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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  marine fish and corals and liverock for sale

Description: il try ad some pics tomorow but basicaly i have 1 blue starfish,2 choc chip serpety starfish,at least 50kgs liverock maybe more 20kilos reef bones,1 strawberry fish, 2common clowns,1 little yellow goby,1 rock beauty, 1 big leather,1 small leather diffret type,1 small toadstall, a few peices of pulsing xenia, 1 green star xenia 1 big rock with loads of 5star grass xenia and asome zoas on it a few diffrent types of polys and a few diffrent rocks with green stripy mushrooms and blue mushrooms loads of bush corals 1 small pussy corals frag and a big medusa pussey corals,also hairy green mushrooms also some hermits and snails and 1 conch there is 2 peices of aiptasia on my rock but it only 2 peices no big deal would treat it but i can be botherd email for picks and prices or make me an offer on the whole lot il also have 4x 1200 powerheads and a v2600 skimmer with silencer for sale once livestock sold im gonna get a flyriver so would consider swapping some stuff for it if u got one cheers from jay collcetion wimbledon south london there also a few frags and some stuff i aint mentioned but viewing welcome il post pics as soon as possible

Contact Information
Advertiser: jay
Telephone: 07960987248
Town: London
County: wimbledon

Advert stats: [Added or updated:27/09/07 Views: 2420]

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