutouts in the corners for filters inlet/outlets. Selling due to change in personal circumstances Included: 6ft x 2ft x 2.5ft tank with cabinet and sliding... ...
35.Fish house clear out 29/10/23 No
3 tank 800 X 600 X 450 mm 47 gallons 2 tanks 140 X 350 X 350 mm 37 gallons 1 tank 380 X 430 X 305 mm 10 gallons eheim filters and UV lights. sessible offers all located in Surrey and can be viewed by arrangement Will send more pictures on request.
36.AQUA ONE FISH TANK 22/10/23 Yes
Aqua One fish tank 6x2x2 for sale. The following equipment are included. 2 x Fluval E Advanced Electronic Heater, 300w 1 x Jecod wave maker 1 x Eheim Air 400 pump 1 x Inkbird Temperature Controller 1 x Arcadia Classica Stretch Freshwater 47w 1200-1500mm Sale Price £300
37.Eheim filter diffuser 24/09/23 Yes
Eheim filter diffuser, very good
38.Eheim marine sump 15/09/23 Yes
Marine sump made by Eheim, so high quality construction. 68cm long x 46cm wide x 50cm high. Only used for 6 months so great condition. 3 compartments: reservoir section, filter section and pump section. Complete with auto top up pump and sensor. £20 plus postage if not collected
39.Various Jewel 180 equipment 07/09/23 No
Hi I am giving up fish keeping. I have: New Juwel Ecoflow 600 filter New Juwel Aquaheat 200W heater These were bought as back-ups in pandemic. Boxes opened to check ok but unused Eheim Air pump 200 used since May 2020 3 compact unused unbranded filters Unsused bottle of Watersafe One lot... ...
40.Faulty Eheim Pro 3 2081 1200XLT external canister filter for sale. 02/09/23 Yes
Used, malfunctioning Eheim canister for sale. 7-8 years old. Impeller new will often fail to spin up on powering on, lights all work on the top though. May be something simple, may not, can't be bothered to figure it out. Actual outer shell has one snapped clip but this can be replaced if desir... ...
41.Fish tanks and equipment for sale 29/08/23 No
Aqua one reef 300 with pump, heater and led light £150 150cm x 90cm x 60cm glass tank, has been drilled near the top for filtration £250 New ND aquatics fish tank with sump and stand, comes with all the pipe work and a filter sock. Never used, still in the plastic packaging. Around 135L with... ...
42.Marine tank and sump 20/08/23 Yes
aquarium. Custom built aquarium with sump and extras. Bespoke made by Burscough Aquatics. Display tank. 10mm Optiwhite glass, polished edges and double thickness base. Rear left hand weir, base drilled for 1.75” BSP outlet and 1” BSP inlet. No pipe work. Width 4ft Depth 18” ... ...
43.[SOLD subject to collection Tuesday] Eheim Vivaline LED 126 - Oak Grey Aquarium, Biomaster thermal 350 12/08/23 Yes
Eheim Vivaline LED 126 - Oak Grey Aquarium cleaned the best we could, now dry, can see a couple of bits that need another clean Two small holes cut into the lids/covers to accommodate where I had the water coming in and out I’ve left the black background on the back and left hand side but ... ...
44.Fish house clear out 03/08/23 No
I have 3 800x600x450mm tanks 2 1400x350x350 tanks 1 380x430x305mm tanks various eheim filters and lots of odds and ends. Any interest please contact for prices. Based in Surrey collection only.
45.Eheim x 2 Reeflux 800 Brand New In Box 31/07/23 No
I purchased 2 Eheim UV’s but never got around to using them, they are Brand New and NEVER USED, if you purchase these you are more than welcome to inspect them for use!
46.7ft x 2.5ft x 2ft ND AQUATICS AQUARIUM 18/06/23 Yes
For sale ND aquatics 7ft x 2.5ft x 2ft tank and cabinet. Cabinet finished in white with 4 doors. Tank has glass sliding cover lids. This is a well made very strong heavy tank with double base. Comes with two fluvel FX5 filters, eheim heater, and led lights. Viewing welcome, collection only. £60... ...
47.5ft Juwel vision with loads of extras- read listing 11/06/23 Yes
5ft Juwel vision (450ltrs) in the new version of the stand the lights in the tank have been upgraded to the helialux LEDs with the wireless controller these retail at £500 There’s a big eheim 2080XL full with media retailing at £500 The original filter is still in the tank but this can be rem... ...
48.EHEIM gravel vac cleaner, battery powered 15/05/23 Yes
EHEIM Quick Vacpro Sludge Extractor. In full working order Collection only, ilford. £20
49.Wanted. New external filter ASAP 30/04/23 No
Looking for a new external filter. Ideally something along the lines of a fluval FX4,5 or 6... Would even consider eheim professional 4 atleast a 600ltr or 2080? Let me know what you have ideally locally would be a bonus, I can collect straight away. Many thanks
50.Juwel Vision Tropical Aquarium 02/04/23 Yes
Juwel Vision 450 litre curved tropical aquarium and cabinet, Eheim professional 3 filter, Ehiem 400 air pump, Water conditioner. 16 Barred Midas fish various sizes 4” to 10“. These are gorgeous fish, approximately 2 – 5 years old and easy to keep without much fuss. All-inclusive Price Red... ...
51.fish tank 25/03/23 Yes
Jewel Rio 240 tank and cabinete in very good condition comes with 2eheim filters/bog wood/artificial plants/gravel /heater/spare lamp/2air pumps/plus a few accessories/ will need 2 people to collect. £200.
52.Eheim 2260 11/03/23 No
Big eheim Classic 1500xl 2260 bucket filter. No offers please. Bargain £100.
53.Cleair 550 Litre Tank with 50 lt Sump Marine or Tropical 01/03/23 No
I have for Sale a Cleair Marine Tank complete with sump and all the equipment, it has only been used to keep Tropical but is designed as a Marine Tank. It is 1mt wide, 800mm water depth, 500mm Depth and sits complete on its own cabinet as the cabinet houses the Sump. It has an Eheim Power Pump in ... ...
54.Cleair 550 Litre Tank with 50 lt Sump Marine or Tropical 23/02/23 No
I have for Sale a Cleair Marine Tank complete with sump and all the equipment, it has only been used to keep Tropical but is designed as a Marine Tank. It is 1mt wide, 800mm water depth, 500mm Depth and sits complete on its own cabinet as the cabinet houses the Sump. It has an Eheim Power Pump in ... ...
55.Cleair 550 Litre Tank with 50 lt Sump Marine or Tropical 23/02/23 No
I have for Sale a Cleair Marine Tank complete with sump and all the equipment, it has only been used to keep Tropical but is designed as a Marine Tank. It is 1mt wide, 800mm water depth, 500mm Depth and sits complete on its own cabinet as the cabinet houses the Sump. It has an Eheim Power Pump in ... ...
