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  White Bonnet Clownfish Pair- extremely rare £1000

White Bonnet Clownfish Pair- extremely rare £1000

Description: The White Bonnet Clownfish is an extremely rare hybrid from the Solomon Islands. It is reported to be the naturally occurring cross betweenA. chrysopterusandA. sandaracinos. While captive specimens rarely exhibit the bright, apricot-like colour of their wild counterparts, they do retain the variable nature of the head stripe and cheek bars. The iconic bonnet like white head stripe can also show up as cheek dots or broken stripes. These stripes frequently turn blue with age, a trait that comes from theA. chrysopterusside of the family. Rarely found in wild homogenous pairs, this fish is more often seen in mixed pairs with eitherA. chrysopterusorA. sandaracinos. This species attains a maximum length of about 4 inches and is an absolute delight for avid clownfish collectors or regular hobbyists. Due to the variable nature of the striping and the rarity of these features, we grade our White Bonnet clownfish very specifically: AA Grade White Bonnet Clownfishwill retain all the features of an idealized wild caught specimen. This WILD pair are graded AA These are possibly the only pair available world wide.

Serious enquires only please.


Contact Information
Advertiser: Nick
Telephone: 07714669959
Town: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:10/02/24 Views: 706]

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