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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Complete marine setup for sale

Description: I am selling my 4foot by 2foot by 18inch tank in a beech colour, complete with stand and all of the following.
I have a set of slimline arcadia metal halides, with blue lights and timers. A v2 vecton 1000 protiem skimmer, a v2 vecton uv lamp, half adozen powerheads, one external canister filter, and a Teco chiller, now this chiller is only 3 months old so its still under guarantee.
As for livestock there is one medium sized yellow tang, one regal tang, one cleaner wrasse, 5 blue, yellow tailed damsel fish, one clown, one algae blemmy. As for inverts there is one large chocolate chip star fish 2 sand sifting star fish, 2 emerald crabs 40 assorted snails and crabs, and one sea urchin.
There is also approxmately 100 kilos of very matured live rock, which is absolutly covered in life and colour.
Please contact bob on 07773082186 to arrange a viewing or mail me so i can arrange pictures to be mailed.

Contact Information
Advertiser: mark
Town: thame
County: oxfordshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/09/07 Views: 2619]

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