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  Red Bellied Piranha Pygocentrus nattereri FOR SALE

Description: For sale......

10 Red Bellied piranha "Pygocentrus nattereri"

These 10 Piranhas are Juvenile Piranhas and are around 7 months old now, by the eye I would say these Juveniles are betweem 3 to 4 inches from mouth to rear fin.

This school are all of a similar size with maybe 2 of them being a touch bigger, thicker and further developed but they are all basically more or less the same size, there isnt really a noticably bigger than the rest Red Bellie amongst this school and neither is there a exceptionally smaler than the rest, a less developed or a noticeably smaller Piranha amongst them, All these Piranhas have developed and formed almost equally and are vertually of the same size.

There doesnt appear to be a leader, boss, aggressor or a Dominent Piranha in this school and there isnt a weaker Piranha, a victim or a as they say a runt of the litter.

These 10 Piranhas have been raised together since they was the size of your finger nail.

Perfect in appearance, these Piranhas are healthy and perfectly developed.

Other than fin nipping which is not only common but a regular occurence amongst Piranhas these Red Bellies are injury free perfect in appearance with none of the physical damage that Piranhas can often sustain i.e Eye loss.
Again These Piranhas are perfectly formed and perfectly developed.

Feeding well two time a day and keeping it real other than for my own interest and amusement which I try to resist and the odd treat from time to time this school of Piranhas have been raised on Blood worm, Brine shrimp and Lance fish.

We are based in Merseyside and payment at the time of collection for these Piranhas is fine and we would consider delivering them to a genuine Piranha keeper and a serious buyer within the Northwest region.

We will consider any reasonable and "sensible" offers for this beautiful school of Red Bellied Piranha and would welcome Ideally interest from an experienced and serious Piranha keeper.


When These Piranhas are sold it is ofcourse none of my business what happens to them and I suppose ill never be any the wiser but Ideally I would prefer them to be re-housed with an experienced and commited Piranha keeper who will nurture them, continue there develpment and raise them into perfect and content adult Red Bellied Piranhas.

Piranhas attract a lot of Novelty keepers and novelty does wear off, even for an enthusiastic beginer please try and research the time, effort, expense, and dedication that is required to keep Piranhas and try keep in mind the suitable and reccomended tank size.

I know everyone has to start somewhere but try and apply some thought and be realistic before you decide to keep Piranhas.

I would not reccomend a school of 10 for a beggining Piranha keeper and I would not reccomend a school of 10 for anyone without a really large tank, Even having a for now sufficient tank with genuine plans to upgrade and re-house them in a larger tank as you go, you will be suprised how fast Red Bellied Piranhas will just keep out growing any decent, tempory and stop gap tanks you keep them in.

I do have various other aquatic goods and accesories spare, bits and pieces doing nothing available, none I would bother dedicating an advery for but off the top of my head........

A basic very basic practically just the glass itself really a 4ft fish tank, a Metal stand that holds 2 4 foot tanks one top and one bottom, A deceiving small tank around 3 foot but with a decent height and depth fron to back, the hood with lighting allows you to wire all your electric equitment to the hood so operating everything off 1 plug and i think its just around 90 odd litres, i think it hold just under 100 litres, Various heaters, filters and air pumps, basically bits an peices but i think the only ones worth mentioning is the Eheim heater and theres an Eheim Air pump, Theres an Arcadia over head Lighting system in silver on brackets to go on the top of your tank, I think its just about 3 foot and it has 2 white tubes and 2 blue actinic bulbs in it, Finally a fish tank which is really decieving, its made with thicker strong glass and a fairly heavy tank, its around 3 foot but its got a bit more depth front to back than an average tank and is fairly high, I think its almost as high as it is wide so its quite unusual for a fish tank really and has a water capacity of almost double that of an average tank of that size, I think that tank hold around 275 litres, With a unit and hood it could be used to make a brilliant aquarium although the silver Arcadia overhead lighting system with day and night lights does fit on that tank, Theres a fair bit of natural gravel, some good peices of reasonably sized bog wood and a Ornamental peice / cave, Its a large sunken submarine, its in 2 peices so can be arranged how you want in your aquarium but it is around 3 foot, you probably seen them for sale in aquariums, last time I saw they was still retailing for £180 to £220

Any offers for the 10 RBPs or any enquiries for any of the bits and peices spare feel free to contact us on the contact numbers BELOW

Jamie mobile Number 07833 911 259

or 07587 898 650

Always interested in large fish tanks if at a reasonable price, 5 foot and 6 foot tanks ideally but would consider buying 4 foot tanks with a higher water capacity than a standard 4 foot tank so ofcourse a 4 foot tank with height and depth front to back

Contact Information
Advertiser: Tommy
Telephone: 07833 911 259
Town: Merseyside
County: Merseyside

Advert stats: [Added or updated:21/11/12 Views: 2502]

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