2 foxface rabbit £30 each , to black and white clown £50 the pair, 1 yellowtail damsel £5. 1 bicolour damsel £5. 1chromis £5. 1 cardinal £5. 2 convict gobies £25 each. 1 goby £25. 1 dwarf angel £30. 2 sergeant majors £15. 1 bluestreak cleaner wrasse £25. 1 brown tang £25. 1 Canthigaster puffer £30. Also have about 30kg live rock £100. Once sold will be selling my red sea reefer 350ltr deluxe.. approximately £800
Contact Information Advertiser: Daniel johnson Telephone: 07853340712
Town: Southampton
County: Hampshire
Advert stats: [Added or updated:29/09/20 Views: 1365]