56.Cleair 550 Litre Tank with 50 lt Sump Marine or Tropical 22/02/23 Yes
I have for Sale a Cleair Marine Tank complete with sump and all the equipment, it has only been used to keep Tropical but is designed as a Marine Tank. It is 1mt wide, 800mm water depth, 500mm Depth and sits complete on its own cabinet as the cabinet houses the Sump. It has an Eheim Power Pump in ... ...
57.Starter Aquarium package for sale 05/02/23 No
Eheim Aquastar 54 package c/w pump ,filter and heater and light . Ideal start up About 5 to 6 years old Buyer to collect Offers around £25 to £27
58.2 eheim 2260 bucket filters with 1262 pumps 02/02/23 No
Very little use illness forces sale originally had 1260 pumps on changed them 1262 which were new made a big difference comes with all taps and pipe work cash on collection no post pick up only £500
59.2 eheim 2260 bucket filters with 1262 pumps 01/02/23 No
Very little use illness forces sale originally had 1260 pumps on changed them 1262 which were new made a big difference comes with all taps and pipe work cash on collection no post pick up only £500
60.Equipment 02/12/22 No
Hi A friend of mine has moved house and has given up fish keeping, he has asked me to list he's equipment here. All are open to sensible offers, all are used but are in good condition. D-D Chiller with manual (DC-750) Eheim professional 3 (2080) Eheim professional 2 (2028) Fluval 3 plus Intern... ...
61.Eheim 2260 22/11/22 Yes
Eheim 2260 comes full of Eheim media with both quick release double taps on inlet and outlet. Collection only. £150.
62.ND Aquatics Tank, Cabinet & Hood and led lights, Eheim Pro 3 2080 filter. 08/11/22 Yes
Due to moving house we sell: 1. ND Aquatics Tank, Cabinet & Hood, led lights (180cm x 70cm x 60cm) Given for free 2. Eheim Pro 3 2080 filter, £170
63.Various aquarium equipment. 30/10/22 No
Large Hailea multiple outlet air pump for fish tanks or koi pond. Fluvial 303 and Eheim 2013 external canister filters with media and pipework/fittings. 2 x Fluval 3 internal sponge powerhead filters. 1 x 802 powerhead. 4 x 300w heaters plus one 300w twin heater with external thermostat control unit... ...
64.Large Fish Tank 6ft x 2ft full Tanganyika / Tropheus setup 24/10/22 Yes
My pride and joy is now up for sale. Full setup resembling lake Tanganyika conditions including a breeding group of 15 Tropheus Kiriza Kaiser (6 wild-caught, 9 F1 plus baby fish). It took several years to establish a successful breeding group. Included: - Fluval FX6 including specialized filt... ...
65.EHEIM pro3 external filter 13/10/22 No
Still running an empty tank Pipes,media etc.plus eheim prefilter G.C.smoke free home One of the closers has a crack does not affect Performance as can be seen running £40 07988877661 Ct6
66.Stunning 4ft Rainbow Fish Aquarium Full Setup 2 filters And illuminaire lighting 13/10/22 No
Only selling due to not having time to maintain :( My pride and joy my Aquael Glossy 4 ft tank comes with 2 Eheim Canister filter a Pro 4 and a Pro 3 , perfect working condition all bio media will be included Large thermostat , electronic thermometer with digital display , large bogwood x 2 ... ...
67.Red Sea Reefer 250 complete set up 21/09/22 Yes
Sadly my husbands arthritis in his hands has now got to the point where he can no longer take care of his reef tank to the standard it needs so he has decided sadly that it's time to sell. Everything seen in the photos and listed will be included. RedSea Reefer 250 with auto top up Ai prime HD b... ...
68.4Ft(300L) tank and stand, all equipement 13/09/22 No
Lovely 4ft 300L Malawi set up. Eheim external pro3 filter, Ehiem internal ball filter, 300w heater, T5 lighting, coral sand, rocks, and any food and treatments I have. £300 ovno. £400 ovno, including livestock of loads Malawi, and a few synadontis catfish, (all well worth £160+) collection New... ...
69.EHEIM Reeflex Uv800 Steriliser SOLD 11/09/22 Yes
EHEIM Reeflex Uv800 Sterilizer up to 800 Litre Fresh or Marine tank. USED for couple of months Perfect condition.£130 new. Comes with original box, UV lamb fitted, pipe fittings and bracket. £80, I can post for £4.95
70.8x2.5x2.5 06/09/22 Yes
90 inch x30inchx30inch tank and cabinet 2 fx6s 12 months old 1eheim 1200xl plus other bits need to go please message me if interested thanks 07584 190355
71.Eheim 1100 return pump 04/09/22 Yes
Eheim 1100 return pump for sale. £10. In good working order. Collection from Stockport or will post at cost to buyer. Cheers, James daigoro60@hotmail.com Or text 07595443674
72.EHEIM tank and stand £200 04/09/22 Yes
100cms width 140cms from base to top and 55 cms width . Four ciclids and three large sucker fishrocks included . Drift wood . Plants .Removed original glass covers as it was always condensing . Over head kessil lighting allows the ripple effect and more river looking . Added oase filter one tube mis... ...
73.Pine 5"6 aquarium complete set up 25/08/22 Yes
Complete set up, 5"6 tall, 6"4 wide and 2"4 deep. Pumps,filters, eheim filter, separate isolation tank. All full excellent working condition, reluctant sale due to house move. Will be drained ready for collection NG16 6 area. £500 ono Tania on 07792383207
74.Pine 5 inches 6 aquarium complete set up 24/08/22 Yes
Complete set up made by warf aquatics, 5"6 tall, 6"4 wide and 2"4 deep. Pump, eheim 3 preofessional external filter, separate isolation tank and loads of accessories. All full excellent working condition, reluctant sale due to house move. Will be drained ready for collection NG16 6 ar... ...
75.Aquariums4life 5x2x2 marine tank & sump 24/07/22 Yes
Tanks is on an adjustable steel framed cabinet and has Optiwhite front & sides, sump with ATO chamber & cover glass, a few small scratches that arent noticeable when full. Other than that in good condition. looking for offers around £500, buyer to collect but I can help this end. I also ha... ...
76.Wanted eheim 2317 classic thermofilter 11/07/22 No
Looking for a eheim 2317, maybe a 2315. May also be interested in 2215/2217 classics if local. I'm in chesterfield, Derbyshire. Thanks.
77.Full African cichlid fish tank set up w/ 2 x eheim filters 10/07/22 Yes
Fish tank Juwel vision 260L tank and stand 2 x Eheim external filters Heater 7 x African cichlids haps and peacocks (large and xl) 3 x plecos Tanim is still currently running. £330 Message on 07908809944
78.Tropical fish tank for sale 08/07/22 Yes
Fluval Roma 240 litre fish tank for sale. Comes with many extras including 2 Fluval filters (307 and 306) Fluval UV filter Eheim dual air pump Upgraded Fluval aqua sky lighting (bluetooth controlled via app on phone) Fluval heater plus back up heater plus water change heater Water change co... ...
