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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Japanese Perch wanted

Description: Hi,
I would like about 3 Japanese perch(of small size ) for my massive 2100 gallon aquarium, I have started putting fish in the list of which is:
African pike
Siamese tiger fish
Biara (rhaphiodon Vulpinus)
Nile bichir
Motoro stingray
Lima shovelnose catfish
Lince catfish
Florida / spotted gar
Freshwater barracuda
Clown knifefish

Possibly arapaima (until it gets to about 3 ft then it's off to a bigger tank in the uk)

The building it is in is slightly dilapidated, (the building is 200 yrs old and used to be a cow shed) the room above is being made into a flat, the tank will be done in around a year.

I can offer around £75 for a Japanese perch

Contact Information
Advertiser: Ryan
Telephone: 01534 851349
Town: Jersey
County: Bath & North-East Somerset

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/10/13 Views: 2859]

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