please phone brentwood aquatics for delivery AVAILABILITY AND DELIVERY CHARGES.01277375976
L1 Glytopteric.joselimaia.bred white-spot-glypterichthys 100 2.00
L1 Glytopteric.joselimaia.bred white-spot-glypterichthys 80 4.50
L2 Peckoltia vermiculata/TIGER 30 10.40
L2 Peckoltia vermiculata/TIGER 15 12.50
L5 Peck.angelicus CROW STAR 15 18.00
L5 Peck.angelicus CROW STAR 12 20.00
L14 Scobian.aureat.GOLDY wild 25 22.00
L14 Scobian.aureat.GOLDY wild 20 28.00
L14 Scobian.aureat.GOLDY wild 16 36.00
L14 Scobian.aureat.GOLDY wild 8 72.00
L14 Scobian.aureat.GOLDY wild 2 149.00
L15 Peckoltia sp.vittata XINGU 30 12.00
L17 Hopl.cf.tricornis FLATHEAD 30 12.00
L17 Hopl.cf.tricornis FLATHEAD 20 16.00
L18 Baryancis.sp.GOLDEN-NUGGET 25 12.00
L18 Baryancis.sp.GOLDEN-NUGGET 15 16.00
L18 Baryancis.sp.GOLDEN-NUGGET 2 152.00
L20 Parancistrus sp.POLKA-DOT 30 14.00
L21 Glyptoperichth.sp.SPOTTED 12 18.00
L25a Pseudacanth.sp.SAO FELIX 1 289.00
L25 Pseudacanthicus sp.SCARLET 20 50.00
L25 Pseudacanthicus sp.SCARLET 15 60.00
L25 Pseudacanthicus sp.SCARLET 4 140.00
L25 Pseudacanthicus sp.SCARLET 2 180.00
L25 Pseudacanthicus sp.SCARLET 1 200.00
L25 Pseudacanthicus sp.SCARLET 1 260.00
L26 Baryancistrus niveatus 12 46.00
L27a Pan.cf.nigrolin.TOCANTINS 25 20.60
L27a Pan.cf.nigrolin.TOCANTINS 20 22.00
L27a Pan.cf.nigrolin.TOCANTINS 12 26.00
L27 Pan.cf.nigro.SANDANA ROYAL 25 42.00
L28 Peckoltia cf.angelicus gold-angelicus 12 20.60
L29 Leporacanthicus cf.galaxia Tocantins-pleco 4 46.00
L30 Parancistrus sp.PEPPERMINT 16 20.00
L31 Paranc.sp.XINGU-PEPPERMINT 25 14.00
L34 Anc.ranu.BRISTEL-BUSHMOUTH 30 13.00
L34 Anc.ranu.BRISTEL-BUSHMOUTH 20 14.00
L34 Anc.ranu.BRISTEL-BUSHMOUTH 15 28.00
L47 Parancis.sp.MAGNUM-ORANGE 25 28.00
L47 Parancis.sp.MAGNUM-ORANGE 12 40.00
L47 Parancis.sp.MAGNUM-ORANGE 8 62.00
L48 Scobiancist.cf.pariolispos 30 20.00
L48 Scobiancist.cf.pariolispos 20 24.00
L56 Parancist.sp.(aurantiacus) 12 20.00
L66a Hypancistr.sp.BELO MONTE 25 28.00
L66 Hypancistrus sp.KING-TIGER 30 17.00
L66 Hypancistrus sp.KING-TIGER 25 18.00
L66 Hypancistrus sp.KING-TIGER 20 24.00
L75 Hypostomus sp.PARA-PLECO 35 15.00
L76 Parancistrus RED-FIN-TIGER 35 13.00
L76 Parancistrus RED-FIN-TIGER 15 20.00
L81 Baryancis.sp.ORANGE-SEAM 25 10.00
L81 Baryancis.sp.ORANGE-SEAM 20 13.00
L81 Baryancis.sp.ORANGE-SEAM 15 18.00
L81 Baryancis.sp.ORANGE-SEAM 12 22.00
L82 Scobiancis.sp.ORANGE-SPOT 15 44.00
L90c Panaque sp.PERU 28 12.90
L90 Panaque sp.PAPA WHITE TAIL 16 52.00
L91 Leporacanthicus triactis 25 30.00
L91 Leporacanthicus triactis 20 34.00
L91 Leporacanthicus triactis 15 37.00
L92 Lasiancistrus sp. Venzuela-Ancistrus 40 8.60
L109 Hypostomus sp.LEOPARD-PL. 12 27.00
L114 Pseudacanth.cf.leopard 20 23.00
L124 Hypostomus sp.BIG-SPOT 30 15.00
L124 Hypostomus sp.BIG-SPOT 30 16.00
L128 Ancistrinae gen.sp blue phantom 20 40.00
L128 Ancistrinae gen.sp blue phantom 8,6 56.00
L129x Hypan.sp.GOLD.LINE g.br. 50 13.00
L129 Hypancistrus sp. 30 9.00
L134 Peckoltia sp.VITTATA 30 22.00
L134 Peckoltia sp.VITTATA 25 26.00
L134 Peckoltia sp.VITTATA 20 28.00
L137 Cochliodon cf.cochliodon violet-red-bruno 30 16.00
L138 Cochliodon sp.BLUE EYE 15 24.00
