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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Yellow Bellied Sliders, free to a good home.

Description: Would anyone be interested in 2 yellow bellied slider turtles? I received them from their previous owner after he couldn't look after them anymore as he was sent to hospital. They were around 2 years old then apparently, I got them in July so they are around 2 and a half years old now. I think that they are both males as the both have fairly fat tails.. They are feeding from a variety of frozen foods including whole shrimp, whole cockle, whole mussel, lancefish and frozen turtle food cubes. The reason I need to say goodbye to them is mainly due to an increase of hours at work so I don't really have much time for them. I am just saying goodbye to the turtles, not the accommodation, or filter, so you will need to have a suitable place for them to live. They are very friendly turtles who will take food from your hand. As long as they go to a good home I'll be happy. I'm afraid I can't drive, so they are collection only from Flitwick, Bedfordshire. I'm also afraid I'm not the best photographer in the world, so many apologies for the quality of the photos.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Adam
Telephone: 07804492969
Town: Flitwick
County: Bedfordshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/01/14 Views: 1442]

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