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1. L095 Orange cheek : A reluctant sale of my L095 Orange cheek pleco, approx 25cm SL, I've had since July 2017 and is in a very good/healthy condition, one slight ... 19/02/25
2. L200 Green Phantoms Hemiancistrus Subviridis x3 : A very reluctant sale of my group of 3 Green Phantom's, An educated guess is 1F 2M. The pictures don't do them justice, their colours are ... 19/02/25
3. LARGE SPANNER BARB - KUCHIGENSIS/LATERISTRIGA : Excellent condition adult,15cm - 6", extremely well patterned/marked. Picture is of actual fish, 3yrs old, wild caught direct from Pier ... 19/02/25
4. 2 pieces of Bogwood and a starry night cichlid : Nice bits of wood. Around 1.5 foot long. One is about 12 inch high. 7-8 inch starry night cichlid. Getting bullied by my other fish. Aft ... 19/02/25
5. Cichlids, Plecos & Dollars : Need to move some fishies on … 2x 5” Xingu 1 Orange Pike £150 3” Clown Angelfish, pair £15 4x 3” Spotted Dollars £25 6 ... 19/02/25
6. Snow pleco short finned £4 each 10 for £30 100 for £250 : As title states short finned snow pleco 3-4cm £4 each 10 for £30 100 for £250 Can deliver if fuel money is covered and agreed beforehand. ... 19/02/25
7. Stingray : Breeder male snow leopard. 15in disc. Eats all seafood and pellets. £1600 Or swap for 2 subadult hybrid female rays, ideally tiger rays ... 19/02/25
8. Full body colour chilli red oscar reduced £50 : 9 inch Oscar for sale got from planet Arowana very nice fish full body colour £80 paid £120 for it collection only Abergele ll22 reduced ... 19/02/25
9. Large predators - tank shut down : 22-24" Asian aro Hybrid male ray fully grown not a tank buster Msg for more details All sensible offers considered Collection work ... 19/02/25
10. Kribs free to good home : Approx 19 kribs, between 1 and 2 inch long, including two confirmed breeding pairs, time for a change, Need them gone asap. 18/02/25
11. ONLY FINS LATEST STOCK LIST : ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Point ... 18/02/25
12. ONLY FINS LATEST STOCKLIST : ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Point ... 18/02/25
13. CHOLA/Indian Swamp Barb - Wanted/Seeking : Similar to Red Cheek - Orphoides. Grow to 15cm. Had some 40yrs ago, been looking for more ever since and am running out of time. Please let ... 18/02/25
14. Large 12 inch Sailfin Pleco and Gold Severum : Sailfin Pleco Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps large 12 inch specimen, nice markings eats wafers and occasional prawn in shell and, Gold Severum ... 18/02/25
15. 5 inch Black Diamond Rohm Pirahna : Hi, Just wondering if there was any interest in my 5" Black diamond rohm pirana? He is a stunning fish and feeding really well on Ox l ... 18/02/25
16. L25 Scarlet Pleco 7 pointer : L25 Scarlet, 7 pointer 10 inches, lovely fish see picture Feeding on variety of foods prawns, mussels, bloodworms, pellets, veg etc ... 18/02/25
17. Yellow eyed barb : Up for sale are a group of 5 Hypsibarbus pierrei or yellow eyed barbs these are currently at 12” t 14” & will get to 24” in the ri ... 18/02/25
18. Boney lipped barb : Up for sale are a group of Osteochilus melanopleura or boney lipped barbs all around 12” will get to 24” in the right environment. Will ... 18/02/25
19. Plecos Available : Shortfin Snow White Bristlenose 3-4cm 50x Available £10 each Wabenmusters: Adult Males 8-9.5cm 15 Available £40 each Young 4.5-6cm ... 18/02/25
20. Wabenmusters + Blue Alien Betta Pair : Wabenmusters/Honeycomb Bristlenose: 15x Males Adults 8-9.5cm - £40 30x Young 4.5-6cm - £20 50x Shortfin Snow White Bristlenose - £10 ... 18/02/25
21. Shortfin Snow White Bristlenose : 50x 3-4cm Looking for £500 for the lot. I can throw in some extras as there’s 150 slightly smaller ones growing up and can post. Wa ... 18/02/25
22. BD Pearl Het Pup Stingray : Selling my BD Pearl Het, his round about 8 to 9 inches Diameter healthy and eats really well on prawns and mussels and pellet trained, I ... 18/02/25
