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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  central and south american cichlids and catfish

Description: various central and south american catfish and cichlids for sale. can also get fish in boxes from the wild(mainly Lnumbers).
email with what you would like and i will see what i can do.
will hopefully be able to ship fish around britain in the not to distant future.
we have only just set up acc aquatics so stocks are running relatively low at the moment.
currant stocklist is:
bristlenose catfish
yellow phantom tetras
gymnogeophagus meridionalis(wild)
hemidopsis gracilis (two left)
peppered corys
bronze corys
spotted talking catfish (one left)
medusa plec L034 (one female left)
blind cave fish (two left)
we also have a varied breeding stock that will hopefully be breeding in the not to distant future, so if you would like any of the fish below, email me and reserve some now.
cryptoheros sajica
cryptoheros sp. honduran red point
apistogramma agassizi tefe redtail
apistogramma pandurini/panduri
geophagus steindachneri
gymnogeophagus meridionalis
if you are interested in any of the above fish, or require any information on the above or any other south american cichlids or catfish, then please call 07950 374176, and ask for Alex,
or email

Contact Information
Advertiser: alex carpenter
Telephone: 07950374176
Town: beaconsfield
County: buckinghamshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:22/04/06 Views: 3597]

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