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  Red Sea Max Nano marine aquarium including corals, fish and inverts.

Red Sea Max Nano marine aquarium including corals, fish and inverts.

Red Sea Max Nano marine aquarium including corals, fish and inverts.

Description: I am selling the tank plus contents. It includes the following fish: 2 clown fish, 2 blue star damsels, 1 royal grammar, 1 cardinal. Also the following corals: finger coral, leather coral, 2 small colonies of zooanthids, pulsing xenia, green star polyp, branched coral (Gorgonia), 7 red mushroom corals, 2 bubble tip anemonies and possibly one or two pistol shrimps. Also various snails and a red legged hermit crab.
Included are extras including: JBL Test Lab marine test kit laboratory, Red Sea Foundation A calcium, B kH/alkalinity, C magnesium, NO3-PO4-X, A/B coral nutrition, ABCD trace colours, Reef Spec carbon, H2 Ocean refractometer, Reef roids, Pl collect Planaria trap, Vitalis marine pellets, 2 spare socks, Vibrant Reef, 2, 25 l and 1 15 l jerrycans. Possibly more I have forgotten including some frozen foods.
Tank is in good used condition with a couple of minor scratches and an intermittently noisy fan on the lights. (Can be cured with WD40). It has been set up for about nineteen months.
I would prefer to sell the tank plus contents if possible together.
I am selling due to giving up the hobby due to other interests. Buyer must dismantle and collect from Buckingham in Buckinghamshire.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Chris Bartlett
Telephone: 01280814012
Town: Buckingham
County: Buckinghamshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:22/11/19 Views: 1922]

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