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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Live Aquarium Plants, Discount on multiple buy

Description: I have a wide range of tropical plant available.
Plants includes:

/Heteranthera zosterifolia// Stargrass (price 5x stems £3.50)
Super fast growing plant. Co2 is not a must, will grow fairly fast.are fast growing so will grow in no time.

/Rotala Indica (Red) (price 5x stems £2)
A great aquatic plant for both beginners and expert aquarist.Can be grown in all levels of lighting, the brighter/ intense the lighting the more the plant will show its red colouration.

/Mini Water Lettuce// Pistia stratiotes//(price 5x plants £2)
Water lettuce (dwarf) is a popular plant which makes a good aquarium plant.It has attractive thick, green leaves and trailing, elegant roots, which are especially good for set-ups with fry.

/LIMNOPHILA AROMATICA (price 2x stems £3)
Super fast growing plant. Co2 is not a must, will grow fairly fast.

/POGOSTEMON STELLATUS (price 2x stems £4)
P. stellatus is one of the most decorative stem plants in the hobby, perfect as an accent or focal point in the midground to
background of medium to large sized aquariums. Its strikingly colored, fine-leaved foliage forms an excellent contrast to other broader leaved or green stem plants.

£1.50 each additional items only £.50 more.
Orders will be dispatch on same days if purchase within the posting time scale, if not, the following day.
I take my time packing each plant in a sealed bag to ensure a healthy selection of plants.
Orders made within Monday to Thursday before 12pm will be dispatch on the same day.

The plants are packaged in a sealed bag and in a padded envelope. It normally arrives
next day after I’ve posted the order out to the buyer.

Payment Via paypal.

When placing a order , please include your paypal address and I'll forward you an invoice.

Contact me for more details.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Jason
Telephone: 07539066127
Town: Whalley Range
County: Greater Manchester

Advert stats: [Added or updated:24/04/13 Views: 1833]

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