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  Tropical kit for sale or possible swap

Description: TROPICAL TANK CONTENTS FOR SALE: This has come from a 4ft 200L tank so you need a big tank for it to go in, especially the fish! I would rather not sell it all separate as it will take to much faffing about.

Happy to bag up, deliver and aquascape into a fresh tank for the right price.

Or Collection from Weston Super Mare. Fish must be bagged correctly in proper fish bags for transport. Everything else can go in your own buckets/contaibers.

Grey Sand
Colombo plant substrate
River pebbles
Azealia Root
Lots of Plants including Anubis, Amazon Sword, Vallis Gigantia, Red Lotus, Green Lotus, Lobelia, Cryptocoryne, Bacopa, and RARE SPECIES: Bucephalandra Green Velvet and Bucephalandra Thea. And Moss.

Lots of Community Fish including 6 Platy, 1 large 7 inch Featherfin Catfish, 1 large Koi Angelfish, 1 leopard frog mouth Plec, One orange spot angel plec, 4 True Synodontis Petricola from Germany, 2 Pearl Gourami, 2 Black lined Barbs, Two torpedo barbs (one has no tail due to prolonged attacked by tiger barb in previous home), 2 Panther Danios, 2 Rainbow fish, few glow light Danio, few emperor tetra, few penguin tetra, few cherry barbs, 6 or so white blue eyes Neons, 3 mixed corydora catfish, Handful of trumpet snails, handful of assassin snails, handful of japonica/amano shrimp and 5 Indonesian Rock Gobies in Neon Blue.

Well over £350 worth of kit I've bought over the years. Looking for £150 to £200 for the lot as I would like to change to Marine. May consider swap for live rock and cash.

If I split it will be done as follows :

Job lot fish - £90
Job lot plants - £60
Job lot decor and substrate - £70


Contact Information
Advertiser: Pip Irvine
Telephone: 07522365532
Town: Weston Super Mare
County: Bristol

Advert stats: [Added or updated:16/11/16 Views: 1767]

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