23. XL Filament Barbs : 4 x filament barbs 2 biggest is about 6" £20 Collection from North London N13 5JE 18/02/25
24. Blue Mahseer for sale : Blue Mahseer bought from TS just decided to change the stock I currently have. Just coming up 5 inches still quite silver at the minute but ... 18/02/25
25. Saddled bichir : Two saddled bichir for sale both about 11”long looking £60 each or both £100 17/02/25
26. Giant Red gourami : Giant Red gourami for sale 8” long looking £60 17/02/25
27. Looking for kelberi bass/red tail barracuda/panda uarus before 28th february : Hi all, looking for a kelberi bass/red tail barracuda/3 panda uarus before 28th if February as I am travelling to the UK and back to the cha ... 17/02/25
28. 2 x Large silver sharks : 2 x 12/13 inch silver sharks Good tank hoovers for large tanks looking for £30 each or take the 2 for £50. Will need a large tank/pond 17/02/25
29. Tyre track eel : 16inch . Feeds well very sociable £65 feeds well collection Basingstoke. 17/02/25
30. Wanted Bristlenose a : Any Lemon,Super Red or calico Bristlenose in Swansea 17/02/25
31. Snow white longfin plecos : I have some lovely longfin snow whites for sale ,London based but can post using APC couriers at £15 next day delivery.The fish are over an ... 17/02/25
32. Columbian Tetras x 25 : Large Columbian Tetras x25 approximately £30 for the lot 17/02/25
33. Zebra Pleco L046 Hypancistrus : L046 Hypancistrus Zebra Pleco Beautiful and Healthy 1" + £55 Collection from Stratford Thanks 17/02/25
34. L046 L46 Zebra Pleco Hypancistrus Plecostomus Tropical freshwater fish X6 : L046 Hypancistrus Zebra Group of 6 1 year+ Top quality specimens Collection from Stratford E15 690 Thanks 17/02/25
35. Snakehead Pairs : Have a surplus amount of pairs so looking to move one of each pair on / trade for other snakeheads I have the following X1 Channa Asiatica ... 17/02/25
36. X4 Channa Pulchra 2 pairs £80 per pair : 4 peacock snakeheads 2 pairs 6-8 inch long , £80 per pair , £120 for both pairs . Delivery available at £24.30 for next day Message on 07 ... 17/02/25
37. Tropical fish plecs : Looking to swap I’ve got 1 x L075 para plec am looking for L333 if any1 got 1x to swap Message me 07730092475 17/02/25
38. Small / Nano fish for sale… closing down fish house : I have the following fish for sale as I am closing down my small fish house: Blue neon sundadanio rasborae x 8 Green neons x 8 Endlers ... 17/02/25
39. Rare Green Arowana Planet Arowana : Rare green arowana available This fish is 20”+ Green arowana have not been imported for a number of years due to farming in Asia no ... 16/02/25
40. Wanted : Hi we have multiple tanks up and running with over 20 yrs experience .If your in need of rehoming your fish or tank due to house move or jus ... 16/02/25
41. Tropical fish plecs : Looking to swap I’ve got 1 x L075 para plec am looking for L333 if any1 got 1x to swap Message me 07730092475 16/02/25
42. Bristlenose plecs : Massive 7 inch chunky bristlenose plec breeding pair 16/02/25
43. Cichlids for sale : Geo brasiliens 5” £30 Vieja fenestratus 7” £30 Leopard bush fish 5” £15 Ornate bichir 7” £25 Green sev 8/9” £30 Gold sev ... 16/02/25
44. Snakehead yellow channa santarum x3 : I have 3 snakeheads since fry living with other fish. The reason for selling is I’m moving house now so can’t take them with me. They ... 16/02/25
45. Silver Datnoid 9 Inch Oxford £75 ONO : Selling my Silver Datnoid He's about 9 inches, eats anything. Mussel, Prawn Pellets Etc…!!! Selling cos my Arowana don't like him an ... 16/02/25
46. L333 BREEDING TRIO : i have a breeding trio of L333 plecos 1M 2F £200 for the trio. collection from manchester please message me for any more info or picture ... 16/02/25
47. CLOSING DOWN TANK : Only 3 severum left £20 each 5inch bargain ND aquatics tank 5 x 2half x 2 ft £300 2Eheim xl 1200's £100 each bargain Get me on watt ... 16/02/25
48. Black diamond x pearl stingray male : Selling my bd x pearl male ray no fault of his own just wanting to go for a different type he’s around 7 inch disk eating very well on Hik ... 16/02/25
