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  100 axolotl eggs

Description: I have a clutch of 100 fertile eggs from my wild-type axolotl (mother) and my gold albino (father)
They were spawned on 16th so should be hatching around early New Year.

*** £1 per egg/hatchling ***

Hatchlings = approx 5-10mm - still to be fed on small daphnia or baby brine shrimp. MUST be LIVE food.
1 week = approx 15mm
9 days = approx 20mm
3 weeks = approx 25mm (front legs start to become visible)

Pre-juvenile - 1-2 months = approx 35mm = £3 each or 4 for £10. Front legs fully formed. Back legs starting to bud but on some more mature ones the back legs may be fully formed.

***They go through a highly cannibalistic phase between six weeks and three months.***

Juveniles = 2-6 months = minimum 50mm and have grown back legs. £6 each or 2 for £10. Can be fed on thawed frozen bloodworms bought from pet shops.
Much easier to look after from this age and if kept with other axies of approx same size then less tendency to be aggressive. (If one axie grows larger than the others, separate it as it may attack the smaller ones until it's matured to approx 3 months.)

If you already have some axolotls, I don't recommend placing a juvenile with an adult of more than a third greater body length, because all you have then is an expensive breakfast for the older Axolotls.

The colours will start to come through in them within a few weeks. So you can either wait until pigmentation is evident or grab a few eggs and see what happens!
If anyone wants a fully formed juvenile, pm me and I'll keep you informed of its progress and tell you when it/they can be collected (most likely middle of March - I will re-advertise them at this time)
Just to re-iterate, these are COLDWATER so will be fine without a heater (unless temp drops low in the room they are kept in, but preferable 18 to 24 degrees centigrade) and no light needed as they have no eyelids. So just an easy set up no more complicated than looking after a goldfish (and they generally last longer than goldfish! LOL)
Check for helpful info, and of course you can inbox me to order them or ask any further questions. Inbox me if interested as I sometimes get missed posts :-)

These MUST be collected from the North Shields area.

I'll attach a picture of the parents.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Ingrid
Town: North Shields
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:11/01/12 Views: 1935]

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