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  FLP Swedish Greenseal Rubber Pond Liners

Description: Flexible Lining Products Limited were the first UK company to introduce and sell Greenseal Rubber into the market.

Varnamo Greenseal Swedish Rubber is an exceptional top quality material from the manufacturers of Butyl Rubber -Trelleborg,Sweden offering a full Lifetime Guarantee against any latent manufacturing defects. Greenseal EPDM is superior to Butyl Rubber and cheaper - as you do not pay for the 28% natural rubber content found in Butyl.

Features & Benefits

Not affected by UV light, temperature or age
Colour of material - Black
Available material thickness - 0.75mm ; 0.85mm ; 1.0mm
Resists compressive loads and ground movement
Unique ability to adapt itself to the substrate
Reverts back to original form
Does not contain any plasticisers or additives - no leaching
Does not shrink, lose weigth or become brittle
Animal and plant friendly
Tear strength and tensile strength greater than Butyl
Exceeds Butyl Rubber in over 60% of physical properties tested
Looks and feels the same as Butyl Rubber
Can be vulcanised in the same process as Butyl
Lifetime guarantee (Equivalent to 25 years under UK Commercial Law)
Cheaper and a superior quality material to Butyl Rubber
Listed below are ONLY some of our most popular size combinations. Please contact us direct for alternate size variations which are not listed. Prices listed are INCLUSIVE of 15% VAT.

FLEXIBLE LINING PRODUCTS LTD cannot be beaten on price when combining our Greenseal Rubber with Polyfelt TS60 260gsm protective underlay. Don't be misled by some companies offering "deals" i.e. free delivery or a discount only to hide the true cost in the underlay.

Ensure when comparing prices you are being quoted for Polyfelt TS60 not TS50 or TS40. WE WILL BEAT ANY PRICE QUOTED INCLUDING ANY DELIVERY COSTS !

Contact Information
Advertiser: Flexible Lining Prod
Telephone: 08452262478
Town: Cinderford
County: Gloucestershire
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/06/09 Views: 1604]

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