Available now we have many different critters available all the time for mail order or collection at prices you wont believe as well as a huge selection of sps,lps and softie coral frags including some very nice specimens.please take a look at the site.
All comes with a LIVE ARRIVE GUARANTEE. We now offer a free aclimatisation pack on all online critter purchases.
Regular stock iitems include:
Abalone Snail
Arrow Crab
Astrea Turbo Snail
Autoshutoff W/Float
Beige Plating Montipora
Blood Shrimp
Blue Acro Millipora
Blue Acropora
Blue Knuckle Hermit
Blue Leg Boxer
Blue Polyp Encrusting Montipora
Blue Tip Acropora
Bluetip Acropora
Bottlebrush Acropora
Boxing Shrimp
Brittle Star
Bumble Bee
Carribean Boxer
Carribean Serpent
Cerianthus Anemone
Cibinarius Hermit
Cleaner Shrimp
Clinging Crab
Cortez Large Ceriths
Cyprae Cowrie
Dancing Shrimp
Dwarf Blue Leg Fancy Shell
Dwarf Tibicen
Dwarf Zebra Hermit
Easy Roll Hanger
Fighting Conch
Flame Scallop
Flouresent Green Hydnophora
Flouro Green Acro
Flouro Green Frogspawn
Flouro Green Trumpet
Green Acropora
Green Echinophyllia
Green Hydnophora
Green Millipora
Green Montipora
Green Montipora Digitata
Green Plating Montipora
Green Slimer Acropora
Green Staghorn
Green Trumpet Coral
Green/Orange Monti Undata
Green/Purple Hairy Acropora
Hammerhead Coral
Harlequin Shrimp
Horseshoe Crab
Indonesian Liverock
Lettuce Slug
Light Green Stylophora
Lilac/Blue Acropora
Lumenarc Large
Lumenarc Mini
Mangrove Plant
Margerita Snail Black Turbos
Margerita Snail Encrusting
Mexican Red Tip
Mithrax Crab
Money Cowrie
Montipora Confusa
Montipora Venosa
Multicoloured Pincushion
Nassarius Vibex
Nerita Snail
Orange Echinophyllia
Orange Montipora Digitata
Orange/Green Trumpet Coral
Pencil Urchin
Pincushion Urchin
Pinecone Shrimp
Pink Echinophyllia
Pink Millipora
Pink Pincushion
Pink Seriatopora Hystrix
Pink Stylophora
Pink Tipped Acropora
Pistol Shrimp
Pom Pom Crab
Pom Pom Xenia
Porcelain Crab
Purple Lobster
Purple Montipora Digitata
Purple Plating Montipora
Purple Rimmed Plate
Purple Sea Fan
Purple Tipped Acropora
Purple Urchin
Purple/Aqua Millipora
Rainbow Montipora
Red Coral Crab
Red Echinophyllia
Red Encrusting Monti
Red Footed Conch
Red Leg
Red Mangrove Pod
Red Montipora Digitata
Red Plating Montipora
Red, Yellow Polyp Whip
Rock Urchin
Sandsifting Starfish
Sarcophyton Sp.
Sea Cucumber
Sea Hare
Sexy Shrimp
Silver Montipora Undata
Small Mexican Baja Snail
Solid Purple Acropora
Sponge Crab
Super Turbo Snails
Tiger Cowrie
Tonga Super Nassarius
Torch Coral
Tricolor Acropora
Trochus Snails Black Foot
Trochus Snails White Foot
True Mexican Turbo
True Peppermints
Turbinaria Sp.
Turquoise Millepora
Tuxedo Urchin
Vivid Purple Tip Acropora
Waste Clamp
White And Purple Acropora
Xenia Elongata
Yellow Fire Coral
Zebra Brittlestar
We are experts in safe delivery to your home. Stocks change often with new deliveries continually. Visit our website to check out the latest deals.
Contact Information Advertiser: FISHMANSFRAGS Telephone: 01612887548
Town: manchester
County: Lancashire
Web Link: http://www.fishmansfrags.co.uk
Advert stats: [Added or updated:16/01/12 Views: 36218]
