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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Tank Closing - Bichirs/Cichlids/Catfish/Lungfish

Description: Reluctant sale of my fish. I'm closing down my tanks and will have the below for sale.

My apologies for no prices - This is a quick sale and will be very open to offers so don't shy away from sending me a message through text or whatsapp.

Not many pictures on the ad as I mostly take videos.

Parachromis Dovii - F1 Nicaraguan - 9"
Parachromis Motaguensis - 3" - SOLD
Maskaheros Argenteus - 3" - Silver Cichlid
Veija Synspilum - 3" - Synsipilum Cichlid
Polypterus Senegalus - x6 normal 6" plus (One missing an eye - healed perfectly and no issues for the past year+)
Polypterus Lapradei - x3 - 8" (Another also missing an eye - Don't ask...)
Polypterus Endlicheri - 10"
Polypterus Delhezi - 10"
Auchenoglanis Occidentalis - Giraffe 14"
Platydoras Armatulus - 3" - Striped Raphael
Megalodoras Uranoscopus - 3"- Irwini Catfish
Oxydoras Niger - 10" - Ripsaw Catfish
Protopterus Annectens - 14" - West African Lungfish
Pterodoras Granulosus - 5" - Granulated Catfish
Hypostomus Plecostomus - Common - 7" - Common Pleco
Synodontis Multipunctatus - 5" - Cuckoo Catfish

Contact Information
Advertiser: Jacob
Telephone: 07841421784
Town: Birmingham
County: West Midlands

Advert stats: [Added or updated:26/12/20 Views: 1479]

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