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  Mbu Puffer for sale

Description: I have a mbu puffer fish for sale that's approx 6" long, I've had it since it was tiny, I am changing my tank to a reef so need a good home (and some cash for live rock!) for it. I'm looking for £100 or very good offer and home.

Currently it lives in a 350l corner tank with a large silver arrowana which I've managed to place, a banjo catfish and rusty plec, until recently there was also a large peacock bass. It's a very friendly little fella, who loves people and shows off. Feeding wise it eats a variety of frozen food, bloodworm, cockles, lance fish, he's also been known to go for locusts (arrowana food!) and has even tried to catch a goldfish!

I've got a couple of pictures, if you would like to see them or know some more please get in touch.

Contact Information
Advertiser: ian evans
Telephone: 01202422181
Town: Bournemouth
County: Dorset

Advert stats: [Added or updated:26/06/07 Views: 4353]

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