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  Fish House Closing Down - Reluctant sale of some lovely fish

Description: These fish mean a lot to me, having to move house and can’t take them all with me…

Please ensure that you can cater for their environmental and social needs. If you would like any photos or videos of the fish or any info on then don’t hesitate to ask.

Neon Dwarf Rainbow (melanotaenia praecox) 1.5” Male £ Free if adding to a group of them

Ram Cichlid (microgeophagus ramirezi) 1.5” Electric Blue and Blue £10 for both females

Theadfin Geophagus (geophagus heckelii) 2-2.5” £25 for beautiful juvenile pair

Honduran Red Point (cryptoheros undescribed) 2-3” Wild Caught imported from Danli £35 Breeding Pair – looks like a Convict Cichlid but is a lot more colourful and sociable, rare import.

Giraffe Catfish (auchenoglanis occidentalis) 9” A baby giant £10 as long as you have a big enough aquarium

Sun Catfish (horabagrus brachysoma) 7” £15

Zebra Synodontis (synodontis hybrid) 6.5” £15 Lovely markings

Hope to hear from you soon,


Contact Information
Advertiser: Joel
Telephone: 07896299802
Town: Leicester
County: Leicestershire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/08/13 Views: 1980]

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