49. Golden Base Albino Pearl Stingray MALE : Albino Pearl Golden Base Stingray Male 13” Fully Rolled £2k No time wasters or dreamers Collection DA1 4AG 16/02/25
50. Electric Eel 30”+ : As per title I have a 30”+ Electric Eel for sale Very Friendly and comes to the front of the tank everytime I walk into the room an ... 16/02/25
51. Red neck severum / leopard bush fish / opaline gourami : Severum £20 Bush fish £20 Gourami £3 16/02/25
52. Pacus : 2 pacus very nice fish but getting to big for my tank there approx 7inch I would say I would swap for kribs or £20 each fish or both for ... 15/02/25
53. Tank closure - predatory fish- stingray,bass,gar etc : Due to unforseen circumstances in having to close my main tank , all livestock needs to go before tank and equipment will be available . Bas ... 15/02/25
54. Thin Bar Dollars, Tinfoil Barb : I have 4 thinbar dollars around 6" mark £80 all 4, and 1 tinfoil at 9" for £20. 15/02/25
55. Wanted: Adult female rays. Looking for adult stingrays, P12, P14, Henlei, Albino ... : Experienced breeder looking for adult female rays. Good money paid for the right rays Based in Norfolk but can travel up to 4 hours ... 15/02/25
56. Pair of very Rare Glossamia wichmanni mouth almighty for sale. : Collection only, a very rare predatory fish from papaua New Guinea. £250 14/02/25
57. Tire track eel 7-8 inches : Tire track eel 7-8 inches £20 Collection Scunthorpe DN15 or post for £15 WhatsApp 07561247820 for video or photos 14/02/25
58. XL Wab PLECO PAIRs : These are some of the biggest wabs i have ever seen. Males to be around 15cm £70 a pair £30 a male 14/02/25
59. Tropical fish liverpool : 1 sunshine pleco Absolutely stunning fish Size 9/10” Helping to move it on for some1 I know Liverpool If interested message me f ... 14/02/25
60. L183 Starlight Pairs : Wild caught starlight pairs 8-10cm £100 a pair £40 a male 14/02/25
61. 20CM SUNSHINE PLECO : Stunning 20cm sunshine pleco available £200 14/02/25
62. Long Finned Bristlenose For sale : Hi, I have lots of Long Finned Bristlenose for sale. Bred from a male, brown Long Fin, and a female Golden, normal finned. All young are Bro ... 14/02/25
63. Golden Platinum Red Tail Catfish £400 : Stunning Golden plats last 2 available Really golden sheen to them high quality no black /phantom specs Feeding on anything given , ... 14/02/25
64. Premium Metallic Super Red Arowana sensible offers : Premium Metallic Super Red Available Size 13” Imported direct from Indonesia Clean scale / thin ring Scale/fin perfect Feed ... 14/02/25
65. Cherry shrimp : Mix sizes , cherish Shrimmp for sale 20 for £10 14/02/25
66. L236 : Pleco L236 2” to 3” for sale 20 Available 14/02/25
67. Malaysian golden blue base arowana and Indo datnoid : Stunning Malaysian bluebase arowana 15" £480. Comes with all papers Indo dat 4 bar 12"+ £280 sold Might consider swap ... 14/02/25
68. Mbu Puffer : 14” Mbu Puffer Feeding well Gets on well with any fish you put with him £280 ono May swap for an asian arowana Collectio ... 13/02/25
69. Florida gar wanted : Looking for a couple florida gars willing to travel must be 10 inch minimum 13/02/25
70. L600 Pleco - WANTED : Anyone out there got an L600 they are willing to part with. Happy to pay good money. Thanks 13/02/25
71. Hoplias Amira - amira wolffish : 16/17” amira wolf - perfect condition Selling at this price as I need gone asap I’m in Lincolnshire but can meet for contribution ... 13/02/25
72. Wanted Pure Henlei Stingrays : Im after some pure Henlei Stingrays prefer adult pure bred but will consider pups , let me know what you have.......stingraymad@virginmedia. ... 13/02/25
73. Wanted P.Leopoldi classic Leo stingrays : Wanted Leo stingrays "Classic" with few spots as possible, any around??? Any size let me see contact stingraymad@virginmedia.com 13/02/25
74. Fire eel wanted 16 inches plus : Recently lost my fire eel and would love another I am based in Wirral Nth West and can travel within reason Anyone got one Simon 07 ... 13/02/25