79.Eheim Pro 3 2073 eternal filter with accessories £95 04/07/22 Yes
selling a used Eheim Pro 3 2073 filter in very good condition collection from DA7 postcode Bexleyheath £95
80.1000 litre tank 10x2x2 and all equipment £500 01/07/22 No
Tank Custom made by OA Aquatics 10 foot long x 2 foot wide x 2 foot tall (10mm thick) Glass sliders Vinyl black background Immaculate - no scratches what so ever. Stand- this is a DIY stand made from breeze blocks.The tank sits on 1 inch thick marine plywood and 1 inch thick polystyrene. Y... ...
81.1000 litre tank 10x2x2 and all equipment £500 27/06/22 Yes
Tank Custom made by OA Aquatics 10 foot long x 2 foot wide x 2 foot tall (10mm thick) Glass sliders Vinyl black background Immaculate - no scratches what so ever. Stand- this is a DIY stand made from breeze blocks.The tank sits on 1 inch thick marine plywood and 1 inch thick polystyrene. Y... ...
82.Tank wanted/swaps Leeds, West Yorkshire 25/06/22 No
Hi everyone, I am looking to upgrade my fish tank. I currently have a Fluval Roma 200L with original stand and hood. The T8 lighting unit works. However, I have swapped the T8 tubes for 2 Retrofit LEDs installed in the unit. The tank itself has no leaks, but there are a couple of scratches on the... ...
83.Tank pump co2 system 19/06/22 No
Due to the moving out, sadly,I have to dispose of the fish tank. I can sell Eheim professionel 3e full media 100£ Fish tank 110l with led lights 80£ Co2 system with one full bottle70£ Rest of the things like fish food, supplements will be for free to take.
84.Juwel Bow Fronted Aquarium Plus Cabinet and Fish 10/06/22 Yes
Juwel Bow Fronted Tank with Cupboards Measures (mm) 1200w x 640h x 400d Total Height 1340 Capacity 260 Litres, LED Lights Eheim External Filter Eheim Heater and Bio Filter. Fish included are large Pleco L Type 14 inches long approx 7 Brown Cory's (breed regularly) and a handful of neons. Moving Hous... ...
85.Eheim filters 08/06/22 No
2 eheim filters for sale 2 pro 3 1200 xl £ 150 Or £250 for both , please note both Have no bio media Both brilliant
86.Evolution Aqua eaFreshwater 900 Aquarium + Predator set up + Bucktooth tetras + Wimple Piranhas 07/06/22 Yes
Due to change in circumstances, selling the below predator set up with rare fishes. Buyer to pick up from HP9 with own bucks / equipment etc. For the entire set up, looking for £400.00. Open to sensible offers. The set up is worth circa £1400 brand new. Fishes are worth circa £500.00 in ... ...
87.Red Sea Reefer XL-425 - complete setup 04/06/22 No
3 year old Red Sea Reefer XL-425 aquarium (425 ltr) with Black cabinet, complete with following: Reef Octopus Regal 150-S Skimmer (with Vario S3? pump) Reef Octopus VarioS 6 Circulation Pump Maxspect Gyre XF250 - 2 Pump Set Kamoer X4 WiFi Dosing Pump + tubing + 3 compartment dosing tank. Kam... ...
88.Juwell Rio 240 tank with livestock and a lot more 21/05/22 No
Tank comes with in built filter, eheim air 400 dual pump, helialux smart control lighting system, aqua power 900 circulation pump, juwell aqua clean gravel cleaner, a non branded smaller gravel cleaner, fluval pro vac 10 inch vac, replacement filter pads for vac, various nets, collection of water tr... ...
89.Eheim 2180 thermo filter 04/05/22 Yes
Eheim 2180 thermo Filter works perfectly but heater never took tank to right temp so I left turned off and used tank heater. So basically a 2080 Comes with all media etc Collect only,no postage £150
90.Complete Marine Aquarium EHEIM INCPIRIA 19/04/22 Yes
Genuine EHEIM INCPIRIA for sale, 400 L, complete marine set up for sale including livestock. Programmable modules and lights from EHEIM including extra 3 actinic lights , 2 Tunze programmable power heads , Tunze auto top up system , troptronic UV system with separate programmable pump, Aqua Medic Oz... ...
91.The EHEIM professional 3 1200 is an energy-efficient external filter. 17/04/22 No
Due to tank closing down so I have The EHEIM professional 3 1200 is an energy-efficient external filter. for sale . Still working good come with media and all pipes .looking for £200 Thanks
92.SOLD.Two small aquariums 1 with substrate rocks,wood and plants. 17/04/22 No
1 X 18"x18"18" approx all glass aquarium,heater,eheim air pump,Arcadia controller and tubes,external filter and all media.1 X 18"x12"Hx10"W aquarium,led lights in lid,heater,small external filter which will need media,all working.Selling up ,to include fish stock which ... ...
93.Various equipment 15/04/22 No
TMC V2 top up system hardly used £30 posted Boyu WG 310 skimmer never used apart from testing £20 posted Eheim 350 surface skimmer never used £20 posted D and D refractometer £20 posted Will do a price for all 4
94.Aqua oak 150 for sale 12/04/22 No
Aqua oak 150cm, full set-up. Includes Eheim professional 3e filter, heater two led lights and all pipework. Had less than a year running time so looks as new. Only downside is false draw handle has lost the pull. £750. Would cost over £1500 new.
95.Fluval aquarium and cabinet £150 06/03/22 Yes
Selling my lovely fluval profile 1000 even side bars are alloy had to purchase separately tank is 39 inches long 29 inches top to bottom and 19 inches front to back comes with eheim external filter 2213 fluval wave maker pond air pump test kit's no lights or heater the best they ever made cupboards ... ...
96.Beautiful, bespoke tropical aquarium, 220 litre, 27/02/22 Yes
Beautiful, bespoke tropical aquarium, 220 litre, complete with cabinet, fish, plants, external filter, CO2 cylinder, and all accessories. We have had it from new. 5 years old and it has never been moved. Perfect. Sadly a change of circumstances forces sale. Bespoke Clear Seal tank and cabinet. 2x ... ...
97.6 foot marine tank skimmers uv light eheim filters 24/02/22 No
6 foot Marine tank for sale. Tank dimensions 72inch x28inch heigh x 24inch wide. Still currently up and running. There are some small/fine scratches to the glass. The tank is drilled in the side and has a Tunze weir system on that goes down to the sump. Included in this sale is The tank, hood... ...
