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Home :: Marine Fish & Marine Inverts

  Marine fish, Corals, Inverts in full marine set up

Description: marine fish:
a breeding pair of clarki clown fish (lay every fortnight without fail)
a regal tang
a niger trigger
a indian sailfin tang
a scopas tang
a fox face
a emperor angel
a hawkfish
a couple of blue damsels
a banggai cardinal
a coral beauty

loads of snails and hermit crabs
a couple of mexican turbo snails
and a mixture of other large snails

i have loads of zoo colonies some still on frag plugs
1 huge malu anemone
torch coral
star polyps
etc etc

i am selling my whole set up which includes
6ft long x 30"deep x 24" front too back tank made by nd aquatics and cabinet in silver finish tank and cabinet cost 1600.00
also available is 4 Chinese led light boxes cost 120.00 each
a dc15000 controllable return pump cost 140.00
a hydro performer 1250 skimmer cost 350.00
a maxspect gyre 150 cost 140.00

as you can see the equipment alone is worth a small fortune but i would be willing too sell as a unit for a reasonable offer around the 1000 pound mark

also have loads of heaters pumps power heads

a large ro set up 300 litres a day
test kits treatments containers the list goes on and on all available for cheap prices 07738970459

Contact Information
Advertiser: kenny middleton
Telephone: 07738970459
Town: portland
County: Dorset

Advert stats: [Added or updated:04/08/17 Views: 1768]

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