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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  1000 litre tank 10x2x2 and all equipment £500

Description: Tank

Custom made by OA Aquatics
10 foot long x 2 foot wide x 2 foot tall (10mm thick)
Glass sliders
Vinyl black background
Immaculate - no scratches what so ever.

Stand- this is a DIY stand made from breeze blocks.The tank sits on 1 inch thick marine plywood and 1 inch thick polystyrene. You may wish to have your own stand built but it’s very easy to take a part and to put back together if you want to take it.

Eheim 2080 external filter filled with eheim media. Comes with all the pipe work

Hydor 300 watt external heater

DD 600 watt titanium heater
DD dual temperature control

CP 40 gyre flow wave maker

5 x 30watt LED lights and light unit

All the rock works and all the wood
(No plants included)

The tank is in my garage so just has to go through one door and straight into a van that can be backed right up to the garage.

It took 4 of us to get it in. I can help and get a mate down to assist but you’ll need 2 or 3 pretty strong guys as it’s quite heavy.

Loads of bits and bobs like wave makers, air pumps, sponge filters, internal filters to be thrown in.

I dread to think what it all cost me new but I know the tank itself was over £1000.

All in £500

Contact Information
Advertiser: Louis Thursfield
Telephone: 07814058372
Town: Warrington
County: Cheshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:01/07/22 Views: 812]

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