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Home :: General Tropical Fish

  Pleco for sale. 8-10 inches

Description: Hi I have 1 Pleco for sale.
It is between 8 and 10 inches big.

I have had this fish and long time and it is very special to me, but sadly I have to downsize my tank and there will be no room for it.

It can be kept with pretty much anything, it has been kept with cold water fish, then Oscars and it was then housed with discus.

It will sometimes eat from your hand, and bizarly it will feed from the surface like any other fish. It's quite a sight.

It can be territorial with other large fish, but a simple nudge is often all they get.

This isn't a Pleco that will hide all day and only come out at night. I always see this fish swimming about during the day.

I'm only asking for £15.its worth a lot more to me than that but sadly it had to go.
It needs to go in a tank at least 48 x 15 big.

Email or text me.

Contact Information
Advertiser: A
Telephone: 0
Town: Medway
County: Kent

Advert stats: [Added or updated:20/11/12 Views: 1483]

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