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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  FS 450L Marine Fish tank +sump + all equipment+

Description: Sadly have to sell up due to other commitments...
Buyer to pickup (Im based in Northern Ireland)

Approx been running for 4 years.
Main tank 420ltr (5ft by 1.5ft by 2ft) (L,w,H) with Juwel rio 400 Black base
Plumbed with 3 holes (1 return + 2 going into sump)
sump with partitons included : 130ltr 4ft by 1ft by 1.5ft (L,W,H)

tunze 6080
tunze 6060
2 * SEIO 1100
deltec apf 600 (with installation kit(supply pump))
30mg ozone reactor
300w heater
100gpd 4stage ro filter with 5 gallon tank (includes DI filter) and pump
TDS Meter
Phosphate fluidised reactor with pump.
2000lph return pump.
2* 150w (14k) slim line metal halides
55w blue moon tube
black professionaly sprayed oak lid.
2 * custom metal wall brackets (for lights)
1LTR di filter
2 *30w t8 2ft tube for sump +reflectors
Electronic Hydrometer

yellow tank (4")
white tail tang (4")
clown fish (2")
Lion fish (5")
Live rock (50kilos)
Aragonite sand (approx 40kilos)
+ one unopened bag
3 * Ocean Nutrition Formula 70g
+ bag of frozen food

Spare plastic tank for water changes (200ltr)
1/2 container of salt.
150w Lamps changed 6months ago.
ro filter (all filters changed approx 6 months including membrane)

Looking for £650.
If you total all the above up (rock alone is £500)

Contact Information
Advertiser: nicholas cardwell
Telephone: 07766695468
Map Link:|bt ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/03/08 Views: 10256]

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