98.For sale 120 L fish tank and stand including fish. 20/01/22 No
Fluvial 120 L fish tank with black cupboard stand. Filte, heater, 3x large pieces bog wood, 3 x clown loach,, 12 + bristle nosed catfish ( inc mating pair) Lights Don't currently work but think it's just a bulb issue. Eheim auto fish feeder and jbl water testing kit included Collection only Warr... ...
99.Eheim 2080 external filter 08/01/22 Yes
Brand new eheim 2080 external filter head with canister, pipes, media, available for collection only £199. RRP £350. Please contact For more information 07460466643
100.Evolution Aqua 1200s pro reef tank complete set up £3500 29/11/21 Yes
Evolution Aqua Reefpro 1200s 4ft tank (approx 450ltr including sump) with black gloss cabinet and sump tank. Complete set up for sale and all extras. Fully established successful tank which has seen huge coral growth over the year’s. Included in the sales - EA Reefpro 1200s 4ft tank with blac... ...
101.Maine tank set up 10/11/21 Yes
marine tank set up. For sale is my Indo-reef grande 1500 in white, with custom made Aquascape, 3 X hydra 26HD temperature controller, cabinet lights, vecton v200 Uv steriliser with eheim pump, TMC reef pump 4000, Red Sea RSK-300, Clarisea SK-5000 filter roll, heater, flipper magnet scraper and ma... ...
102.Tank break down 26/10/21 Yes
Used as QT tank for three months before aqua one aquanano 40 55 litre nano tank(rear chambers) with cabinet and everything else needed. (Eheim return pump, little koralia nano powerhead, skimmer, elitech temp controller with a digital heater + twin clip on fans, a clip on led gooseneck light. Gl... ...
103.Marine Tank Equipment 20/10/21 No
DD Dual temperature controller - £25 Jecod DCP 4000 Return pump - £45 Octo Classic 110-S Protein Skimmer - £110 FMR 75 Fluidised Reactor & Eheim Compact ON 1000 Pump- £45 D-D refractometer - £20 Flipper Float - £20
104.230l tank full set up LOVELY CONDITION 10/10/21 No
Aquarium full set up. Up for grabs is a full aquarium set up with some Off the best kit on the market. The tank is a aquaone oakstyle, 250l in industrial concrete, glass in superb condition The cabinet in great condition, with a small bit of water damage inside the cabinet from a previously... ...
105.Nd Aquatics full set up 05/10/21 Yes
ND AQUATICS IN WHITE GLOSS AQUARIUM FOR SALE. 4ft x 2ft height and 18inch depth. There must be 50 fish all ages all different kinds of Malawi the tanks a fantastic set up it’s sold with all fish and Fx6 Filter (£240) and a hydro external filter (£250) tanks easy for water change whoever buys it ... ...
106.Fish Tank to go London N1 01/09/21 Yes
I'm looking to sell my old aquarium and all the parts that come with it. I upgraded to a new ADA tank a couple of years ago and this has been taking up space. I’m looking at potentially moving in the next month or so and need to clear it out. 1 * 30 inch glass tank (30*18*18) 1 * hand built st... ...
107.Trigon 350 Corner Aquarium- Full Tropical Setup 18/08/21 Yes
Juwel Trigon 350 Corner Fish Tank Aquarium - full set up - inc. Aquasky lights. Good used condition. Full set up - buyer to disassemble and transport. Fluval Trigon 350 tank and stand Eheim Heater, Air pump and stones Eheim filter -and allPond solutions filters - both fully established with to... ...
108.Aquarium (BOYU 250L) 31/07/21 Yes
BOYO 250L. Overhead filtration. Comes with purpose-built cabinet stand (black). Dimensions (W=100cm, D=45cm, H=82cm). Height from floor incl cabinet = 151cm. Comes with two free Eheim 3617 tank heaters and also two free Jebao wavemaker pumps. £200. Great offer. St Leonards area. East Sussex.... ...
109.selling up 23/07/21 Yes
Hi Selling all my equipment as I have given up the hobby. All items are preferred collection I don't have boxes to send items. Collection is Windsor SL4 4 area. Please text me on 07766738260 for more questions and photos if required. All items are tested working, except the chiller I have turned ... ...
110.WANTED Eheim Incpiria 400 14/07/21 No
Looking for an Ehiem Incpiria 400 preferably in white but would consider other colours. Please email me if you'd consider selling, ideally looking for aquarium only, no livestock. Neilmickleburgh@gmail.com Thanks Neil
111.Marine fish and equipment 04/07/21 Yes
Due to lots of time wasters, still have some lovely fish for sale. Pm me for more info, Kent based. Also have equipment for sale for anyone interested. - Porcupine puffer 6” - Dog face puffer 8” - Gold stripe maroon clown 2” - Cleaner wrasse - Snowflake eel 12-14” - Majestic an... ...
112.5ft/100gal full aquarium setup 02/07/21 Yes
I believe the tank was made by ND aquatics, stand obviously homemade, Fluval FX4 filter, 2x 200w Eheim Thermopreset heaters, Jecod SOW-4 wavemaker, Fluval Aquasky 33w Bluetooth light, large piece of planted bogwood (dread to think what this would cost from a shop), the aquarium has some light scratc... ...
113.Complete aquarium set up 30/06/21 No
Aqua Oak 110cm (200litre0 wine rack aquarium & cabinet. 100cm (L)x40cm(W)x50cm(H) Includes : Eheim professional 3 Thermo external filter; Air pump; rock gravel etc. Eheim vacuum. In excellent condition £350:00. Buyer collect.
114.3ft Clearseal full tank setup for sale - SOLD pending collection 30/06/21 Yes
For sale is a complete 3ft setup. Clearseal Tank includes lovely realistic resin rock background and all equipment, complete list below: - 3ft Clearseal tank and hood with beech stand. Watertight and working well. - Eheim 2213 External filter plus all pipework and media - Heater - Light sandy ... ...
115.Eheim 2075 pro 3 28/06/21 Yes
Good working order, just needs fresh flexi pipe 16/22 as current pipe work has stiffened, but all end fitting included and working. Have some new media if wanted. Great filter £75 Have other items that are being listed separately. Would ship but costs would be on top. Collection from Hereford.
116.Rffer Livestock in 250 litre Full Set-up 20/06/21 No
Established for 5 years, simple but very successful mixed soft coral and fish systems. Approximately 45 kilos of live rock (no nasties) and 5 kilos of live sand. Ryn as a berlin system with Eheim external filter containing rowaphos. Extensive xenia and leather growth, small fuzzy mushroom and veriou... ...
117.Complete Jellyfish Set-up Very Unique and Special 09/06/21 Yes
For sale is my complete Jellyfish set-up I have had this set-up which consists of two separate tanks (they look great either side of the TV) for a couple of months now, however due to a big change in circumstances I need to sell everything as I just will not be around enough to care for them as ... ...
