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  Aquareef 195 full marine setup

Aquareef 195 full marine setup

Description: Aqua Reef 195 setup.
Red sea reefer 250 sump with collection cups
2x Kessil a360we tuna blue with spectral controller
Bubble magus c3.5 protein skimmer
Tmc reef pump 6000
Dual temp controller
Smart ato unit
2x heaters
2x jebao rw8 wavemakers
Quite a few 25 litre Jerry cans and 2 10 litre
Marine pure block, lots of siproax and seachem matrix in sump.
Seperate little pump and lights to run the extra conatiner I put in there with cheato
RO unit with booster pump, tds meter. Inc spare membrane, filters and resin.
Approx 20-25kg of mature live rock
2x black and white clowns
Carpenters flasher wrasse
Yellow watchman goby, paired with red and white banded pistol shrimp
1 green chromis
2x cleaner shrimp
Several hermits and snails
Large red and green bubble tip anemone
Small favia
Pulsing xenia
Green encrusting gorgonian
Medium sized leather
Green star polyps
Various mushrooms
Various palys

£800 for the lot
Wanting to go as one as I cba seperating and making countless slots for people to pick stuff up

Contact Information
Advertiser: Gerry
Telephone: 07789359795
Town: Portsmouth
County: Hampshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:31/07/19 Views: 1420]

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