L141 Ancistomus snethlagae (= L 215) 25 15.00
L144a An.sp.GOLD-BL.EYE g.br. 140 6.50
L147 Peckoltia sp. 20 12.60
L152 Pseudorinelepis sp. orange-point-tail 25 19.00
L155 Acanthicus sp.BLACK/XINGU 1 284.00
L163 Peckoltia sp.BIG-SPOT 30 13.00
L168x Peckoltia pulcher g.br. 30 20.00
L172a Leporacan.heterodon GOLD 15 27.00
L173b Hypancistrus sp. g.br. 25 144.00
L174 Hypancistr.sp.BLACK+WHITE 25 20.00
L177 Baryancis.sp.IRIRI/YELLOW 25 13.00
L177 Baryancis.sp.IRIRI/YELLOW 20 15.00
L177 Baryancis.sp.IRIRI/YELLOW 12 29.00
L180 Anc.sp.ROUND-MOUTH/WH.SP. 30 7.00
L180 Anc.sp.ROUND-MOUTH/WH.SP. 25 14.00
L200a Ancis.gen.sp.HIGH DORSAL (sim. L200) 20 31.00
L200a Ancis.gen.sp.HIGH DORSAL (sim. L200) 15 36.00
L200 Ancistrinae gen.sp. 25 22.00
L200 Ancistrinae gen.sp. 20 25.00
L200 Ancistrinae gen.sp. 15 36.00
L200 Ancistrinae gen.sp. 14 37.00
L200 Ancistrinae gen.sp. 8 48.00
L201 Hypan.inspector BIG SPOT (sp.Orinoco) 30 17.00
L202a Peck.sp.variante BEAUTY 20 15.00
L204 Panaque sp.PERU STRIPED 50 15.00
L204 Panaque sp.PERU STRIPED 40 16.00
L204 Panaque sp.PERU STRIPED 20 24.00
L213 Ancistrus sp.SMALL SPOT. 30 11.00
L213 Ancistrus sp.SMALL SPOT. 20 13.00
L226 Panaqolus changae 30 17.00
L234 Megalancistrus parananus 2 156.00
L235 Pseudolithoxus anthrax flyer-cat 40 25.00
L239 Ancistrinae gen.sp.BLUE blue fin panaque 20 27.00
L240 Leporacan.sp.aff.GALAXIAS sailfin toothnose 10 46.00
L240 Leporacan.sp.aff.GALAXIAS sailfin toothnose 8 52.00
L243 Ancistrinae gen.sp. yellow-black-peckoltia 30 14.00
L255 Ancistr.sp.aff.ranunculus whitespotted-bristle-bushmouth 20 24.00
L259 Guyanancistrus sp. yellow seam 20 17.00
L259 Guyanancistrus sp. yellow seam 15 20.00
L260 Hypan.sp.QUEEN ARABESQUE 25 18.00
L262 Hypancis.sp.SMALL SPOTTED 30 22.00
L262 Hypancis.sp.SMALL SPOTTED 25 22.00
L264 Leporacanthicus sp./GREY 25 22.00
L264 Leporacanthicus sp./GREY 15 35.00
L270 Hypancistrus sp.ZEBRA 20 25.00
L271 Panaque sp.TAPAJOS-TIGER 30 11.00
L273 Pseudacanthic.sp.TITANIC 15 68.00
L273 Pseudacanthic.sp.TITANIC 10 82.00
L288 Peckoltia sp. 30 18.00
L300 Parancistrus sp. 30 20.00
L309 Baryancistrus sp. 25 17.00
L320 Pseudacanthic.sp.RIO JARI 4 100.00
L330 Panaque sp.SPOTTED 5 72.00
L330 Panaque sp.SPOTTED 1 440.00
L333x Hypancist.sp.XINGU g.br. 30 34.00
L333 Hypancistrus sp.XINGU 25 32.00
L339 Hypa.inspector SMALL SPOT 30 18.00
L362 Scobiancist.sp.R.JAMANXIM 20 52.00
L362 Scobiancist.sp.R.JAMANXIM 12 60.00
L368 Scobiancistrus sp. 15 30.66
L368 Scobiancistrus sp. 8 39.10
L399 Hypancistrus sp. 20 36.20
LDA1 Peckoltia (Panaque?) sp. gold-peckoltia 40 12.00
LDA16 Ancistrus sp.BROWN 50 12.00
LDA25 Hypostomus sp.PITBULL-P. 150 2.00
LDA25 Hypostomus sp.PITBULL P. 120 3.00
LDA31 Pan.albo.RED SPOTS/L204a 25 20.00
LDA31 Pan.albo.RED SPOTS/L204a 20 26.00
LDA32 Pseudancistr.sp.RED SEAM 12 21.00
LDA33 Baryancistr.sp.SNOWFLAKE 25 27.00
LDA33 Baryancistr.sp.SNOWFLAKE 20 28.00
LDA33 Baryancistr.sp.SNOWFLAKE 18 32.00
LDA74 An.sp.aff.ranunc.WH.SPOT 30 17.00
The picture featured is a l173 german bred at 4-5cm
Contact Information Advertiser: jamie henderson Telephone: 01277375976
County: Essex
Advert stats: [Added or updated:25/08/08 Views: 12922]
