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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  full setup tropical chilids fluval external and internal everything out of my 7 foot tank

Description: The fish are as follows
:5 x large frontosa's 3 female 2 male
:2 x large geo's wild caught pair
:3 x medium geo's 2 female 1 male
:1 x large synsplium srry bout the spelling
2 x large clown loach's
:1 x medium firemouth
:1 x large golden severem
:1 x yellow gurami
:1 x blue '' ''
:3 x aurlius barbs large
:2 x flag chilids
:1 x blue lobster
:2 x 001 plecs 1 about 6-7 inch and 1 is about4-5
:1 x normal plec about 7-8 inch
:1 x spiney eel
:1 x large marble sailfin pictus catfish
:1 x small upside down catfish
3 foot gallon ship
2 large pieces of bogwood
5-10 kg of gravel
various rocks and slates
various plastic plants
1 x fluval 3+ filter
1 x 405 fluval external filter all working in perfect order
selling due to move of house and wanting a marine set up
all for just £350 spent £££££'s srry to see it go

Contact Information
Advertiser: michael marwood
Telephone: 07887711416
Town: houghton le spring
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/04/07 Views: 3287]

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