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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Zebra Pleco L46

Description: Hypancistrus Zebra

'The most high-profile aquarium catfish of our time.'

The Zebra Plecostomus is a spectacular catfish that is wanted by nearly every fish keeper but unfortunately purchasing it is not always that easy as they demand a high price, much more than the normal rate. This fish is also commonly known as the Zebra Pleco, Imperial pleco or by the L numbers; L46 or L98.

The zebra pleco has bold black lateral stripes running across a white body with a black stripe running over the body from one pectoral fin to the other. The dorsal fin has a high expansion and it is possible to develop a blue twinge when in prime condition. It has a sucker mouth with 4 whiskers. Like other plecos it has a flat-ish stomach.

£160 - do not miss out on what is a fantastic opportunity for all tropical fish keepers.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Brook Garden Centre
Telephone: 01246260860
Town: Chesterfield
County: Derbyshire
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/05/16 Views: 2216]

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