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You are viewing results from county of Gloucestershire
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1V2 Skim 400 :V2 Skim 40 skimmer frm TMC, bought new just under 2 months ago, but due to a tank chagne is now surplus to requirements, still very clean an ...12/11/06
2150W Metal Halide :As new, Aqua One MG600 150W Metal Halide with two 24W acintics comes with cables and stands £140 (Open to offers) Retail around £2 ...12/11/06
318 inch Plec Plecos Plecostomus :I need to give away this huge plec to a good home. Buyer to collect. Please email me ims2001@hotmail.com. Gloucester based. Money is a secon ...17/10/06
4FREE Goldfish :We have a variety of young Goldfish available free to collector. They are around 2-3 inches, very healthy and eating well. We are looking ...20/08/06
5L046 Zebra Plec wanted :Does anybody have a L046 zebra plec to sell I will be prepared to pay a resonible price. please mail howard@howardbrown.co.uk I live in gl ...06/07/06
6large tank about 6x30" wide :looking for this size tank or near but must be at least 30" wide. cheers30/05/06
7large tank pref. 6x3 footprint wanted :need a tank with 3 foot depth, pregerably 6 foot long, and 2 foot high. the second two specs not too important. can pick up.13/03/06
8large tank pref. 6x3 footprint :need a tank with 3 foot depth, pregerably 6 foot long, and 2 foot high. the second two specs not too important. can pick up.13/03/06
9full set up marine fishtank :full set up marine fish tank all you need to start 1 clownfish lava rock filters protein skimmer and extras telephone 0145242149118/05/05
10full set up marine tank for sale :full set up marine tank for sale protein skimmer filters under gravel filter gravel,1 crown fish,lava rock,lights in black cabinet. 4ft by ...18/05/05
11Glass Rock Wanted :hi, I am after some Glass Rock I would like White, Red Or Blue Please get in touch with price if you have any for sale. Many thanks Denise06/04/05
12Breeding Pair Convict Cichlids :I have a breeding pair of Convicts they came with a tank I bought, he is 3 1/2 ins. she is 2ins.approx. they now have fry which is about 2 w ...06/04/05
13Clown Fish and three hermet crabs. :I am closing down my marine tank and have a Clown Fish and three hermit crabs to find a good home for. They are available free of charge t ...02/11/04
14Tank 4 foot wide, 15 inches tall, 12 inches deep tank and cabinet - Black :For sale - £200 ono - All offers considered, please do not be shy :-)

Viewings can be arranged, in the Stroud, Gloucestershire a ...
15Bristlenose for sale. 1.5 - 2.5 inches. £4 each :Bred in healthy home aquarium.Buyer to collect.28/04/04
16Goldfish for £1 each :In excess of 30 goldfish must go - anywhere up to 2" in length - many not changed colour yet. Also have many much larger specimens upt ...17/04/04
17koi and goldfish wanted :I am looking for free or resonble priced koi or gold fish. I have a 4000 gallon pond and a 400 gallon goldfish pond. I can collect fish most ...14/04/04
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 

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