118.CLEAR SEAL 165 LITRE DARK WALNUT AQUARIUM + heater and filter 06/06/21 Yes
165L clear seal aquarium.The glass tank is 24 inches long x 25 inches high x 18 inches deep. 10mm glass with polished edges, visible joints are black silicone and it has a black vinyl background.There is sliding cover glasses. The cabinet and hood are 18mm walnut furniture board with ABS edging,not... ...
119.Filters - Fluval FX5 / Fluval 405 / Eheim 2227 wet-dry 03/06/21 Yes
Filters are all working. Piping is available but may need to be cut or replaced for your set up. You will have to inspect them. Some media included. FX5: £100 405: £40 2227: £50
120.8x2x2 Fishtank stand hood lots of extras £1100 02/06/21 Yes
8x2x2 fishtank stand and hood 2 Eheim profesional 3 filters one has a built in heater. chinese inline heater connected to the other Eheim filter. 2 fx6 filters 1 fx5 filter spare 2 aquarium systems full plant rgb led lighting Hma Filter to make tap water safe for fish All the filters ... ...
121.Eheim 29/05/21 Yes
Fully work full of media just come of my tank
122.Fish Tank 6ft (whole set up) FX6 Filter Set, Juwel LED, Black Diamond Stingrays - £1500 ONO 25/05/21 Yes
6ft fish tank for sale with entire set up. Includes: Fish tank 6ft & Cabinet - x1 Fluval FX6 Canister Filter - x1 BETTA 2000 Canister Filter - x2 1200 Juwel HeliaLux LED lights - x2 Juwel Helialux day & night controller - x1 Pontec PondoAir Set 900 (air pump) - x1 Betta 1800 Inte... ...
123.Eheim professional 4 plus external filter excellent condition 18/05/21 Yes
Eheim professional 4 plus external filter excellent condition Collection from Croydon cr0 8ex area Please message with any questions Cost over £200 looking for £100 ono
124.Juwel rio 450 16/05/21 Yes
juwel rio 450, fluval 406 filter, aps 2000ef filter, 2 x heaters, inkbird thermostat, eheim air 400 air pump, dual head wave maker, large bog wood and lots of various rocks, all fish must be sold before the tank can go
125.Various fish tank items eheim air pump power head lights ect 05/05/21 Yes
Eheim 400 air pump £20 Pawfly ultra quiet mc 3000 air pump £30 Eheim 9500 streamon power head £30 Remote control day / night 11w led clip on light £20 Remote control day / night 18w led clip on light £30 Various replacement sponges
126.Eheim flexible external 11w UV reef aquarium fish tank filter ect 05/05/21 Yes
Eheim external UV 11w as new Collection from Croydon area £40
127.REDUCED Closing down Stendker Discus and Angel Tank 03/05/21 Yes
*** REDUCED *** Fish kept in tap water treated with Seachem Prime, 28°C, feed on beefheart and various pallets. Priced low to sell quickly. 6" Blue Turquoise (£50) 6" Red Turquoise (£50) 5.5" Pigeon Snake skin (orange white blue) (£60) 5.5" Leopard Snake skin (white o... ...
128.Various Marine Equipment 29/04/21 Yes
TMC Vecton UV15 - great condition; new bulb needed relatively soon. £40 Ono Various return pumps - £20 Ono each IKS aqua store computer system - with a unknown probe and controllable plug strip - £150 Ono Eheim quick release connectors - £5 each Bubble Magus c 3.5 skimmer - great co... ...
129.Aquarium - 72 inches Malawi Cichlid Setup - Bargain 27/04/21 Yes
I'm emigrating soon and am sadly leaving the hobby, so it all has to go. I have a 72"X 24"X 18" (450 L) Made by ND Aquatics, Internal rear wall has a Juwel Rock-Style wall deco Black MDF Cabinet 1 X Fluval FX4 External Filter. 1 X Eheim 2028 External Filter. 2 X T5 Lighting Unit... ...
130.Jewel Trigon 190 Marine Tank 25/04/21 Yes
For sale my Jewel Trigon 190 in Beech. Sale includes all equipment, corals, rocks, and 2 Clown Fish and 1 Banana Wrasse. Only selling due to lack of time and will only sell complete as fish have been in there a long time. Equipment included are D SUNY programmable LED light. Eheim Filter. Wav... ...
131.£700 Full Marine Set-Up. 21/04/21 Yes
VIEWING in Hellesdon, NORWICH With a heavy heart due to ill health, my Dad is having to give up his marine aquarium hobby. The set-up consists of the following; 4x2x2 (1ft,10”) Aquarium with Sump and cabinet as seen in picture LED lighting system including blue and white bulbs Bubble-mag... ...
132.£700 Complete Marine Set-Up 21/04/21 Yes
VIEWING in Hellesdon, NORWICH With a heavy heart due to ill health, my Dad is having to give up his marine aquarium hobby. The set-up consists of the following; 4x2x2 (1ft,10”) Aquarium with Sump and cabinet as seen in picture LED lighting system including blue and white bulbs Bubble-mag... ...
133.Jewel Trigon 190 Marine Tank 09/03/21 No
For sale my Jewel Trigon 190 in Beech. Sale includes all equipment, corals, rocks, and 2 Clown Fish and 1 Banana Wrasse. Only selling due to lack of time and will only sell complete as fish have been in there a long time. Equipment included are D SUNY programmable LED light. Eheim Filter. Wav... ...
134.Swap for bigger tank 24/02/21 Yes
Hi there hopefully someone is looking to downsize their set up for a smaller one I have a bow front tanks with external filter eheim pro 2 with uv clarifier. Measures 40x17x18 inches no leaks. Happy to give bit of cash for right set up dont need ornaments or substrate. Based havant po9
135.Tank and stand need it gone asap 23/02/21 Yes
Selling my MP EHEIM AQUATICS FISH TANKS AND STAND THE MEASUREMENTS Depth 24inches length 51inches tank height 28 inches tank and unit altogether is 55 1/2 inches. This is a beautiful tank and been recently been emptied it is a very heavy tank so u will need a few men to carry it out. You will have t... ...
136.Custom 7.5ft aquarium (2 years old) 12/02/21 Yes
For sale is my 88x21x18 inch tank, made in late 2017 by a custom tank builder called Aquarium Connections (google them to see them, you cant get a better made tank, 4 x the price of n.d aquatics amd 10x the quality (i have n.d and juwel as well and totally different league) as this tank is over 3 gr... ...
137.Custom 7.5ft aquarium (2 years old) full set up 12/02/21 Yes
For sale is my 88x21x18 inch tank, made in late 2017 by a custom tank builder called Aquarium Connections (google them to see them, you cant get a better made tank, 4 x the price of n.d aquatics amd 10x the quality (i have n.d and juwel as well and totally different league) as this tank is over 3 gr... ...
