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  Green Spotted Puffers tank and complete setup

Description: Hi
Sadly the time has come for us to find a new home for our Green Spotted Puffers, their complete tank and setup. They have been very much loved and spoiled over the year that we have had them but as we are getting busier, we have had to reduce the number of tanks to keep up with water changes etc.
We hope we can find them a loving home with people who can get as much pleasure from them as we have had. That’s why we want to sell the setup as complete as possible; tank, filters decorations heater air pump, live food (additional tank).

The puffers.
The fish themselves are Green Spotted puffers (Splodge – the bigger one and Puff daddy – the smaller one). These fish are the most rewarding I have ever kept, with real personalities, nosey/ inquisitive and very cute. They have been kept separately because they prefer species only tanks and like lots of room (hence 2 little ones per 120 litres). The have healthy appetites (although Splodge tends to heat more than his fair share – fatty) feeding on Cockles (with shells for their teeth), bloodworms, feeder shrimp, frozen shrimp and brine shrimp. We have deworming medicine and went through the process when we first got them (common in new imported puffer fish) although they had no symptoms, just precautionary. They are in tropical water, although some people say they should be moved over to brackish water, they seem happy enough. Do some reading on this species before buying, they are not hard to keep but require a little knowledge.

The tank and setup
In the sale we are including the full tank setup, everything you see in the photos. We put this setup together with them in mind.
The tank is a TropiQquarium 88 holding 120 litres, dimensions 88cm wide, 40cm deep, overall height including stand 120cm. 1 external filter fluval 205 with media (the cabinet can fit a second) 1 internal fluval 3 filter, an air pump, small air stone, polished black pebbles, plastic plants other decorations.
Because they love their live food so much, I got an additional tank, about 19 litres which fits perfectly in one side of the cabinet. It has a heater, filter and gravel light, etc. The point was to keep feeder shrimp in it until they ate it (rather than a bag from the pet shop), you can also keep snails in there to breed (good for their teeth).

Bad points
Want to be 100% honest about the state of the tank before you come to see it. The TropicQuarium 88 has a built in control panel but this doesn’t work (most don’t and are ridiculously expensive to replace), but all it does is acts as a timer so we use a separate timer. The lid has neat little support bar to hold the lid open but the clip it sits on when the lid is down has come off so it dangles a little bit. See photos. Also the tank is in good condition bar a couple of scratches about 2 inches caused by the cleaning magnet (can’t get a good photo of these).

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions and/or would like to come and see them. we have some video if you require them. The tank, will of course be running until it is picked up.
We are asking £200 for everything together, but are open to offers. We just want them to go to a good home. Joe 07881546807

Contact Information
Advertiser: joe hod
Telephone: 07881546807
Town: Reading
County: Berkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:01/08/12 Views: 2401]

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