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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Tank 4 foot wide, 15 inches tall, 12 inches deep tank and cabinet - Black

Description: For sale - £200 ono - All offers considered, please do not be shy :-)brbr

Viewings can be arranged, in the Stroud, Gloucestershire area (GL5 3NJ)brbr

It comes with the following equipment:br
liFluval 204 external filter.
liAir pump, two way air pipe junction, air bubble pipe and piping.
liQuartz gravel.
liHeater (30W I believe, but this may not be accurate. It's certainly enough for the tank)
liCleaning equipment.
liOld internal filter.
liCO2 producer (plastic bottles have to be bought once a month or so for it, the tank is currently unplanted)
li2 x timer switches for lighting and air pump.
li4 way power adapter.
li5 gallon water barrel.
The tank's dimensions are:br
li4' wide
li15" tall
li12" deep
It comes with its original black cabinet which is:br
li4' wide
li25" tall
li12" deep
This tank is currently set up at as a tropical freshwater tank, with the following stock:br
li1 x Sailfin plec (~ 11" long)
li1 x Panther catfish
li2 x Three spot gourami
li1 x Clown barb
li1 x Tiger barb
li1 x Albino snail of some sort

Contact Information
Advertiser: John Brownbill
Telephone: 07813013158
Town: Stroud
County: Gloucestershire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:24/08/04 Views: 2515]

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