138.Eheim Pro 3 2080 05/02/21 Yes
In excellent condition includes full media pack hoses and tubing. Cash on collection full social distancing rules will be observed £170.00 Mike 07838228943 Ilford Essex
139.Eheim professional 3 350 2070 Filter 23/01/21 Yes
Eheim professional 3 350 2070 canister Filter. mint condition, small crack on one of the lid fastening tabs but doesnt effect use. can show pic if interested. any questions just ask. £80 ONO
140.6 foot tank equipment and stock 11/01/21 No
6 x 2 x 2 aqua one fish tank with stand, £380 fx5 with spare impeller and motor, £70 aps 2000ef 9W UV, £30 eheim pre filter, £5 300 watt heater with digital temp display, £20 Aqua Sky 2.0 33W 4 foot light £90 less than 3months old. 80kg aquarium sand, £25 breeding pair of red hea... ...
141.Juwel vision 260L 02/01/21 No
Juwel tank complete set up as picture with C02 system, eheim professional 3 350T with thermostat external filter. Eheim 400 air pump. Also includes matching cabinet stand. Excellent condition one owner well looked after and cared for. Tank is available as the images shown including fish, plants, gra... ...
142.Juwel vision 260L black 28/12/20 Yes
Juwel tank complete set up as picture with C02 system, eheim professional 3 350T with thermostat external filter. Eheim 400 air pump. Also includes matching cabinet stand. Excellent condition one owner well looked after and cared for. Tank is available as the images shown including fish, plants, gra... ...
143.5 ft 450 litre aquarium for sale and all equipment 15/12/20 Yes
Selling my Rena Aqualife 450 5x2x2.5 ( 450 litres ) Cabinet included and the following equipment X2 Heaters and STC 1000 controller Full length LED ( Daylight and Blues ) Fluval Prism Spotlight Fluval Ocean Powerhead X2 cheap powerheads Eheim Classic 600 External Filter Livestock can... ...
144.Eheim professional 3 13/12/20 Yes
I have advertised two filtration systems. This is the larger. Hardly used. Moved house, upgraded marine tank and I purchased this as a larger back up system for the new tank. Now sadly giving up. £90.00
145.Eheim Experience 13/12/20 Yes
A genuine sale. Hardly used. Bought as a back up for marine aquarium. All trays etc and 3 x original foam filters. Moved house and it’s been in its moving box since 2018. £50.00 plus postage
146.Juwel fish light oaks 23/11/20 Yes
Planted Juwel 180,Tank & cabinet, twin lights Original hood in light wood Eheim 350 external filter with all pipe work and Media Lost of plants bog wood including Cryptocorne Wenti brown,, Bronze Hyrgophila, Some fish included A ’real Bargin Ring Clive on 07831210218
147.Juwel Rio 240 and cabinet - Black 23/11/20 No
I'm selling a 6 month old Juwel Rio 240 and cabinet in black. The tank is in excellent condition, no scratches, and is pretty much like new. Selling it as I've bought something bigger. Tank comes with: - Eheim Pro 4+ 350 external filter with media, tubing, and additional Eheim spraybar kit. -... ...
148.Full fish room set up 19/11/20 Yes
Selling my full set up (room) everything you see in the pictures plus boxes of spares too much to list Tanks are 8off 24 x 18 x 19 inch and 2off 48 x 18 X18 inch ran off one big sump with Eheim heaters and pump and all pipe work air filters, slate caves ... ...
149.various heaters, pipe fittings, Eheim-compatible U bends 18/11/20 Yes
, RO fittings U bends, Eheim pipes. All for 15 pounds. Collection from Orpington. Thx.
150.60L Elite Style Aquarium | Floodlights, Heater, Fluval U2 Filter, Air Pump + Aquascape Accessories 10/11/20 Yes
For Sale. £150 or nearest offer. Elite Style 60 Tropical Silver Aquarium - Hood Flap - Hood Light (Tropic Sun 5500K Daylight, 18 Inch, 15W) with Switch Plastic Insulating Lid 2 x Floodlights 4 x Wall L Brackets (For Floodlights) Fluval U2 Filter Eheim 100 Air Pump + Tubing Intepret ... ...
151.Rena 4ft-18-2 ft fish tank and stand. £200 31/10/20 Yes
Rena fish tank, complete with marine rock. Arcadi over head light strip, daylight bulbs. 2 Eheim 2080 and a 350 filters, plus spare Rena filters. A selection of Malawi fish, about 50ish. 2 kg cichlids flake food. Wave maker.
152.7x2x2 Tank & Equipment (Open to offers) 20/10/20 Yes
Hi all, I have now closed down my tank and looking to sell. 7x2x2 tank with metal stand FX4 and FX6 filters Sponge filter Eheim air pump 200 Eheim 200 & 300w heater 2 X large bits of wood 4 X large rocks Sand and gravel Interpet light with app controller £750 / Open to offers Colle... ...
153.Eheim UV Steriliser 10/10/20 Yes
Eheim reeflex UV500 steriliser. Bought in August. Only used for 2 weeks. £50. Collection Northwood, NW London.
154.Fish Tank full set up - Fluval drilled base 275 litre aquarium 14/09/20 Yes
Buyer to collect (heavy and may require a Van). Reasonable price considering the aquarium is FULLY LOADED with other 10 items included in the sale (listed below) including four year old tropical fishes. Fluval make drilled base aquarium with the cabinet (I believe the model name is Profile 100... ...
155.Innovative Marine Nuvo 14G Peninsula aquarium with equipment 12/09/20 Yes
Because of an upgrade I'm selling this Innovative Marine 14G peninsula tank which comes with upgraded eheim 1000 return pump and an aqua eco 100w heater, media rack and fitted filter sock. The tank is just over a year old and has one small scratch on the glass that can't really be seen when filled w... ...
156.ADA 90-H aquarium + 2 Radion lights and more 06/09/20 Yes
Due to the house move my Friend is selling her bespoke ADA style planted set up. She offers full complete set up plug and play. All what you will need is some soil and plants There were no shortcuts when she was putting this tank together, so equipment is top-notch! Including Radion lig... ...
157.Full marine setup 23/08/20 Yes
250l eheim glass tank with sump X2 ecotech radion xr15 pros gen3 X2 ecotech vortech mp10s X2 ecotech radion arms Eheim 2000lph return pump Bubble magus curve 5 protein skimmer Flipper magnet cleaner 10l ATU auto water top up system Setup up costs £3000 brand new 5years old good condit... ...
158.Used Juwel Rio 400 aquarium & cabinet, w filters, heater, accessories 21/08/20 Yes
Used Juwel Rio 400 aquarium fish tank - selling with 2x canister filters, 200W heater, upgraded LED lights, gravel, and various decorations and media. **Follow link to Facebook Marketplace listing to contact me please** Please message me for any more info or pictures, I will get back to you ASA... ...
