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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Full reef setup

Description: A full set up of a well matured and well established marine reef aquarium up for sale at a bargain price of £850 (ONO). Fishes, corals, rocks and lots more included in the price. (please note, nothing is to be sold separately). Should you wish to find out what is included in the package, please refer to the details shown below and the aquarium pictures.

Tank Lighting includes:
LED intelligent lighting, by Evergrow. This lighting can be customized to your preference via a remote control.
x2 color changing LED lamps.

Tank also includes a wave maker which can be customized to your preferences.

Power head: by Tunze

Tank dimensions: 3x2x2. Whole display tank made by Godiva in beach finish. The display tank cabinet has no water damage. Front glass of display tank may have a few minor scratches however, not visible.

Capacity: Approximately 150 liters


A 1000w heater
A aquamedic protein skimmer with pump
A sump return pump
Sump size 12 inch height, 24 inch width, 14 inch depth.

Fishes and Inverts :

A regal Tang
A yellow Tang
A brown yellow fin Tang
x3 Anthias
A blue green chromis
x2 orange Clowns
A red fire shrimp
x2 red leg hermit crabs
A turbo snail

x6 frog spawn coral, each having more than four heads
A brain coral (orange and green)
x2 candy coral (16 heads)
x2 rocks filled with green buttons
orange mushrooms
brown mushrroms
mushrooms with small tentacles (please look closely at the pictures for a detailed view).
approx 10 kg live sand.
approx 6 kg live rock.
approx 15 kg aqua scapes well matured rock.

and a few extras to give away.

Should you wish to contact me for more information, please call on the following number: 07736550248. please be advised, responses are only provided over the phone and not as email or texts.
Thank you.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Arif
Telephone: 07736550248
Town: Leicester
County: Leicestershire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/01/18 Views: 1824]

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