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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Various plecs, cichlids, cory, fish for sale

Description: For sale Hartlepool
3 inch L271 Plecs £25 each m and f left £45 the 2
2 inch Common Plecs £2.50 each
3 inch Blood red parrots £10 each
3 inch Jack Dempsey £10 each 1 left
2 inch Various Oscars £5 each
2 inch Blue Gourami £2.50 each
Small sparkling Gourami £1 each
5 inch Torpedo Barbs £10 each
7 inch spotted Severum £25
12 inch Red spot severum £50
12 inch Rotkeil severum £50

3 Inch Marbles £5 each £5 each 5 for £20 mix and match
3 inch Blue Peacocks £5 each 5 for £20 mix and match
3 inch Yellow Lab's £5 each 5 for £20 mix and match

XL Various siamese fighters £5 each
3 inch Silver Sharks (Bala) £3 each
Tiger Barbs £1.25 each 10 for £10
Various Sailfin Molly £1.50 ea 4 for £5
Various Swordtails £1.25 each 10 for £10
Various Platty £1.25 each 10 for £10
Various Sailfin Molly £1.50 4 for £5
Various Male Guppy £1 each
Bronze Cory £1 each

Contact Information
Advertiser: Neil Clarke
Telephone: 07454 796195
Town: Hartlepool
County: Cleveland

Advert stats: [Added or updated:25/04/17 Views: 1702]

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