159.Complete 750l tank, cabinet, hood, lights, filters 20/08/20 Yes
Looking to downsize my 750l tank. Comes on a black wooden cabinet, with 2 double-door cupboards and 3 drawers. Black wooden Hood has custom GU10 LED lighting setup. Comes with two Eheim external filters, 300W heater and UV unit and all pipework. This is a beast of a tank, the glass alone is a 4-8 p... ...
160.3ft Clearseal tank setup for sale - bargain £50 incl cabinet & extras 18/08/20 Yes
For sale is my complete 3ft setup. Clearseal Tank includes lovely resin rock background and all equipment, complete list below: - 3ft Clearseal tank and hood with beech stand - Eheim 2213 External filter pipes and media - Heater and internal filter - Aquarium plants and bogwood (some anchored)... ...
161.Complete Marine setup 16/08/20 Yes
With a heavy heart im contemplating selling my marine reef tank. Over the last 5 years i have spent thousands on this tank to get it where it is today, with equipment and livestock. The tank as been established for over 5 years now and quite honestly more or less runs its self from week to wee... ...
162.High Gloss Full Set Up 12/08/20 Yes
Fish Tank For Sale Tank measures 21inchx39inchx20inch (DxLxH) Full set up includes Black High Gloss double door stand and tank Fitted with 3D rock backing V2 I-lumineer connect 1200 (cost £550 new) EHEIM professionel 4+ filter Vecton 2 300 water UV sterilizer Complete water test kit (mari... ...
163.Selling up everything including large tank 11/08/20 Yes
Due to moving house I’m selling up and leaving the hobby for now, including my pride and joy 7ft tank which has been a tropical tank but for the last 4 years has housed many marine fish and corals. Here is a list of everything for sale - note all fish and corals are now sold so tank and equipment ... ...
164.Complete 90 x 45 x 50 cm aquarium setup 07/08/20 Yes
Natural Aquatico 'NA' Aquarium, beautifully designed stand/storage cupboard and all you could need if it is your wish to Aquascape. There are too many items to list but the main components are, Optiglass tank (scratches commensurate with use though not noticeable when full) with stainless steel inle... ...
165.Eheim Proxima 175L Aquarium - Cabinet - Eheim Professional 3e 600 Thermo Filter - PowerLED+ 05/07/20 Yes
All ready to go. Tank and cabinet are in excellent condition. The top has black sliding glass which sits in a surround. It comes with two Eheim LED+ lights, one is a Fresh Daylight and the other is a Fresh Plants (LK2 model with more powerful LEDS) It also comes with a lighting controller tha... ...
166.Interpet tri spec led V2, oase filtosmart 100 thermo, eheim 350 skim 18/05/20 Yes
Led light unit 52-60cm.3 months old, like new condition.£85 Oase filtosmart 100 thermo. Will need new intake hard pipe and new hoses(unless the ones I have are long enough? £50 Eheim 350 skim Surface skimmer £14
167.5x2x2 tank with stand fx4 filter fluval aquasky 2.0 light and vecton v600 uv sterilizer with pump 16/05/20 Yes
5x2x2ft open topped tank built by ac aquatics approximately 1 year ago, hasnt got a single scratch on it, wooden stand i built for it, fx4 filter, vecton v600 uv sterilizer with vecton pump, fluval aquasky 2 led light, also got an eheim heater in there, just testing the water with this as its full o... ...
168.Teco tk500 aquarium chiller rrp £850 bargain £300 12/05/20 No
The very best chiller money can buy..also works as a heater. Only used for one summer as this is the latest model and hasn’t been out that long. Will also come with eheim £80 pump. I’ve just closed my marine system. Also have a deltec sc1455 skimmer and a.i sol super blue lights £300 chiller, ... ...
I am selling my complete 6ft solid oak aquarium. Includes Eheim pro 3 2080 external filter with two inlets one each end. Two new tetratec in 1000 internal Filters. 3 eheim 300 watt heaters. 1 is new in box. Eheim twin air pump. 4 ft aqua sky LED Light. 100 kg of ocean and lava rock . Crushed cora... ...
170.340L custom built tank and equipment for sale. 08/03/20 Yes
I am selling my 340L custom built set up. Only 2 years old. Can be used for any tropical fish. Included: 340L tank, cabinet and hood. Glass 97cmW, 67cmH, 46cmD Cabinet, 100cmW, 156H, 49cmD Lighting Arcadia Con3 and Bluetooth timer. 2 x Eheim Pro 3 filters. Heaters. Two water pumps, one to r... ...
171.Two Eheim Professional 3 2020 external filters 21/02/20 Yes
Two Eheim Professional 3 2020 external filters with integrated heaters. Plus tubing, spray bars etc. There is also a part box of unused filter media Each of these is suitable to look after a 600 – 1200 litre aquarium. Pricey but extremely reliable and quiet running. New seals fitted. £140 each
172.Aqua One 400ltr tank full set up 19/02/20 Yes
Hello I have for sale an aqua one 400 reef tank. The tank has an upgraded sump which takes the volume up to 520 whereas the old tank only allowed an extra 50 or so. Tank Size L X W X H: 132 X 52 X 73 cm Cabinet Size L X W X H: 132 X 52 X 88 cm The tank has a 7000lph Eheim return pump... ...
173.Nd aquatics tank 27/01/20 No
60x30x30 tank immaculate condition comes with fluval fx4 and eheim pro3 and fluval led controller lights £600 ovno
174.Marine livestock in Aqua one Aqua Nano 100 26/01/20 Yes
Marine fish that are in the tank are: *1 breeding pair Picasso clowns *1 Valentino puffer *1 Coral beauty *1 Hawkfish *1 Royal Gramma *1 toadstool, mushrooms and hermit crab *5 snails Aqua one Aqua Nano 100 ( 100 litres) complete with stand £600 Ono Included : *Eheim pro 4 canist... ...
175.Aqua one Aqua Nano 100 ( 100 litres) complete with stand 26/01/20 Yes
Aqua one Aqua Nano 100 ( 100 litres) complete with stand £600 Ono Included : *Eheim pro 4 canister filter *Vectron V2 200 UV *2 x Circulation pumps 1 eheim fluual sea *V2 illuminair 600 light *Aquaroche rock 5-6 kg *All cleaning gear and test kits *R.O unit Marine fish that are in t... ...
176.Eheim 2060, Eheim 2224 + More 17/01/20 Yes
Eheim 2260 filter with both sets of double taps, intake and outlet will need some 16/22 pipe for installation as used it on my tank all works perfect £175 Eheim 2224 filter works but started leaking from the 1 corner may be a easy fix £25 Eheim aquaball 180 filter basically nearly new bought fro... ...
