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  Full Salt Water Reef Set Up 300L Plus 100L Sump - High Spec Equipment. Aqua One Tank, custom stand.

Description: Full reef set up - quick sale due to change in family circumstances. Full list of equipment to follow, genuine interest only pls - livestock can be included but if not required will need time to re-home. Tank, livestock, live rock, corals and equipment worth thousands £££ individually.

£1500 or reasonable offer for everything. Cardiff based.
Call or message Robin - 07747022337

Livestock list

Most corals are attached to large or very large pieces of live rock to be sold as is - £350 bargain deal for all livestock in one sale. One or two buckets available for transport but you just also bring transport containers.

Corals and rock must go 1st to allow for fish capture.

Blue chromes x 2 - £10 each
Gobies x 2 - £10 each
Yellow wrasses - £15
Clown fish (dark) - £25
Butterfly - £35
Various hermits and snails, pin cushion urchin (clean up crew) - £3 each

-Very large 12+ inches across beautiful Gorgonian sea fan on large single tower of live rock (topped 100’s of heads of Green star polyps) stunning centre price. £150
-Large soft leather finger coral one - beautiful - £40
-GSP - green star poly (2 species) hundreds of heads - £10 per loose clump or £40 as coral gardens on rock. £20-40 x3 plus multiple clumps.
Large Coral garden with GSP and Zoas - £50
-RICORDEA MUSHROOMS colony 50+ on large live rock £70
-Palythoa (button polyp) gardens on live rock £20 each 50+ heads per piece.

Equipment list:

Tank - Aqua One 10mm glass 98x50x70 (glass) 102x52x77 (inc base and top frame)
Custom built cabinet 123x63x80

Lights - AI hydra 52HD (black) with tank attachments.

Maxspec XF350 (pair) with controller and ICV 6 wireless controller.

Pump - Octo Vario 6

Protein skimmer - bubble magus curve 5

Heaters x 2 - Fluval digital 300w

72x50x43 sump

Plus all other accessories spares etc if buying whole package.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Robin Maggs
Telephone: 07747022337
Town: Cardiff
County: Glamorgan

Advert stats: [Added or updated:17/05/23 Views: 673]

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