75. 10 mixed dollars : Swap or for sale 12/02/25
76. All livestock and plants for sale breaking down small fishroom. : Hi we are planning to move soon so going to shutdown the fishroom I will be keeping all tanks and equipment but all livestock and plants for ... 12/02/25
77. Monster clown loaches wanted : Looking to add more to my group dont mind travelling message me with what you have must be 9 inches minimum 12/02/25
78. Wanted S.Dollar and Green Terror : Male Green Terror 3"+ Group of a few silver dollars Lmk if you looking to sell in london 12/02/25
79. Golden arowana 20 inches £330 : Malaysian golden arowana 20inches £330 All with cert and papers Might consider swap for the right fish 11/02/25
80. Mbu puffer 17 inches£350 : 17inch mbu puffer feeding on prawns mussels and smelt. Beautiful fish great character. £350 11/02/25
81. orange dwarf snakeheads. : I have 4 or 5 orange dwarf snakeheads, I think they are bleheri, approx 5 inches, 15 pounds each. I also have 3 distochodus grante, approx ... 11/02/25
82. Pair of motoro stingrays : Female 7 inch Male 8-9inch 400 the pair 11/02/25
83. Bd x pearl ray pups : I have 6 rays pups left up for grabs. 3 males and 3 females. Ready for collection. Will do deals on pairs. Collection only. Please ... 11/02/25
84. Silver Arowana for sale : I have a rapidly growing Arowana for sale. My plan was to get him a much bigger tank but that is no longer possible so I am reluctantly reho ... 11/02/25
85. Closing down tank : X1 Trimac £40 X1 Parrot fish £30 X1 Dovi £60 X1 Large Red Oscar £30 10-12 inch X1 medium sized tiger Oscar £20 X8 assortment o ... 11/02/25
86. Orange rilli shrimp Neocaridina : 10x Orange rilli shrimp Neocaridina for sale, collection only from stoke on trent!. asking £15 for all 10 normally sell for £3-4 each ... 11/02/25
87. Red Neon Blue eye Rainbow Pseudomugil luminatus : Red Neon Blue eye Rainbow fish available, for sale. Approx 2.5-3cm long, juveniles. Come from an unrelated pair. Adults in the pictures. ... 11/02/25
88. Free 20" Silver Arrowana : Yes its free stunning fish don't want to rehone but getting a small mbu puffer, must have suitable sized tank ideally 8ft he is currently in ... 10/02/25
89. Breeding group filament barbs, dawkinsia filamentosa - £150 ono : Breeding group of 20+ filament barbs, 10x 4"+ breeding adults I'm certain of that, because that how many I bought and 10+ 3" 2-3 ... 10/02/25
90. Albino sailfin pleco : Huge albino sailfin superb condition £30 Collect from thame Wasapp for vid 10/02/25
91. Male stingrays for sale. One is a black diamond x and the other is a beautiful p ... : Male Black-diamond x is around 8 inch disc, and the other male pearl x is around 10 Inch disc. Collection only, pair is £850. 09/02/25
92. 2.8ft Long MBU Puffer For Sale : ONLY allowing him to go to someone with a setup at at least 1000L plus and upwards. Raised this beauty from a 4 inch fish back in 2022 to n ... 09/02/25
93. Mini marble stingray male : Mini marble stingray fourteen months old 09/02/25
94. Assortment of fish for sale : I have 5x filament barbs 3"-5", 5x angel fish 3"-5" in body size, 2x btrstle nose plecs 3", 1x 8" Gibby plec,1 ... 09/02/25
95. Plecos needing rehoming : Two Sailfin plecos need urgent rehoming. One 12” & one 4” Must collect from Croydon Surrey 09/02/25
96. Group of 10 L236 plecos : Group of 10 L236 plecos £400 or nearest offer 09/02/25
97. L471 pleco trio : Reverse trio l471 pleco 2m 1f 09/02/25
98. Crystel eyed catfish : hemibagrus wyckii for sale 8 to 9 inch perfect fish eats mussel and prawn and pellet £100 open to swaps and offers Wasapp for vid 075 ... 09/02/25
99. 9inch mbu pufferfish : 9inch mbu puffer fish for sale £300 Bridgwater 09/02/25
100. Albino super hybrid male ray , breeding plecs + other fish : Albino male super hybrid stingray 8inch -Breeding group of wabenmusters honeycomb Pleco 3 male 2 female , all males have sat & hat ... 09/02/25

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