177.recirculating pump 16/01/20 No
eheim 1262 universal recirculating pump 3400lph sorry collect only from rainham essex £20 O7885 232457
178.recirculating pump 08/01/20 No
eheim 1262 universal pump sorry collection only 3200 lph 20pounds john on 07885 232457
179.Eheim professional 3 external filter 07/01/20 Yes
Eheim professional 3 external in excellent condition come with pips swop for fluval 306
180.Two turtles and complete set up musk and Mississippi map 24/12/19 Yes
Sadly having to rehome my two turtles £100 or offers https://imgur.com/a/cjDxSOL link for photos One Mississippi map - 2 years old female I believe One common Musk - 3 years old male I believe Comes with full set up Sheldon and Neil live together in a 250 litre tub with a ramp that... ...
181.Fluval Roma 200 with Cabinet, external filter, RO system accessories. 11/12/19 Yes
Fluval Roma 200 aquarium with oak cabinet and T8 lights. Comes with: Eheim classic 350 external filter with ceramic filter media (plus spare sponges) with dry break adaptors TMC V2 pure 100 reverse osmosis system with inline TDS meter (plus necessary connections, tools, pipework) Magnetic glas... ...
182.Filter Eheim 2217 filter 600L 05/12/19 Yes
This is eheim 2217 classic external filter for aquariums up to 600 litre. This is the most quietest filter you would ever find. And they are known to last for over 20 years. They are so easy to open and maintain unlike other complicated filters.. This one is almost brand new I have only used it fo... ...
183.4 x XL 1500 eheim 2260 bucket filters 23/11/19 Yes
I have 4 x eheim 2260 bucket filters for sale Price from £130-£160 Collection only
184.4ft Fish Tank, Full Marine Aquarium Setup 22/11/19 Yes
Aqua one eurostyle 120 tank (4ft x 2ft x 1.5ft) with stand Eheim professional 3 (50 year edition) external filter 2 x Fluval Aquasky LED lighting units (with remote controls) 2 x T5 lighting bar 2 x Sicce voyager 4 (6,000 l/h) power heads Sicce Wavemaker V2 Vecton 600 Ultraviolet water steril... ...
185.Eheim 2180 Thermofilters 18/11/19 No
2 2180 thermofilters for sale, one with new media thats unused. both in excellent working condition only selling as switching to a sump. £200 each
186.Eheim Professional 2 external filter 30/10/19 Yes
Comes with eheim filter unit built into pipework, has a new impeller, for tanks upto 720litres, heater cost £50 on its own Only asking £75
187.Reefer 250 and equipment 29/10/19 Yes
Reefer 250, black cabinet, Red Sea mesh cover - £600 Two Hydra HD wireless LEDs with mounts - £500 Deltec SC1351 skimmer - £150 FM reactor plus eheim 1000 compact pump - £50 Discount if entire set up bought. One year old. Collection from Essex RM16
188.Juwel Vision 450 23/10/19 Yes
I am moving house and unfortunately need to sell my Vision 450 tank. Includes Tank, stand and hood all in Walnut finish 2 x Juwel Helialux 1500 led 2 x Juwel Helialux day/night timer controlers Juwel Bioflow XL filter, power head and heater Eheim Ecco 2036 external filter TMC Vecton 600 UV ste... ...
189.Complete 4 foot tropical tank set up 22/10/19 Yes
4 foot 240 litre fish tank with complete set up, perfect for anyone who wants to start up with everything they need. Includes: * EHEIM tank in fantastic condition (cost £500 new) * Custom built wooden cabinet * EHEIM external filter pro 4+ * Additional external Filstar XP2 filter * Fluval 300W... ...
190.ND Aquatics 4x2x2 with Eheim 2180 thermo filter (1 year old) 17/10/19 Yes
£600 JOB LOT I’m selling an ND aquatics 4x2x2 tank with grey cabinet (few scratches) on opti-white front. Also selling Eheim 2180 thermo filter (1 year old) Livestock 4 keyhole cichlids Dozens on kribensis 30 odd Cardinal terras 10+ Serpae Tetra 8+ Corys 6 Siamese algae eaters ... ...
191.Juwel Vision 450 with stand 11/10/19 Yes
Juwel vision 450 aquarium with stand and accessories. Comes with the Eheim 2217 external filter, sand, rocks etc. There's a section of the lid missing (curved section, other sections are fine) but you can buy these online. Looking for £250 but open to offers. Buyer will need to collect and d... ...
192.Juwel vision 180, co2, led, discuss 08/10/19 Yes
have for sale my beautiful aquarium its is a juwel vision 180 Aquarium Measurements: 123 (l) x 87 (w) x 65 (h) cm Cabinet Measurements: 123 (l) x 87 (w) x 73 (h) cm this is a stunning tank which i have upgraded all pf the parts, i have replaced the original t5 lighting (which will be ... ...
193.Tropheus 07/10/19 Yes
Aqua one euro style aquarium. 240ltr. Dimensions of tank are approx 1000mm wide 425 depth 650 tall Eheim external filter and the aqua one external filter. Fluval marine blue led light bar Closing down the tank so everything must go Fish. Breeding group of tropheus duboisi x 8 Troph... ...
194.Eheim surface skimmer 22/09/19 Yes
Eheim surface skimmer for external filter £10 collection from West earlham
195.Juwel rio 450 full setup 5ft 04/08/19 Yes
Juwel Rio 450. Condition is Used. FOR SLAE my mbuna cichlid tank it's a 5ft juwel rio 450 in beech has stand/cabinet has a fluval fx5 filter with it wave maker two eheim jager heaters only use one as plenty enough to keep tank at temp so one spare a jaebo wave maker can't remekeber exact model but ... ...
196.SOLD SOLD Fish tank 450lt Juwel 5 long tank and cabinet 2 filter ,FX5 external filter and EHEIM filter 03/08/19 No
2 filter ,5 foot long 450 juwel tank and cabinet, Fluval FX5 external filter and EHEIM external filter ,All Pond Solutions UV Light Steriliser Clarifier Filter,2xLED LIGHT 2xHEATER. air pump and stone .JUST NEED WATER AND FISH .
197.X3 Big Eheim cannister 30ltrs with media and taps. 02/08/19 No
All media and taps. Very powerful filter. £150 each Thanks.
198.Full tropical (Malaw)i setup 28/05/19 Yes
450lt custom tank and cabinet, 12mm glass, small scratches on front glass barely noticable, glass sliders. Full set including: FX6 filter with media, Eheim wavemaker, Fluval aquasky bluetooth LED only 2 months old, lots of ocean rock, two sets of large artificial plants, test kit, spare filter spon... ...
199.Eheim streamON 3800 powerhead 08/05/19 Yes
Used for 10min so as new Box a bit crushed Can deliver for £2.50 £28 Teignmouth devon
200.Aqua One 1500mm Fishtank and stand 02/05/19 Yes
Glass Tank 52cm width (55cm incld frame), 65cm height incld frame, 147cm length (150cm incld Frame) Cabinet/Stand, light oak finished particle board 150cm long, 73cm high and 55cm wide with two cupboard spaces Also included - Aquamanta EFX 1500 Filter (60w, 1500L/hr) with Push Button Primer and ... ...

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